Está en la página 1de 76

Introduccion :

El Pricat es un mensaje tipo EDI a traves del cual se puede transmitir la informacion relacionada con el catalogo de precios, de
productos y servicios ofrecidos por un proveedor a un comprador.

Su Objetivo es generar un mensaje electronico a traves del cual se puede transmitir la informacion relacionada de las
creaciones, modificaciones y retiros de los productos ofrecidos.

La guía de implementación del mensaje PRICAT busca documentar de manera clara, concisa y sin
ambigüedades todas aquellas definiciones de negocio y proceso que se deben tener en cuenta para la
correcta utlizacion de esta herramienta.

Rol Actor Originador del Mensaje Distribuidor,
Comerciante Receptor del Mensaje Fabricante,
Distribuidor Catalogo Electrónico Unimarc

Definición de Operaciones
Una operación se puede describir como la acción o notificación que se va a realizar sobre el GTIN. Este dato es
mandatorio para cada uno de los Productos o GTIN que se especifiquen dentro del mensaje PRICAT de respuesta.
Por medio del mensaje PRICAT de respuesta el originador del mensaje indicará a Unimarc que confirma la
recepcion y luego la aceptación o rechazo de la operación (Adición, Retiro o Modificación) del producto o GTIN en
su sistema de información. Está operación se realizara hacia el catalogo Unimarc donde quedara actualizada la
información disponible para el proveedor y a su vez este podrá ser entregado vía EDI al proveedor.

Flujo de Información PRICAT de respuesta

En el flujo de información del proceso de PRICAT de respuesta a través de Unimarc, intervienen dos instancias
que es importante definir. CARGA: Es cuando el proveedor envía el PRICAT y es recibido por la cadena en su
sistema de información. APLICACIÓN: es cuando los compradores de la cadena procesan el PRICAT en su
sistema de información.
Mensaje PRICAT de Respuesta (Confirmación de artículos)

Estructura del mensaje (Información del documento)

Arquitectura del Mensaje
En esta sección se busca detallar los diferentes componentes del mensaje PRICAT de respuesta.

A continuación encontrara una breve definición de los campos que conforman el encabezado del mensaje PRICAT
de respuesta, así como la especificación de elemento que compone la línea del segmento, un ejemplo de
implementación del mismo en sintaxis EANCOM y las reglas que se han recopilado como mejores practicas para la
implementación de Unimarc.

Información de la Transmisión
Originador del Mensaje
Hace referencia a la localización del buzón de quien envía el mensaje (en la mayoría de las ocasiones
coincide con el GLN del comerciante)

Receptor del Mensaje

Hace referencia a la localización del buzón de quien recibe el mensaje. Se debe tener en cuenta que si el
envío del mensaje se hace por VAN el GLN del receptor es el de CABASnet (7701234900007).

Fecha y Hora de Generación del Documento

Este segmento se utiliza para especificar la fecha y hora en la que se genero el mensaje.

Numero del Envío

Es el Número de referencia del intercambio, es diferente al numero del documento PRICAT y se utiliza para
labores de seguimiento en la VAN.

Se puede enviar el password que tiene habilitado la compañía en Unimarc para garantizar la autenticidad del
generador del mensaje.

1. Encabezado
Sintaxis del encabezado UNB Instancia: Carga y Aplicación +UNOA Codificación del documento UNOA
indica únicamente caracteres de la A-Z :2 Número único del mensaje de catalogación +localización del
buzón del cliente GLN de la empresa generadora del mensaje +localización del buzón del receptor GLN
de Unimarc +050817 Fecha de generación del documento :1750 Hora de generación del documento
+2137 Referencia del intercambio +PASSWORD Es la clave de la empresa en Unimarc
+PRICAT' Ejemplo:
Información del documento UNH Instancia: Carga y Aplicación +Número secuencia del mensaje Número
de secuencia del mensaje en un intercambio +PRICAT Catálogo de Precios :D Directorio de trabajo :96A
Versión 96A :UN Mensaje normalizado en naciones :EAN006 Número de control de la versión Ejemplo:
UNH+ME000001+PRICAT:D:96A:UN:EAN006' Numero del documento BGM Instancia: Carga y
Aplicación +51 Catálogo de confirmacion de articulos (PRICAT de respuesta) +Número del catálogo de
precios asignado por el emisor del documento. El campo debe ser alfanumérico de 10 posiciones
+Función del mensaje la función del mensaje aplica a todas las transacciones indicadas en el mismo. Se
utiliza únicamente el siguiente código: 4 Cambio (cuando el PRICAT es recibido por el cliente) o 27 No
aceptado (rechazo completo del PRICAT original) Ejemplo: BGM+51+214+4' Fecha del documento
DTM Instancia: Carga y Aplicación +137 Fecha del documento :20050817 Identifica la fecha del
documento :102 Calificador de fecha Ejemplo: DTM+137:20020615:102' Información en texto libre FTX
Instancia: Carga y Aplicación +GEN conjunto completo de la transacción electrónica +1Texto para la
información subsiguiente +999 código de texto libre según (se creará un listado estándar de rechazos) :9
Identificación del PRICAT referido RFF Instancia: Carga y Aplicación +PL Numero de lista de precios
:NUMERO PRICAT REFERENCIA equivale el numero del PRICAT del cual se esta dando respuesta
Ejemplo: RFF+PL:NC001' Identificacion de las partes NAD Instancia: Carga y Aplicación +BY
Calificador para la cadena +Número de localización EAN 13 dígitos ::9 EAN Ejemplo:
NAD+BY+7701234000011::9' NAD Instancia: Carga y Aplicación +SU Calificador para el Proveedor
+Número de localización EAN 13 dígitos ::9 EAN Ejemplo: NAD+SU+7702006999328::9' NAD
Instancia: No aplica para ninguna instancia +GX Calificador para el Catálogo central Unimarc +Número
de localización EAN13 dígitos ::9 EAN Ejemplo: NAD+GX+7701234900007::9' Informacion por grupo
de productos PGI NAD+SN Instancia: Carga y Aplicación En la respuesta de la aplicación, la cadena
debe envir la respuesta sectorizada, indicando los puntos de venta en los que fue aplicado el grupo de
artículos. Para el caso del PRICAT de respuesta, el segmento NAD indica el (los) punto (s) de venta en
donde los productos quedaron aplicados en el cliente, puede repetirse el ciclo del segmento facilitando el
envío en una sola transmisión de varios puntos de venta. SN = Punto de venta al que aplica el
catalogo. Para el caso de varios puntos de venta se repetirá el segmento hasta 999 veces por cada
PGI, en caso de ser aplicado en toda la cadena, se enviara el GLN del cliente.
Ejemplo: PGI+3'
2. Detalle
LIN Instancia: Carga y Aplicación En la carga debe enviarse PRICAT de respuesta donde se especifique el
detalle para cada uno de los productos. +1 Consecutivo que identifica el artículo o producto dentro del
PRICAT +(1, 3, 5 o 55) Operación que indica si el producto fue 1=sincronizado (Aplicado en el sistema), 3=
Modificado (recibido y modificado por el cliente en su sistema), 5=Aceptado (Recibido y esperando ser
aprobado por el comprador) y 55=rechazado EN código que indica que el código es EAN, también puede
ser el UPC, se representa con UP Ejemplo: LIN+1+1+7701234000028:EN' Proporciona códigos
adicionales de identificación PIA Instancia: Aplicación Solo es valido para la operación de adición, mas
no para retiro y modificación. +1 identificación adicional + Código interno del producto para el cliente
(PLU o SKU) :IN numero de articulo del comprador Ejemplo: PIA+1+365766:IN' Proporciona códigos
adicionales de identificación categorías PIA Instancia: Aplicación Solo es valido para la operación de
adición, mas no para retiro y modificación. +1 identificación adicional + Código del grupo del producto
utilizado en el sistema interno del comprador +GB código del grupo del producto utilizado en el sistema
interno del comprador Ejemplo: PIA+1+ código del grupo del producto utilizado en el sistema interno
del comprador:GB' Información en texto libre FTX Instancia: Carga y Aplicación +PRD información del
producto +1Texto para la información subsiguiente +999 códigos de texto libre según estándar (ver
anexo) :9
Ejemplo: FTX+PRD+1+999::9+ PRODUCTO NO NEGOCIADO' UNT Instancia: Carga y
Aplicación +12 Numero total de segmentos del mensaje +1 Número de referencia del
mensaje, debe ser igual al número especificado en el UNH Ejemplo:
UNT+141+ME000001' UNZ Instancia: Carga y Aplicación +1 +2137 Numero de referencia
del intercambio, debe ser igual al numero especificado en el UNB Ejemplo:
UNZ+1+2137' Ejemplo PRICAT de respuesta (este es un ejemplo completo, tener
presente las operaciones y las instancias para las que aplica cada segmento)
CAT' UNH+ME000001+PRICAT:D:96A:UN:EAN006' BGM+51+214+4'
DTM+137:20020615:102' FTX+GEN++999::9+CATALOGO YA EXISTE, ESTA
DUPLICADO' RFF+PL:NC001' NAD+BY+7701234000011::9'
NAD+SU+7702006999328::9' NAD+GX+7701234900007::9' PGI+3'
NAD+SN+7701002131077::9' LIN+1+1+7701234000028:EN' PIA+1+365766:IN' PIA+1+

Campos Recomendados de Uso

Codigo EAN
Tipo de Codigo
Clasificacion IAC
Clasificacion Intena del Fabricante
Numero Articulo Proveedor
Numero de localizacion del comprador (GLN)
Descripcion Larga
Descripcion Corta
Registro Sanitario
Forma Farmaceutica
Nombre Funcional
Tipo de Tela
Nombre del Fabricante
Principio Activo
Descripcion del Evento comercial
Unidad de Consumo
Unidad de Despacho
Peso Neto
Peso Bruto
Numero Maximo de Unidades apilables
Numero de tendidos
Numero de unidades por tendido
Cantidad contenida en el envase
Numero de piezas
Condiciones de manipulacion
Lead Time
Feha de registro sanitario
IVA (porcentaje)
Precio Neto (precio neto unitario)
Precio Bruto
Fecha inicio de validez de precio
Fecha fin de validez de precio (cuando es una promocion)
Descuentos (monetario, porcentaje o en cantidad)
Fecha inicio del descuento
Fecha de fin del descuento
Tipo de Empaque

Algunas Reglas para manejo de Precios

Si cambia un precio, se debe mandar el precio neto, precio bruto, mas los descuentos que tiene asignado en
ese momento ese producto si no tiene ninguno no se envia nada adicional. La vigencia siempre debe ir
asociada al precio.

Si cambia un descuento, se envian los precios qye tiene asignado ese producto mas los descuentos nuevos y
los viejos si los tiviese

No es posible asignar un descuento a un producto que no tenga asignado precio.

