Está en la página 1de 22


1l M ir a d la p r im e r a p á g in a . Es u n a i ntroducci ón a l o que va a desarrol l a¡se en l a
u n id a d . y o s d a r á a co n o ce r a lgunas expresi ones i ngl esas que se uti l i zarán en
e lla .
2) En fa página Do you remember? encontraréis algunas expresiones aprendidas
e n la u n id a d p r e ce d e n te . M ir a d l a ¡l ustrac¡ón y l eed l as expresi ones'
3) Practicad las Language activities. Se componen de imágenes, rimas para la
p r o n u n cia ció n , r o m p e ca b e za s y j uegos; l as i nstrucci ones se encuentran en
ca d a p á g in a . M u ch o s d e e sto s ej erc¡ci os van acompañados de preguntas gra-
badas en la cassette; cuando se dé este caso' mirad la página correspondien-
te. escuchad la cassette y responded a las preguntas. Seguidamente, haced
prácticas s¡n la cassette, respondiendo a preguntas que pueden ser foimula-
d a s p o r u n co m p a ñ e r o ,
4) Escuchad la canción grabada en la cassette, mirad el texto y la ilustración' y
aprended a cantarla (si queréis tocarla a la gu¡tarra' encontraréis la partitura
e n la m ism a p á g in a ) . Vo lve r é is a oír l a mi sma canci ón en el comi c.
5) Seguid las instruccion es de How to make it? y practicad las expresiones ingle-
sas con el objeto que habréis constru¡do'
6) Mirad la página de Words & Phrases y practicad con ellas. Son palabras y ex-
p r e sio n e s q u e ya h a n sid o u til i zadas en l a uni dad.
7) En tas páginas centrales hay otros rompecabezas, objetos para constru¡r y
posters que podéis separar.


1l Mirad fa primera página, leed las expresiones de la página Do you remember?

y practicad las Language activities como en las unidades impares-
2l Mirad las imágenes del comic. Después escuchad la cassette sin mirar las
imágenes: haced lo posible para comprender lo que estáis oyendo. Seguida-
mente. mirad el comic y escuchad, al mismo t¡empo, la cassette' Podéis can-
tar las canciones, repetir lo que los personajes dicen, hacer algunos dibujos
reflejando lo que ha sucedido en el comic y escribir algunas frases en inglés.
3 ) Re a liza d lo s e je r cicio s d e e scri tura.
4 ) En la s p á g in a s ce n tr a le s e n co ntraréi s un di cci onari o i l ustrado que podéi s se-
parar y coleccionar.

No olvidéis que las páginas de Language activities os ayudan a ejercitar diversos

a sp e cto s d e la le n g u a in g le sa , y q ue di chos aspectos se repasan en l os com¡cs de
las unidades pares oyéndolos rodeados de otras expresiones. Recordad también
qu e , sie m p r e q u e o s se a p o sib le , debéi s practi car con vuestros fami l i ares y ami -
go s la s e xp r e sio n e s in g le sa s q u e aprendéi s.
PUPPV. ltl


En la presenteunidad encontraréis, entre otras varías cosas, más información acerca de los anima-
les domésticos.
What have they just been doing? A n s w e r so n p a g e 1 6

Look at the things in the picture.What have the

people in the family just been doing? Answer
the questions in the box. Choose from these
writing a book
reading clothes
painting a letter t4:?==,:
washing the ceiling '<'-
> -t-:-:./- :
. -: .
-t : .

1. What has Mr. Little been doing? :; ;.1:..4,

.,..,.."' :

2. What has Mrs. Littlebeen doing?

3. What has Jenny Little been doing? ...,.''::'
4. What has Chris Little been doing?

1 1 1/ 2
Coco's machine.

Loo k a t the pic t ur es ,r ea d th e w o rd s a n d l i s te nto th e

tape. Then listenagain and say the sentences.

ll 6-o ll

Coco: Mr. Barrett, look at my new

m ac hin e .
Mr. Barrett: What does it do?
Coco: It's a washing washes
t hings .
Mr. Barrett: Does it wash dishes?
Coco: No, it washes clothes, and it
dries them, too. lt washes them
very quickly. l'll show you. Have
you got any dirty clothes?
Mr. Barrett: I've got some dirty white shirts.
Coco: Ah, perfectl Put them in. Now,
what else? Ah! These white
sheets. Oh, and my red socks are
dirty. l'll put them in too.
Mr. Barrett: Coc o, I d o n ' t th i n k y o u s h o u l d -
Coco: Now, I switch on here. And in
ten minutes they'll be ready ... dishes platos
l'll switch off now. There you to dry secar
are. They're clean and dry. dirty sucio(a)(s)
Mr. Barrett: But Coco ,.. evefihing's pink. perfect perfectoh)(s)
Coco: O h . . . E r ... y e s ... w e l l , I th i n k clean limpio(a)(s)
pink shirts are very nice, don't a sheet una sábana
you? to switch on/off conectar/desconectar


Look at the picture, read the sentences in

box and then answer the questions.

