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OPINION Obesity and male infertility
Barbara E. Kahn and Robert E. Brannigan

Purpose of review
The prevalence of obesity has risen steadily for the past 35 years and presently affects more than a third of
the US population. A concurrent decline in semen parameters has been described, and a growing body of
literature suggests that obesity contributes to the male infertility. The purpose of this review is to examine
the effects of obesity on male fertility, the mechanisms by which impaired reproductive health arise, and the
outcomes of treatment.
Recent findings
Obesity alters the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis both centrally and peripherally, resulting in
hypogonadotropic, hyperestrogenic hypogonadism. Adipose tissue-derived factors, like leptin and
adipokines, regulate testosterone production and inflammation, respectively. Increased systemic
inflammation results in increased reactive oxygen species and sperm DNA fragmentation. Increased
testicular temperature because of body habitus and inactivity impairs spermatogenesis. The degree to
which obesity affects hormone levels, semen parameters, sperm DNA integrity, and pregnancy rates is
variable, which may be the result of other comorbid conditions. Treatment in the form of weight loss has
also had inconsistent results.
Multiple interdependent mechanisms contribute to the detrimental effect of obesity on male fertility. Large,
randomized control trials are needed to better characterize the therapeutic benefits of weight loss to restore
male reproductive potential.
BMI, infertility, obesity, sperm, testosterone


The National Health and Nutrition Examination GONADAL AXIS IN OBESE MEN
Survey has tracked the prevalence of obesity, Under normal conditions, gonadotropin-releasing
defined as a BMI of greater than or equal to 30, hormone is produced and released from the hypo-
since the early 1960s [1,2]. Between 1980 and 2002, thalamus, which stimulates the production and
the prevalence of obesity in adults, ages 20 and release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and
older, has doubled [3]. The prevalence of obesity luteinizing hormone (LH) from the anterior pitu-
has continued to rise on subsequent surveys, with itary. FSH and LH act on the testicle to stimulate
the most recent estimate involving 35.2% of men spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis, respectively.
and 40.4% of women [4 ]. Not only has obesity Studies in the 1970s and 1980s first described the
been associated with diabetes, cardiovascular dis- hormonal abnormalities seen in the hypothalamic–
ease, cancer, and an increased risk of all-cause pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis in obese men relative
mortality, but also infertility [5–7]. Coincident with to nonobese men. In these studies, obese men had
the obesity epidemic, there have been several
studies demonstrating a decrease in semen quality
Division of Male Reproductive Surgery and Men’s Health, Department of
overtime [8–10]. Obesity may be contributing to
Urology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago,
this trend, as it negatively impacts reproductive Illinois, USA
function through numerous mechanisms, including Correspondence to Professor Robert E. Brannigan, MD, Department of
hormonal perturbations, elevated levels of inflam- Urology, Galter Pavilion, 675 North Saint Clair Street, Chicago, IL 60611,
matory mediators and reactive oxygen species USA. Tel: +1 312 926 5564; fax: +1 312 695 7030;
(ROS), and increased testicular heat, which cumu- e-mail:
latively can have substantial, detrimental effects Curr Opin Urol 2017, 27:000–000
on spermatogenesis. DOI:10.1097/MOU.0000000000000417

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CE: Swati; MOU/270502; Total nos of Pages: 5;
MOU 270502

Obesity and its impact on urological disease

regulation [21 ]. Leptin, one of the first adipose
KEY POINTS tissue-derived factors discovered, is secreted by