Los precios promocionales deben especificarse con una vigencia, si la vigencia es indefinida se debe
especificar fecha inicial y como fial puede ser 12/12/9999

La forma de definir la vigencia de un precio es mediante el manejo de las fechas y/o del evento promocional
Algunos User-Exit asociados a PRICAT :

Grupo de Funciones :
XPRE (PRICAT Outbound Customer Functions)

Modulos de Funciones :
EXIT_SAPLVPRE_001 PRICAT Outbound Processing (MAMT AUSP MAW1 derivation)
EXIT_SAPLVPRE_002 PRICAT Outbound Processing (Control Record)
EXIT_SAPLVPRE_003 PRICAT Outbound Processing (IDoc Segments)
Campos PRICAT02 :

Index: 41500, Name: EDI_DC

Index: 41501, Name: DOCNUM
Index: 41502, Name: DOCREL
Index: 41503, Name: STATUS
Index: 41504, Name: DIRECT
Index: 41505, Name: OUTMOD
Index: 41506, Name: EXPRSS
Index: 41507, Name: TEST
Index: 41508, Name: CIMTYP
Index: 41509, Name: MESTYP
Index: 41510, Name: MESCOD
Index: 41511, Name: MESFCT
Index: 41512, Name: STD
Index: 41513, Name: STDVRS
Index: 41514, Name: STDMES
Index: 41515, Name: SNDPOR
Index: 41516, Name: SNDPRT
Index: 41517, Name: SNDPFC
Index: 41518, Name: SNDPRN
Index: 41519, Name: SNDSAD
Index: 41520, Name: SNDLAD
Index: 41521, Name: RCVPOR
Index: 41522, Name: RCVPRT
Index: 41523, Name: RCVPFC
Index: 41524, Name: RCVPRN
Index: 41525, Name: RCVSAD
Index: 41526, Name: RCVLAD
Index: 41527, Name: CREDAT
Index: 41528, Name: CRETIM
Index: 41529, Name: REFINT
Index: 41530, Name: REFGRP
Index: 41531, Name: REFMES
Index: 41532, Name: ARCKEY
Index: 41533, Name: SERIAL
Index: 41534, Name: E1PRPRO
Index: 41535, Name: PROFIL
Index: 41536, Name: WERKS
Index: 41537, Name: AUART
Index: 41538, Name: BRUTTO_KA
Index: 41539, Name: BRUTTO_ZW
Index: 41540, Name: NETTO_KA
Index: 41541, Name: NETTO_ZW
Index: 41542, Name: VKP_KA
Index: 41543, Name: VKP_ZW
Index: 41544, Name: STAFFEL
Index: 41545, Name: KONDIT
Index: 41546, Name: KONDIT_1
Index: 41547, Name: KONDIT_2
Index: 41548, Name: KONDIT_3
Index: 41549, Name: KONDIT_4
Index: 41550, Name: STEUER_1
Index: 41551, Name: STEUER_2
Index: 41552, Name: STEUER_3
Index: 41553, Name: MWST_KZ
Index: 41554, Name: E1PRIHEAD
Index: 41555, Name: TEST_INDICATOR
Index: 41556, Name: SYNTAX_IDENT
Index: 41557, Name: SYNTAX_VERSION
Index: 41558, Name: PASSWORD_RECIP
Index: 41559, Name: ILN_PARTY_ID
Index: 41560, Name: E1PRUNI
Index: 41561, Name: PCODE_1
Index: 41562, Name: VKORG
Index: 41563, Name: VTWEG
Index: 41564, Name: SPART
Index: 41565, Name: WERKS
Index: 41566, Name: MEINH
Index: 41567, Name: PUEBER
Index: 41568, Name: PCODE_2
Index: 41569, Name: E1EDK02
Index: 41570, Name: QUALF
Index: 41571, Name: BELNR
Index: 41572, Name: POSNR
Index: 41573, Name: DATUM
Index: 41574, Name: UZEIT
Index: 41575, Name: E1ADRM1
Index: 41576, Name: PARTNER_Q
Index: 41577, Name: ADDRESS_T
Index: 41578, Name: PARTNER_ID
Index: 41579, Name: JURISDIC
Index: 41580, Name: LANGUAGE
Index: 41581, Name: FORMOFADDR
Index: 41582, Name: NAME1
Index: 41583, Name: NAME2
Index: 41584, Name: NAME3
Index: 41585, Name: NAME4
Index: 41586, Name: NAME_TEXT
Index: 41587, Name: NAME_CO
Index: 41588, Name: LOCATION
Index: 41589, Name: BUILDING
Index: 41590, Name: FLOOR
Index: 41591, Name: ROOM
Index: 41592, Name: STREET1
Index: 41593, Name: STREET2
Index: 41594, Name: STREET3
Index: 41595, Name: HOUSE_SUPL
Index: 41596, Name: HOUSE_RANG
Index: 41597, Name: POSTL_COD1
Index: 41598, Name: POSTL_COD3
Index: 41599, Name: POSTL_AREA
Index: 41600, Name: CITY1
Index: 41601, Name: CITY2
Index: 41602, Name: POSTL_PBOX
Index: 41603, Name: POSTL_COD2
Index: 41604, Name: POSTL_CITY
Index: 41605, Name: TELEPHONE1
Index: 41606, Name: TELEPHONE2
Index: 41607, Name: TELEFAX
Index: 41608, Name: TELEX
Index: 41609, Name: E_MAIL
Index: 41610, Name: COUNTRY1
Index: 41611, Name: COUNTRY2
Index: 41612, Name: REGION
Index: 41613, Name: COUNTY_COD
Index: 41614, Name: COUNTY_TXT
Index: 41615, Name: TZCODE
Index: 41616, Name: TZDESC
Index: 41617, Name: E1ADRP1
Index: 41618, Name: PERSON_Q
Index: 41619, Name: TITLE
Index: 41620, Name: NAME_FIRST
Index: 41621, Name: NAME_LAST
Index: 41622, Name: NAME2_PERS
Index: 41623, Name: NICKNAME
Index: 41624, Name: INITIALS
Index: 41625, Name: TITLE_ACA1
Index: 41626, Name: TITLE_ACA2
Index: 41627, Name: TITLE_SPPL
Index: 41628, Name: PREFIX1
Index: 41629, Name: PREFIX2
Index: 41630, Name: DEPARTMENT
Index: 41631, Name: FUNCTION
Index: 41632, Name: E1ADRE1
Index: 41633, Name: EXTEND_Q
Index: 41634, Name: EXTEND_D
Index: 41635, Name: E1EDK17
Index: 41636, Name: QUALF
Index: 41637, Name: LKOND
Index: 41638, Name: LKTEXT
Index: 41639, Name: E1EDK23
Index: 41640, Name: QUALF
Index: 41641, Name: WAERZ
Index: 41642, Name: WAERQ
Index: 41643, Name: KURS
Index: 41644, Name: DATUM
Index: 41645, Name: ZEIT
Index: 41646, Name: KURS_M
Index: 41647, Name: E1WSOHM
Index: 41648, Name: MSGFN
Index: 41649, Name: SKOPF
Index: 41650, Name: DATAB
Index: 41651, Name: DATUB
Index: 41652, Name: STYPB
Index: 41653, Name: LVORM
Index: 41654, Name: PFLKN
Index: 41655, Name: STAT1
Index: 41656, Name: STAT2
Index: 41657, Name: AKTIO
Index: 41658, Name: THEMA
Index: 41659, Name: FILIA
Index: 41660, Name: WAGRP
Index: 41661, Name: LOKAL
Index: 41662, Name: LIFNR
Index: 41663, Name: RJPRO
Index: 41664, Name: LAYGR
Index: 41665, Name: LAYMOD_VER
Index: 41666, Name: E1WSOTM
Index: 41667, Name: MSGFN
Index: 41668, Name: SPRAS
Index: 41669, Name: VTEXT
Index: 41670, Name: SPRAS_ISO
Index: 41671, Name: E1MARAM
Index: 41672, Name: MSGFN
Index: 41673, Name: MATNR
Index: 41674, Name: ERSDA
Index: 41675, Name: ERNAM
Index: 41676, Name: LAEDA
Index: 41677, Name: AENAM
Index: 41678, Name: PSTAT
Index: 41679, Name: LVORM
Index: 41680, Name: MTART
Index: 41681, Name: MBRSH
Index: 41682, Name: MATKL
Index: 41683, Name: BISMT
Index: 41684, Name: MEINS
Index: 41685, Name: BSTME
Index: 41686, Name: ZEINR
Index: 41687, Name: ZEIAR
Index: 41688, Name: ZEIVR
Index: 41689, Name: ZEIFO
Index: 41690, Name: AESZN
Index: 41691, Name: BLATT
Index: 41692, Name: BLANZ
Index: 41693, Name: FERTH
Index: 41694, Name: FORMT
Index: 41695, Name: GROES
Index: 41696, Name: WRKST
Index: 41697, Name: NORMT
Index: 41698, Name: LABOR
Index: 41699, Name: EKWSL
Index: 41700, Name: BRGEW
Index: 41701, Name: NTGEW
Index: 41702, Name: GEWEI
Index: 41703, Name: VOLUM
Index: 41704, Name: VOLEH
Index: 41705, Name: BEHVO
Index: 41706, Name: RAUBE
Index: 41707, Name: TEMPB
Index: 41708, Name: TRAGR
Index: 41709, Name: STOFF
Index: 41710, Name: SPART
Index: 41711, Name: KUNNR
Index: 41712, Name: WESCH
Index: 41713, Name: BWVOR
Index: 41714, Name: BWSCL
Index: 41715, Name: SAISO
Index: 41716, Name: ETIAR
Index: 41717, Name: ETIFO
Index: 41718, Name: EAN11
Index: 41719, Name: NUMTP
Index: 41720, Name: LAENG
Index: 41721, Name: BREIT
Index: 41722, Name: HOEHE
Index: 41723, Name: MEABM
Index: 41724, Name: PRDHA
Index: 41725, Name: CADKZ
Index: 41726, Name: ERGEW
Index: 41727, Name: ERGEI
Index: 41728, Name: ERVOL
Index: 41729, Name: ERVOE
Index: 41730, Name: GEWTO
Index: 41731, Name: VOLTO
Index: 41732, Name: VABME
Index: 41733, Name: KZKFG
Index: 41734, Name: XCHPF
Index: 41735, Name: VHART
Index: 41736, Name: FUELG
Index: 41737, Name: STFAK
Index: 41738, Name: MAGRV
Index: 41739, Name: BEGRU
Index: 41740, Name: QMPUR
Index: 41741, Name: RBNRM
Index: 41742, Name: MHDRZ
Index: 41743, Name: MHDHB
Index: 41744, Name: MHDLP
Index: 41745, Name: VPSTA
Index: 41746, Name: EXTWG
Index: 41747, Name: MSTAE
Index: 41748, Name: MSTAV
Index: 41749, Name: MSTDE
Index: 41750, Name: MSTDV
Index: 41751, Name: KZUMW
Index: 41752, Name: KOSCH
Index: 41753, Name: NRFHG
Index: 41754, Name: MFRPN
Index: 41755, Name: MFRNR
Index: 41756, Name: BMATN
Index: 41757, Name: MPROF
Index: 41758, Name: PROFL
Index: 41759, Name: IHIVI
Index: 41760, Name: ILOOS
Index: 41761, Name: KZGVH
Index: 41762, Name: XGCHP
Index: 41763, Name: COMPL
Index: 41764, Name: KZEFF
Index: 41765, Name: RDMHD
Index: 41766, Name: IPRKZ
Index: 41767, Name: PRZUS
Index: 41768, Name: MTPOS_MARA
Index: 41769, Name: GEWTO_NEW
Index: 41770, Name: VOLTO_NEW
Index: 41771, Name: WRKST_NEW
Index: 41772, Name: AENNR
Index: 41773, Name: MATFI
Index: 41774, Name: CMREL
Index: 41775, Name: SATNR
Index: 41776, Name: SLED_BBD
Index: 41777, Name: GTIN_VARIANT
Index: 41778, Name: GENNR
Index: 41779, Name: SERLV
Index: 41780, Name: RMATP
Index: 41781, Name: E1PRIMARAZ
Index: 41782, Name: VALIDITY_BASE
Index: 41783, Name: STATEINDICATOR
Index: 41784, Name: CONTRYORI
Index: 41785, Name: CONTRYORI_ISO
Index: 41786, Name: REGIONORIG
Index: 41787, Name: NET_CONT
Index: 41788, Name: CONT_UNIT
Index: 41789, Name: CONT_UNIT_ISO
Index: 41790, Name: COMPPRUNIT
Index: 41791, Name: GROSS_CONT
Index: 41792, Name: STAWN
Index: 41793, Name: GENETIC_INFO
Index: 41794, Name: ALCOHOL_PERC_VOL
Index: 41795, Name: FAT_CONTENT
Index: 41796, Name: KEEP_REFRIG
Index: 41797, Name: KEEP_FROZEN
Index: 41798, Name: GREEN_DOT
Index: 41799, Name: EXPIR_MARKING
Index: 41800, Name: PRICE_MARKING
Index: 41801, Name: KEEP_DRY
Index: 41802, Name: HEAT_SENSITIVE
Index: 41803, Name: COMM_CODE
Index: 41804, Name: PREDECES_MAT_ID
Index: 41805, Name: FOLLOW_UP
Index: 41806, Name: HAZARD_CLASS
Index: 41807, Name: HAZARD_DESCRIPT
Index: 41808, Name: HAZARD_DESCR_2
Index: 41809, Name: HAZARD_DESCR_3
Index: 41810, Name: SAISON_PERIOD
Index: 41811, Name: E1PRIBOM
Index: 41812, Name: EAN_UPC_SUBLINE
Index: 41813, Name: QUANTITY_SUBLINE
Index: 41814, Name: E1PRIAUSP
Index: 41815, Name: CHARACTERISTIC
Index: 41816, Name: DESCRIPTION
Index: 41817, Name: E1MARCM
Index: 41818, Name: MSGFN
Index: 41819, Name: WERKS
Index: 41820, Name: PSTAT
Index: 41821, Name: LVORM
Index: 41822, Name: BWTTY
Index: 41823, Name: MAABC
Index: 41824, Name: KZKRI
Index: 41825, Name: EKGRP
Index: 41826, Name: AUSME
Index: 41827, Name: DISPR
Index: 41828, Name: DISMM
Index: 41829, Name: DISPO
Index: 41830, Name: PLIFZ
Index: 41831, Name: WEBAZ
Index: 41832, Name: PERKZ
Index: 41833, Name: AUSSS
Index: 41834, Name: DISLS
Index: 41835, Name: BESKZ
Index: 41836, Name: SOBSL
Index: 41837, Name: MINBE
Index: 41838, Name: EISBE
Index: 41839, Name: BSTMI
Index: 41840, Name: BSTMA
Index: 41841, Name: BSTFE
Index: 41842, Name: BSTRF
Index: 41843, Name: MABST
Index: 41844, Name: LOSFX
Index: 41845, Name: SBDKZ
Index: 41846, Name: LAGPR
Index: 41847, Name: ALTSL
Index: 41848, Name: KZAUS
Index: 41849, Name: AUSDT
Index: 41850, Name: NFMAT
Index: 41851, Name: KZBED
Index: 41852, Name: MISKZ
Index: 41853, Name: FHORI
Index: 41854, Name: PFREI
Index: 41855, Name: FFREI
Index: 41856, Name: RGEKZ
Index: 41857, Name: FEVOR
Index: 41858, Name: BEARZ
Index: 41859, Name: RUEZT
Index: 41860, Name: TRANZ
Index: 41861, Name: BASMG
Index: 41862, Name: DZEIT
Index: 41863, Name: MAXLZ
Index: 41864, Name: LZEIH
Index: 41865, Name: KZPRO
Index: 41866, Name: GPMKZ
Index: 41867, Name: UEETO
Index: 41868, Name: UEETK
Index: 41869, Name: UNETO
Index: 41870, Name: WZEIT
Index: 41871, Name: ATPKZ
Index: 41872, Name: VZUSL
Index: 41873, Name: HERBL
Index: 41874, Name: INSMK
Index: 41875, Name: SSQSS
Index: 41876, Name: KZDKZ
Index: 41877, Name: UMLMC
Index: 41878, Name: LADGR
Index: 41879, Name: XCHPF
Index: 41880, Name: USEQU
Index: 41881, Name: LGRAD
Index: 41882, Name: AUFTL
Index: 41883, Name: PLVAR
Index: 41884, Name: OTYPE
Index: 41885, Name: OBJID
Index: 41886, Name: MTVFP
Index: 41887, Name: PERIV
Index: 41888, Name: KZKFK
Index: 41889, Name: VRVEZ
Index: 41890, Name: VBAMG
Index: 41891, Name: VBEAZ
Index: 41892, Name: LIZYK
Index: 41893, Name: BWSCL
Index: 41894, Name: KAUTB
Index: 41895, Name: KORDB
Index: 41896, Name: STAWN
Index: 41897, Name: HERKL
Index: 41898, Name: HERKR
Index: 41899, Name: EXPME
Index: 41900, Name: MTVER
Index: 41901, Name: PRCTR
Index: 41902, Name: TRAME
Index: 41903, Name: MRPPP
Index: 41904, Name: SAUFT
Index: 41905, Name: FXHOR
Index: 41906, Name: VRMOD
Index: 41907, Name: VINT1
Index: 41908, Name: VINT2
Index: 41909, Name: STLAL
Index: 41910, Name: STLAN
Index: 41911, Name: PLNNR
Index: 41912, Name: APLAL
Index: 41913, Name: LOSGR
Index: 41914, Name: SOBSK
Index: 41915, Name: FRTME
Index: 41916, Name: LGPRO
Index: 41917, Name: DISGR
Index: 41918, Name: KAUSF
Index: 41919, Name: QZGTP
Index: 41920, Name: TAKZT
Index: 41921, Name: RWPRO
Index: 41922, Name: COPAM
Index: 41923, Name: ABCIN
Index: 41924, Name: AWSLS
Index: 41925, Name: SERNP
Index: 41926, Name: STDPD
Index: 41927, Name: SFEPR
Index: 41928, Name: XMCNG
Index: 41929, Name: QSSYS
Index: 41930, Name: LFRHY
Index: 41931, Name: RDPRF
Index: 41932, Name: VRBMT
Index: 41933, Name: VRBWK
Index: 41934, Name: VRBDT
