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Calendario de actividades /
Calendar of activities Pgs. 20-23
EDICIN NO. 603 (MA) Lawrence, Methuen, Haverhill, Andover, North Andover, Lowell
Noviembre/November 22, 2017 The BILINGUAL Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley (NH) Salem, Nashua, Manchester

Otro xito de Pieyro Celebrating National

Adoption Day

First Justice Mark Newman presided over the celebration in Lawrences

Essex County Juvenile Court. Pg. 6

Mark Newman, Juez de la Corte Juvenil del Condado de Essex en

Leslie Quinlan, Maestra de Arte de la Escuela Oliver recibi el trofeo de excelencia Lawrence llev a cabo la celebracin. Pg. 7
por su participacin en el ms reciente xito del Pastor Luis Pieyro, The King, The
POW-MIA chair at Lawrence
Queen and The Princesses, presentada en el Senior Center el pasado domingo, 19 del
corriente mes de noviembre. Pg. 15

Another Pieyro success Stadium honoring Alex Jimenez This chair was placed several
Leslie Quinlan, Art Teacher at the Oliver School received the trophy of excellence
for her participation in the most recent success of Pastor Luis Pineyro, The King, The months ago at the Lawrence
Queen and The Princesses, presented at the Senior Center last Sunday, November 19th. Veterans Memorial Stadium. On
Saturday, November 18, the chair was

GWL ensea nutricin en

rededicated and a bronze plaque was
unveiled by Andy Jimenez, father of

Mara Kitchen
Alex Jimenez who was considered
missing in action for over a year
before his body was found near
La primavera pasada,
Bagdad, Iraq in 2007. Pg. 5
Lawrence Boys and Girls
Club se acerc a Groundwork
Lawrence con una gran
oportunidad. Le preguntaron
a GWL si podran ampliar
su programacin para
en el estadio
incluir una clase de honrando a
nutricin para el prximo
ao escolar. Con reflexiones Alex Jimenez
rpidas, sabamos que a los
estudiantes les encantara Esta silla fue colocada hace varios
aprender en Maria Kitchen. meses en el Lawrence Veterans
Pg. 10 Memorial Stadium. El sbado, 18 de
noviembre, se volvi a dedicar la silla
y una placa de bronce fue develada
por Andy Jimnez, padre de Alex
GWL teaches nutrition to kids at B & G Club Jimnez, soldado que fue considerado
desaparecido durante ms de un ao
Last spring, the Lawrence Boys and Girls programming to include a nutrition
antes de que su cuerpo fuera hallado
Club approached Groundwork Lawrence class for the next school year. With
cerca de Bagdad, Irak en 2007. Pg. 5
with an exciting opportunity. They quick mulling, we knew students would
asked GWL if they could expand their love learning in a Maria Kitchen.

Lawrence: Santuario de Lawrence: Santuary for sex

predadores sexuales predators
Nuevos empleados New hires
Listo para las elecciones? Ready for next elections?
Pgina 4 Page 16
2 .: Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 603 NOVIEMBRE 22, 2017

Polica de Methuen homenajea

a tres como oficiales del ao EDITORIAL | EDITORIAL
Cmo celebra su da de Accin de Gracias?

l Da de Accin de Gracias traza sus orgenes a una celebracin en 1621 en la
Plantacin de Plimoth, en Plymouth, Massachusetts, donde los colonizadores
de Plymouth celebraron la fiesta de la cosecha despus de un perodo de
crecimiento exitoso. Esto se continu en los ltimos aos, primero como una prctica
religiosa improvisada, y ms tarde como una tradicin civil.
La primera fiesta de Accin de Gracias dur tres das con alimentos suficientes
para 53 peregrinos y 90 americanos nativos. El men consisti en aves de corral, carne
de venado, pescado, langosta, almejas, bayas, frutas, calabaza, remolacha y pavo.
Despus de que Estados Unidos obtuvo su independencia, el Congreso
recomend un da anual de accin de gracias comn para toda la nacin para celebrar
y mostrar gratitud, estableciendo el da de Accin de Gracias el cuarto jueves del mes
de noviembre de cada ao.
De acuerdo con Hispanic News, publicado por JonGarrido.com, el legado de
Accin de Gracias pertenece a los estadounidenses de origen hispano.
En un artculo publicado el 23 de noviembre de 2005 por St. Augustine Catholic,
una publicacin de la Dicesis Catlica de San Agustn, Florida y reproducido por
Hispanic News dice que "En Massachusetts, Michael Gannon dijo que a l se le
(Foto de cortesa / Courtesy Photo) conoce como El Grinch que rob Accin de Gracias."
De izquierda a derecha: el oficial Brian Hellman, el oficial Shawn Tardif, el jefe Joseph Gannon, un profesor de historia de la Universidad de la Florida, insiste en que
Solomon y el oficial Kenneth Pilz. fue un grupo de exploradores espaoles y no los peregrinos los que celebraron por
Left to right: Officer Brian Hellman, Officer Shawn Tardif, Chief Joseph Solomon and Officer primera vez el Da de Accin de Gracias en el Nuevo Mundo. La fecha fue el 8 de
Kenneth Pilz. (Courtesy Photo) septiembre de 1565, en St. Augustine, Florida, cuando Pedro Menndez de Avils y
El Alcalde Stephen N. Zanni y el Jefe todava estaban durmiendo y tuvieron que ser 800 colonos espaoles, celebr una misa de accin de gracias e invit a la tribu nativa
de Polica Joseph Solomon se complacen despertados por los tres oficiales que fueron Seloy que ocupaban el sitio, dijo.
en anunciar que tres oficiales de la polica a cada apartamento para asegurarse de que "Fue el primer acto religioso comunitario de Accin de Gracias en el primer
de Methuen han sido nombrados como los todos salieran del edificio de manera segura. asentamiento europeo permanente en la tierra", escribi Gannon en su libro de 1965,
oficiales de polica del ao por el Methuen Estos oficiales tambin evacuaron a todos los "La Cruz en la Arena." Los peregrinos no tuvieron su primera cena de Accin de
Exchange Club. residentes que vivan en el edificio vecino, 4 Gracias hasta 1621, 56 aos despus.
Los agentes de la polica de Methuen Pleasant St., por exceso de precaucin. Menndez y sus seguidores, probablemente cenaron cocido - un guiso de cerdo
Shawn Tardif, Brian Hellman y Kenneth Despus de que todos salieron de ambos salado y garbanzos y mezclado con condimentos a base de ajo galletas duras de mar
Pilz fueron honrados en un banquete de edificios de manera segura, los oficiales Tardif, y vino tinto, dijo Gannon.
premios en Merrimack Valley Golf Club el Hellman y Pilz hicieron arreglos para tener un Este ao, celebramos un da ms de Accin de Gracias. No importa si en su mesa
martes, 14 de noviembre por ir ms all del refugio en la calle dentro de Red Tavern, donde hubo pavo o cocido. Lo importante es que haya tenido un da feliz, en unin de los suyos.
deber durante un incendio en un edificio de los residentes, muchos de los cuales dejaban
How do you celebrate your Thanksgiving?

apartamentos el ao pasado. sus casas con la ropa en la que haban estado
Justo despus de las 2 a.m. del 12 de durmiendo, podran mantente abrigados. hanksgiving Day traces its origins to a celebration in 1621 at the Plimoth
noviembre de 2016, el oficial Tardif estaba "Estamos muy orgullosos de estos Plantation, in Plymouth, Massachusetts, where the Plymouth settlers celebrated
de patrulla de rutina cuando not una tres oficiales por sus esfuerzos para salvar the harvest party after a period of successful growth. This was continued in
gran cantidad de humo espeso procedente decenas de vidas durante el incendio del recent years, first as an impromptu religious practice, and later as a civil tradition.
del rea de Park Street. Los oficiales Pilz ao pasado", dijo el alcalde Zanni. "Nuestro The first Thanksgiving feast lasted three days with enough food for 53 pilgrims
y Hellman respondieron para ayudar a Departamento de Polica de Methuen est and 90 Native Americans. The menu consisted of poultry, venison, fish, lobster, clams,
identificar la fuente del humo. formado por oficiales de primera categora berries, fruits, pumpkin, beetroot and turkey.
Cuando el oficial Pilz se acerc a Methuen que continan demostrando ese hecho a After the United States gained its independence, Congress recommended an
Square, pudo ver que el edificio de apartamentos travs de acciones como estas". annual day of common thanksgiving for the entire nation to celebrate and show
ubicado en 2 Pleasant St. estaba totalmente "Me gustara felicitar a los tres oficiales gratitude, setting the day of Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of the month of
envuelto en llamas. El oficial Pilz notific al por recibir este premio", dijo el Jefe November of each year.
despacho que haba un incendio en esta direccin Solomon. "Mostraron coraje y valenta para According to Hispanic News, published by JonGarrido.com, the Thanksgiving
y de inmediato se acerc a la residencia y asegurarse de que cada persona y mascota legacy belongs to Americans of Hispanic origin.
comenz a abrir las puertas del edificio. estuviera a salvo de esos dos edificios, y no In an article published on November 23, 2005 by St. Augustine Catholic, a
Varios residentes dentro del edificio podra estar ms orgulloso de ellos". publication of the Catholic Diocese of St. Augustine, Florida and reproduced by
Hispanic News says that, "In Massachusetts, Michael Gannon said that he is known
as The Grinch who stole Thanksgiving."
Methuen Police Honor Three as Gannon, a history professor at the University of Florida, insists that it was a
group of Spanish explorers and not pilgrims who celebrated Thanksgiving in the New
Officers of the Year World for the first time. "The date was September 8, 1565, in St. Augustine, Florida,
when Pedro Menendez de Aviles and 800 Spanish settlers held a mass of thanksgiving
Mayor Stephen N. Zanni and Chief by the three officers who went to every and invited the native Seloy tribe that occupied the site," he said.
Joseph Solomon are pleased to announce apartment to ensure that everyone had "It was the first religious community act of Thanksgiving in the first permanent
that three Methuen Police officers have safely exited the building. These officers European settlement on earth," Gannon wrote in his 1965 book, "The Cross in the Sand."
been named as the 2017 Methuen Exchange also evacuated all residents who lived in The pilgrims did not have their first Thanksgiving dinner until 1621, 56 years later.
Club's Police Officers of the Year. the neighboring building, 4 Pleasant St., Menendez and his followers probably dined cocido - a stew of salted pork and
Methuen Police Officers Shawn Tardif, out of an abundance of caution. chickpeas and mixed with garlic-based condiments - hard sea biscuits and red wine,
Brian Hellman and Kenneth Pilz were honored After everyone was safely out of said Gannon.
at an awards banquet at the Merrimack Valley both apartment buildings, Officers Tardif, This year, we celebrate one more Thanksgiving Day. It does not matter if there
Golf Club on Tuesday, Nov. 14 for going Hellman and Pilz arranged to have a was turkey or cocido on your table. The important thing is that you all had a happy
above and beyond the call of duty during an shelter set up across the street inside of day, together surrounded by family.
apartment building fire last year. the Red Tavern where residents, many of
Just after 2 a.m. on Nov. 12, 2016, whom left their homes in the clothes they
Officer Tardif was on routine patrol when
he noticed a large amount of thick smoke
had been sleeping in, could stay warm.
"We are so proud of these three officers
for their efforts in saving dozens of lives
coming from the Park Street area. Officers
Pilz and Hellman responded to help identify during the fire last year," Mayor Zanni said. The BILINGUAL Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley
the source of the smoke. "Our Methuen Police Department is made up DIRECTOR AND GRAPHIC DESIGN
When Officer Pilz approached Methuen of top-notch officers who continue to prove Dalia Daz
Square he could see that the apartment building that fact through actions such as these." daliadiaz@rumbonews.com
located at 2 Pleasant St. was fully engulfed in "I would like to congratulate all three Publicacin de SUDA, Inc.
flames. Officer Pilz notified dispatch there was officers for receiving this award," Chief Alberto M. Surs 315 Mt. Vernon Street Lawrence, MA 01843-3206
a working fire at this address and immediately Solomon said. "They displayed courage albertosuris@rumbonews.com Tel: (978) 794-5360 | www.rumbonews.com
approached the residence and began kicking and bravery in making sure that every
open doors in the building. single person and pet was safely out of twitter.com/rumbonews
Several residents inside the building those two buildings, and I couldn't be more
were still sleeping and had to be woken up proud of them." Published on the 1st 8th 15th and 22nd of Every Month
4 .: Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 603 NOVIEMBRE 22, 2017


daliadiaz@rumbonews.com RUMBO
315 Mt. Vernon St.
Lawrence MA 01843
Email: Rumbo@rumbonews.com
Las cartas deben tener menos de 300 palabras de
largo. Favor de incluir un nmero de telfono o
direccin electrnica para confirmar quin la enva.