 Obesity is increasing in prevalence and is a substantial white adipose tissue [21 ,22]. In rat models, leptin
public health concern. stimulates gonadotropin-releasing hormone secre-
tion in the hypothalamus and FSH and LH secretion
 Obesity results in hypogonadotropic, hyperestrogenic, in the anterior pituitary [23,24]. Leptin is also
hypogonadism via central and peripheral pathways.
believed to have a direct effect on regulation of
 Obesity is characterized by systemic inflammation, testosterone production in the testicle given the
which commonly increases ROS levels and can result in presence of leptin receptors in Leydig cells [25].
abnormally high levels of sperm DNA fragmentation. Obesity generates a leptin resistant state, in which
 Body habitus and inactivity are associated with high circulating leptin levels are correlated with
increased testicular heat, which can impair increased adiposity and lower testosterone levels
spermatogenesis. [26]. In another rodent model, Caprio et al. [27]
demonstrated that in cultured Leydig cells, elevated
 Obesity has been linked to altered semen parameters,
leptin levels inhibit testosterone production despite
increased sperm DNA damage, and decreased
pregnancy rates. HCG stimulation, similar to mechanisms believed
to occur in obese men.
 The therapeutic benefits of weight loss on abnormal
hormone levels and semen parameters in obese men
need further study. OBESITY AND THE TESTICLE
In addition to the effects of the hormonal abnor-
malities on spermatogenesis in obese men, sperm
normal LH levels, decreased total testosterone quality is also affected by oxidative stress damage
levels, and decreased sex hormone-binding globulin and increased scrotal temperatures. Obesity is con-
(SHBG) levels [11–13]. Subsequent studies demon- sidered a proinflammatory state with production of
strated an inverse correlation between BMI and total adipokines and cytokines by adiopocytes that result
testosterone and SHBG [14,15]. The studies had
in an increase in systemic inflammation [21 ].
differing results regarding free testosterone levels During oxidative stress, ROS overwhelm the anti-
in obese men [11–16]. The discordant free testos- oxidant defenses of the cell leading to cellular dam-
terone results may be explained by variations in the age and death to which sperm are particularly
severity of the BMI. Giagulli et al. [17] demonstrated vulnerable [28]. Elevated seminal ROS are associated
that moderately obese men (BMI 30–35) had normal with decreased sperm concentration, motility,
LH pulsatility and free testosterone, whereas morphology, and increased frequency of DNA frag-
severely obese men (BMI > 40) had decreased LH mentation [29,30].
levels, LH amplitudes, and free testosterone. The Spermatogenesis is also adversely effected by
decrease in LH pulse amplitude but not frequency elevated testicular temperature [31]. Increased adi-
in obese men was further supported by Vermeulen posity in the legs and pannus overlying the scrotum
et al. [18]. Elevated estradiol levels because of aro- may lead to increased testicular temperatures.
matization of testosterone by peripheral adipose During cadaver dissection of a cohort of fertile
tissue suppress the HPG axis via negative feedback and infertile men, Shafik and Olfat [32] described
inhibition [16,19]. The perturbations in the HPG different scrotal fat patterns. They subsequently
axis in obese men described above have been sup- performed lipectomy to remove the scrotal lipoma-
ported in more recent studies as well. In a longitudi- tosis from a series of infertile men with improve-
nal trial of 942 men ages 40–70 years enrolled in the ments in semen parameters in 64.7% of study
Massachusetts Male Aging Study, Derby et al. [20] participants and pregnancies in 19.6% [33]. In
demonstrated that not only was BMI negatively addition to obesity, prolonged inactivity has
associated with total testosterone, free testosterone, also been associated with increased scrotal tempera-
and SHBG, but also that these levels decline more tures [34].
rapidly with age in obese men. The authors ponder
whether the hormonal abnormalities lead to
increased adiposity or increased adiposity leads to OBESITY AND OVERALL FERTILITY
hormonal abnormalities. STATUS
Adipose tissue, which was initially believed to Obesity may affect all aspects of a male’s fertility,
act solely as a reservoir for energy storage, also including semen parameters, sperm DNA integrity,
produces hormonally active proteins involved in and pregnancy outcomes. The effect of BMI on semen
satiety and metabolism as well as HPG axis parameters has been evaluated in numerous cohort

2 Volume 27  Number 00  Month 2017

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CE: Swati; MOU/270502; Total nos of Pages: 5;
MOU 270502