Index: 41935, Name: VRBFK
Index: 41936, Name: AUTRU
Index: 41937, Name: PREFE
Index: 41938, Name: PRENC
Index: 41939, Name: PRENO
Index: 41940, Name: PREND
Index: 41941, Name: PRENE
Index: 41942, Name: PRENG
Index: 41943, Name: ITARK
Index: 41944, Name: PRFRQ
Index: 41945, Name: KZKUP
Index: 41946, Name: STRGR
Index: 41947, Name: LGFSB
Index: 41948, Name: SCHGT
Index: 41949, Name: CCFIX
Index: 41950, Name: EPRIO
Index: 41951, Name: QMATA
Index: 41952, Name: PLNTY
Index: 41953, Name: MMSTA
Index: 41954, Name: SFCPF
Index: 41955, Name: SHFLG
Index: 41956, Name: SHZET
Index: 41957, Name: MDACH
Index: 41958, Name: KZECH
Index: 41959, Name: MMSTD
Index: 41960, Name: MFRGR
Index: 41961, Name: FVIDK
Index: 41962, Name: INDUS
Index: 41963, Name: MOWNR
Index: 41964, Name: MOGRU
Index: 41965, Name: CASNR
Index: 41966, Name: GPNUM
Index: 41967, Name: STEUC
Index: 41968, Name: FABKZ
Index: 41969, Name: MATGR
Index: 41970, Name: LOGGR
Index: 41971, Name: VSPVB
Index: 41972, Name: DPLFS
Index: 41973, Name: DPLPU
Index: 41974, Name: DPLHO
Index: 41975, Name: MINLS
Index: 41976, Name: MAXLS
Index: 41977, Name: FIXLS
Index: 41978, Name: LTINC
Index: 41979, Name: COMPL
Index: 41980, Name: CONVT
Index: 41981, Name: FPRFM
Index: 41982, Name: SHPRO
Index: 41983, Name: FXPRU
Index: 41984, Name: KZPSP
Index: 41985, Name: OCMPF
Index: 41986, Name: APOKZ
Index: 41987, Name: AHDIS
Index: 41988, Name: EISLO
Index: 41989, Name: NCOST
Index: 41990, Name: MEGRU
Index: 41991, Name: ROTATION_DATE
Index: 41992, Name: UCHKZ
Index: 41993, Name: UCMAT
Index: 41994, Name: E1PMARM
Index: 41995, Name: PCODE_1
Index: 41996, Name: MSGFN
Index: 41997, Name: MEINH
Index: 41998, Name: UMREZ
Index: 41999, Name: UMREN
Index: 42000, Name: EAN11
Index: 42001, Name: NUMTP
Index: 42002, Name: LAENG
Index: 42003, Name: BREIT
Index: 42004, Name: HOEHE
Index: 42005, Name: MEABM
Index: 42006, Name: VOLUM
Index: 42007, Name: VOLEH
Index: 42008, Name: BRGEW
Index: 42009, Name: GEWEI
Index: 42010, Name: E1PRIMARMZ
Index: 42011, Name: VALIDITY_UNIT
Index: 42012, Name: DELIVERY_UNIT_ID
Index: 42013, Name: INVOICE_UNIT_ID
Index: 42014, Name: ORDER_UNIT_ID
Index: 42015, Name: PACKAGE_TYPE
Index: 42016, Name: PROD_ID_SENDER
Index: 42017, Name: ITEM_NUMBER
Index: 42018, Name: NON_PUBLIC
Index: 42019, Name: NON_PUBLIC_ILN
Index: 42020, Name: NON_PUBLIC_ILN2
Index: 42021, Name: NON_PUBLIC_ILN3
Index: 42022, Name: NON_PUBLIC_ILN4
Index: 42023, Name: NON_PUBLIC_ILN5
Index: 42024, Name: HAZARD_LIMIT
Index: 42025, Name: BARCODE_ID
Index: 42026, Name: PALLET_HANDL
Index: 42027, Name: PALLET_LAYER
Index: 42028, Name: PALLET_TYPE
Index: 42029, Name: PALLET_UNITS
Index: 42030, Name: PALLET_HIGHT
Index: 42031, Name: UNIT_PALHT_ISO
Index: 42032, Name: PALLET_STACK
Index: 42033, Name: E1PRICOND
Index: 42034, Name: COND_QUALIFIER
Index: 42035, Name: COND_TYPE
Index: 42036, Name: CONDITION_VALUE
Index: 42037, Name: CURRENCY
Index: 42038, Name: CURRENCY_ISO
Index: 42039, Name: CONDITION_BASE
Index: 42040, Name: CONDITION_UNIT
Index: 42041, Name: COND_VALID_FROM
Index: 42042, Name: COND_VALID_TO
Index: 42043, Name: TAXFLAG
Index: 42044, Name: E1EDP19
Index: 42045, Name: QUALF
Index: 42046, Name: IDTNR
Index: 42047, Name: KTEXT
Index: 42048, Name: MFRPN
Index: 42049, Name: MFRNR
Index: 42050, Name: E1MAKTM
Index: 42051, Name: MSGFN
Index: 42052, Name: SPRAS
Index: 42053, Name: MAKTX
Index: 42054, Name: SPRAS_ISO
Index: 42055, Name: E1MVKEM
Index: 42056, Name: MSGFN
Index: 42057, Name: VKORG
Index: 42058, Name: VTWEG
Index: 42059, Name: LVORM
Index: 42060, Name: VERSG
Index: 42061, Name: BONUS
Index: 42062, Name: PROVG
Index: 42063, Name: SKTOF
Index: 42064, Name: VMSTA
Index: 42065, Name: VMSTD
Index: 42066, Name: AUMNG
Index: 42067, Name: LFMNG
Index: 42068, Name: EFMNG
Index: 42069, Name: SCMNG
Index: 42070, Name: SCHME
Index: 42071, Name: VRKME
Index: 42072, Name: MTPOS
Index: 42073, Name: DWERK
Index: 42074, Name: PRODH
Index: 42075, Name: PMATN
Index: 42076, Name: KONDM
Index: 42077, Name: KTGRM
Index: 42078, Name: MVGR1
Index: 42079, Name: MVGR2
Index: 42080, Name: MVGR3
Index: 42081, Name: MVGR4
Index: 42082, Name: MVGR5
Index: 42083, Name: SSTUF
Index: 42084, Name: PFLKS
Index: 42085, Name: LSTFL
Index: 42086, Name: LSTVZ
Index: 42087, Name: LSTAK
Index: 42088, Name: PRAT1
Index: 42089, Name: PRAT2
Index: 42090, Name: PRAT3
Index: 42091, Name: PRAT4
Index: 42092, Name: PRAT5
Index: 42093, Name: PRAT6
Index: 42094, Name: PRAT7
Index: 42095, Name: PRAT8
Index: 42096, Name: PRAT9
Index: 42097, Name: PRATA
Index: 42098, Name: VAVME
Index: 42099, Name: RDPRF
Index: 42100, Name: MEGRU
Index: 42101, Name: PMATN_EXTERNAL
Index: 42102, Name: PMATN_VERSION
Index: 42103, Name: PMATN_GUID
Index: 42104, Name: E1MTXHM
Index: 42105, Name: MSGFN
Index: 42106, Name: TDOBJECT
Index: 42107, Name: TDNAME
Index: 42108, Name: TDID
Index: 42109, Name: TDSPRAS
Index: 42110, Name: TDTEXTTYPE
Index: 42111, Name: SPRAS_ISO
Index: 42112, Name: E1MTXLM
Index: 42113, Name: MSGFN
Index: 42114, Name: TDFORMAT
Index: 42115, Name: TDLINE
Index: 42116, Name: E1MLANM
Index: 42117, Name: MSGFN
Index: 42118, Name: ALAND
Index: 42119, Name: TATY1
Index: 42120, Name: TAXM1
Index: 42121, Name: TATY2
Index: 42122, Name: TAXM2
Index: 42123, Name: TATY3
Index: 42124, Name: TAXM3
Index: 42125, Name: TATY4
Index: 42126, Name: TAXM4
Index: 42127, Name: TATY5
Index: 42128, Name: TAXM5
Index: 42129, Name: TATY6
Index: 42130, Name: TAXM6
Index: 42131, Name: TATY7
Index: 42132, Name: TAXM7
Index: 42133, Name: TATY8
Index: 42134, Name: TAXM8
Index: 42135, Name: TATY9
Index: 42136, Name: TAXM9
Index: 42137, Name: TAXIM
Index: 42138, Name: E1BPE1AUSPRT
Index: 42139, Name: FUNCTION
Index: 42140, Name: MATERIAL
Index: 42141, Name: CHAR_NAME
Index: 42142, Name: CHAR_VALUE
Index: 42143, Name: MATERIAL_EXTERNAL
Index: 42144, Name: MATERIAL_GUID
Index: 42145, Name: MATERIAL_VERSION
Index: 42146, Name: E1BPE1MAW1RT
Index: 42147, Name: FUNCTION
Index: 42148, Name: MATERIAL
Index: 42149, Name: REPL_LIST
Index: 42150, Name: SERV_AGRT
Index: 42151, Name: ABC_ID
Index: 42152, Name: PUR_GROUP
Index: 42153, Name: SALES_UNIT
Index: 42154, Name: SALES_UNIT_ISO
Index: 42155, Name: ISSUE_UNIT
Index: 42156, Name: ISSUE_UNIT_ISO
Index: 42157, Name: COUNTRYORI
Index: 42158, Name: COUNTRYORI_ISO
Index: 42159, Name: REGIONORIG
Index: 42160, Name: LOADINGGRP
Index: 42161, Name: ASSORT_LEV
Index: 42162, Name: ASSORTPRIO
Index: 42163, Name: LI_PROC_ST
Index: 42164, Name: LI_PROC_DC
Index: 42165, Name: LIST_ST_FR
Index: 42166, Name: LIST_ST_TO
Index: 42167, Name: LIST_DC_FR
Index: 42168, Name: LIST_DC_TO
Index: 42169, Name: SELL_ST_FR
Index: 42170, Name: SELL_ST_TO
Index: 42171, Name: SELL_DC_FR
Index: 42172, Name: SELL_DC_TO
Index: 42173, Name: VAL_CLASS
Index: 42174, Name: COMM_CODE
Index: 42175, Name: VAL_MARGIN
Index: 42176, Name: COUPON_PROFILE
Index: 42177, Name: ASSORTLIST
Index: 42178, Name: MATERIAL_EXTERNAL
Index: 42179, Name: MATERIAL_GUID
Index: 42180, Name: MATERIAL_VERSION
Index: 42181, Name: E1BPE1MAMTRT
Index: 42182, Name: FUNCTION
Index: 42183, Name: MATERIAL
Index: 42184, Name: LANGU
Index: 42185, Name: LANGU_ISO
Index: 42186, Name: ALT_UNIT
Index: 42187, Name: ALT_UNIT_ISO
Index: 42188, Name: TEXT_ID
Index: 42189, Name: CONSEC_NO
Index: 42190, Name: MATL_DESCR
Index: 42191, Name: MATERIAL_EXTERNAL
Index: 42192, Name: MATERIAL_GUID
Index: 42193, Name: MATERIAL_VERSION
Index: 42194, Name: E1PKOMG
Index: 42195, Name: KSCHL
Index: 42196, Name: KVEWE
Index: 42197, Name: KOTABNR
Index: 42198, Name: KAPPL
Index: 42199, Name: VAKEY
Index: 42200, Name: VKORG
Index: 42201, Name: VTWEG
Index: 42202, Name: SPART
Index: 42203, Name: KUNNR
Index: 42204, Name: KDGRP
Index: 42205, Name: PLTYP
Index: 42206, Name: KONDA
Index: 42207, Name: KONDM
Index: 42208, Name: WAERK
Index: 42209, Name: MATNR
Index: 42210, Name: BWTAR
Index: 42211, Name: CHARG
Index: 42212, Name: PRODH
Index: 42213, Name: MEINS
Index: 42214, Name: BONUS
Index: 42215, Name: EBONU
Index: 42216, Name: PROVG
Index: 42217, Name: ALAND
Index: 42218, Name: WKREG
Index: 42219, Name: WKCOU
Index: 42220, Name: WKCTY
Index: 42221, Name: LLAND
Index: 42222, Name: REGIO
Index: 42223, Name: COUNC
Index: 42224, Name: CITYC
Index: 42225, Name: TAXM1
Index: 42226, Name: TAXM2
Index: 42227, Name: TAXM3
Index: 42228, Name: TAXM4
Index: 42229, Name: TAXM5
Index: 42230, Name: TAXM6
Index: 42231, Name: TAXM7
Index: 42232, Name: TAXM8
Index: 42233, Name: TAXM9
Index: 42234, Name: TAXK1
Index: 42235, Name: TAXK2
Index: 42236, Name: TAXK3
Index: 42237, Name: TAXK4
Index: 42238, Name: TAXK5
Index: 42239, Name: TAXK6
Index: 42240, Name: TAXK7
Index: 42241, Name: TAXK8
Index: 42242, Name: TAXK9
Index: 42243, Name: LIFNR
Index: 42244, Name: MATKL
Index: 42245, Name: EKORG
Index: 42246, Name: ESOKZ
Index: 42247, Name: WERKS
Index: 42248, Name: RESWK
Index: 42249, Name: KOLIF
Index: 42250, Name: LTSNR
Index: 42251, Name: WGLIF
Index: 42252, Name: MWSKZ
Index: 42253, Name: WERKV
Index: 42254, Name: WAGRP
Index: 42255, Name: VRKME
Index: 42256, Name: EAN11
Index: 42257, Name: EANNR
Index: 42258, Name: AUART
Index: 42259, Name: MEEIN
Index: 42260, Name: INFNR
Index: 42261, Name: EVRTN
Index: 42262, Name: EVRTP
Index: 42263, Name: INCO1
Index: 42264, Name: INCO2
Index: 42265, Name: BUKRS
Index: 42266, Name: MTART
Index: 42267, Name: LIFRE
Index: 42268, Name: EKKOL
Index: 42269, Name: EKKOA
Index: 42270, Name: BSTME
Index: 42271, Name: WGHIE
Index: 42272, Name: TAXIM
Index: 42273, Name: TAXIK
Index: 42274, Name: TAXIW
Index: 42275, Name: TAXIL
Index: 42276, Name: TAXIR
Index: 42277, Name: TXJCD
Index: 42278, Name: FKART
Index: 42279, Name: VKORGAU
Index: 42280, Name: HIENR
Index: 42281, Name: VARCOND
Index: 42282, Name: LAND1
Index: 42283, Name: ZTERM
Index: 42284, Name: GZOLX
Index: 42285, Name: VBELN
Index: 42286, Name: POSNR
Index: 42287, Name: UPMAT
Index: 42288, Name: UKONM
Index: 42289, Name: ANZSN
Index: 42290, Name: AUART_SD
Index: 42291, Name: PRODH1
Index: 42292, Name: PRODH2
Index: 42293, Name: PRODH3
Index: 42294, Name: BZIRK
Index: 42295, Name: VKGRP
Index: 42296, Name: BRSCH
Index: 42297, Name: VKBUR
Index: 42298, Name: PRCTR
Index: 42299, Name: LHIENR
Index: 42300, Name: KDKGR
Index: 42301, Name: BSTYP
Index: 42302, Name: BSART
Index: 42303, Name: EKGRP
Index: 42304, Name: AKTNR
Index: 42305, Name: VAKEY_LONG
Index: 42306, Name: MATNR_EXTERNAL
Index: 42307, Name: MATNR_VERSION
Index: 42308, Name: MATNR_GUID
Index: 42309, Name: UPMAT_EXTERNAL
Index: 42310, Name: UPMAT_VERSION
Index: 42311, Name: UPMAT_GUID
Index: 42312, Name: E1KONH
Index: 42313, Name: KNUMH
Index: 42314, Name: KOSRT
Index: 42315, Name: KZUST
Index: 42316, Name: KNUMA_PI
Index: 42317, Name: KNUMA_AG
Index: 42318, Name: KNUMA_SQ
Index: 42319, Name: KNUMA_SD
Index: 42320, Name: AKTNR
Index: 42321, Name: KNUMA_BO
Index: 42322, Name: E1KONP
Index: 42323, Name: KSCHL
Index: 42324, Name: KNUMT
Index: 42325, Name: STFKZ
Index: 42326, Name: KZBZG
Index: 42327, Name: KSTBM
Index: 42328, Name: KONMS
Index: 42329, Name: KSTBW
Index: 42330, Name: KRECH
Index: 42331, Name: KBETR
Index: 42332, Name: KPEIN
Index: 42333, Name: KMEIN
Index: 42334, Name: PRSCH
Index: 42335, Name: KUMZA
Index: 42336, Name: KUMNE
Index: 42337, Name: MEINS
Index: 42338, Name: MXWRT
Index: 42339, Name: GKWRT
Index: 42340, Name: PKWRT
Index: 42341, Name: FKWRT
Index: 42342, Name: RSWRT
Index: 42343, Name: UKBAS
Index: 42344, Name: KZNEP
Index: 42345, Name: KUNNR
Index: 42346, Name: LIFNR
Index: 42347, Name: MWSK1
Index: 42348, Name: LOEVM_KO
Index: 42349, Name: ZAEHK_IND
Index: 42350, Name: BOMAT
Index: 42351, Name: KBRUE
Index: 42352, Name: KSPAE
Index: 42353, Name: BOSTA
Index: 42354, Name: KNUMA_PI
Index: 42355, Name: KNUMA_AG
Index: 42356, Name: KNUMA_SQ
Index: 42357, Name: VALTG
Index: 42358, Name: ZTERM
Index: 42359, Name: ANZAUF
Index: 42360, Name: MIKBAS
Index: 42361, Name: MXKBAS
Index: 42362, Name: KOMXWRT
Index: 42363, Name: KLF_STG
Index: 42364, Name: KLF_KAL
Index: 42365, Name: VKKAL
Index: 42366, Name: AKTNR
Index: 42367, Name: KNUMA_BO
Index: 42368, Name: MDFLG
Index: 42369, Name: BOMAT_EXTERNAL
Index: 42370, Name: BOMAT_VERSION
Index: 42371, Name: BOMAT_GUID
Index: 42372, Name: E1KONM
Index: 42373, Name: KSTBM
Index: 42374, Name: KBETR
Index: 42375, Name: E1KONW
Index: 42376, Name: KSTBW
Index: 42377, Name: KBETR
Index: 42378, Name: E1EDS01
Index: 42379, Name: SUMID
Index: 42380, Name: SUMME
Index: 42381, Name: SUNIT
Index: 42382, Name: WAERQ
Los pasos que tenemos que seguir en FI para crear un IDOC:

1 - Primero tenemos que crear un tipo de mensaje (vía we81) que estará asociado al IDOC.
2 - Con la transacción WE82 se asocia el mensaje creado recientemente al IDOC.
3 - Creación del OBJETO IDOC. En mi caso particular, vía transacción SW01 creamos un Object type
copiándolo del IDOCAPPL... (Supongo que esto cambia según la finalidad que tenga)
4 - Todos los IDOCs son manejados por funciones. Una vez creada la función se debe dar de alta con la BD51.
De esta manera agregamos la función a un alista de Funciones de entradas de datos. En este punto todavía
no esta asociada al Idoc que maneja. Solo la damos de alta.
5 - Para enganchar la Función que dimos de alta en el paso anterior, se debe crear un Código de proceso
(Transacción WE42). En esta pantalla recuerdo que se cargaban otros datos... Por favor chequeenlo.
6 - Por último, hay que crear una tarea (vía PFTC) encargada de correr la interface. En ella se define el evento
que la dispara y el que indica su finalización. El ROL que debe tener la persona que quiere ejecutar esa tarea,
7 - Ahh! Usen la WE57 para enlazar el objeto mensaje a la aplicación.

Algunas transacciones útiles para testear los Idocs y reprocesarlos

- WE19 (Ingresar datos y reprocesar Idocs para testeo)
- BD87 (Seleccionar Idocs)
- WE05 (Listar Idocs

EDI knowledge base & standards > IDOC

About IDOC
IDoc or Intermediate Document is a standard data structure for electronic data interchange (EDI) between
SAP application programs or between a SAP application and an external program. IDocs serve as the vehicle
for data transfer in SAP's Application Link Enabling (ALE) system and are used for asynchronous transactions:
each IDoc generated exists as a self-contained text file that can then be transmitted to the requesting
workstation without connecting to the central database.
IDocs have two levels, the technical level and the business level. IDoc documentation can be extracted from
SAP by executing the WE60 transaction.
Technical level - Defined by the three record types compatible with the IDoc interface:
Control record
Data record
Status record
Business level - Defined by the segments of an IDOC.