Lawrence: Ciudad minimizarlo. Eventualmente, fueron a

juicio y la nica razn por la que Theodoro
Departamento de Obras Pblicas como un
vertedero y el gerente de campaa de Rivera,
y quiere subir de nivel. Pavel Payano no
ha sido juramentado como concejal y
Santuario para los pudo salir en libertad es porque el acusador Daniel Mackland Rivera, se convertir en ha anunciado que ser candidato para el
depredadores sexuales no compareci. Piense lo que quiera; no
estoy especulando sobre las razones por las
Capataz de trabajadores al cargo de los
edificios pblicos e Instalaciones de la
Senado Estatal (una vez ms) despus de
haber perdido a Barbara L'Italien quien
En medio de escndalos relacionados que no compareci ante el tribunal. ciudad. La descripcin del trabajo requiere cree que puede reemplazar a Niki Tsongas
con el sexo en todo el pas involucrando Si tuviera respeto por l y su familia, por lo menos cinco aos de experiencia, en el Congreso, tal como Matas aspira a
a funcionarios del gobierno, la industria y se habra alejado de aqu. Este individuo y experiencia en carpintera, as como en hacer. Si Payano pierde para el Senado,
las personalidades de los medios, hemos desvergonzado fue fundamental para el conocimiento de habilidades elctricas su posicin en el Concejo Municipal est
aprendido cmo la sociedad moderna est que el alcalde fuera reelegido trabajando y de fontanera y los cdigos estatales y segura.
lidiando con el problema. Ya no tenemos fuertemente en su campaa y ahora se locales. Si Juana decide postularse, dejar las
que soportar la falta de respeto en el empleo enfrenta a los empleados del Ayuntamiento Actualmente est empleado por Harvey puertas abiertas para que Marcos Devers
porque no ser tolerado. Las mujeres se han como si nada hubiera sucedido. Building Products en Waltham como regrese a la Casa de Gobierno y no hay
fortalecido con estas revelaciones y en el Eso no dice mucho sobre la moral del Senior Pricing & Technical Service, pero la ninguna razn para creer que Marcos
proceso nos dimos cuenta de que el acoso Alcalde Rivera. falta de calificaciones no es importante para har un mejor trabajo esta vez. Contrario
sexual tambin afecta a los hombres. Trabajar bajo la supervisin de la trabajar en DPW. a Payano, si ella pierde esa eleccin del
La noticia de que Theodoro Rosario Ingeniera de la Ciudad Milagros Puello. Adems, Diana Vasquez se convertir Congreso, quedar desempleada.
est de vuelta en el Ayuntamiento y Cunto durar esa relacin? Trabajando en Asistente Especial del Alcalde. Ella fue No creo que solo por estar en la Casa
trabajando para DPW es espantosa. El para una verdadera ingeniera civil, mucho Coordinadora de Desarrollo en Esperanza de Estado o incluso en Washington, puedan
Alcalde Rivera anunci el viernes que ms joven y mujer, har que su vida sea Academy mientras estaba muy activa en representar nuestros intereses mejor.
lo eligi, sin preguntas, sin publicar, sin tan miserable que Milagros abandonar la campaa del alcalde. No s lo que haca, Estamos pasando por una situacin grave
otros candidatos, sin protestas de nadie, el puesto y Theodoro recuperar su ttulo pero Rivera le pagaba $1,000 cada mes con el cierre de la estacin de radio los das
solo escogido apuntando con el dedo! anterior. El Concejo Municipal no dir como consultora. 6 y 7 de noviembre, justo a tiempo para las
Ms tarde dijo que su registro est limpio una palabra y lo ratificar como el cuo elecciones municipales y no han dicho una
y me gustara recordarle lo equivocado de aprobacin que es. Nos dirigimos a Gracias a mis lectores palabra sobre ese tema.
que est. cuatro aos de INFIERNO y esto es solo el La semana pasada mencion No tenemos liderazgo!
Justo Garca fue acusado de robar comienzo. irregularidades durante las elecciones y les Trat de preguntarle a nuestra
dinero del estacionamiento y Greg Arvanitis Una nota sobre la hipocresa: me pregunt a mis lectores si podan compartir delegacin estatal (Representantes, Juana
fue acusado de acoso sexual por la esposa pregunto qu piensan Vilma Domnguez algunas de sus experiencias conmigo. Matas, Frank Moran, Diana DiZoglio y
del dueo de El Cesar Lounge. Pasaron por Martnez y Wendy Luzn sobre tener un Bueno, aprend sobre una nueva forma de la senadora estatal Brbara L'Italien) su
un juicio y fueron encontrados inocentes. depredador sexual trabajando entre ellos. hacer trampa. opinin sobre esa censura y me enviaron
Ese es un registro limpio, Sr. Alcalde! Aun Despus de todo, estas mujeres hicieron Por favor, continen compartiendo una declaracin combinada que careca de
as, fueron despedidos de sus trabajos. una carrera en la YWCA protegiendo y historias conmigo. Protejo mis fuentes, sentido. Quiero escuchar cmo nuestros
Theodoro Rosario fue arrestado en una defendiendo a las vctimas de abuso. Tal pero la informacin es vital. lderes polticos realmente nos representan
habitacin de un motel con un vagabundo vez dirn que esto es diferente porque l se individualmente. Esta ha sido la violacin
que intent sobornar a cambio de sexo. aprovecha de los hombres. Yo dira que su Listo para la ms grave de los derechos de la Primera
El hombre llam a la polica y Theodoro
fue arrestado en el motel. El Alcalde
salario justifica su silencio. prxima eleccin? Enmienda hacia nuestra comunidad y todos
evitan enfrentarla.
Rivera guard silencio durante unos ocho Tambin contratado... No me he recuperado de esta y veo las
seales para 2018 siendo otro ao atroz. Esperemos que los productores de
meses hasta que se hizo pblico e intent Sabemos que el alcalde trata al Hay una ambivalencia muy grande a radio recuerden su falta de respuesta el
nivel local, estatal y federal. Juana Matas prximo ao cuando todos vuelvan a usar
no se ha mojado bien los pies donde est sus programas mientras buscan votos.

Acciones de gracias
Por Antonio de Pedro Marquina

No es bien nacido, quin no es La gracia es como un fuego que

agradecido. Un refrn que vale para todo no luce cuando est cubierto de ceniza.
y para todas las circunstancias de nuestra As ocurre cuando el fuego de la fe, se
vida. va apagando por la tibieza o los temores
Debemos agradecimiento hacia humanos. En cambio, cuando no se ponen
quienes nos han transmitido la vida, los obstculos a la accin de Dios, entonces
padres, y a los que nos van acompaando los cristianos, por el impulso del Espritu
en nuestro peregrinar por este mundo: Santo estn preparados para conservar,
abuelos, familiares, maestros, amigos etc. defender, y propagar, contra viento y
La experiencia ensea que los bienes que marea, las verdades evanglicas. Y esto
nos transmiten de sus experiencias, unidas es verdaderamente importante, en estos
a las nuestras, van conformando nuestras tiempos, para garantizar la convivencia
personalidades. pacfica entre la distintas razas y pases que
Debemos dar gracias especialmente, conforman nuestro mundo.
dada su importancia, a nuestros padres, Dar gracias a Dios por tantas cosas
porque se preocuparon de darnos la fe por el buenas y por las que nos parecen menos
Bautismo, y posteriormente instruyndonos buenas o malas, es corresponder al amor de
en ella. Por qu es esto tan importante? Dios, porque amor con amor se paga.
Porque por el Bautismo, la Iglesia Catlica Y en general hay que dar gracias, por
nos introduce en la intimidad del mismo esto y por lo otro, por la alegra de vivir...
Dios, como hijos suyos. Y esto es un bien Y para terminar, dar gracias por lo ms
temporal y eterno. De ah la importancia importante, porque si intentamos seguir al
de ser agradecidos. Todo lo debemos a la Seor, hasta la misma muerte es una realidad
gracia y misericordia de Dios. radicalmente diferente, y porque nos exige
Qu pena que ahora tantos cristianos amar la verdad, sin tapujos ni enredos,
hayan perdido el sentido sobrenatural de abiertos a la vida y al don grandsimo de los
sus vidas, porque es mucha la tibieza y la hijos.
oscuridad de este mundo.

POW-MIA chair at Lawrence Veterans Memorial Stadium

After the unveiling, Andy Jimenez,
By Alberto Surs father of Alex Jimenez takes a good
look at the plaque.
This chair was placed several months MacDonald on behalf of The National
ago at Lawrence Veterans Memorial Veterans Foundation and Council Vice-
Stadium, courtesy of The National Veterans president Marc Laplante. Councilor
Foundation. On Saturday, November 18, Laplante made this possible on behalf of
the chair was rededicated and a bronze the City of Lawrence by contacting Andy
plaque placed by the City of Lawrence was Jimenez to unveil the plaque in his sons
unveiled at halftime of the Lawrence High honor. Andy is the father of Alex Jimenez
School vs Central Catholic High School JV who was considered missing in action for
football game. over a year before his body was found near
Speakers at the event were John Bagdad, Iraq, in 2007.

Some of the football players of Lawrence High School and Central Catholic High School
were invited to participate at the unveiling. Standing behind them from left, Andy
Jimenez, father of Alex Jimenez; John MacDonald of The National Veterans Foundation
and Council Vice-president Marc Laplante.
6 .: Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 603 NOVIEMBRE 22, 2017

Celebrating National Adoption Day

New lives, new families
By Christopher Del Monte

Photos: Dalia Diaz

Coffee, bagels, fruits and teas were even took a moment to congratulate the
being passed around. Children laughed, same-sex parents who were present at the
yelled, and played amongst each other event for their contribution to adopting and
while the occasional toddler worked the building strong parental foundations and
crowd, attracting attention while bumping lines of support for their children. Same-
into the legs of the many parents, social sex couples have done a major contribution
workers, attorneys, and judges who all to adoptive community, he said.
worked together to prepare the children for The event was considered a success.
a new tomorrow as the National Adoption Not in so much because the event attracted a
Day ceremony was being recognized in large crowd of professionals who work day
their honor. in and day out to better the lives of children.
The sun penetrated through the It was all a success because new lives were
transparent glass windows around the third established as children who were once
floor of the judicial atrium at the Fenton never considered for a second opportunity
Judicial Center on 2 Appleton Street, in the first place were accepted in a new
where the judges gathered round the home occupied by people who are ready to
podium, the flags of the United States and familiarize new members of the family with
Massachusetts drooping behind them. the family love theyve given to their own.
This past Friday, November 17, was Its a day to remember for manyeven
National Adoption Day; a day where, for for the staff who helped put it all together.
many children, mark the beginning of their We worked together, as a family. DCF, the Steve Roslonek of SteveSongs did a fantastic job entertaining the children with his songs.
lives. judges, the Clerks Office,
We [judges] just sign documents to maintenance, Probation
make everything official, if you will, said we all made this event
Mary Anne Sahagian, a Family and Probate happen for the new
Judge for Essex Countythe first female families, said Grisel Lind,
justice to service in this position. But even the judicial receptionist
before signing anything, you are all a family. at Fenton. We put it all
Soon-to-be adoptive parents from together, but it wasnt us
different perspectives and different walks who made it successful. It
of life came together to contribute to the was the children.
lives of children who were once devoid of
hope and a better tomorrow. Christopher Del
Chief Justice Mark Newman honored Monte is a CASA (Court
the parents who looked past the histories Appointed Special
and traumas of the children theyve chosen Advocate) Supervisor.
to accept into their homes. Judge Newman

Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence Alumnus Hosts

Socratic, Inc. Scholarship Fundraiser on December 1
When he was growing up in the at 354 Merrimack St. in Lawrence. The
Hancock Housing Projects, Socrates De Socratic, Inc. Make a Difference Night
La Cruz says the Boys & Girls Club of will feature refreshments and live and
Lawrence was a second home where he silent auction items presided over by
learned the importance of education, professional auctioneer Paul Maglio.
discipline and leadership through sports, The Stephen Kelley Scholarship
and innumerable other life lessons. Award is named for the clubs associate
He credits the club with his many director who has worked there for 51 years,
honors, including the 1991 Boys & Girls while the Maureen Kelley Scholarship
Club National Youth of the Year presented Award recognizes the retired teacher
by President George H.W. Bush, Oprah and club volunteer coordinator who now
Winfreys Angel Award, and being featured volunteers by reading with children in the
in Denzel Washingtons New York Times education center. The awards, typically
best-selling book, A Hand to Guide Me. $1,000 to $1,500 each, help graduating
Now a resident of Methuen, De La Cruz is high school seniors with the cost of
founder and principal of DLC Law Group, pursuing higher education.
P.C. in Lawrence. Steve and Maureen Kelley have
The Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence dedicated countless days, nights, months,
helped me feel sheltered, wanted, and and years to leaving their fingerprints
protected, like I was part of a bigger family of encouragement, hope, and love on
that was genuinely looking out for me, thousands of kids in need, said De
said De La Cruz, whose single mother La Cruz, a graduate of Kimball Union
worked up to three jobs to provide for her Academy, College of the Holy Cross, and
two sons. I met my closest friends there. I Suffolk University Law School. Im just
was raised there. It changed my life. doing my part so that someone growing
As part of his continuous efforts to up the way I did no longer sees a college
give back, De La Cruz is hosting a second degree as out of reach. Attorney Socrates De La Cruz (far left), an alumnus of the Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence,
annual fundraiser benefiting the Stephen Tickets, which cost $25, are available is hosting the second annual Socratic, Inc. Make a Difference Night for scholarship
Kelley and Maureen Kelley Scholarship at https://www.socraticinc.com and at the awards named for club volunteer Maureen Kelley (center) and associate director Steve
Awards on Friday, Dec. 1, 6:30 to 9:30 door. Kelley (not pictured).
p.m., at Salvatores Function Hall located

Celebrando el Da Nacional de las Adopciones

Nuevas vidas, nuevos hogares
Por Christopher Del Monte
Fotos: Dalia Daz

Caf, panecillos, frutas y sobres de en sus hogares. El juez Newman incluso

t. Los nios se rieron, gritaron y jugaron se tom un momento para felicitar a los
entre ellos mientras que, ocasionalmente, padres del mismo sexo que estuvieron
un nio pequeo trabajaba entre la presentes en el evento por su contribucin
multitud, atrayendo atencin mientras a la adopcin y construccin de slidas
chocaban con las piernas de los muchos bases parentales y lneas de apoyo para
padres, trabajadores sociales, abogados y sus hijos. "Las parejas del mismo sexo
jueces que trabajaron juntos para preparar han hecho una gran contribucin a la
a los nios para un nuevo maana como la comunidad adoptiva", dijo.
ceremonia del Da Nacional de la Adopcin El evento fue considerado un xito.
fue reconocida en su honor. No tanto porque el evento atrajo a una gran
El sol penetraba a travs de las ventanas multitud de profesionales que trabajan da
de vidrio transparente alrededor del tercer tras da para mejorar las vidas de los nios.
piso del atrio judicial en el Centro Judicial Todo fue un xito porque se establecieron
Fenton en el 2 de la calle Appleton, donde nuevas vidas ya que los nios que alguna
los jueces se reunan alrededor del podio, vez no fueron considerados para una
con las banderas de los Estados Unidos y segunda oportunidad fueron aceptados en
Massachusetts colgando detrs de ellos. un nuevo hogar ocupado por personas que
El pasado viernes, 17 de noviembre, estn dispuestas a familiarizar a los nuevos
fue el Da Nacional de Adopcin; un da miembros de la familia con el amor de la
en el que, para muchos nios, marca el familia que han dado a los suyos.
comienzo de sus vidas. Es un da para recordar para
"Nosotros [los jueces] simplemente muchos, incluso para el personal que
firmamos los documentos para hacer que ayud a organizarlo todo. "Trabajamos
todo sea oficial, si as lo desea", dijo Mary juntos, como familia. DCF, los jueces, la
Anne Sahagian, una jueza de familia y secretara, el mantenimiento, la libertad Bianette Villa cant el Himno Nacional al comienzo de la ceremonia.
testamentaria del Condado de Essex, la condicional... todos hicimos que este
primera mujer que prest servicios en este evento sucediera para las nuevas familias", Brianette Villa performed the Star-Spangled Banner to begin the ceremony.
puesto. "Pero incluso antes de firmar algo, dijo Grisel Lind, la recepcionista judicial
todos ustedes se han hecho una familia". de Fenton. "Pusimos todo en orden, pero
Los futuros padres adoptivos desde no fuimos nosotros los que logramos el
diferentes perspectivas y diferentes mbitos xito para este evento. Fueron los nios".
de la vida se unieron para contribuir a la
vida de los nios que alguna vez estuvieron Christopher Del Monte es Supervisor
desprovistos de esperanza y un mejor en CASA (Court Appointed Special
maana. Advocate), una organizacin que vela
El Chief Justice de la Corte Juvenil, por el bienestar de nios maltratados o
Mark Newman, celebr a los padres que vctimas de negligencia bajo la custodia
miraron ms all de las historias y los del estado.
traumas de los nios que eligieron aceptar

Success is not final, failing is not fatal. It is the courage to continue

that counts.
El xito no es el fin, el fracaso no es mortal. Es el valor de continuar
lo que cuenta.
- Winston Churchill

Abajo, algunas de las madres adoptivas con sus nios y, por supuesto, Eileen y Larry
Giordano de Foster Kids of Merrimack Valley no faltaran a este evento.
Steve Roslonek of SteveSongs hizo un trabajo maravilloso entreteniendo a los nios con
Below, some of the adoptive mothers with their children and, of course, Eileen and Larry
sus canciones infantiles.
Giordano of Foster Kids of Merrimack Valley could not miss this celebration.
8 .: Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 603 NOVIEMBRE 22, 2017

Health Connector Executive APLICACIONES.INFO

El Foro Independiente de Opinin es un grupo de
profesionales (licenciados en Qumica, Medicina,

Director visits ASG offices

Pedagoga, Ingeniero Agrnomo, Ingeniero
Foro Independiente de Opinin de Caminos, Profesor Mercantil, Catedrtico
http://foroin.wordpress.com universitario, etc.)

La educacin para el amor

Por Arturo Ramo Garca
Una finalidad esencial de los padres de quien se educa. La calidad del servicio
y profesores es la educacin de los hijos depende del desarrollo del amor y de la
alumnos. Adems de reflexionar sobre qu libertad de una persona.
es la educacin, tambin hay que averiguar Por otra parte, el amor a los educandos
el para qu de esa tarea. y el amor a Dios suelen ir juntos y se
Porque el proceso de la educacin es puede servir y amar a los dems por amor
complejo y delicado y requiere un gran a Dios, como afirmaba la madre Teresa de
derroche de recursos humanos y materiales, Calcuta. No podemos reducir el amor a un
para buscar un "ms" y un "mejor" en el sentimiento vago y mucho menos caer en
ser humano, para llegar a ser ms libre y la frecuente manipulacin de esa palabra,
ms responsable. Pero para qu ser ms con la que se designa la relacin sexual y la
libre? La respuesta nos la da A. Bengsch bsqueda del placer.
diciendo que "el amor es el acto supremo de Es lgico que se promueva la educacin
la libertad". As que frente a la libertad de para alcanzar la plenitud del amor, que
tener, tan fomentada por el consumismo, est se inicia en la familia, se prolonga en la
la libertad de querer, la libertad para amar. escuela y permanece a lo largo de la vida.
Sin amor no es posible entender esa La educacin es un proceso de mejora
With Health Connector Executive Director Louis Gutierrez for a press conference at realidad compleja de la educacin, con el personal en la libertad, el amor y la fe, que
ASG's offices in Fort Point. mejor servicio del que educa y la mejor dura toda la vida, para alcanzar la plenitud
preparacin para el servicio durante la vida del amor verdadero.
New Small Business Platform: Early Gains in Coverage:

Education for love

The Health Connector for Business Archipelago Strategies Group (ASG) is
platform is now available to companies with proud to be the Health Connector's marketing
less than 50 employees. It allows businesses and community engagement partner during
to manage their plans, while employees a critical time for universal coverage. This By Arturo Ramo Garca
get to choose options within those plans. week the Health Connector reported a 40
An essential purpose of parents of those who are educated. The quality of
It also features a Wellness Track program, percent spike in signups during the initial
and teachers is the education of student the service depends on the development of
which offers rebates up to 15 percent; and portion of Open Enrollment, citing ASG's
children. In addition to reflecting on what love and freedom of a person.
federal tax credits for up to 50 percent of strong outreach and education efforts as a
is an education, you also have to find out On the other hand, the love for the
an employer's premium payments. Check it contributing factor.
the reason for that task. students and the love for God tend to go
out at www.MAhealthconnector.org.
Because the process of education is together and one can serve and love others
complex and delicate and requires a great for the love of God, as Mother Teresa of
effort of human and material resources, to Calcutta affirmed. We can not reduce love
look for a "more" and a "better" in the human to a vague feeling, much less fall into the
being, to become freer and more responsible. frequent manipulation of that word, with
But why be more free? The answer is given which sexual relationship and the pursuit
by A. Bengsch saying that "love is the of pleasure are designated.
supreme act of freedom". So in the face It is logical that education be promoted
Nancy Chavez with BGCL chess club. of the freedom to have, so encouraged by to reach the fullness of love, which begins in
consumerism, is the freedom to love. the family, extends into school and remains
Without love it is not possible to throughout life. Education is a process of
understand that complex reality of education, personal improvement in freedom, love
with the best service that educates and the and faith, which lasts all of life, to reach the
best preparation for service during the life fullness of true love.

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Mi Filosofa y 3 Formas de Hablar para que la