Obesity and male infertility Kahn and Brannigan

studies with conflicting results. In the first meta- Although it has been shown that female BMI
analysis performed, MacDonald et al. [35] found no may adversely affect the results of assisted reproduc-
statistically significant association between BMI and tive techniques, the impact of male BMI is less well
semen parameters. Given the heterogeneity of the elucidated [42 ]. In a population-based cohort
data in the 13 previously published, relevant studies, study of 12 566 Danish women and their partners
only the data from five of the studies could be pooled who underwent 25 191 cycles of IVF, both male and
in the meta-analysis, which included 4853 men [35]. female obesity decreased the odds of live birth [43].
Three years later, Sermondade et al. [36] published a Conversely, in a prospective cohort study of 721
second meta-analysis, which aggregated original couples undergoing their first fresh IVF cycle, nei-
data from 21 studies including 13 077 men. In this ther male BMI, female BMI, nor couple BMI was
meta-analysis, a significant J-shaped association was associated with fertilization rate, embryo score,
revealed between BMI and abnormal sperm count, pregnancy rate, or live-birth rate [44 ]. A meta-
defined as less than 40 million sperm per ejaculate. analysis aggregated the data from these two studies
The odds ratio with a 95% confidence interval for and three others and observed a statistically signifi-
oligozospermia or azoospermia in underweight cant decrease in live-birth rate via IVF or intra-
men (BMI < 18.5) was 1.15 (0.93–1.43), in over- cytoplasmic sperm injection among obese men
weight men (BMI 25–29.9) was 1.11 (1.01–1.21), compared with normal weight men [45 ].
in obese men (BMI 30–39.9) was 1.28 (1.06–1.55),
and in morbidly obese men (BMI > 40) was 2.04
(1.59–2.62) [36]. The second meta-analysis differed INTERVENTIONS
from the first, in that it dichotomized the semen With growing evidence that obesity adversely
analyses results rather than analyzing them as con- affects male fertility by way of hormonal derange-
tinuous variables. It was also strengthened by its ments, oxidative stress, and testicular overheating,
ability to obtain original data, and therefore include efforts have focused on possible interventions
more studies. including weight loss by lifestyle modifications
Several studies have evaluated sperm DNA frag- and bariatric surgery, antioxidants, and aromatase
mentation as a surrogate marker for sperm function- inhibitors. Hakonsen et al. [46] studied the effects
ality. DNA fragmentation index (DFI) greater than 14 weeks of diet and exercise on hormones, semen
30% by sperm chromatin structure assay has been parameters, and DFI in 43 obese men. The study
associated with decreased pregnancy rates via participants with the largest weight loss, 17.2–
natural conception, decreased pregnancy and deliv- 25.4%, had statistically significant increases in
ery rates via intrauterine insemination, and sperm concentration, morphology, serum testoster-
decreased pregnancy and delivery rates via IVF com- one, SHBG, and testosterone : estradiol ratio. In this
pared with intracytoplasmic sperm injection study, there was no association between BMI and
[37,38]. The presence of an elevated DFI can be DFI and no change in DFI with weight loss [46]. Reis
discordant with semen parameters, having been et al. [47] compared the effects of lifestyle modifi-
identified in 20% of infertile men with normal cation and gastric bypass on hormones and semen
standard semen parameters [39]. Kort et al. [40] were parameters in morbidly obese men. In total, ten
the first to demonstrate a significant correlation morbidly obese men were randomized to either
between BMI and DFI on sperm chromatin structure lifestyle modifications with diet and exercise or
assay testing among a population of 520 healthy gastric bypass. Baseline hormones and semen
men ages 26–45 years who presented for semen parameters were evaluated at time 0, 2 months after
analysis testing. The DFI of normal BMI men, intervention, and 24 months after intervention.
19.9  1.96%, was significantly lower than the DFI Improvements in BMI were seen in the gastric
in the overweight, 25.8  2.23%, and obese groups, bypass group at 2 months. Improvements in testos-
27.0  3.16% [40]. Another cross-sectional study by terone were seen in the gastric bypass group at 24
Bandel et al. [41 ] demonstrated no association months. No significant changes were seen in the
between obesity and elevated DFI in a population lifestyle modification group at either interval. No
of 1503 men, of which 75% had proven fertility. The changes in semen parameters were seen [47]. Two
lack of consensus in the studies suggests there are case reports describe significant worsening of semen
other factors contributing to the abnormal semen parameters following bariatric surgery, including
parameters and DFI in some obese men not present six patients who developed azoospermia within
in others. These factors may be overrepresented in 15 months of a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, one
studies of mostly infertile men and underrepre- patient who worsened from oligospermia to crypto-
sented in studies of mostly fertile men, leading to spermia 6 months after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass,
conflicting results. one patient who developed worsening oligospermia

