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 Compound Adjectives Formative

 Modal verbs It is the opportunity for the student to make the review
and self-critical reflection of his academic progress
 The Past Progressive regarding his training project.

 Time and Enough Clauses Coevaluation:

 Use of –ING forms Formative

It is a collaborative action among students; The
comments made or received from the other members of
the group are significant in identifying strengths and
weaknesses in the personal learning process.

Hetero-evaluation: 70% (350 points) 25% (125 points)

Evaluative process to the e-mediator, which aims to verify
competencies achievements and learning contents that
make up the competition.
This evaluation will be in accordance with the didactic
strategy of the task-based learning, where the activities to
evaluate competences must be part of a set of actions
 Apologizing/expressing regret that give solution to a situation raised within a task in
accordance with what is stipulated in the rubric For each
 Present Perfect Tense activity as the case may be.
UNIT TWO All the activities to be carried out by the e-student will
 Future Tense correspond to the general purposes and competences of
the course. To evaluate the tasks, the evaluation
 Tag Questions analytical rubrics will be defined as the evaluation criteria,
which are the guidelines in which the evaluation scales
are established According to progressive levels with
respect to the performance of a student in the
accomplishment of a determined task.
It is oriented towards qualitative aspects that serve to
quantitatively measure their work according to both
academic and metacognitive criteria, implying a
progressive evaluation.

 Apologizing/expressing regret
 Present Perfect Tense

 Future Tense

 Tag Questions
b. How can the “Course Presentation” help you?

Through the realization of this activity we can observe everything related to the fields or link that has the university in terms of teaching mode, You can also work
with each of the parts that make up the platform with which we must interact all the time . With this form of teaching we learn to exchange and / or socialize with
tutors and peers, this is very important because in this way, you can go clearing doubts or concerns that throughout this process can find

d. What can you find in the Academic Management (Students’ Management)?

En el entorno de Gestión del estudiante, se encuentran enlaces a servicios en línea, como:Página principal de la UNAD, Biblioteca virtual, Portal Informativo de
Escuelas, Sistemade atención al usuario, Sistema de Registro y Control Académico, Consejería AcadémicaVirtual, Bienestar Universitario, Reglamento
Estudiantil, Política anti plagio, entre otros.Esto le permite al estudiante desde su propio espacio, lugar y tiempo, realizar trámites,solicitudes, peticiones, quejas,
reclamos, y consulta de información académica que le apoyeen su proceso formativo.
In the Student Management environment, there are links to online services, such as: UNAD Home Page, Virtual Library, School Information Portal, User Support
System, Academic Registration and Control System, Virtual Academic Counseling, University Wellness, Student Policy, Anti-plagiarism policy, among others.
This allows the student, from his own space, place and time, to carry out procedures, requests, petitions, complaints, and consultation of academic information to
support him in his training process.

Explain with your own words the aim of the link Listening and Pronunciation.
Se puede encontrar algunos consejos interesantes y útiles, prácticas y ejercicios que se puede desarrollar para mejorar las habilidades de escuchar y pronunciar.
En el idiomainglés.
You can find some interesting and useful tips, practices and exercises that can be developed to improve listening and pronunciation skills. In the English

How can you improve your ability to listen and talk to the Internet? (5 points)
One of the most difficult things to learn in the English language is to listen and understand it. One of the best recommendations is to listen at least fifteen minutes
of English a day and if you have time, point the new words and phrases you hear. There are many ways to practice and increase your skills to listen to another
option is to take songs in English for 5 to 10 minutes a day

¿Cómo puede mejorar su capacidad de escuchar y hablar con Internet? (5 puntos)

Una de las cosas más difíciles de aprender en el idioma inglés es escucharlo y entenderlo Una de las mejores recomendaciones Es escuchar al menos quince
minutos de inglés al día y si tienes tiempo apunta las nuevas palabras y frases que escuches. Hay muchas maneras de practicar y aumentar tus habilidades para
escuchar otra de las opciones es tomar repetir canciones en inglés de 5 a 10 minutos diarios

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