Example of IDOC structure

TEXT Name of table structure
LENGTH 000010
TEXT Segment (external name)
LENGTH 000030
TEXT Name of table structure
LENGTH 000010
LOOPMIN 0000000001
LOOPMAX 0000000001
TEXT Action code for the whole EDI message
LENGTH 000003
TEXT Flag: order acknowledgment required
LENGTH 000001

IDoc Transactions
The table bellow contains some of the IDOC transactions and their EDIFACT and X12 equivalent messages.
Add Customer-Specific Fields to Price Catalogs

You can add customer-specific fields to the price catalog. You can enhance the following
tables according to customer specifications:

● PRICAT_K001: Catalog Header

● PRICAT_K002: Catalog Item - Product Groups

● PRICAT_K003: Catalog Item - Basic Data

● PRICAT_K004: Catalog Item - Units of Measure, Dimensions and Weights

● PRICAT_K005: Catalog Item - Text

● PRICAT_K006: Catalog Item - Characteristics

● PRICAT_K007: Catalog Item - BOMs

● PRICAT_K008: Catalog Item - Prices/Taxes

● PRICAT_K009C: Customer-specific Pricing Scale


A. Create Structure


1. On the SAP Easy Access Screen, choose SAP Menu Tools -> ABAP Workbench ->
Development -> Dictionary (SE11).

2. You create the structure in the dictionary. Ensure that the key fields (without field
MANDT) from the corresponding table are included at the beginning of the structures.
Thereby, the system assigns them to the table like an append. This assignment is checked in
Customizing before saving and stored in the field structure category (structure category 1 to

B. Assign the structure to a catalog type

1. Create a catalog type.

2. To do this, choose Sales and Distribution -> Electronic Data Interchange -> PRICAT ->
Define Catalog Type in the Implementation Guide (IMG):

3. Assign the created structure to a catalog type.

4. To do this, choose Sales and Distribution -> Electronic Data Interchange -> PRICAT ->
Assign Structures to Catalog Types in the Implementation Guide (IMG):

C. Assign Catalog Type to Price Catalog


1. When creating a price catalog you assign a catalog type to it.

2. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics  Sales and Distribution  Master
Data  Arrangements  Catalogs  PRICAT  Maintain Price Catalog.

3. Select or Price Catalog -> Create.

4. In the selection window, you enter the catalog type and then continue as usual. For more
information, see Creating Price Catalogs.


The fields you have added are displayed in the transaction VPRICAT. They now are
available in the BadI and are sent in the IDoc PRICECATALOGUE02 (Segment

If you use the new Engineering Change Management, the system checks the new fields for
changes. For more information, see the section "Engineering Change Management of
Creating Price Catalogs.
Master Data Exchange Using Price Catalogs

This business process allows you to create logical message type PRICAT and export it from
an ERP system to an external system using ALE and IDocs, or to import it from an external
system. The ERP system supports both EANCOM standard message type PRICAT and
ANSI X12 transaction set 832.

For example, you can:

● Send a complete or partial list of your product offering to your customers

● Send your data to a central database in PRICAT message format where it can be
accessed by authorized customers and suppliers

● Receive automatic notification of new or updated product and pricing information from
your suppliers or from a central database

Price catalog information includes the description, information about prices and pricing
conditions (including taxes), and logistics information for each product. It can contain
either general product information valid for all customers, or customer-specific
information, such as special conditions. You can also specify a timeframe for which the
price catalog is valid.

The GDSN standard facilitates a service-based exchange of master data between

manufacturers and retailers beyond multiple data pools. For more information, see
Optimized Master Data Exchange Using SAP Enterprise Services.


When an export is prepared, the ERP system creates IDocs (SAP intermediate document
format) for all materials to be included in the price catalog. These IDocs are sent to an
external converter, which converts them into EANCOM standard message category
PRICAT or into ANSI X12 transaction set 832.

The reverse process is true for data import.


You can only use this function if you use SAP Retail.

Recipients of your price catalog must be able to either accept PRICAT format documents
directly or convert them to their own system-readable format.
Creating Price Catalogs

This procedure allows you to trigger the creation of PRICAT messages (price catalog) manually. It
corresponds to the process Outbound Processing of PRICAT Messages.



1. You have assigned materials to one or more assortment modules, and the assortment
modules to one or more assortments. You can also assign one or more message recipients
(for example, customers) to assortments. In doing so, you determine which materials are to
be included in the message and which recipients are to receive the message.

Use transaction W10T to call the special initial menu for the retailing system.
On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics -> Retailing -> Master Data ->
Assortment/Listing -> Assortment -> Module -> Assortment Assignment -> Maintain.

2. You have defined the requirements profile (the structure and contents of the message) in
Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Electronic Data Interchange -> Price
Catalog -> Requirements Profile.

In the requirements profile you specify:

 ○ A site (for site-specific material data to be included in the message).
 ○ A sales order type - this also affects price determination for billing.
 ○ Condition types and subtotals for the pricing calculation schema that determine how
the gross purchase price, net purchase price, and consumer retail price are handled in the
 ○ Conditions to be included, in addition to the prices.

You can enter four condition types

 ○ Up to three condition types to be used for taxes

(one of the three condition types can be flagged for use as the value-added tax).
 ○ To determine bills of material, you must also enter a site and a bill of material usage.

If several bills of material exist, the system always selects the first alternative.
3. You have specified which change management service you want to use. You have also
specified whether or not you want to permit planned changes. You can do this in
Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Electronic Data Interchange -> Price
Catalog -> Indicator for Supply of Data to Catalog.

4. You have defined the price catalog types that exist and have added customer-specific fields
to this catalog type.

You can extend the structure of catalogs as required using this catalog type, by assigning the
required number of dictionary structures to a price catalog table.
For more information, see Add Customer-Specific Fields to Price Catalog.

Ensure that the key fields (without field MANDT) from the corresponding table are
included at the beginning of the structures. In this way, they are assigned to the table like an
append. This assignment is checked in Customizing before saving and stored in the field
structure category (structure category 1 to 9).

You can enhance the following tables according to customer specifications:

 ● PRICAT_K001: Catalog Header

 ● PRICAT_K002: Catalog Item - Product Groups
 ● PRICAT_K003: Catalog Item - Basic Data
 ● PRICAT_K004: Catalog Item - Units of Measure, Dimensions and Weights
 ● PRICAT_K005: Catalog Item - Text
 ● PRICAT_K006: Catalog Item - Characteristics
 ● PRICAT_K007: Catalog Item - BOMs
 ● PRICAT_K008: Catalog Item - Prices/Taxes
 ● PRICAT_K009C: Customer-specific Pricing Scale



1. Call the transaction VPRICATby choosing Logistics Sales and Distribution  Master
Data  Arrangements  Catalogs  Price Catalog  Price Catalog Maintenance.

2. To create a price catalog, choose Price Catalog  Create and then enter your selection

Enter at least the basic data and price determination.

 ○ Basic Data
You assign a name and validity period to the price catalog. Also enter the ILN (international
location number), which is then copied to the message. You can also assign a catalog type to
the catalog, to add customer-specific fields.
Enter either an assortment or a customer. By entering an assortment you determine the
materials to be included in the message. If you do not enter a specific recipient, then the
message goes to all customers assigned to the assortment. If you enter a recipient but no
assortment, then the materials are determined from all assortments assigned to the
 ○ Price determination

You specify the sales organization, distribution channel, and division for which the message
is to be generated. If you do not want to carry out price determination for each message
recipient individually, you can enter a reference customer for price determination.
You can specify a date for price determination. This date can lie either within or outside the
catalog validity period you defined above. You can also enter a calculation schema that
differs from the standard calculation schema used for billing. You can also deactivate the tax
and price determination completely.

3. Create the price catalog

with the quick info Copy, or

in the background with resource check, or
in the background without resource check.

4. Next to each customer in the list, there is a button in one of the following colors:

 ○ Green means that all price catalog data for this customer has been copied.
 ○ Yellow means that there are some items still to be copied for the customer.
 ○ Red means that one or more items in the price catalog have errors.

You can also display the error logs.

5. If warnings or error messages appear, go back from the error log to the catalog. Double-
click one of the materials for which problems occurred. This takes you directly to the
material master data, where you can display the errors. Correct any errors in the material
master, so that they do not occur in the next change management.

Now you can make the following settings:

 ○ Sender information

Enter the currency used in the catalog and the syntax IDs.
 ○ Change Management
Here you enter the parameters for automatic change management, as well as parameters for
reading planned changes. This includes determining the intervals in which this program is
You can also determine whether price catalogs that were updated and generated correctly
are sent to customers automatically, or whether updated price catalogs need to be released
or postprocessed first. If the relevant indicator is not set, each time an updated price catalog
is generated, the workflow automatically sends a work item to the person responsible for
You can set:
 ■ whether or not historical data is deleted
 ■ whether a valid-from date is used, and which one
 ■ under Catalog Change Management, the frequency (days) in which change
management runs and the catalog is then sent.

Under Planned Changes, you set the number of weeks from the valid-from date for which
planned changes are read. You also define the frequency (weeks) and the weekdays on
which planned changes are determined.
 ○ Internet

If you want to make your price catalog available to your customers through the Internet, you
can choose a strategy for Internet release:
 ■ No release (catalog not visible, for example, still in development)
 ■ Release only for known customers (that have a customer master record)
 ■ Release only for customers that you have assigned to the catalog
 ■ Release for all customers who are interested in the catalog

You can also assign the catalog to a reference customer.

 ○ Customer information

In the middle input area, you can find customer settings which you can use to edit the
partner number, for example.

6. Choose one of the following options:

1. a. Choose Send Price Catalog to transfer the data to your customers. Only the
open items (status "yellow") are copied.
2. b. If you want to transfer a complete version of the price catalog, choose Send
Complete Version.


If the process is successful, the system creates one IDoc for each recipient.
You can display the contents of the IDocs by calling transaction WEDI and then choosing IDoc 
Display IDoc.
Price Catalog Inbound Processing

You can use this process for mass transfers of article master data from external data pools or
bilateral transfers from the vendor. For retail companies, the transfer and efficient processing of
this data is particularly important because of the high volume of data.

The process uses the following functions:

● It supports the three GDSN messages Subscription, Notification, and Confirmation in

accordance with the GS1 XML standard. It enables you to use of the new SAP Enterprise
services (TradeItemCatalogue) that are delivered with the mapping. For more information,
see Optimized Master Data Exchange Using SAP Enterprise Services.

● Continued support of EANCOM-PRICAT messages

● ALE processing for the price catalog IDoc

● You can use simple PRICAT inbound processing (PRICAT transaction, see PRICAT
Processing) to create or change article data manually or automatically from catalog data.

● You can use enhanced price catalog inbound processing (transaction

W_PRICAT_MAINTAIN, see Enhanced Inbound Processing of External Master Data) to
create or change article data from catalog data, manually or automatically, on an interface
capable of dealing with mass data. During this, the system takes into account single and
generic articles as well as bills of material and prices.

● With the catalog selection for editing (transaction W_SYNC, see Catalog Selection for
Editing), which comes before the enhanced price catalog inbound processing, you can
select precisely which catalogs are to be displayed in the enhanced price catalog processing.
Following the selection, you go directly to enhanced price catalog processing.

You can use only transaction PRICAT or transactions W_PRICAT_MAINTAIN / W_SYNC

(enhanced price catalog - inbound processing/ catalog selection) to create article data. We
recommend using the enhanced processing function by way of the catalog selection.

The enhanced processing function (W_PRICAT_MAINTAIN) includes the following functions:

● XML processing in the XI system, if the SAP Services for GDSN are used (see SAP
NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure)
● Proxy inbound and outbound for the GDSN retail messages

● Maintenance interface for managing subscription messages - see Processing


● Validation and Enrichment Processor with which customers can define their own rules
and enhance the receipt of messages - see Validation and Enrichment Processor

● Option to enrich provided fields with data that does not come from the data pool - see
Validation and Enrichment Processor.

● Clearly-arranged maintenance interface makes it easy to view and adjust data - see
Enhanced Inbound Processing of External Master Data .

● Mass processing option - see Enhanced Inbound Processing of External Master Data .

● Scheduled data transfer - see Preparing for Scheduled Master Data Transfer.

● Automatic transfer of data - see Preparing for Scheduled Master Data Transfer

● Confirmation - see Processing Confirmations.

The creation of single, generic, and structured articles in SAP systems is supported. You can create
basic data, purchasing info records and purchase and sales conditions. You can both create new
articles and modify existing ones.

The catalog selection for processing (W_SYNC) provides

● a differentiated selection of the catalogs displayed in the enhanced price catalog


● An overview of the selected catalogs

● a preview of the relevant catalog items

● • the facility to control which catalog groups (and thus which employees) are assigned
to which catalogs for processing.

● the link to workflows - facility to restrict the selection to catalogs that are contained in
your workflows.

Functions in the External System

You can convert the message format (PRICAT or ANSI X12) to IDoc format if the IDoc PRICECATALOG
is used.