Barryhas got a dirty shirt. Alan has got a

clean shirt. Tom is wearing old trousers.
Doug is wearing new trousers. Robin's
1. What numberis Barry?
2. What numberis Alan?
3. What numberis Tom?
4. What numberis Doug?
5. What numberis Robin?
6. Who hasbeeneatinga sandwich?
7. Who hasseena fish?
L Who hasfound a shoe?
Answerson page 16.
1 1 1/ 4
Look at the pictures and read the sentences.
Can you answerthe questions?
1. He startedcleaninghis car at quarterto ten,
He has been cleaning it for two hours.
What's the time now?
2. He started learning English in April. He's
been learning it for four months. What
month is it now?
3. He started doing the washing up at half
past five. He has been doing it for ten
minutes.What time is it now?
4. lt started raining on Tuesday. lt has been
Ans wer s on page 16. rainingfor three days. What day is it today?
qF --


I '@&P
How many words in this picture can you find,
starting with these letters?
Find them and say them. Then listento the tape
and say them again. Answers on page 16 and on the tape.

S o n g. lMo¿erato

one man went to mow, wnt to mow a me¡d - ow. one man and h¡s do0,

One man went

to mow.
went l0 mow a mead-0w. Two men, one man and his dog, t0 mow a mead- 0w.

One man went to mow,

Went to mow a meadow,
One man and his dog
Went to mow a meadow.
Two men went to mow,
Went to mow a meadow,
Two men, one man and
his dog
Went to mow a meadow.
Three men went to mow,
Went to mow a meadow,
Three men, two men, one
man and his dog
Went to mow a meadow.

Se puede prolongar esta canción tanto como se quiera, a meadow un prado,

empezando simplemente cada nueva estrofa con Four una pradera
men ..., Five men ..., Six men ...,efc. to mow segar

Janet's puppy.
El cachorro de Janet.

Look at the pictures, read the words and listen

to the story. Then listen again and say the sen-

It was Janet's birthday and her parents

were going to buy her a pet. Janet had
looked at kittens and guinea-pigs and
rabbits and a canary and a tortoise, but
she really wanted a puppy. Suddenly she
and her brother saw a puppy in a window
of a pet shop. They went into the shop.
Janet askedthe man how much the puppy
cost. Then she asked to see the puppy.
The man took the puppy out of the
window, and put him on the floor. He ran
to Janet and she picked him up. The
puppy licked her face and her nose and
her earsand her hands.
"This is my puppy," said Janet. "Look -
he's got a little white star on his nose. I'm
going to call him Star."

a pet un anímal doméstico

a kitten un(a) gatito(a)
a guinea-pig un cobayo, un coneiillo
de lndias
a canary un canario
Janet had Janet había
fooked at ... mirado en ...
a tortoise una tortuga
to cost costar
(past: cost)
a ffoor un piso, un suelo
to pick up recoger
to lick lamer
1 11/ B
Look at the deaf-and-dumb alphabet on pages B-C. Can you read this message and its answer?

Hereis the message:

Ir rr rn
,J |.,',/ (1,':t, \ cr

I[]T ' T

r Ir[r


on Oug"
The deaf-and-dumbalphabet.
El alfabeto de los sordomudos.

(Youcan alsouseit to sendsecretmessages

to your friends.)
|| X z
Answers to page A.
The messageis: 'WHAT lS YOUR PUPPY'S NAME?'

tr tr

tr tr r ' t r
E tr E f z
Theansweris : 'SAMMY'


Estas ilustraciones no están ordenadas.

Ponedlas en el orden correcto y decid qué
frase corresponde a cada ilustración. Ele-
gíd entre las frases siguientes:
Star is in Janet's bed.
Star is going into Janet's bedroom.
Star has been eatingJanet's shoe.
Star is eating Janet's shoe.
A nswers o n pa ge 1 6. Star is going to eat Janet's shoe.
Readingabout Pets.