Emisora WCEC 1490 Escuche
Creando un precedente
Por George Richardson
1. Cuando por fin te des cuenta que no guardara, impidiendo que el pblico los lea. que llenar un espacio, saben, que el medio
beneficia a Danny Rivera y no beneficia ms seguro de mejorar la comunicacin es
a William Lantigua el que un medio de 7. No est en debate que algunos programas practicando, profesionalizndonos todos y
comunicacin censure la libertad del de la 1490 tienen muy bajo standard. abriendo ms medios.
comunicador, entenders mi filosofa. Tampoco est en debate que ciertos
programas se inclinan por apoyar un CREANDO UN PRECEDENTE
2. Cuando comprendas que slo candidato ms que a otro. La radio tiene
defendiendo el derecho ajeno a expresarse, mnimos criterios y permite eso. Pero como ESCOGE CUALQUIERA DE ESTAS 3
garantizas tu propio derecho de expresin, no estamos en una dictadura, es el oyente - OPCIONES PARA QUE LA EMISORA
comenzars a entender mi filosofa. el usuario - quien decide a quien le presta su WCEC 1490 AM ESCUCHE
atencin. Si entiendes que mi intencin no Opcin 1) La FCC en su pgina
3. Cuando mires tu empleo, el pagar del carro, es decidir qu o a quin escuchas, pero que web; imprmela y envala a: Federal
de la casa, tu cuenta de banco, tu posicin t decidas si quieres o no hacerlo; entonces Communications Commission, 445 12th
social, tu religin o creencia, tus premios t comprenders mi filosofa, ms imparcial Street SW, Washington, DC 20554
y diplomas, tus hijos, tu propio respeto, quizs porque yo no tengo un programa en
notars que estn representados en un papel. la 1490 AM. Opcin 2) Escribe en un pedazo de papel
Ese papel limpio o arrugado, viejo o nuevo o cinta adhesiva No A LA Censura 1490
REPRESENTA tu voz, el fundamento de la 8. Antes del internet, la libertad de prensa AM. Luego, prate en la acera, en la va
llamada Democracia REPRESENTATIVA y solo la ttenan los que eran dueos de los pblica, al frente del letrero de la 1490 (462
no es por capricho que se llama as. Tu primer medios. Hay dueos de medios, editores y Merrimack Street Methuen, MA 01844) o Opcin 3) Escribe una carta con 3 prrafos
derecho en USA es ese y est garantizado por editora en Valle de Merrimack, que de el Eagle-Tribune (Rt. 114), pega el papel a la emisora 1490. 1er prrafo: Me he
la Constitucin. De ese derecho se desprenden vez en cuando se les va la chichigua aqu. sobre tu boca y tmate varias selfies con el enterado de. . 2do Prrafo: Yo creo
todos tus otros derechos. Censuran las noticias por razones vagas. letrero del medio a tu espalda. que , 3er, Yo soy
Pero siendo justo, a veces publican - esta
4. EN EL CASO DE LA EMISORA es la pura verdad - notas de prensa y fotos Ahora sube UNA foto online. Eso es https://www.fcc.gov//radio/broadcast-
1490, LA INTERFERENCIA EN LA que dan pena y pela y lo saben. Porque ms protesta, efectiva y pacfica. radio-license-renewal
TOLERASE MAS PORQUE ES AMBOS, My Philosophy and 3 Ways of Speaking
so that WCEC 1490 would listen
pretendan que esta ignominia los beneficia,
merece mucho menos atencin que la gran
importancia que merece el precedente que
estamos ya creando para enfrentar o evitar Creating a precedent
que ocurran de nuevo. By George Richardson
A partir de aqu coincide mi filosofa 1. When you finally realize that it does not to face or avoid that it happens again. editors and publishers in the Merrimack
con la de Altagracia May de crear un benefit Danny Rivera and it does not benefit Valley, who from time to time look the
precedente. William Lantigua that a media censors the From this point on, I identify more other way. They censor the news for unclear
freedom of the communicator, you will with Altagracia May's idea of creating a reasons. Sometimes they publish and this
5. Por qu tanto bulto por solo dos understand my philosophy. precedent. is true - press releases and pictures that
das de cierre?, dirn algunos. Esto es are painful to see. More than filling space,
"Comunicacin 101". El tiempo del cierre 2. When you understand that only by 5. Why so much noise over only two days they are aware that the surest means of
solo agrava el hecho del cierre. Ejemplo: A defending the right of others to express of closure? Some of you would say. This improving communication is practicing,
Donald Trump, presidente de los Estados themselves, you guarantee your own right is "Communication 101". The timing of the professionalizing all of us and opening up
Unidos, le cerraron su cuenta personal de of expression, you will begin to understand closing only aggravates the closing itself. more means of communications.
Twitter por 11 minutos. Muchos se alegran. my philosophy. Example: Donald Trump, the President of
Dejando la alegra a un lado y lo poltico the United States, had his personal Twitter CREATING A PRECEDENT
fuera; a eso se le llama Censura. Punto. 3. When you look at your job, your car account closed for 11 minutes. Many were
payment, the mortgage, your bank account, happy. Leaving joy aside and politics out; CHOOSE ANY OF THESE 3 OPTIONS
6. Otra forma de censura: El Eagle-Tribune your social position, your religion or belief, that is censorship. Period! SO THAT WCEC 1490 AM STATION
interpretara como censura que una sola your prizes and diplomas, your children, LISTENS
persona, de repente comprara todos sus your own respect, you will notice that they 6. Another form of censorship: The Eagle- Option A) The FCC has a form on its
ejemplares de peridico del lunes y los are represented on paper. That clean or Tribune would interpret as a censure that a website; print it and send it to: Federal
wrinkled paper, old or new REPRESENTS single person, suddenly bought all the copies Communications Commission, 445 12th
your voice, the foundation of the so-called of Monday's newspaper and kept them, Street SW, Washington, DC 20554.
REPRESENTATIVE Democracy and it preventing the public from reading them.
is not by whim that it is called like that. Option B) Write on a piece of paper or
Your first right in the USA is that and it is 7. It is not to be debated that some programs at tape "No to Censorship 1490 AM" and stick
guaranteed by the Constitution. All your 1490 have very low standard, indeed. Nor is it in your mouth. Stand on the sidewalk,
other rights come from that right. it debated that certain programs are inclined on the street, in front of the 1490 sign or
to support one candidate more than another. Eagle-Tribune and take several selfies with
4. IN THE CASE OF THE STATION The radio has minimal criteria and allows for the sign behind you.
1490 INTERFERING IN THE that. But since we are not in a dictatorship, Take the photos and choose the best
PROGRAMMING ON NOVEMBER 6 it is the listener, the user who decides who one, upload it online.
AND 7; SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED pays attention. If you understand that my
NOT JUST FOR BEING AN INJUSTICE, intention is not to decide what or who you Option C) Write a letter with 3 paragraphs
IT IS MY FIRM BELIEVE THAT IT listen to, but that you decide whether or not to station 1490. The first paragraph should
SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED you want to do it, then you will understand begin with I have found out that; the
FOR BEING BOTH ILLEGAL AND my philosophy particularly because I do not second paragraph should say, I believe
IGNORANT. That a few people pretend have a program at 1490 AM. that; and the third, I am
that this ignominy benefits them, deserves
much less attention than the importance of 8. They say that freedom of the press only https://www.fcc.gov/.../radio/broadcast-
the precedent that we are already creating exists for those who own media. There are radio-license-renewal...
10 .: Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 603 NOVIEMBRE 22, 2017

Mentes en desarrollo, cultivando el cambio

del maana. Darle a los jvenes
el poder y las habilidades para
tomar decisiones saludables los
conduce a un camino de salud
y xito para toda la vida. Este
es el ncleo de cada programa
educativo exitoso que ofrece
Otro gran socio, Lawrence
High School, se acerc a
nosotros al mismo tiempo,
buscando incluirnos en sus
nuevos programas Early College
y Career Pathways, que tienen
La primavera pasada, Lawrence Boys de cada nio. como objetivo preparar a la
and Girls Club se acerc a Groundwork Mara enfrenta cada leccin con tres prxima generacin para la
Lawrence con una gran oportunidad. Le cosas en mente: fuerza de trabajo cambiante.
preguntaron a GWL si podran ampliar Nos pidieron que dirigiramos
su programacin para incluir una clase 1. La nutricin es clave sesiones en una variedad de
de nutricin para el prximo ao escolar. 2. Toma en cuenta las decisiones por parte campos, incluyendo salud
Con reflexiones rpidas, sabamos que a de los jvenes pblica, planificacin urbana y
los estudiantes les encantara aprender en 3. Una degustacin curiosa hace un chef medio ambiente. Sabamos que
Maria Kitchen. experimentado nuestro enfoque de la educacin
Ahora, los mircoles, los estudiantes y el desarrollo de la juventud
de Guilmette Middle School disfrutan Con esto en mente, Mara busca funcionara maravillosamente
de una clase de nutricin en el club con recetas que se ajusten y ofrece opciones a con los estudiantes de Lawrence
Maria, nuestra Gerente de Programas sus alumnos para que ellos elijan. A lo largo High School. Sin embargo, esta
de Vida Saludable. Mara ha estado del semestre, los estudiantes comienzan a nueva oportunidad no tuvo fondos para y donantes como usted que apoyan a
enseando clases de cocina saludables ofrecer sus propias ideas, y Mara buscar el desarrollo o la implementacin del Groundwork y a los jvenes de Lawrence,
para adultos en Groundwork durante las recetas correspondientes. programa. y sabemos que apoyar a Lawrence High
aos, y disfruta la oportunidad de tomar Este enfoque es simple, pero Maria Asumir una nueva programacin School y sus estudiantes vale cualquier
su modelo y adaptarlo para su "gente ms dice que es esencial para asegurar sin financiacin es desalentador. desafo.
pequea". Una Maria Kitchen vibra de que sus estudiantes sean curiosos y Afortunadamente, tenemos amigos
energa mientras los estudiantes se centran comprometidos. Al otorgarles autoridad
en un tazn para mezclar, o en una tabla de para tomar decisiones, aprenden el poder
cortar, o prueban una cucharada vacilante,
mientras sonre y convence al chef interno
de su eleccin y su voz. En Groundwork,
nuestro objetivo es desarrollar a los lderes
Growing Minds, Cultivating Change
Last spring, the Lawrence Boys This approach is simple, but Maria
and Girls Club approached Groundwork says it's essential to ensuring her students
Lawrence with an exciting opportunity. are curious and engaged. By giving them
They asked GWL if they could expand decision-making authority, they learn
their programming to include a nutrition the power of their choice and voice.
class for the next school year. With quick At Groundwork, our goal is to develop
mulling, we knew students would love tomorrow's leaders. Giving youth the power
learning in a Maria Kitchen. and skills to make healthy choices leads
Now, on Wednesdays, Guilmette them on a pathway of lifelong health and
Middle School students enjoy a nutrition success. This is the core to every successful
class at the club with Maria, our Healthy education program Groundwork offers.
Living Programs Manager. Maria has been Another great partner, Lawrence
teaching healthy cooking classes for adults High School, approached us around the
at Groundwork for years, and relishes the same time, seeking to include us in their
chance to take her model and adapt it for new Early College and Career Pathways
her "smaller people." A Maria Kitchen programs, which aim to make the next
buzzes with energy as students center on generation prepared for the changing
a mixing bowl, or cutting board, or try a workforce. They asked us to lead sessions in
hesitant spoonful, all while she smiles and a variety of fields, including public health,
coaxes out each child's inner chef. urban planning, and environment. We
Maria approaches each lesson with knew our approach to education and youth
three things in mind: development would work wonderfully with
Yomari, Elizabeth, Nini, Joan y Carla Lawrence High School students. However,
1. Nutrition is key this new opportunity didn't have funding for

Personales * Tarifas bajas para

2. Youth lead decision-making
3. A curious taster makes a seasoned chef
program development or implementation.
Taking on new programming without

Automviles seguro de AUTOS y CASAS With these in mind, Maria searches

funding is daunting. Fortunately, we have
friends and donors just like you that support

Casas for recipes that fit and offers options to her

students for them to choose. Through the
semester, students begin offering their own
Groundwork and the Youth of Lawrence,
and we know that supporting Lawrence
High School and its students is worth any
Negocios ideas, and Maria will look for matching

Accept responsibility for your life... It is you who will have to get you
where you want to go, nobody else.

85 Salem Street., Lawrence MA 01843 Acepte la responsabilidad por su vida... Depende de usted llegar hasta
TEL. (978) 688-4474 . FAX (978) 327-6558 donde aspira a llegar, nadie ms.

El Consulado Dominicano apoya los Deportes en Lawrence

Por Nelson Silvestre por el Sr. Benito Disla y el himno de los Estados Unidos por Fernando Valdez. La vice Cnsul Ana Gratereaux realiz
la Seorita Briannette Villa. el saque de honor y dio comienzo al segundo torneo
El Consulado de La Repblica Dominicana en la ciudad La oracin del evento fue a cargo del Reverendo navideo Merrimack Volley 2017.
de Boston MA hace entrega de materiales Deportivos.
La vice Cnsul Ana Gratereaux vino en representacin
de la honorable cnsul de la Repblica Dominicana Sra.
Carmen Milagros Almonte.
La vice Cnsul Gratereaux hizo entrega de los materiales
prometidos, acompaada de los vice cnsules Claudio Prez,
Domingo Mejas y Patricio Hernndez.
Junto al dirigente deportivo Marino Valdez y su coach
Letty Valdez dieron comienzo al segundo torneo Navideo
de Voleibol en la YMCA en esta ciudad de Lawrence.
EL dirigente Marino Valdez dio la bienvenida a los
equipos participantes. El primer equipo Las Matatanas,
segundo equipo El Equipito, el tercer equipo Las Piraas
y el cuarto equipo Merrimack Heat.
El himno de la Repblica Dominicana fue interpretado
12 .: Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 603 NOVIEMBRE 22, 2017