Authorization objects

The following authorization objects use the individual functions:

● Confirmation: WGDS_CONF

● Price catalog editing (only transaction PRICAT): W_PRICATIN

● Message inbound: WGDS_ACT

● Subscription: WGDS_SUB

● VE Processor: WER_ACT.


The Retail Switch Framework is activated.

Process Flow

A. Using SAP Enterprise Services

Processing Step For more information, see the following:

Customizing: Settings for the interface, the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Sales
and for XI ( SAP NetWeaver Exchange and Distribution under Sales and Distribution
Infrastructure).  Electronic Data Interchange  PRICAT
Inbound  GDS_PRICAT_Inbound.
Optimized Master Data Exchange Using SAP
A1. Create and send the subscription Enterprise Services and Enhanced Inbound
Processing of External Master Data

Process Subscriptions
A2. Message inbound - Receipt of Process the Received Catalog Data
subscribed data from the data pool by
means of XI

A3. Notification - Display and process Process the Received Catalog Data
received catalog data
Optional: changes to the rules that check Validation and Enrichment Processor
and enhance the external data

Check and enrich the data

Process Validation and Enrichment Processor

A5. Manual or automatic processing using Enhanced Inbound Processing of External

transaction W_PRICAT_MAINTAIN Master Data

A6. Send confirmations, return GDSN Editing Confirmations

confirmation messages to the data pool.
B. Use of IDocs

Processing Step For more information, see the following:

The person responsible specifies whether a sender is allowed to import catalog data into
the system, and makes settings for the interface.

B1. You can import a price catalog to BAPI Using ALE Services (CA-BFA)
directly using the SAVEREPLICA method.
Vendors normally write changes into the
same catalog. When the history is active,
the system creates change rows with the
current date.
B2. The system checks data for errors and INBOUND_CHANGE
adds additional information.
the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Sales
and Distribution under Sales and Distribution
 Electronic Data Interchange  PRICAT
Inbound  Enhancements Using Business
Add-Ins  BadI: Adjust Data in IDoc

B3. The system saves the data in the

catalog tables and makes it available for
further processing.
Process Price Catalog
B4. You can process data manually using
the PRICAT transaction, or automatically Enhanced Inbound Processing of External
using transaction Master Data
If the system can find an article number or reference article number during automatic
further processing, it creates or changes the article data.

During manual further processing, the person responsible calls her data pool, then checks
and adjusts it so as to be able to subsequently create or change article data.
For further information (including a step-by-step guide and information on configuration), see the
SAP Service Marketplace under the Internet address -> Expert Knowledge
Corner -> Data Synchronization -> Overview Data Synchronization Guides.
Generate Selection Report

You can generate selection reports here. You can you this type of report to determine which fields
are available for the selection of price catalog items. To do so, assign the report to a profile in price
catalog processing.



1. Use transaction W10T to call the special initial menu for the retailing system.

2. Choose Logistics -> Retailing -> Master Data -> Material Data -> Price Catalog ->
Inbound Processing -> Data Transfer -> Generate Selection Report.

3. Enter the program name and info text in the group box Report.

4. In the group box Control, you can choose the table from which you want to get fields for
the selection.

5. If you select Display Field Catalog, you can then choose from different fields. If you do
not make a selection, the system transfers all fields from the chosen table(s).

6. Choose with the quick info Execute or Program -> Execute or Program -> Execute in

Interim Result

The report with the information about selection fields has been generated. You can not use it
when you create a profile (See also Enhanced Inbound Processing of External Master Data). You
need to do the following:

7. Choose Logistics -> Retailing -> Master Data -> Material Data -> Price Catalog
Inbound Processing -> Data Transfer -> Edit Price Catalog.

8. Choose Environment -> Profiles.

9. Choose New Entries.

10. Enter a profile number.

11. Choose the description of the generated report in the Program field.
12. Choose with the quick info Save or Table View -> Save.

13. Return to the selection screen.

14. Enter the newly created profile in the Profile field.


You want to add the field Hazard Group from the price catalog item to the standard selection
screen, and you want to use this field to select price catalog items from now on.

To do so, you start the transaction, choose the fields EAN, Date and Hazard Group from the item
table PRICAT_K003 and use the report Z_MY_SELECTION to generate. You then call up enhanced
price catalog processing (transaction W_PRICAT_MAINTAIN). Choose Environment -> Profiles on
the first selection screen and then New Entries. Now you can create a new profile and then assign
the report Z_MY_SELECTION to the profile. Return to the selection screen for price catalog
processing and enter the new profile in the first screen. The new fields are available on the next
Editing Price Catalogs

You can use this procedure to process incoming PRICAT messages, add or change the data as
necessary, and post the data to your system.


● You have decided to use transaction PRICAT and not transaction

W_PRICAT_MAINTAIN. For more information, see Price Catalog Inbound Processing.

● You have assigned the ILN numbers in the PRICAT message to SAP vendors and
purchasing groups, and edited the history for the vendor catalogs.

To do this, on the SAP Easy Access menu for Retail, choose Master Data  Article Data 
Environment  Article Maintenance from Price Catalog and then Utilities  Settings  Assign
ILN to SAP Vendor/Purch. Group (transaction PRICATCUS1).
Optionally, you can enter an SAP vendor number. If you do not make an entry, then the system
determines the vendor based on the ILN, in which case the ILN must be assigned to only one
Enter a purchasing group.
Choose the settings you want for the catalog history.

● Optionally, you can assign the merchandise categories in the PRICAT message to the
corresponding SAP merchandise categories.

To do this, on the SAP Easy Access menu for Retail, choose Master Data  Article Data 
Environment  Article Maintenance from Price Catalog and then Utilities  Settings  Assign
Material Groups to SAP Material Group (transaction PRICATCUS2).

● Optionally, you can assign purchasing groups to selected merchandise categories.

To do this, on the SAP Easy Access menu for Retail, choose Master Data  Article Data 
Environment  Article Maintenance from Price Catalog and then Utilities  Settings  Assign
Purch. Group to SAP Material Group (transaction PRICATCUS3).



1. On the SAP Easy Access menu for Retail, choose Master Data  Article Data 
Environment  Article Maintenance from Price Catalog (transaction PRICAT).
2. Enter the internal catalog number (if known), or else specify that the system is to
determine the catalog via the vendor number, catalog description and test indicator.

3. To edit catalog header data, choose Catalog Data. The header data contains information
about the sender and receiver, plus general message data.

A catalog can have one of the following statuses:

 ○ Open: The catalog contains items that have not yet been edited.
 ○ Processed: No additional processing is required. You must set this status manually
when you have finished working with the data. When the catalog is subsequently updated,
the status will be reset to Open.
 ○ Closed: You can display the contents but you cannot make any changes. You cannot
update a closed catalog. You also set this status manually.

In addition, there is a test indicator to specify that only test data is involved. You can only
display test data; this data cannot be edited.

4. To process items, choose Goto  Article List. To restrict the number of catalog items to be
displayed, you can enter purchasing groups and product groups. If you plan to edit data
instead of just displaying it, you must enter a purchasing group.

The system displays all items which have yet to be edited for this catalog.
Items can have one of the following statuses:
 ○ To Be Processed:New items.
 ○ Maintained: An article master record has been created for these items.
 ○ Excluded: Manual maintenance is deactivated with this setting. Items with this status
do not appear in the worklist for the purchasing group.

You can change the status of the individual items manually, or assign items to other purchasing

5. Choose Maintain Items.

If an article is not yet assigned to an item, the Assign Catalog Item to an Article screen appears.
You can change this assignment at any time afterwards. However, data that has already been
entered may be lost.

If an article has not yet been created, you must enter a reference article. The system copies
data from the reference article to fill the fields that are not provided with the PRICAT
6. From the PRICAT message, select the fields to be transferred to the system. To do this,
choose Copy Value for each field required.

If a transfer profile for a specific combination of vendor and user already exists in the
system, you do not need to select the fields. The appropriate fields are selected

The following settings exist for transfer profiles:

 ● Always Use Transfer Profile: The profile is used automatically. No action is

 ● Always Ask: A relevant dialog box appears.
 ● Never Use Transfer Profile: The profile is not used automatically. If you do still
want to use the profile, choose Utilities  Transfer Profile  Load.

To maintain the profile yourself, choose Utilities  Transfer Profile.

7. Choose Copy Selected Values to activate the data transfer. Repeat this procedure for each

8. The system now tries to align the units of measure from the reference article with the units
of measure from the PRICAT message. However, if necessary, you must add or change
values manually. To do so, proceed as follows:

3. a. Choose Units of measure.

4. b. Choose Assign EAN Unit of Measure (or simply double-click the EAN line).
5. c. Enter the appropriate standard unit of measure in the dialog box that

9. Like items, units of measure within the catalog also have a specific status. This status is
automatically saved when the article is posted. However, you can save it manually by
choosing Article Items  Save Units of Measure Status.

Posting can be controlled with item status to ensure that only units of measure with the status
UoM is Open are posted to the system. You can suppress the posting for a particular unit of
measure by changing its status to Maintained.
To make more changes to a unit of measure, select it from the table and then choose Display <-
> Change.

10. You can enter texts for an article in different languages. Choose Copy Text to import the
texts. You can then change the texts as necessary, or delete certain texts which should not
be copied to the article master data.
11. Choose Copy Components to import BOM components from the price catalog. You can
assign the components to the corresponding articles in the dialog box that appears.

You can only change the BOM within integrated article maintenance.

Characteristics (for generic articles), prices, conditions, and taxes cannot be posted


The article master records are updated and/or new records are created.
Enhancement of the Catalog to Include Generic Fields
To add customer-specific fields, the existing tables PRICAT_k003 to PRICAT_k009 of the inbound
price catalog can be enhanced by any number of structures for each table line. These are assigned
uniquely to the PRICAT table that you want to enhance by means of an identical key.

The structures are created when then are transferred during the IDoc update.

The structure that is used in the IDoc has to consist of two further structures that are saved in
DDIC. The first part of the complete structure has to be one of the seven key structures provided
by SAP (wrf_pricat_key_k003_sty to wrf_pricat_key_k009_sty). The second part must be a DDIC
structure that does not include any fields from the PRICAT structures, for example, a customer-
specific structure that contains application data.

The system only saves the application data part in the generic part of database file wrf_Pricat_010.

The enhancements in the following structure are from IDoc Pricecatalogue02:


Component Component Type DType Length






The values that are imported to the specified structure during the IDoc transfer are available in

They are now in the database and have to be transferred to the display. If you want to make an
update, you can do this in the BAdI implementation.

The customer has to update the new fields by implementing the BadI

Displaying generic fields

To display the new fields, you must include them in enhanced price catalog processing
(W_PRICAT_MAINTAIN) with Environment -> Default -> Field Catalog. Then you can include them
in the layout in the ALV view.
GDS Workflow

This workflow optimizes the work with inbound price catalogs: On automatic creation or
changing of price catalogs, the system informs the responsible employee about a work item
and immediately makes available the catalogs that are assigned to the employee for editing.


You have to carry out all process steps to set up the workflow. For more information, see
Setting Up the GDS Workflow.


On creating or changing of price catalogs, the workflow establishes which catalog group is
to process this catalog. It triggers an event (event CATALOG_INBOUND of class
CL_INBOUND_WORKFLOW). The parameters Catalog Group and Catalog Number are
given to this event.

The event then starts the workflow task GDS_IN (9900006). It applies the rule GDS_IN
(9900005) which controls distribution of the information on use of the assignment table

If you call up the relevant work item, the workflow starts the method
EXECUTE_TRANSACTION which then calls the transaction for editing the price
Setting Up the GDS Workflow

The workflow informs the responsible employee on changing or creating of price catalogs and
makes the assigned catalogs available for editing. For more information, see GDS Workflow.

SAP delivers task GDS_IN 9900006, rule 9900005 and table WRF_CAT_GROUP.

On setting up the workflow, you create the required assignment between employee and vendor
using the position, organizational unit, and catalog group.

You have to complete the following tasks:

● Link event to the task

● Create organizational unit

● Create catalog group and assign organizational unit

● Assign vendor to a catalog group

● Synchronize long-term buffer


In workflow Customizing, you have to have made certain settings:

Number ranges must be created client-dependent if workflows are developed in the relevant

● RFC destination WORKFLOW_LOCAL_xxx (with xxx=client) must be created

● WF Batch user must be created

● the Customizing workflow (classify tasks as general) must have a green check mark

● Passwords for the WF Batch user must match

● WF Batch user must have the authorization SAP_ALL

● WF Batch user must be a non-dialog user

You access the function by way of Tools -> Business Workflow -> Development -> Tools ->
Automatic Workflow Customizing.

For more information, see Automatic Workflow Customizing.


Link event to the task

In this function you must link the event (method CL_INBOUND_WORKFLOW) to the task.