I Dogs: A lot of peoplethínkdogsare the

I best pets. Dogslike peopleand they're
I good friends.lf you'regoingto choose
I a puppy, lookat severalpuppies.
I l, is bestnot to choosethe smallestpup-
I py, and don't choosea nervousone.
I Cnoose the friendliest one. Remember a
s ma ll p u p p y c a n g ro w in t o a b ig d o g !
I Don't havea big dog if you livein a very
s ma llf la t , a n d d o n ' t h a v ea d o g if y ou
I c a n ' tt a k eit f o r n ic elo n gwa lk s .
I C"rc' A lot of peoplelikecats,too. Cats
| . r" e a s ie ro e t sif y o u liv ein a s ma llf la t
i o r h o u s e ,Ch o o s in g a k it t e nis t h e s a m e
I a s c h o o s in a
g p u p p y- c h o o s ea f rie n d -

Guinea-pigs: Guinea-pigsare easy pets,

too. But they don't live very long.
Tortoises: lf you have a garden, a tor-
toise is an easy pet.
Birds: A lot of people have canaries or
budgerigars.Budgerigarslike a mirror or
a bell in their cages.
Hedgehogs: In the country, a hedgehog
can be a pet. Put out milk for it every
day and it will come to your house.
Fish: Goldfish and other fish are easy
and quiet pets.
Remember: lf you have a pet, look after
it. Give it proper food. Keep it clean, or
keep its cage or box clean. lf you can't
do these things,don't have a pet.

a flat un piso, un aPartamento

to grow crecer, cultivar
a budgerigar un periquíto
goldfish pez de colores
-- "€'-. to look after cuidar
properfood alímentaciónapropiada
a cage unaiaula
111/ 1O
gurnea-prgs tortoises


hedgehogs goldfish

Answerson page 16.
This is a puzzle about pets.
I Escribid laspalabras en las casillas horizontales. Sí están correctamente escritas, aparecerá el nom-
bre de otro animal doméstico en la casilla vertical enmarcada por un trazo grueso.
111/ 12
f ]foürromArElT
How to grow things.

lf you can't have a pet, growing things is

fun. Here are some things you can grow
insideyour house.
Carrots: Cut off the top (you need about
1 1/2 cm). Put it in a saucer with water.
The water should come just over the
bottom of the carrot. Put it on a win-
dow-sill and keep it wet. In a few days,
you should see small leaves.
A pineapple: Cut off the top, just below
the leaves. Put it in a pot of wet sand.
Put a plasticbag over the top. In a few
months the pineappleshould have new
leaves- if you are lucky.
oranges and lemons: Put some earth
in a pot, and water it well. put three pips
in the pot, about 1 1/2 cm down. Keep
the pot in a warm, dark place. Keep the
earth wet. When the orange or lemon
starts growing (in one or two months),
put the pot on a window-sill. iln the
summer they can be outside.)
When the plants are about 12 cm high,
put each one into a bigger pot. Soon
you will have small lemon or orange
You can grow a lot of other things, too.
Readabout growing things in a book.

to grow crecer, cultívar

fun divertido
a saucer un platíllo
a pineapple un ananás (piña de América)
a pot una maceta
earth tierra
a pip una pepita

111/ 13
WORDSCPHRASES switch off desconectar
a flat un piso,
un apartamento
a floor un piso, un suelo grow (grew-grown) crecer, cultivar
a sheet una sábana cost (cost-cost) costar
a cage una jaula clean limpio(a)(si
a pot una maceta dirty sucio(a)k)
a saucer un platillo perfect perfectoh)(s)
dishes platos Proper apropiadt lz)(s)
a pineapple un ananás, una piña Pets: Animales domésticos:
de América a kitten un(a) gatito(a)
a pip una pepita a puppy un cachorro
lick (past:licked) lamer a g u in e a -p ig un cobayo, un conejillo
pick up (past: recoger de lndias
pickedup) a tortoise una tortuga
dry (past:dried) secar a canary un canario
switchon conectar a b u d g e rig a r' un periquito
(past:switchedon) a goldfish Jn pez de colores


