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Porqu se fue y porqu muri, Why he left and why he died,

porque el seor me la quito, because the Lord took it from me,

se ha ido al cielo y para poder ir yo has gone to heaven and to be able to go

debo tambin ser bueno para estar con mi I must also be good to be with my love
We were going both at dusk,
bamos los dos al anochecer,
darkened and could not see,
obscureca y no poda ver,
I drove, I went over a hundred,
yo manejaba, iba a ms de cien,
I turned on the lights to read
prend las luces para leer
there was a deviation sign
haba un letrero de desviacin
which we passed without precaution
el cual pasamos sin precaucin
very late was and when facing
muy tarde fue y al enfrenar
the car overturned and until the end it was
el carro volc y hasta el fondo fue a dar. to give.


Porqu se fue y porqu muri Why he left and why he died

porqu el seor me la quit, why the Lord took it from me,

se ha ido al cielo y para poder ir yo has gone to heaven and to be able to go

debo tambin ser bueno para estar con mi I must also be good to be with my love
On the rounds to give I left
Al vueltas dar yo me sal
for a moment I did not know about me
por un momento no supe de m
when I woke up to the car I ran
al despertar hacia el carro corr
and still alive I could find it
y an con vida la pude hallar
seeing me cry, he said love
al verme lloro, me dijo amor
I'll wait for you where God is
all te espero donde esta Dios
he wanted to separate us today
l ha querido separarnos hoy
hold me tight because I'm leaving
abrzame fuerte porque me voy
I finally hugged her and kissed her
al fin la abrac y al besarla se sonri
after a sigh in my arms was
despus de un suspiro en mis brazos qued

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