1. Choose Tools -> Business Workflow -> Development -> Definition Tools -> Events ->
Event Linkages -> Type Linkages.

2. Choose New Entries.

3. Make the following entries:

Object category: ABAP class

Receiver type: 9900006
Receiver call: Function module
Receiver function module: SWW_WI_CREATE_VIA_EVENT_IBF
Destination: NONE
Event delivery: Via tRFC (Standard)
Linkage activated: Select
Behavior Upon Error Feedback: System default setting
Receiver status: No errors

The RFC Destination must be defined with SM59.

For each client, there should only be one task for the event CL_INBOUND_WORKFLOW
that sends a work item to the relevant user.

Event BUS1171 is also triggered when changes are made to catalogs. With this event, task
TS20000705 is normally started, and with it, the method DISPLAYCURRENT

For more information, see Evaluation and Maintenance of Type Linkages.

Create organizational unit

You must create the organizational units in the corresponding clients.


1. Choose Tools -> Business Workflow -> Organizational Plan -> Organizational Plan ->
Organization and Staffing -> Create.

2. In the dialog box Create Root Organizational Object, enter the validity period and the root
organizational unit and confirm with . A root organizational unit is created with the
provisional title "New Organizational Unit".

3. In the detail area on the tab Basic Data, replace the preliminary entries for Object Short
Name and Object Name with the preferred names.

4. Choose Save .

You have created your root organizational unit.

5. In the upper right area of the screen, select the name of the organizational unit you have
just created.

6. Choose with quick info Create.

7. On the screen Choose Link, choose Includes Position.

8. In the detail area on the tab Basic Data, replace the preliminary entries for Object Short
Description and Object Description with the preferred names.

9. Choose Save .

You have created a position.

10. In the upper right area of the screen, select the name of the position you have just created.

11. Choose with quick info Assign.

12. On the screen Choose Link, choose Owner User.

13. Select a user and answer the subsequent query with Yes.

14. Choose Save .

The user is assigned to position and organizational unit.

For more information, see Creating Objects und Organizational Plan Mode.

Create catalog group and assign organizational unit

Next you create a catalog group and assign this to an organizational unit. You do this in the editing
function for inbound price catalogs.


1. Choose Logistics -> Retailing -> Master Data -> Material Data -> Price Catalog
Inbound Processing -> Data Transfer -> Select and Edit Price Catalog.

2. Choose Environment -> Maintain Processor Group.

3. Choose New Entries.

4. Enter Catalog Group, organizational unit (Object ID) and plan variant (PV).

5. Choose with the quick info Save or Table View -> Save.

Catalog group is created, group and organizational unit are assigned.

Assign vendor to a catalog group

Now you can assign a vendor to the catalog group.


1. Choose Logistics -> Retailing -> Master Data -> Material Data -> Price Catalog
Inbound Processing -> Data Transfer -> Select and Edit Price Catalog.

2. Choose Environment -> Maintain Vendor-Group Assignment.

3. Choose New Entries.

4. Select Vendor and Catalog Group.

5. Choose with the quick info Save or Table View -> Save.

Vendor and catalog group have been assigned

Synchronize long-term buffer

If you make changes to the workflow settings while productive, it is advisable to update the
runtime environment so that these changes become effective.


1. Choose Tools -> Business Workflow -> Development -> Administration -> Workflow
Runtime -> Synchronize Runtime Buffer.

2. 5. Choose the pushbutton Start Synchronization.

For more information, see Administration of the Workflow Runtime.

Possible sources of error: On assignment of positions to organizational units, you must

note that a position can only ever be assigned to one organizational unit. If you assign a
position to another organizational unit, this happens without an error message. However,
the position then disappears in the organizational unit assigned first.


The assignment Vendor - Catalog Group - Organizational Unit - Position - Employee (User) is

SAP Retail Transaction List

R11 Merchandise Related Master Data

Transaction code transaction text
SU3 Maintain User Profile
MM41 Create Article
MM42 Chang Article
MM43 Display Article
WSL11 Evaluation of listing condition
WSO7 Display Assortment Module Assignment to Assortment
MASS_MARC Logistic/replenishment Mass Maintenance
REFSITE Reference Sites Mangement
WSL1 Listing conditions
MR21 Price Change
MB1C Enter Other Goods Receipts
MB1B Enter Transfer Posting
MB03 Display Transfer Posting
RWBE Stock Overview

R12 Retail Pricing

Transaction code transaction text
SU3 Maintain User Profile
VKP5 Create Price Calculation
WPMA Direct Request For POS Outbound
WMB1 Create Price Entry
WKK1 Create Market-basket Price Calculation
SPRO Assign Price Point Group to Org. Level/Merchandise Category
WVA3 Display VKP Calcultion Sur
WVA7 Display VKP Calcultion Sur
WEV3 Display Ret. Markup SP Ca
MEKE Conditions By Vendor
ME21N Create Purchase Order
V-61 Create Customer Discount Condition
V-64 Display Customer Discount
VK13 Display Condition Records
V/LD Execute Pricing Report
VA01 Create Sales Order
MEI4 Create Automatic Document worklist
BD22 Delete Change Pointers
WVN0 Generate Pricing Worklist
WVN1 Release Worklist

R13 Assortment Management

Transaction code transaction text
SU3 Maintain User Profile
WSOA3 Assortment Display
WSOA1 Assortment Create
WSOA2 Assortment Change
WSOA6 Assortment Assignment Tool
REFSITE Reference Sites Mangement
WSL5 Modules In Assortment
MM41 Create Article
MM42 Chang Article
WSL1 Listing conditions
WSP4 Create Individual Listing Material / Assortment
WSO1 Assortment Module Create
WSO5 Maintain Assortment Module assignment to Assortment
SE38 ABAP Editor
WLWB Space Management: Layout Workbench
WPLG Display Article In Layout Module
WLCN Delete All Listing Conditions From Layout Module
WSOA1 Assortment Create
WSK1 Assortment Copy
WSPL Display / edit article master segments that cannot be generted
WSL0 Merchandise Categories – Article Assortments Consistency Check
WSP6 Delete Individual Listing Material/Assortment
WSM8 Reorganize Listing Conditions By Merchandise Category
WSM4A Automatic Relisting Via Change to Assortment Master Data
WSL11 Evaluation of listing condition
WB02 Site Change
MB1C Enter Other Goods Receipts
WSE4 Article Discontinuation( Article / Site Discontinuation)
WSM9 Deletion of Obselete Listing Conditions
SE16 Data Browser

R21 Procurement of Replenishable Merchandise

Transaction code transaction text
SU3 Maintain User Profile
MM42 Chang Article
MP30 Execute Forecast: Initial
MP33 Forecast Reprocessing
MD21 Display Planning File Entries
MD03 Requirements Planning Single-Item, Single-Level
MD05 RP List
MD04 Stock/Requirements List
MB01 Enter Other Goods Receipts
ME01 Maintain Source List
ME51 Create Purchase Requisition
ME52 Change Purchase Requisition
ME59 Automatic Creation of Purchase Orders from Requisitions
ME21N Create Purchase Order
MIGO Goods Receipt for Purchase Order
ME13 Display Info Record
ME31K Create Contract
ME33K Display Contract
RWBE Stock Overview
MB1C Enter Other Goods Receipts
WWP1 Planning Workbench
WWP3 Planning Workbench
SPRO Maintain Rounding Profile
WB02 Site Change
MK02 Change Vendor
MD04 Display Stock/Requirements Situation
WLB1 Determining Requirements for Investment Buying
WLB6 ROI-Based PO Proposal for Purchase Price Changes
WLB2 Investment Buying Analysis
WLB13 Automatic Load Building
WLB4 Results List for Automatic Load Building Run
WLB5 Combine a Number of POs to Create a Collective Purchase Order
ME2L Purchasing Documents per Vendor
ME23N Display Purchase Order
ME61 Maintain Vendor Evaluation
ME63 Calculate Scores for Semi-Automatic and Automatic Subcriteria
ME64 Evaluation Comparison
ME65 Ranking List of Vendors
ME6B Ranking List of Vendor Evaluations Based on Material/Material Group

R22 Procurement of Non-replenishable Merchandise

Transaction code transaction text
SU3 Maintain User Profile
MM41 Create Article
MM42 Chang Article
WSL1 Listing conditions
MR21 Price Change – Overview
ME51 Create Purchase Requisition
ME41 Create RFQ
ME47 Maintain Quotation
MB1C Other Goods Receipts
ME49 Price Comparison List
ME1E Quotation Price History
ME48 Display Quotation
ME4M Purchasing Documents for Article
ME21N Create Purchase Order
ME28 Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents
MB01 Goods Receipt for Purchase Order
ME2L Display Purchasing Documents per Vendor
ME23N Display Purchase Order
SPRO Maintain Rounding Profile
MD03 Single Item, Single Level
MD04 Stock/Requirements List
RWBE Stock Overview
WLB13 Automatic Load Building
WLB4 Results List for Automatic Load Building Run
WLB5 Bundle multiple orders logically
ME63 Calculate Scores for Semi-Automatic and Automatic Subcriteria
ME61 Maintain Vendor Evaluation
ME64 Evaluation Comparison
ME65 Ranking List of Vendors
ME6B Ranking List of Vendor Evaluations Based on Material/Material Group

R23 Fresh Items Procurement

Transaction code transaction text
SU3 Maintain User Profile
WDBI Assortment List: Initialization and Full Version
WDFR Perishables Planning
MB1C Other Goods Receipts
MIGO Goods Receipt Purchase Order
WF30 Merchandise Distribution: Monitor
VL06O Outbound Delivery Monitor
MB0A Goods Receipt-PO Unknown
WDFR Perishables Planning
VL10B Fast Display Purchase Orders,
MB01 Post Goods Receipt for PO
RWBE Stock Overview
ME61 Maintain Vendor Evaluation
ME63 Calculate Scores for Semi-Automatic and Automatic Subcriteria
MEKH Market Price
ME64 Evaluation Comparison
ME65 Ranking List of Vendors
ME6B Ranking List of Vendor Evaluations Based on Material/Material Group

R25 Subsequent Settlement

Transaction code transaction text
SU3 Maintain User Profile
MEB3 Display Rebate arrangement
MEU2 Perform Comparison of Business Volumes
MEB4 Create Settlement Document Via Report
MEB3 Create Service Notification-Malfn.
MEB1 Create Agreement
ME21N Create Purchase Order
MB01 Goods Receipt for Purchase Order
ME81 Analysis of Order Values
MIRO Enter Invoice
MEB8 Detailed Settlement
SECATT Generating business volume with CATT
SECATT Generating business volume with CATT

R26 Invoice Verification

Transaction code transaction text
SU3 Maintain User Profile
ME21N Create Purchase Order
MB01 Goods Receipt for Purchase Order
ME81 Analysis of Order Values
MIRO Enter Incoming Invoice
MIR4 Display Invoice Document
MIR7 Park Invoice
MIRA Enter Invoice for Invoice verification in Background
WC23 Invoice Verification-Background Check
MRRL Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS)
ME22N Retroactive Price Changes in Purchase Order
MRNB Revaluation with Log. Invoice Verification
MIR6 Invoice Overview-Selection Criteria
MRBR Release Blocked Invoices

R31 Sales Order Management

Transaction code transaction text
SU3 Maintain User Profile
VV32 Change Export Billing Document
VV31 Create Export Billing Document
MB1C Enter Other Goods Receipts
ME21N Create Purchase Order
VV32 Change Export Billing Document
RWBE Stock Overview
VV31 Create Export Billing Document
VA01 Create Sales Order
MM42 Chang Article
VA03 Display Sales Order
RWBE Stock Overview
VL01N Enter Other Goods Receipts
LT03 Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note
LT12 Confirm Transfer Order
ME5A Displaying Purchase Requisition
ME81 Analysis of Order Values
MIRO Enter Invoice
VA02 Change Sales Order
SECATT Backorder Processing
WFRE Distribution of Returns Among Backorders
V_V2 Rescheduling sales and stock transfer documents
VA05 List of Sales Order
V_R2 Rescheduling of sales and stock transfer documents
SECATT Generating Processing Document(s) via CATT
VF01 Create Billing Document
VF05 List of Billing Documents
VF02 Change Billing Doc
VF04 Maintain Billing Due List
V.21 Log of Collective Run
F-29 Post Customer Down Payment
F-39 Clear Customer Down Payment
VL02N Outbound Delivery Single Document
VF31 Output from Billing
MB1B Enter Transfer Posting
VL06O Outbound Delivery Monitor
VBO3 Displaying the Status of Rebate Agreement
VBO2 Settlement of the Agreement
VBO1 Creating Rebate Agreement
VBOF Update Billing Documents
LT03 Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note
LT12 Confirm Transfer Order
VA02 Releasing Credit Memo Request for the Partial Rebate Settlement
VL01N Create Outbound Delivery with Order Reference
VA01 Create Sales Order
VA03 Display Sales Order
VA41 Create Contract
VA43 Display Contract
CV01N Create Document
MM42 Chang Article
MM43 Display Article
WWM1 Create product catalog
XD02 Customer Display
OVKK Define Pricing Procedure Determination
SPRO Maintain Pricing Procedures
WWM2 Change Product Catalog
WAK2 Promotion Change