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CE: Swati; MOU/270502; Total nos of Pages: 5;
MOU 270502

Obesity and its impact on urological disease

3 and 6 months after Roux-en-Y sleeve gastrectomy, spermatogenesis, and sexual functioning with resul-
and one patient who demonstrated reversible wor- tant deleterious effects on overall reproductive
sening from normal to severe oligoastheno- potential in affected men. Deeper discussion of
teratospermia at 10 and 13 months after sleeve the MetS–male infertility paradigm is beyond the
gastrectomy with return to baseline at 24 months scope of this article, but the manuscript by Kasturi
&& &&
[48,49]. Bardisi et al. [50 ] are the first investigators et al. [53] and more recently by Morrison et al. [54 ]
to describe improved semen parameters following thoroughly detail the complicated and highly dis-
bariatric surgery in the form of sleeve gastrectomy. ordered reproductive pathophysiology experienced
Overall semen parameters were unchanged by affected men.
12 months after surgery, but on subgroup analysis
there was a statistically significant improvement in
sperm concentration among the azoospermic and CONCLUSION
oligospermic patients which was unrelated to the Obesity is a systemic disease with several interrelated
degree of weight loss [50 ]. mechanisms contributing to a suboptimal environ-
Antioxidants have been proposed to treat excess ment for sperm production. Hormonal abnormalities
free radicals responsible for DNA fragmentation. A related to increased adiposity blunt the HPG axis
Cochrane review of 48 randomized control trials leading to decreased intratesticular testosterone
determined there was low-quality evidence that levels necessary for spermatogenesis. Elevated scrotal
antioxidants may improve pregnancy rates and temperatures because of body habitus and inactivity
live-birth rates, though these were not specific to can also impair semen parameters. Increased
obese men [51]. Aromatase inhibitors to block the systemic inflammation in obesity can lead to ROS
conversion of testosterone to estradiol and correct a and sperm DNA fragmentation, which is associated
low testosterone : estradiol ratio have been shown with reduced pregnancy rates.
to improve sperm concentration and motility in Numerous therapeutic interventions for infer-
oligozospermic patients [52]. Again, this has not tility linked to obesity have been studied, with
been studied specifically in an obese cohort, but varying degrees of promise. Intuitively, optimiz-
the Pavlovich et al. study did consist of 24% ation of waist circumference and BMI should result
obese men. in restored reproductive potential. However, weight
loss efforts by lifestyle modification or bariatric
surgery do not consistently result in optimized hor-
METABOLIC SYNDROME AND MALE monal levels or semen parameters. Given the com-
INFERTILITY plex interplay between the components of MetS–
Metabolic syndrome is a highly prevalent condition male fertility, the inconsistent therapeutic benefit
comprised of numerous physiological abnormal- seen with weight loss may point to as yet untreated
ities, of which obesity is just one component. Facets facets of metabolic syndrome that are exerting
of metabolic syndrome, according to the National ongoing deleterious effects on male reproductive
Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment physiology.
Program III criteria include three of the five follow-
ing parameters: Acknowledgements
(1) Waist circumference more than 40 inches;
(2) Blood pressure more than 130/85 mmHg; Financial support and sponsorship
(3) Fasting triglyceride level more than 150 mg/dl;
(4) Fasting high-density lipoprotein less than
40 mg/dl;
Conflicts of interest
(5) Fasting glucose more than 100 mg/dl.
There are no conflicts of interest.

Kasturi et al. [53] thoroughly summarized the

links between metabolic syndrome (MetS) and male REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
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Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have
physiology specifically linked to obesity. They pro- been highlighted as:
& of special interest
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CE: Swati; MOU/270502; Total nos of Pages: 5;
MOU 270502

Obesity and male infertility Kahn and Brannigan

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