Merrimack Valley YMCA vuelve a dedicar Lawrence

YMCA Music Clubhouse
Merrimack Valley YMCA celebr una despus de la escuela, as como acceso a
ceremonia el viernes, 17 de noviembre crecimiento personal, acadmico y social a
de 2017 para dedicar de nuevo su travs de la alegra de la msica.
Music Clubhouse en honor a dos de sus El Lawrence YMCA Music Clubhouse
fundadores. Un donante annimo ha es parte de la Campaa Here for Good
donado $25,000 para volver a dedicar el Capital de Lawrence YMCA, que
Lawrence YMCA Music Clubhouse en recauda fondos para renovar y ampliar las
honor a Frank Kenneally y David Bickel. instalaciones. Fue el primer club de msica
Ambos hombres jugaron un papel decisivo que se form como resultado de la Iniciativa
en la fundacin del Lawrence YMCA de Msica y Juventud y ha servido a cientos
Music Clubhouse, que abri sus puertas de jvenes desde que abri sus puertas en
en el 2005. Kenneally es el director de 2005.
operaciones de Merrimack Valley YMCA. Con su sede central ubicada en
Bickel es el director ejecutivo asociado de Lawrence, Massachusetts, enclavada en el
Music & Youth Initiative, que patrocina los corazn del Valle Merrimack, la YMCA
programas de Music Clubhouse en todo el de Merrimack Valley est representada
estado en colaboracin con organizaciones por Andover/North Andover YMCA,
como la YMCA. Lawrence YMCA, Methuen YMCA, From left to right: Mark Duffy, Music & Youth Initiative board member; Gary Eichhorn, Music
En la ceremonia, que se realiz en la Camp Lawrence y Camp Nokomis en el & Youth Initiative founder; Joan Eichhorn, Music & Youth Initiative founder; Frank Kenneally,
Merrimack Valley YMCA chief operating officer; Michael Mancuso, Merrimack Valley YMCA
YMCA de Lawrence en el 40 Lawrence lago Winnipesaukee, y Day Camp Otter
and Music & Youth Initiative board member; David Bickel, Music & Youth Initiative associate
Street, el fundador de Lawrence, Music & en Salem, New Hampshire. Cada una de executive director.
Youth Initiative Gary Eichhorn revel una estas sucursales y campamentos atiende
placa que colgar en la entrada, nombrando las necesidades de comunidades distintas
el Music Clubhouse en honor al trabajo y nicas, lo que convierte al Merrimack
pionero y la pasin de Kenneally y Bickel. Valley YMCA en una organizacin rica en
En asociacin con las Escuelas Pblicas diversidad cultural, social y econmica. A
de Lawrence, el Music Clubhouse de le travs de programas de calidad, servicios,
YMCA de Lawrence ofrece instruccin voluntarios y personal, Merrimack Valley
musical a casi 750 estudiantes a travs del YMCA trabaja constantemente para ayudar
Programa de Enriquecimiento de Escuelas a que todas las personas puedan llevar vidas
Pblicas. Lawrence Music Clubhouse ms saludables.
tambin ofrece instrumentos y lecciones Para obtener ms informacin acerca
gratuitas de msica en un programa despus de Music & Youth Initiative, visite: www.
de la escuela. Este programa proporciona musicandyouth.org
a los adolescentes un lugar seguro para ir

Greater Lawrence Tech Holds Food

Drive to Benefit Local Families
Superintendent John Lavoie is pleased Since beginning the food drive earlier this
to announce that Greater Lawrence month, GLTS has already collected 60 David Bickel, Music & Youth Initiative associate executive director and Frank Kenneally,
Technical School is holding its annual food gallons of food through the generosity of Merrimack Valley YMCA chief operating officer.
drive to benefit local families. students, faculty and staff.
Donation bins have been set up in the "We're happy to be able to hold this food
cafeteria and library, which will be in place
until mid-December. All donated food
drive for a third year to bring essential
supplies to families in need, especially
Merrimack Valley YMCA Rededicates
items will be given to the Lazarus House
in Lawrence.
during the holidays," Superintendent
Lavoie said. "We've had a great start so
Lawrence YMCA Music Clubhouse
Suggested items for donation include far, and I want to thank everyone who has The Merrimack Valley YMCA held a a safe place to go after school as well as
baking supplies (flour, sugar, salt, etc.), contributed and encourage those who have ceremony on Friday, November 17, 2017 access to personal, academic, and social
cereal, pasta, canned goods and peanut not to do so if they can!" to rededicate its Music Clubhouse in honor growth through the joy of music.
butter. of two of its founders. An anonymous The Lawrence YMCA Music Clubhouse
donor has donated $25,000 to rededicate is a part of the Lawrence YMCAs Here for
Success is not final, failing is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. the Lawrence YMCA Music Clubhouse in Good Capital Campaign, which is raising
honor of Frank Kenneally and David Bickel. funds to renovate and expand the facility. It
El xito no es el fin, el fracaso no es mortal. Es el valor de continuar lo que cuenta. Both men were instrumental in the founding was the first music clubhouse to be formed
- Winston Churchill of the Lawrence YMCA Music Clubhouse, as a result of the Music & Youth Initiative
which opened its doors in 2005. Kenneally is and has served hundreds of young people
the chief operating officer of the Merrimack since opening its doors in 2005.

La Fundacin Valley YMCA. Bickel is the associate

executive director at the Music & Youth
With its headquarters located in
Lawrence, Massachusetts, nestled in

Big Brother Big Initiative, which sponsors Music Clubhouse

programs around the state in collaboration
the heart of the Merrimack Valley, the
Merrimack Valley YMCA is represented
Sister necesita tu with organizations such as the YMCA.
At the ceremony, which was held
by the Andover/North Andover YMCA, the
Lawrence YMCA, the Methuen YMCA,
ayuda! at the Lawrence YMCA at 40 Lawrence
Street, Lawrence, Music & Youth Initiative
Camp Lawrence and Camp Nokomis on
Lake Winnipesaukee, and Day Camp Otter
Founder Gary Eichhorn unveiled a plaque in Salem, New Hampshire. Each of these
Si tienes ropa usada y pequeos artculos del hogar que ya no usas, that will hang in the entrance, naming the branches and camps serve the needs of
dnalos para quienes si los necesitan. Llegaremos a tu puerta para Music Clubhouse in honor of the pioneering distinct and unique communities, making the
recibir lo que puedas entregar. work and passion of Kenneally and Bickel. Merrimack Valley YMCA an organization
In partnership with the Lawrence rich in cultural, social, and economic
Para programar una cita, llama al 1.800.483.5503 o vistanos en Public Schools, the Lawrence YMCA Music diversity. Through quality programs,
nuestra pgina web en internet: www.bbbsfoundation.org. Clubhouse provides music instruction to services, volunteers, and staff, the Merrimack
Lo que nos entregues ayudar a los nios locales que participan nearly 750 students through the Public Valley YMCA is constantly working to help
School Enrichment Program. The Lawrence make healthier lives achievable for everyone.
en nuestro programa de tutora. Debes saber que tu donacin es For more information about the Music
Music Clubhouse also provides instruments
deducible de impuestos. and free music lessons in an afterschool & Youth Initiative, please visit: www.
Gracias por tu apoyo! program. This program provides teens with musicandyouth.org

MCCs $1.3 Million Math/Science TRIO Grant

Targets LHS Students
Middlesex Community College has the growing trend of Third District
been awarded a five-year, $1.3 million institutions becoming both academic and
Upward Bound Math & Science TRIO community leaders, said Tsongas. I look
program grant from the U.S. Department forward to seeing the far-reaching impact
of Education to strengthen the math and of this funding take hold.
science skills of participating Lowell High UBMS will target 60 TRIO-eligible
School students. low-income, first-generation LHS students
MCCs TRIO Upward Bound Math with coordinated services, including
and Science (UBMS) program will individualized case management; and
provide participating students with a advising to ensure students enroll in
comprehensive and coordinated array of courses comprising rigorous programs of
academic instruction, support and advising study (including dual-enrollment courses),
services, explained Colleen Winn, Director according to Winn.
of MCCs Pre-Collegiate TRIO Program Special services will also include
and GEAR UP Massachusetts. individual and group tutoring; exposure to
The goal of the program is to help research in STEM fields; and workshops on
students recognize and develop their academic skills, test preparation, financial
potential to excel in math and science, literacy, and the college- and financial-aid
and to encourage them to pursue post- application processes, she said.
secondary degrees in math and science Students will be required to participate
and ultimately careers in STEM (science, in after-school and Saturday academic
technology, engineering and math) enrichment programs, and a six-week
professions, said Winn. Colleen Winn, Director of Middlesex Community Colleges Pre-Collegiate TRIO
summer academic program focusing on
"The jobs of the future require a STEM Program and GEAR UP Massachusetts, will also run the new Upward Bound Math &
STEM disciplines, Winn added. Also as
education, so enabling more high school Science program, designed to strengthen the math and science skills of participating
part of the UBMS summer programming,
students to engage in math and science Lowell High School students.
students will have the opportunity to
education will help prepare them for experience a one-week overnight trip
success at the college level and beyond, to regional colleges throughout New Program and GEAR UP Massachusetts, at and empower a diverse community of
added U.S. Congresswoman Niki Tsongas. England. Additionally, UBMS will provide winnc@middlesex.mass.edu or 978-656- learners. MCC offers more than 70 degree
Using federal funds such as these to college and cultural field trips. 3401. and certificate programs, plus hundreds
partner with local institutions to address For more information about MCCs Middlesex Community College is of noncredit courses, on our campuses
the needs of the region, is a key tool in TRIO Upward Bound Math & Science your pathway to success. As one of the in Bedford and Lowell, as well as online.
ensuring all people have the opportunity to Program grant, contact Colleen Winn, largest, most comprehensive community Middlesex Community College: Student
pursue higher education. MCC exemplifies Director of MCCs Pre-Collegiate TRIO colleges in the state, we educate, engage success starts here!
14 .: Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 603 NOVIEMBRE 22, 2017

MCCs Hands-on Culinary Courses NECC Dance Performance

Taught in State-of-the-Art Kitchen Planned at Pentucket

Middlesex Community College Hospitality Management - Culinary Arts students receive

hands-on culinary instruction at UTECs new, state-of-the-art commercial kitchen in
downtown Lowell.

Northern Essex Community Colleges are $8 for adults; $6 for students & seniors;
Twice a week, Middlesex Community Students have worked through Still Point Dancers will present a fall and $4 for children under 12.
College Hospitality Management - Culinary internships and cooperative field performance on Friday, Dec., 8, and Northern Essex offers a variety
Arts students can be found whisking, experiences at hotels like the UMass Saturday, Dec. 9, at 7:30 p.m. in the of dancing classes including Dance
sauting, baking and braising in UTECs Lowell Inn & Conference Center, and the auditorium at Pentucket Regional High Composition, Hip Hop, Jazz, Dance
new 5,000 square-foot commercial kitchen Doubletree in Bedford, added Morrissey. School, 22 Main St., West Newbury. Performance, and Dance Pedagogy.
in downtown Lowell. They have also worked at local restaurants The showcase will include student and For additional information contact
Previously housed at Lexingtons like Cobblestones in Lowell, Le Lyonnais faculty choreographed performances. Michele Deane mdeane@necc.mass.edu
Minuteman High School, MCCs hands- in Acton, and Swissbkers in Reading Tickets will be sold at the door. Tickets 978-556-3597.
on culinary instruction moved this fall to even at Disney World.
UTECs state-of-the-art facility, which Middlesex Culinary programs cater
opened at the nonprofit organizations
headquarters last January.
to students looking to dive right into the
workforce, she said. Students can also Greater Haverhill Chamber
of Commerces 25th Annual
We decided it would be a great match transfer and pursue bachelors degrees in
to hold our hands-on culinary classes in Culinary or Hospitality Management at
a brand new, state-of-the-art kitchen just schools like Johnson & Wales, Southern
steps away from campus, said Kimberly
Morrissey, Program Coordinator for
New Hampshire University or Salem State
Christmas Stroll, ready to
Hospitality Management - Culinary Arts.
It has been a great experience.
Registration is now open for spring-
There is a very high demand for
students with culinary skills, said Morrissey,
citing the new restaurant boom in towns like
light up the holiday season!
semester courses at Middlesex. Classes Burlington. It is a real growth field.
begin Monday, Jan. 22, 2018, on the To learn more about MCCs Hospitality The Greater Haverhill Chamber Street has a lot to offer. We are really happy
Bedford and Lowell campuses, and online. Management - Culinary Arts Programs, of Commerce Downtown Haverhill that inside Barretts we will also host the
According to Morrissey, there are visit https://www.middlesex.mass.edu/ Committee announces the 25th Annual Friends of the Haverhill Public Library.
currently 40 students enrolled in the hospitality/ or call 1-800-818-3434. Christmas Stroll, this year powered by The Friends shop will feature a variety
Culinary Arts Program, with hands-on Middlesex Community College is Covanta, to be held on Saturday, December of Haverhill themed items available for
classes capped at 12 each, to allow for your pathway to success. As one of the 2nd, from 2:00-6:00 pm in downtown purchase.
personalized attention. largest, most comprehensive community Haverhill. The traditional Haverhill Tree
MCCs Hospitality Management colleges in the state, we educate, engage The event will provide many of the Lighting ceremony will again serve as the
- Culinary Arts degree and certificate and empower a diverse community of same activities and offerings as previous finale to this delightful community event.
programs were ranked fourth in the state learners. MCC offers more than 70 degree Christmas Strolls, but for the first time will All activities take place in downtown
by Best Choice Schools in 2016. Both and certificate programs, plus hundreds extend down Merrimack Street, providing Haverhill. Merrimack Street will be closed
programs prepare students for a variety of noncredit courses, on our campuses in additional shopping, dining and family fun off to traffic, while additional shopping,
of careers, utilizing classroom learning, Bedford and Lowell, as well as online. activities. Included will be classic holiday dining, and family friendly activities take
intensive hands-on instruction, internships Middlesex Community College: Student favorites like photos with Santa, sponsored place on Washington, Wingate, Emerson,
and cooperative-work programs. success starts here! by Pentucket Bank, as well as Letters to and Essex Streets.
Santa and new this year a 17 foot tall Ice This event is being brought to you
Castle bouncy house! by the Greater Haverhill Chamber of
All attendees will receive a map Commerce in coordination with the
highlighting each local business that Downtown Haverhill Business community
is providing an activity, performance and Covanta Energy. Other event sponsors
or offering holiday treats. In addition include: Haverhill Bank, Bethany
to the downtown Haverhill businesses, Community Services, Northern Essex
the Christmas Stroll will feature pop- Community College, Trinity E.M.S.,
up shops in the lobby of 76 Merrimack Pentucket Medical Associates, UMass
Street (formerly known as The Landmark Lowell, TD Bank, and 76 Merrimack Street,
Building). Participating pop-up shops as well as Be Imagine Music, Creative
include some new retailers and some Haverhill, Damark Woodcraft, Inc., HC
familiar, local favorites, offering clothing, Media, Jeffrey Morgan Murals, Machie
gifts, health and beauty products and so Designs, Massachusetts Cultural Council
much more. A perfect time to start your and Merrimack Valley Macaroni Kid,
holiday shopping! Merrimack Valley Magazine and NYMA
Melinda Barrett, Haverhill City Festival. Event sponsorships and vendor
Councilor and owner of Barrett Specialty space are still available. Please contact the
Foods commented Im thrilled the Chamber office for additional details by
Christmas Stroll is going to include telephone 978-373-5663 or email at info@
Merrimack Street. I think that Merrimack haverhillchamber.com