R32 Instore Customer Relationship Management

Transaction code transaction text
SU3 Maintain User Profile
SICF HTTP Service Hierarchy Maintenance
ME5A List Display of Purchase Requisitions
ME21N Generating a Purchase Order on the Basis of the Purchase Requisition
MIRO Entering an Incoming Vendor Invoice
VF01 Create Billing Document
VF02 Change Billing Doc

R33 Service - Return Processing

Transaction code transaction text
SU3 Maintain User Profile
WPMI POS Outbound:Initialization
WPMA Direct request for POS ountbound
WPER POS Interface Monitor
WPMU Creating Change Message
WE02 Displaying Created IDocs in POS Monitor
MM42 Chang Article
VD02 Customer Change
WB60 Creating Site Group
WB66 Maintain Assignment of Sites
WAK1 Create promotion
WE02 Displaying Idoc
WDBI Initialization and Full Version
WDBM Manual Selection Assortment List
RWBE Stock Overview
MB1C Other Goods Receipts
WPUK POS Simulation:Selection
WPUF Cash Removal
FB03 Displaying Accounting Document
FAGLL03 Displaying Clearing Account
WPCA Execute Settlement
F-06 Post Incoming Payments:Header Data
WVFB Simulation Store Orders:Header Data Selection
WE02 Displaying Confirmation Order
VL10B Fast Display Purchase Orders,
VL02N Outbound Delivery Single Document
WPUW Goods Movements
MB0A Returning Goods to Vendor
MB1B Posting Goods to ‘Unrestricted Use’
ME23N Displaying Purchase Order
MIRO Invoice Verification
WR60 Replenishment:Parameter Overview
ME27 Create Purchase Order
WRP1 Replenishment:Planning
VL02N Change Outbound Delivery
LT12 Confirm Transfer Order
RWBE Stock Overview
WB02 Site Change
MB1C Enter Other Goods Receipts
MI01 Create physical inventory document
MI31 Selected Data for Phys. Inventory Docmts W/O Special Stock
MI02 Change physical inventory document
WVFD Send physical inventory document
WVFI Simulation:Store Physical Inventory/Sales Price Change
MI03 Display physical inventory document
MI20 List of Inventory Differences
MIDO Display Physical Inventory Overview
WPUW Goods Movements
WPUS Simulation:Inbound Processing
WE19 Test tool for IDoc processing
MM41 Create Article
VBG1 Create Article Grouping
VBK1 Create bonus buy

R34 Store Business online

Transaction code transaction text
SU3 Maintain User Profile
SICF HTTP Service Hierarchy Maintenance
WB02 Site Change
WSOA6 Assortment Assignment Tool
WSM8 Reorganize Listing Conditions By Merchandise Category
WDBI Assortment List:Initialization and Full Version
WA01 Create allocation table:Initial
WA08 Follow-On Document Generation Allocation Table
VL02N Change Outbound Delivery
WAK1 Create Promotion
WAK5 Promo. Subsequent processing
WPUK POS Simulation
MM42 Change Article
VL10B Fast display Purchase Orders
VL02N Change Outbound Delivery
WMBE Stock Overview
MB1C Enter Other Goods Receipts
VKP1 Change Price Calculation
VKU6 Revaluation at Retail

R35 Promotion Management

Transaction code transaction text
SU3 Maintain User Profile
RWBE Stock Overview
MB1C Enter Other Goods Receipts
WB60 Creating Site Group
WB66 Maintaining Site Group
WA21 Allocation Rule Create
WAK1 Create promotion
WAK5 Promo. Subsequent processing
WAK2 Change Promotion
WA08 Follow-On Document Generation Allocation Table
VL06O Outbound Delivery Monitor
MB0A Goods Receipt-PO Unknown
WAK15 Promotions per Site
WAK14 Promotions per article
VA01 Create Sales Order
VL01N Create Outbound Delivery with Order Reference
VL06P Outbound Deliveries for Picking
VL06C Confirming Transfer Order and Post Goods Issue
VL03N Display Outbound Delivery
VF01 Create Billing Document

R41 Distribution Center Logistics with Lean-WM

Transaction code transaction text
ME21N Create Purchase Order
VL31N Creating Inbound Delivery
WAP2 Create Purchase Order
VL41 Create Rough Goods Receipt
WAP2 Create Purchase Order
MB0A Goods Receipt – PO Unkown
MB03 Display Article Document
MBRL Enter Return Delivery
MB02 Change Article Document
MB90 Output from Goods Movements
VL01NO Create Output Delivery Without Order Reference
LT03 Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note
LT12 Confirm Transfer Order
VL02N Posting Goods issue
VL01NO Create Outbound Delivery Without Order Reference
VL35 Create Piching Waves According to Delivery Compare Times
VL06P Outbound Deliveries for Picking
LT42 Create TOs by Mult.Processing
LT25N Transfer Order for Each Group
VLSP Subsequent Outbound-Delivery Split
VL06G Outbound Deliveries for Goods Issue
MI01 Create physical inventory document
MI31 Selected Data for phys.Inventory Docmts W/o Special Stock
MI04 Enter inventory count
MI20 List of Inventory Differences
MIDO Display Physical Inventory Overview
VL06O Outbound Delivery Monitor
VL37 Wave Pick Monitor
VLLG Rough Workload Estimate
Distribution Center Logistics With Lean Warehouse
Transaction code transaction text
SU3 Maintain User Profile
RWBE IM Stock Overview
LS26 WM Stock Overview
SPRO Assign Processor to Queues
ME21N Create Purchase Order
VL31N Creating Inbound Delivery
WAP2 Create Purchase Order
VL41 Create Rough Goods Receipt
MB0A Goods Receipt – PO Unknown
LT06 Create Transfer Order for Article Document
LT12 Confirm Transfer order
LRF1 Resource Planning with the RF Monitor
LM00 Mobile Data Entry
LRF1 Monitoring with the RF Monitor
MB03 Display Article Document
MBRL Enter Return Delivery
MB02 Change Article Document
MB90 Output from Goods Movements
LB12 Process Article Document
LP21 Replenishment for Fixed Bins in WM
LB10 Display Transfer Requirement: List for Storage Type
VL01NO Create Outbound Delivery Without Order Reference
LT03 Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note
LRF1 Resource Planning in the Monitor for Mobile Data Entry
LRF1 Monitoring from the Mobile Data Entry Monitor
VL02N Posting Goods Issue
VL35 Create Picking Waves According to Delivery Compare Times
VL06P Outbound Deliveries for Picking
LT42 Create TOs by Mult. Processing
LT25N Transfer Orders for Each Group
VLSP Subsequent Outbound-Delivery Split
VL06G Outbound Deliveries for Goods Issue
LX16 Carry out Continuous Inventory
LI11N Enter Inventory Count
LI14 Start Recount
LI20 Clear Differences in WM
LI21 Clearing of differences in Inventory Management
LX18 Statistics for Inventory Differences
LX25 Inventory status
LL01 Warehouse Activity Monitor
VL06O Outbound Deliveries for Picking
VL37 Wave Pick Monitor
VLLG Rough Workload Estimate: Total Overview

R43 Merchandise Distribution

Transaction code transaction text
SU3 Maintain User Profile
ME21N Create Purchase Order
ME31K Create contract
WA21 Allocation Rule Create
WA01 Create Allocation Table
WA11 Allocation Table Message Bundling / Notification Creation
WA04 Create Notification
WA08 Create Follow-On Documents
MB01 Goods Receipt for Purchase Order
WF10 Create Purchase Order
MB01 Create Purchase Order
WF30 Adjusting Distribution and Generating an Outbound Delivery
VL06O Outbound Delivery Monitor
VL02N Outbound Delivery Single Document
WF50 Adjusting Distribution
WF70 Creating Distribution Order
LT23 Display Distribution Order
WF60 Generating Outbound Delivery
WA01 Create allocation table:Initial

R50 ECR-Compliant Procurement Processes

Transaction code transaction text
PRICAT Initial Screen: Price Catalog Maintenance
PRICATCUS1 Change View "Assignment of ILN-Vendor-Purchasing group": Overview
Change View "Assignment of ILN-merch.catgry-SAP merch.catgry":
Change View "Assignment of SAP merchandise category - purchasing
WE19 Test tool for IDoc processing
WE20 Partner profiles
ME21N Create Purchase Order
WE02 Idoc list
ME23N Display Purchase Order
MB0A Goods Receipt - PO Unknown: Initial Screen
MIR4 Display Invoice Document
WVM2 Transfer of Stock and Sales Data
Articles: IDoc Types for Distributing Master Data
SAP format in which article master data is to be distributed by Application Link Enabling (ALE).

As in online mode, you can maintain articles with all additional data during data transfer and
distribution. The pure article data is sent in one IDoc and the additional data each sent in a separate
IDoc. The data is not all sent in a single IDoc for the following reasons:

 IDocs and the corresponding distribution/transfer functions already exist for much of the
additional data.
 It must be possible to distribute the additional data individually since, besides the integrated
maintenance in the article master, there is normally a stand-alone maintenance option for
the additional data.

This makes it necessary to specify the sequence in which the individual related IDocs have to be
posted. During updating, abends may otherwise occur due, for example, to a purchasing info record
being created for an article that does not yet exist in the database. For this reason, you can define
dependencies between objects in Customizing for Distribution (ALE). This ensures that, when
distributing the changes to a dependent object, the changes to the higher-level object are
processed at the same time, and that both IDocs are thus created in the correct sequence.

As with the creation of the IDocs at the sending end, they are posted at the receiving end only when
a corresponding control message has been received indicating that all related IDocs have reached
the target system.

The IDoc types relevant to the distribution of article master data are as follows:


Pure article master data


Purchasing info records


Purchasing source list


Listing conditions

 COND_A01

Sales prices and sales price conditions, and purchasing info record conditions


Document assignment




Bill of material (BOM) structure (not for empties BOMs)

It is not yet possible to distribute empties BOMs by ALE. When you transfer empties BOMs
for the first time, please use a batch input program of your own for the time being.

Unlike maintenance in online mode, it is not possible to create or change listing conditions or sales
prices when transferring article data. Listing conditions and sales prices must be transferred in
separate IDocs.
Articles: IDoc Type ARTMAS02 for Pure Master
IDoc type containing pure article master data and the following classification information that is
required to create an article correctly:

 Values of the variant-creating characteristics for each variant

These values are required to create the variant in classification.

 Other characteristic values

The creation of a generic article as a class, and also the assignment of this class to a merchandise
category or to a characteristics profile is performed in the background.

 Header segment

The header segment contains the information displayed on the initial screen in online mode
such as the article type and merchandise category. It also contains information on number
assignment and the characteristics profile if one or more exist in the merchandise category
hierarchy and if one is to be used for characteristic value assignment. This segment can
occur only once in an IDoc. In the case of generic articles, it exists only for the generic
article, not for each variant.

 Data segments

For each database table, there is a corresponding segment containing the table data that
can be maintained for the user.

If, in Customizing for the Article Master, you have extended the article master to include
table fields of your own, you can also include the customer-specific data in the IDoc. For
more information, see Articles: Customer-Specific Fields in ALE.

For details on the individual data segments and the fields contained therein, see the
documentation on function module BAPI_MATERIAL_MAINTAINDATA_RT. This business
application programming interface (BAPI) converts the data contained in the IDoc into
corresponding application data and updates it in the database.

 Area of validity tables

For each area of validity for which article data can be maintained online, there is an area of
validity table containing all areas of validity for which article data is to be created. The area
of validity tables are as follows:

o List of variants for the generic article

o List of additional distribution chains

o List of additional sites

o List of additional valuation areas

o List of additional storage locations

o List of additional warehouse numbers

o List of additional storage types

Assortment: IDoc Type LIKOND01 for Listing
IDoc type containing data required for maintaining (creating, changing, deleting) listing conditions

Only listing conditions generated by profile modules will be exported. If there is no corresponding
profile module in the target system, then it will be created in the background.

 Header segment

The header segment contains the articles for which listing conditions are to be maintained.

 Data segments

The data segments contain the assortments assigned to those articles contained in the
header segment.

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