a f lat
1 11/ 14

a d i rty fioor


,,,,g,áá;-*4;':¿ :'"
a sheet

to grow
111/ 15
S ong. No¡ etato
{ J:92i

One man went

to mow. went to mow a f -r- :a E - .¿_ :- : irs

Indicaciones para padres y educadores Página 9. E,e': : : :,: :€,-:: -:.¿s€r algunos tiempos de verbos. Los
ni¡-66 3"¡¿-¿- ":s ores y dicen cada vez cuál es la
El contenido de esta unidad es el s¡guiente: -s:::
::- - =:- ¡ l :: :€- - ^3
-p a l a b ra s n u e vas r elacionadas esencialmente con los an i m al es do- .- :- :- :
Páginas 10- 1 1 5e':' : : ?::-€ ::' :r:ca de varios textos dedicados
mést¡cos y con el cult¡vo de algunas plantas en casa;
e- c i !:" :s :- r - ¿ €5::'- Ps ::c s D es pués hay quehac er a l o s
-re vi si ó n d e a l g u nospuntosenseñadosanter ¡ or mente,enes pec i al en
-" *"--- - f-
llÉ ^ i3s :'e3---s :::-€ Haye you got a pet?, Vvhat's itS
las.un¡dades10b a 109.
r ¡ am e? : ':1=1= = - ¿ 3,a'D e os ani m al es que pos ee n y a
5 3*:-G-
lndicaciones referentes a las páginas de la presente unidad 'r:
Página 12. C.,: ¡-:re aLa 3e.alre repas¿r algunos nombres de animales
Página 1. Página de introducción que presenta el tema tratado en la ore- corÉ-s::.s
se n te u n ¡dad,asaber :losanim alesdom ést¡ cos. Pági na 13. Es :3 r á- c - ::¡ s eña a l os ni ños c óm o s e pueden c r i ar p l a n t a s
Página 2. Esta página permite repasar el present perfect en la forma ar ca- A:emás a cinta introduce diversas palabras nuevas
continua. Los niños miran los obietos representados en la ilus- {- re e. 3-€cas cc: esta actividad.
tración y responden a las preguntas. Páginas 14-1 5. ¡::liuales páginas de vocabulario.
Página 3. Estediálogotienecomofin la ¡ntroducc¡ón de algunaspalabras -s
que apareceránde nuevo en la unidad 112: ademásoermite
il a:o ll repasaralgunost¡emposde verbos.Como de costumbre,los
niños empiezanescuchandolas frases,despuéslas escuchan
ANSWERSTO PAGE2: 1. He has been paintingthe ceiling.2. She
de nuevo.yluego.lasrepiten.
has been wétürtg clottles. 3. She has been wriüng a letter. 4. He
Página4. Ejercicioque permiterepasaralgunosadietivos,así como el has been re¿d¡nga book.
present perfect en su forma continua. Los niños miran la
ANSWERSTO PAGi 4: 1. Barry is numbor4. 2. Alan ís nui¡ber 1.
ilustracióny responden a laspreguntas.
3. Tom is number 2. 4. Do{¡g ¡s number 3, 5, Robin ¡s numbér 5.
Página5. Ejercicioque permite repasarel present perfect en la forma 6. Barry.7. Alan.8. Tom.
cont¡nuaacompañadade la preposiciónfor .", así como las ANSWERSTO PAGE5: l. 11.45 (quarter!o twelve).2, August.
horasy los nombresde los díasy de los meses.Los niñosleen 3. 5.¿10{tw€nty to six). 4. Friday.
lasfrasesque figuranen la páginay responden a laspreguntas'
ANSWERS TO PAGE 6: W = 5 words {windorv; wood, wasp,
6. Ejerciciode pronunciaciónque permite repasarlos son¡dos woman, whisüe). F : one word (flag). V = 2 words (van, vane),
lwl, llt, lv/, lbl y /p/, asociarlosa su representacióngráfica
ll-ll B : 9 words (boy, boat, bird, butterfly, ball, bag, blouse, bread,
Ll:t----ri y repasaralgunaspalabras.Los niñosbuscanen la ilustrac¡ón
t¡ee).P =4 wo¡ds tpaper,plate, pepcil,planel.
todas las palabrasque empiezancon las letrasmencionadas; ANSWERS TO PAGE 9: The conect order is: Picture 2. gtar is
despuésescuchanla cintay repitenestaspalabras' going into Janet's bedroom. Pictu¡e3..Star is going to eat J¿rfefs
Página 7 . Otra cancióninglesatradicional.En estaocasiónse trata de la shoe. Picture ll. Star is eaiing Jan6t's,óhoe. Picture 4: Súr has
l-l tituladaOne man went to mow. La part¡turafiguraen lo alto been eatirq Janefs shoe. Picture5. Star'tsin Janet's bed.
l t Dtl
l7---1-l de la página. ANSWERSTO PAGE 12: 1. dog.2: puppy.3. *ltten.4. canary.
Página 8. Histor¡abreveque presentaalgunaspalabrasrelacionadas con
5, budgerigar;6. cat.7. parrot.8. tortois€,9.goldfish. So. the word
los animalesdomést¡cos.Los niños escuchanesta histor¡ay in the soeciatbox is'GUINEA-PIG'.
i l a tl
t----:fl despuésla vuelvena escuchary repitenlasfrases.

1 11/ 16

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