Otro xito de Pieyro

El Rey, La Reina y sus Princesas
Nombres de participantes, drama y Princesas, Bruce School: Dariana Snchez.
msica: Medallas, Bruce School: Brooklin Valentin.
Gelpys Snchez: director escuela de msica Medallas Oliver School: Rainer Urea,
y escenografa (Construy el Castillo) Isaac Guevara, Rafael Madera, Zackary
Morales, Giomar Rodrguez, Brandon
Drama: Rey, ngel Mrmol; Reina, Barreras, Carolyn Hernndez, Marina
Carmen Lozano; Prncipe de Espaa, ngel Garca, Gabriela Arias, Rhandall
Mrmol hijo; la Reina de Inglaterra, Lissete Cartagena,.Emilka y Yalman Vasquez.
Contreras; princesas invitadas del pueblo: Alexa Rodrguez.
Fraynelis Castillo, Gabriela Arias, Marina
Garca, Carola Urea, Shirley Palma. Medallas Guilmette School: Jean Luis
Snchez, Nashelley L., Ileana C., Yebrianaa
Msicos: Gelpys Snchez, Jean Luis C., Priscila V., Mya C., Adrianny Espinal,
Snchez, Fraynelis Castillo, Gabriela Arias, Edison Tecan, Bianca Tavarez, Jalary Sols.
Marina Garca Ariel Hernndez y Ricardo Director de Teatro: Pastor Luis Pieyro.
Correccin: Salvador Prez Martnez.
Maestros de Artes: Leslie Quinlan,
Reina de las Maestras de Artes, y primer Idea y produccin del concurso: Pastor Luis
lugar en trabajos. Recibi Proclama del Pieyro.
Representante Estatal Frank Moran. Luis
Martnez, Escuela Guilmette, Maestro M a e s t r o d e E s c u e l a d e M s i c a y La Maestra de Arte Leslie Quinlan, recibi una Proclama del Representante Estatal Frank
de Arte: 2do lugar en Pintura y Corinne Escenografa: Gelpys Snchez. Moran la cual le entrega el Concejal at-Large Brian De Pea mientras el Pastor Luis
Donofrio: Escuela Guilmette Elementary. Pieyro observa complacido.
Maestra de Artes tercer lugar pinturas. Luces: Alan Bernabel.

Rey: Jordn Lpez, Escuela Oliver. Fotografa: Nelson Silvestre.

Construccin. Reina: Liz Marie Henrquez,
Escuela Oliver. Construccin. Sonido y grabacin: Eddy Pita.

Princesas: Oliver. Kiaralis Morales, Jennifer Video: Vanessa Gmez.

Prez, Lisbet Rodrguez, Ydali Cazado,
Dharlynn Lpez, Franchesca Trinidad, Voz grabada: Jorge Auden.
Chistalee Garcia y Lismeray Meja.
Princesas, Guilmette School, Nashelly Pastor Luis Pieyro agradece a todos los
Lozano, Alondra Delgado, Susan Snchez colaboradores que apoyaron este gran
y Yanilza Marte Gil. evento para la familia.

Sentados a la mesa, el Rey, ngel Mrmol; Reina, Carmen Lozano; Prncipe de Espaa,
ngel Mrmol hijo; la Reina de Inglaterra: Lissete Contreras y las princesas invitadas del
pueblo: Fraynelis Castillo, Gabriela Arias, Marina Garca, Carola Urea y Shirley Palma.

Gelpys Snchez, Maestro de la Escuela de Msica y Escenografa, creador del Castillo

que aparece en la foto con los reyes.

El nuevo Rey, Jordan Lpez y la nueva Reina, Liz Marie Henrquez, ambos de la
Escuela Oliver muestran el billete de $100.00 que les entreg Antonio Duran, Gerente de
Exportacin de Cortes Hermanos. Ellos patrocinaron al rey y la reina.

Desde la izquierda, El Rey Saliente, ngel Mrmol; Corinne Donofrio, Escuela

Guilmette. Maestra de Artes Tercer Lugar en Pinturas; El nuevo Rey, Jordn Lpez y el
Maestro de Arte Luis Martnez, Escuela Guilmette, 2do Lugar en Pintura.
16 .: Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 603 NOVIEMBRE 22, 2017


daliadiaz@rumbonews.com 315 Mt. Vernon St.
Lawrence MA 01843
Email: Rumbo@rumbonews.com
Letters must be less than 300 words in length. Please
send a telephone number or email address by which
we may confirm the sender.

Lawrence: Santuary That doesnt say much for Mayor

Riveras morals, either.
Thank you to my to the State House and we have no reason
to believe that he will do a better job this
City for Sex Predators He will be working under the readers time. Contrary to Payano, is she loses
In the midst of sex-related scandals supervision of City Engineer Milagros Last week I mentioned irregularities the Congressional race, she will become
all over the country involving government Puello. How long is that relationship going during the elections and asked my readers if unemployed.
officials, industry and media personalities, to last? Working for a real civil engineer, they could share some of their experiences I dont think that just for being in the
we have learned how modern society is much younger and a woman, he will make with me. Well, I learned about a new way State House or even in Washington, they
dealing with the problem. We no longer her life so miserable that Milagros will quit to cheat. can represent our interests any better. We
have to stand for disrespect in the workplace and Theodoro will recover his previous Please continue sharing stories with are going through a serious situation with
because it will not be tolerated. Women title. The City Council will not say a word me. I protect my sources but the information the closing of the radio station on November
have been empowered by these revelations and rubber stamp it. We are heading to is vital. 6 and 7, just in time for the Municipal
and in the process we became aware that four years of HELL and this is only the Elections and they have not said a word on
sexual harassment affects men also. beginning. Ready for the next that subject.
The news that Theodoro Rosario is
back at City Hall and working for DPW
A note about hypocrisy: I wonder
what Vilma Dominguez Martinez and
election? We have no leadership!
I tried asking our state delegation
I have not recovered from this one and
is appalling. Mayor Rivera announced on Wendy Luzon think about having a sexual I see the markings for 2018 being another (Representatives, Juana Matas, Frank
Friday that he picked him, no questions predator working among them. After all, atrocious year. Moran and Diana DiZoglio and State
asked, no posting, no other candidates, no these ladies made it a career at the YWCA They are playing musical chairs at the Senator Barbara LItalien) for their opinion
protests from anyone - just hand-picked! protecting and defending victims of abuse. local, state and federal levels. Juana Matas on that censorship and they sent me a
He later said that his record is clean and I Perhaps they will say that this is different hasnt gotten her feet wet and she wants to combined statement that was senseless. I
would like to remind him how wrong he is. because he preys on men. Id say their move up. Pavel Payano has not been sworn want to hear how our political leaders really
Justo Garcia was accused of stealing salary justifies their silence. in as a city councilor and has announced represent us individually. This has been the
money from the parking garage and Greg most serious violation of First Amendment
Arvanitis was accused of sexual harassment Also hired that hell be a candidate for State Senate
(again) having lost to Barbara LItalien rights towards our community and they all
by the wife of El Cesar Lounge. They went We know that the mayor treats the are avoiding facing it.
who believes she can replace Niki Tsongas
through a trial and were found innocent. Department of Public Works as a dumping Lets hope that radio producers
in Congress, just like Matas aspires to. . If
Thats a clean record, Mr. Mayor! Still, ground and Riveras campaign manager remember their lack of response next year
Payano loses the Senate race, his position in
they were fired from their jobs. Daniel Mackland Rivera will become when they all come around using their
the Council is secured.
Theodoro Rosario was arrested in a Working Foreman Tradesperson under programs while looking for votes.
If Juana decides to run, shell leave the
motel room with a homeless man that he Building and Facilities Public Properties.
doors open for Marcos Devers returning
tried to bribe in exchange for sex. The man The job description calls for at least
called police and Theodoro was arrested at five years experience, and skilled in the
You can fool some of the people all of the time; you can fool all of
the motel. Mayor Rivera kept it quiet for carpentry trade as well as knowledge of
about eight months until it became public electrical and plumbing skills and state and
the people for some of the time; but you cannot fool all the people all
and he tried to downplay it. Eventually, local codes. the time.
they went to trial and the only reason for He is currently employed by
Uno puede engaar a algunas personas todo el tiempo; puede engaar
Theodoro to be able to run around free is Harvey Building Products in Waltham as
because the accuser did not show up. Think Senior Pricing & Technical Service but
a todos por algn tiempo; pero no puede engaar a todo el mundo todo
whatever you want; Im not speculating as qualifications are not important to work at el tiempo.
to the reasons for not appearing in court. DPW. - Abraham Lincoln
If he had any respect left for himself Also, Diana Vasquez will become
and his family, he would have moved far Special Assistant to the Mayor. She was
away from here. This shameless individual Development Coordinator at Esperanza
was instrumental in getting the mayor Academy while very active in the mayoral
reelected working heavily in his campaign campaign. I dont know what she did but
and now is facing City Hall employees as if Rivera was paying her $1,000 each month
nothing has happened. as consultant.

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A Christmas Carol NECC Hosts Seasonal Luncheon

Returns to NECC Stage Northern Essex Community
Colleges Women of NECC will
host its annual holiday luncheon
with guest speaker Boston
journalist Maria Stephanos on
Monday, Dec. 4, from 11:30
a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Andover
Country Club in Andover.
Stephanos, who grew-
up in Groveland, is an on-
air television journalist with
WCVB Channel 5. She will
discuss her award-winning
career as a Boston news anchor
during a special presentation.
Tickets are $45. Proceeds
will benefit the Women of
NECCS scholarship fund. The
afternoon will include a raffle
and silent auction.
For tickets or additional
information contact Lori WCVB journalist Maria Stephanos will speak at the
Women of NECCs seasonal luncheon Monday, Dec. 4.
Its been five years since alumni Mark Morrison (standing) and Eric Salvi (sitting) played Smerdon at lsmerdon@necc.
Scrooge and Bob Cratchit respectively. Morrison reprises the role of Scrooge this year. mass.edu or call 978-556-3789.
The last time NECC presented the play was in 2014.
NECC Presents Neil Simon Classic Comedy
After a two-year hiatus, Northern community event each holiday season with
Essex Community College will once again faculty, staff, students, and their family What do you call
present the Charles Dickens classic A members auditioning for roles. two divorced men one a
Christmas Carol in the newly renovated For additional information contact compulsive neat freak and
Chester Hawrylciw Theater. Bucchiere at abucchiere@necc.mass.edu one a compulsive slob who
Ebenezer Scrooge, the Cratchit Family, The cast includes: live together? Playwright
and all the other Dickensian characters will Amesbury Neil Simon called them The
come to life on a refurbished stage on the
Dick Wilkins and Christmas Future: Patrick Odd Couple and Northern
third floor of the Spurk Building on the
Doherty Essex Community Colleges
Haverhill campus, 100 Elliot St.
Freds Housekeeper: Bonnie Surowiec Top Notch Players will
We are excited to be bringing this show
present its own adaptation of
back, said Alisa Bucchiere, NECC music Andover:
the classic comedy beginning
professor and one of the four Madrigal Boy in Street: Jordan Mathew
Wednesday, November 29, at
singers in the play. The Merrimac resident Danville, NH 7 p.m.
prompted the resurrection of the play. Guest 1 & Laundress: Katherine Burrell
There was a bit of nostalgia between East Hampstead Felix Ungar, portrayed
Bucchiere and NECC Early Childhood
Bob Cratchit: David Dutilly by NECC student Ben
Professor Deirdre Budzyna and her husband
East Kingston Beverage of Lawrence,
John and children Molly, Maggie, and Colin,
Mrs. Cratchit: Sarah Courchesne and Oscar Madison, played
all of who have played different characters
by Northern Essexs Mike
over the 15 years it was performed. Young Ebenezer: Malcolm Courchesne
Gulezian of Salem, New
This year, John and Deirdre Budzyna Ignorance and Boy in Street: Simon Courchesne
Hampshire, will come to
of Newburyport, are directing the play and Exeter, NH life on the stage of the
Bucchiere is musical director. Alumnus Mark Christmas Past: Kallie Mayo newly renovated Chester
Morrison of Haverhill will play Scrooge a Belinda and Want: Reilly Mayo W. Hawrylciw Theater on
role he brought to life back in 2012.
Haverhill the third floor of the Spurk
We have done this show many, many
Ebenezer Scrooge: Mark Morrison Building on the Haverhill
times, she said. Truth be told I kept nudging
Madrigal Singer D and Guest 3: Geehae Moon campus, 100 Elliott St. The
them until the Budzyna clan said yes, she
play is directed by NECC
said. It will be a bit of a celebration too, to Merrimac
theater professor Brianne
be in the new theater space because it is so Madrigal Singer A: Alisa Bucchiere
different than it used to be, and with a nod Fred: Bryan Marden Other show times Northern Essex Community College student Ben Beverage
to the future so that NECCs A Christmas Charity Man: Bill Baylardo include Thursday, November of Lawrence portrays Felix Ungar and NECCs Mike
Carol production can help fund future Methuen 30, at 4 p.m.; Friday, Dec.1, Gulezian of Salem, New Hampshire, plays Oscar Madison
theater productions and enable the current
Belle: Rebecca Malas at 7 p.m. and Saturday, Dec. in NECCs adaptation of The Odd Couple.
theater students to continue to go to the
Newbury 2, at both 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Kennedy Center American College Theater
Belles Husband: Justin Kelly The play opens in Oscar Madisons around him, especially Oscar, who has to
Festival each year.
slovenly apartment as a group of his friends decide whether to let his friend stay and
The show will be performed Friday, Newburyport
are deep into a game of poker. The last of drive him crazy or throw him out to retain
Dec. 8 at 7 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 9 at 3 and Jacob Marley: John Budzyna
the group, Felix Ungar, arrives late and his sanity. Hilarity ensues as these two
7 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 10, at 3 p.m. Freds Wife: Anna Marcheterre depressed: he and his wife have recently very polar-opposite friends have to figure
Plaistow, NH separated. HIs friends fear for his mental out how to reconcile their differences.
Tickets will be available at the door. Old Joe: Todd Buckley state. Oscar invites him to move in with
They can also be purchased through
Martha: Olivia Buckley him until he has a chance to figure things Tickets are $12 for general admission and
MKTIX.org at http://ww1.mktix.com/
Fezziwig: Todd Buckley out. $10 for students and seniors.
Tewksbury At first, Felixs love of order is the
perfect answer to Oscars messy house, For more information please contact
Ticket prices are $12 for adults, $10 Madrigal Singer C: Chip Bliss
careless spending, and gambling problems. Brianne Beatrice @ 781-254-6913
for student/seniors and free for children Included in the cast are:
But soon his fussiness and hypochondriac orbribeats@gmail.com
under the age of 5. Madrigal Singer B: Noah Caezza ways prove extremely annoying to those
The NECC production was originally Fan: Kairi Bohanan
presented as a onetime fundraiser for the Young Scrooge: Armando Belliard
performing arts department by now retired
husband and wife NECC Professors Jim
Peter: Lincoln Bohanan
Murphy and Susan Sanders. The play
was so successful, it became an NECC Tiny Tim: Melina Bohanan RUMBONEWS.COM
18 .: Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 603 NOVIEMBRE 22, 2017

Rescatando la bachata, una balada a la vez

Por Christopher Del Monte
Con muchsima frecuencia hemos visto Tu Amor eterno sali certero por ah los profesionales jvenes, y las prximas Y que odie los 14 de febrero
y escuchamos artistas quienes alcanzan el venenoso pero generaciones de la cultura rica y los sonidos Solo quiero que su amor sea verdadero
xito que perdurara en la radio un aoo T sigues siendo para mi amor eterno nicos y que no se le olviden de entender Y pelee hasta el final
menos. Aunque nos demos cuenta o no, Sali certero por ah venenoso muero cmo sus perspectivas se desarrollan por Dani J, T(de Sevilla, Espaa)
la msica es un indicador subconsciente Sin ti yo no quiero vivir los cuentos y las moralejas en las letras de
que determina el desarrollo de nuestras JR, Eterno (de Brooklyn, NY) nuestros artistas entre la raza hispana. Dominicano, puertorriqueo, espaol, o
perspectivas. Sea una cancin hablando del hasta americanotodos podemos aprender
narcicismo del compositor, la reunificacin Este talentosea local, nacional, o Yo slo quise quererte as de los cuentos que estos artistas jvenes
entre dos exparejas, o el amor en general, la internacional, con JR, Kewin Cosmos, y Despus de perderte aprend nos presentan como ningn otro gnero ha
msica desarrolla nuestra perspectiva. Dani Jno es una coincidencia. No podemos A valorar tu ausencia, ya que la conciencia podido hacer sin tener que efectivamente
En el contexto musical, los pensamientos permitir que la bachata se est tragando en No me deja dormir apagar la mente joven, la cual necesita
conscientes y subconscientes del ser lo que se presenta el interminable olvido Pero dime si piensas en m estimulacin constante. Deberemos
humano se desarrollan bajo la exposicin modernizada que est en el rap moderno, o Como yo pienso en ti continuar a ensear a nuestros jvenes
constante de nuestras preferencias artsticas, el trap, siendo el nuevo movimiento entre Vivo desesperado que en la msica estn nuestras races que,
canciones favoritas, los gneros que nos el gnero mencionado. Extraando el pasado importante, tambin tiene un cuento que nos
gustan, y, otra vez, aunque se d cuanta Para un buen sonido, el trap ha sofocado Por favor vuelve a m dejar sentir aconsejados por las avenidas
o no, las narrativas de nuestras canciones el poder lrico que el gnero bachatero ha Kewin Cosmos, Solo Quise Quererte apropiadas.
preferidas tambin van formulando un generado en la Repblica Dominicana en (de Brooklyn, NY) Deberemos permitir que la msica de
mundo en s mismo que determinar cmo las dcadas de los ochentas y noventas. estos artistas atraiga nuestra atencin, que
vemos nuestros alrededores. Deberemos recordar a nuestros jvenes, Ahora es que vemos artistas como JR, nos diga sus cuentos, y, aunque nos demos
Kewin Cosmos, y Dani J dar la cara para cuenta o no, permita que nuestras perspectivas
rescatarnos del sonambulismo que existe en se desarrollen por el amor verdadero que
la msica de nuestros jvenes hoy da. tenemos para nuestra comunidad, nuestros
amigos y vecinos, e, importante, nosotros
Solo quiero alguien que me extrae mismos, manifestndose en la bachata que se
Y que me bese sin parar merece un lugar en los odos y los corazones
Que sonrerme al despertar sea lo primero de nuestra gente.
Solo quiero que bailando nos miremos y Hay que darla una oportunidad a estos
cueste respirar artistas.
Solo quiero alguien que no dude Sus letras nos han dado eso mismo.
Y que no me falle jams

Rescuing BachataOne Ballad at a Time

By Christopher Del Monte
Far too often weve seen artists in Pero dime si piensas en m
the genre of bachata arise with a few hits Como yo pienso en ti
that can last us all a yearor maybe less. Vivo desesperado
Whether we realize this or not, music Extraando el pasado
is a subconscious indicator of how our Por favor vuelve a m
perspectives mold with the times. Be it about Kewin Cosmos, Solo Quise Quererte
narcissism, reunification, or just generic (from Brooklyn, NY)
lovemusic shapes our views on the notion
that our perspectives form with the constant This is where artists such as JR, Kewin
exposures of our preferred artists, songs, Cosmos, and Dani J come into the picture.
genres, and, again, whether we realize this
or not, the narrative behind the lyrics of our Solo quiero alguien que me extrae
most favorite songs. Y que me bese sin parar
Que sonrerme al despertar sea lo primero
Tu Amor eterno sali certero por ah Solo quiero que bailando nos miremos y
venenoso pero cueste respirar
T sigues siendo para mi amor eterno Solo quiero alguien que no dude
Sali certero por ah venenoso muero Y que no me falle jams
Sin ti yo no quiero vivir Y que odie los 14 de febrero
JR, Eterno Solo quiero que su amor sea verdadero
Y pelee hasta el final
This talentbe it local, nationwide, Dani J, T(from Sevilla, Spain)
or even international, with JR, Kewin
Cosmos, and Dani Jis no coincidence. Dominican, Puerto Rican, Spaniard, or
We cannot allow bachata to be swallowed even Americanwe can all learn from the
into the seemingly never-ending modernized stories these young artists tell us that no other
forgetfulness the genres of rap, or trap, modern genre has been able to do without
have created, for example. effectively shutting out the stimulation in
All in the name of a good tune, trap has the minds of the young. We must continue
drowned out the lyrical prowess the bachata teaching the youth that in the music of their
genre has generated in the Dominican native roots and beyond, there is a story
Republican its up-and-coming decades behind it all.
of the 80s and 90s. We must remind our We must allow them to be brought to our
youth, young professionals, and the coming attention, tell us their stories, and, whether
generations of its rich culture and unique we realize it or not, allow our perspectives
sound and to not forget to understand how to be molded by the real love we have for
their perspectives are shaped by the stories our community, our friends and neighbors,
told in our music as another staples within and, most importantly, ourselves, through the
the Hispanic race. power of the bachata genre within the up-and
coming artists such as JR, Kewin Cosmos,
Yo slo quise quererte as and Dani J.
Despus de perderte aprend Give them a chance.
A valorar tu ausencia, ya que la conciencia Their lyrics give us all exactly that.
No me deja dormir

B & G Club of Lawrence recibe el Premio del Women's

Fund of Essex County
El Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence ha County por este generoso premio", dijo
recibido el Premio a la Excelencia Above Markus Fischer, director ejecutivo del Boys
and Beyond 2017 otorgado por el Founders & Girls Club of Lawrence. "El noventa
Circle of The Women's Fund of Essex y cinco por ciento de nuestros fondos
County. El honor viene con una subvencin proviene de individuos y organizaciones
de $25,000. locales. Este regalo significativo ser de
Segn Lynn Bryant, presidenta de gran ayuda para mantener nuestras puertas
la junta asesora de The Women's Fund of abiertas a la juventud ms desfavorecida de
Essex County, se eligi al Boys & Girls Club la ciudad".
of Lawrence porque su programacin para
nios y adolescentes es tan sobresaliente Acerca del Boys & Girls Club of
que va ms all de satisfacer la necesidad. Lawrence
El club ofrece un refugio seguro despus de El Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence
la escuela para que ms de 4,000 jvenes ofrece un refugio despus de la escuela
vengan a las comidas nocturnas, busquen seguro para que ms de 4,000 jvenes
ayuda con la tarea, reciban programas vengan a las comidas nocturnas, ayuda con
de acondicionamiento fsico y nutricin, la tarea, programas de acondicionamiento
planificacin universitaria y profesional fsico y nutricin, planificacin
y relaciones personales duraderas en dos universitaria y profesional y relaciones
lugares. personales duraderas. El club ofrece
"El Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence programas crticos que se enfocan en el
es ms que un lugar para que los nios xito acadmico, estilos de vida saludables Lynn Bryant (derecha), presidenta de la junta asesora de The Women's Fund of Essex
vayan despus de la escuela", dijo y la participacin de la comunidad en dos County, presenta a Kerry Wiersma (izquierda), escritora de subvenciones en Boys & Girls
Bryant. "Siempre nos ha impresionado su lugares: el Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence Club of Lawrence, y Markus Fischer (centro), director ejecutivo del Boys & Girls Club
compromiso demostrado con la salud y el en 136 Water St., y el Beacon Boys & Girls of Lawrence, con su Premio a la Excelencia Above and Beyond 2017. (Foto por Alyse
xito de cada nio en la comunidad". Club en el 71 Duckett Ave. Para obtener Gause Photography)
"Estamos muy agradecidos al Founders ms informacin, visite www.lawrencebgc.
Circle de The Women's Fund of Essex com. Lynn Bryant (right), advisory board president of The Womens Fund of Essex County,
presents Kerry Wiersma (left), grant writer at the Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence, and
Markus Fischer (center), executive director of the Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence, with
If your dreams dont scare you, they are not big enough.
its 2017 Above and Beyond Award for Excellence. (Photo by Alyse Gause Photography)

Si tus sueos no te asustan, entonces no son lo suficientemente elevados.

Acerca del Fondo de Mujeres del About The Womens Fund of
- Muhammad Ali Condado de Essex Essex County
Desde capacitacin en habilidades y From skills training and employment-
preparacin para el empleo hasta promocin readiness, to the promotion of health and
de la salud y el bienestar, alfabetizacin well-being, financial literacy, empowerment

B&G Club of Lawrence Receives financiera, empoderamiento y tutora, The

Women's Fund apoya una amplia gama de
and mentoring, The Women's Fund supports
a wide range of programming targeted

Award for Excellence from The

programas dirigidos a ayudar a las mujeres y toward helping women and girls thrive and
nias a prosperar y ser ms autosuficientes. become more self-sufficient.

Womens Fund of Essex County

The Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence Founders Circle of The Womens Fund of
has been presented with the 2017 Above Essex County for this generous award,
and Beyond Award for Excellence by the said Markus Fischer, executive director
Founders Circle of The Womens Fund of of the Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence.
Essex County. The honor comes with a Ninety-five percent of our funding comes
$25,000 grant. from local individuals and organizations.
According to Lynn Bryant, advisory This significant gift will go a long way
board president of The Womens Fund toward helping us keep our doors open to
of Essex County, the Boys & Girls Club the citys most disadvantaged youth.
of Lawrence was chosen because its
programming for children and teens is so About the Boys & Girls Club of
outstanding that it goes above and beyond Lawrence
to meet the need. The club provides a The Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence
safe, after-school haven for more than provides a safe, after-school haven for
4,000 youths to come for nightly meals, more than 4,000 youths to come for nightly
homework help, fitness and nutrition meals, homework help, fitness and nutrition
programs, college and career planning programs, college and career planning
and lasting personal relationships at two and lasting personal relationships. The
locations. club offers critical programs that focus on
The Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence academic success, healthy lifestyles and
is more than a place for kids to go after community involvement at two locations:
school, Bryant said. We have always the Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence at
been impressed by its demonstrated 136 Water St., and the Beacon Boys &
commitment to the health and success of Girls Club at 71 Duckett Ave. For more
each child in the community. information, visit www.lawrencebgc.com.
We are very appreciative to the

Accept responsibility for your life... It is you who will have to get you
where you want to go, nobody else.

Acepte la responsabilidad por su vida... Depende de usted llegar hasta

donde aspira a llegar, nadie ms.
- Les Brown
20 .: Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 603 NOVIEMBRE 22, 2017

Jazz pianist Laszlo Gardony to Nashua history

perform at Winter Holiday Stroll Buy two books for just $25
Jazz pianist Laszlo Gardony will bring released in July, received four-star reviews
his jazz trio to the Nashua Public Library Many people have asked the Nashua
in Downbeat and Jazz Journal.
on Saturday, November 25. The free Public Library if they can buy copies of The
JazzTimes Magazine says, Gardony,
performance is sponsored by the Friends Nashua Experience: History in the Making,
the 1987 winner of the Great American Jazz
of the Library and is part of the Winter 16731978, written by a committee of
Piano Competition, is one of contemporary
Holiday Stroll. The group will play two Nashuans headed up by former Library
musics truly original voices. As a sideman,
sets, at 5:45 p.m. and 7:10 p.m. Director Clarke S. Davis. Unfortunately,
Gardony has recorded and toured extensively
Joining Gardony will be Yoron Israel on the book is out of print, and the library has
with Yoron Israel's High Standards Quartet
drums and John Lockwood on bass. The trio no new copies on hand. However, until
and with Matt Glaser's Wayfaring Strangers.
performs and records regularly, exploring December 30, when you buy the books
He has collaborated with David Fathead
Gardonys extensive book of original pieces sequel, The Nashua Experience: A Three-
Newman, Dave Liebman, Mick Goodrick,
as well as standards and jazz classics by the Decade Upgrade, 19782008, at the
John Abercrombie, John Scofield, Mike
likes of Horace Silver and Billy Strayhorn. library for $25, you will receive a gently
Stern, and Garrison Fewell.
Its heaven playing with such great used copy of the earlier book free, while
The library is located at 2 Court
musicians, Gardony says. John and supplies last.
Street, Nashua. For directions and parking
Yoron hear the music around them so well. information go to nashualibrary.org/visit/
If I give them charts they immediately directions. For other information contact
understand what Im trying to do. Carol at carol.eyman@nashualibrary.org or
Gardonys latest CD, Serious Play, (603) 589-4610.

Sign up for Health Insurance The second book was written by three

at Nashua Library
Nashua librarians. Its story begins in the
mayoral administration of Maurice Arel
and ends with that of Donnalee Lozeau,
If you need health insurance, come to accepted. Hours are 1 p.m. to 9 p.m., but the city's first female mayor. Richly
the Nashua Public Library on the following you should arrive by 7 p.m. to allow enough complemented by dozens of photographs,
Thursdays. Harbor Homes Certified time to complete your application before the book is a keepsake and invaluable
Assisters will be available to give you one- the library closes at 9 p.m. resource for anyone who loves Nashua,
on-one help in signing up for insurance What to bring: Evidence of your last from those who called it home from 1978
through the Health Insurance Marketplace four weeks' pay (paystub or a printout); to 2008, to the newest residents who want
(Obamacare) on November 30, December Social Security numbers and birthdates for to better know their new hometown.
7 and December 14 everyone in your household
You can make an appointment by The library is located at 2 Court Street, The library accepts cash and checks
calling Harbor Homes at (603) 882- Nashua. For directions and parking information only as payment.
3616 x4015 or x1132. Walk-ins are also go to www.nashualibrary.org/visit/directions.




Lawrence Senior Center
155 Haverhill St., Lawrence, MA

Fire victims / Vctimas de incendios

Please contact Heal Lawrence if you wish to make a contribution to the victims of
the recent fires in Lawrence. The website has a list of donated items and things that
are still needed.
Favor de ponerse en contacto con Heal Lawrence si desea hacer una contribucin a
las vctimas de los incendios recientes en Lawrence. El sitio en la internet tiene una
lista de artculos que han sido donados y lo que todava necesitan.
http://heallawrence.org/ heallawrence@aol.com
Please contact Heal Lawrence if you want to help. A fire can happen at any time.
Si desea ofrecer sus servicios pngase en contacto con Heal Lawrence. Un
incendio puede ocurrir en cualquier momento.

SUDOKU (Respuestas/Answers pg 23)

Its easy
(978) 794-
22 .: Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 603 NOVIEMBRE 22, 2017

Aviso de audiencia pblica PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING
para City of Lawrence, MA City of Lawrence, MA
Modificacin de Asignacin del Sitio Mayor Daniel Rivera Mayor Daniel Rivera
Junta de Salud de Haverhill DOC. 353/2017 DOC. 341/2017
In City Council In City Council
Segn las leyes de M.G.L. Captulo 111, Seccin 150A y 310 CMR 16.00, la Junta de Salud de November 21, 2017 November 21, 2017
Haverhill celebrar una audiencia pblica el 19 de diciembre de 2017 a las 7:00 P.M. en City Hall,
Room 301, 4 Summer Street, Haverhill, MA 01830, para considerar la solicitud de modificacin Notice is hereby given that the City Council will Notice is hereby given that the City Council
de asignacin de sitio para una instalacin existente de combustin de desechos slidos ubicada hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 5, will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday,
en 100 Recovery Way, Haverhill, MA 01835. El solicitante es Covanta Haverhill, 100 Recovery 2017 in the Council Chambers, 200 Common December 5, 2017
Street, Lawrence MA at 7:00 p.m. The in Council Chambers, 200 Common Street,
Way, Haverhill, MA 01835. La modificacin propuesta de la asignacin del sitio solicita que la
purpose of said hearing is to gather testimony, Lawrence, MA at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of said
cantidad de desechos procesados en la Instalacin, ahora un promedio de 1,650 toneladas por
information, and public input concerning the hearing is to gather testimony, information,
da, se incremente en una cantidad igual a las toneladas de materiales enviados para reciclado, proposed approval of a split tax rate which and public input concerning the proposed
pero sin exceder un promedio de 1,732 toneladas por da, sobre una base anual. Esto alentar a shifts the tax burden between Residential/ amendment to the Revised Ordinances of
la instalacin a aumentar su tonelaje de reciclaje. Open Space Properties and Commercial, the City of Lawrence to be further amended
Industrial and Personal Property Classes for FY by DELETING the following paragraph of
El Departamento de Proteccin Ambiental de Massachusetts emiti un Informe en el que 2018 in order to establish the residential and Section 10.36.340 of the Municipal Code
determin que la modificacin propuesta para la asignacin del sitio es adecuada para las commercial tax rate for the City of Lawrence, (Handicapped Parking),
instalaciones existentes. Copias del Informe del Departamento sobre Capacidad y los criterios Lawrence Massachusetts.
de capacidad del sitio (310 CMR 16.00) estn disponibles para copiar y examinar junto con Chester Street, north side, from a point 20 feet
Interested taxpayers are encouraged to present east of Clifton Street to a point 40 feet east of
la solicitud de asignacin de sitio en las oficinas de Haverhill Board of Health and Inspection
information by appearing at the public hearing. Clifton Street.
Services, City Hall, Room 210, 4 Summer Street, Haverhill, MA 01830 en horario de 8 AM a 4
Written comment and information may also
PM, de lunes a viernes (telfono 978-374-2338). be submitted on this matter. Please forward Persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded
any written comments to the Office of the the opportunity.
City Clerk, 200 Common Street, Room 107,
NECESITAN CHOFERES PARA TRANSPORTAR ANCIANOS Lawrence, MA 01840 on or before 4:30 p.m. on
Tuesday, December 5, 2017.
Attest: William J. Maloney, City Clerk

Interfaith Caregivers of Greater Lawrence, una coalicin de comunidades de fe,

agencies de servicio social y organizaciones de salud, est buscando voluntarios Persons wishing to be heard on this matter will
be afforded the opportunity.
para llevar a ancianos a citas al mdico y otras citas de calidad de vida a travs
del Programa de Friends in Deed de Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley. City of Lawrence, MA
Attest: William J. Maloney, City Clerk Mayor Daniel Rivera
Si usted puede, aunque sea ocasionalmente, por favor, llame a Renee A. Baker, DOC. 340/17
In City Council
reclutador de voluntarios, al 978-946-1463 (y mencione Interfaith Caregivers.)
PUBLIC HEARING November 21, 2017
Gracias de parte de Interfaith Caregivers y los muchos ancianos que necesitan City of Lawrence, MA Notice is hereby given that the City Council
de los servicios de choferes voluntarios para poder permanecer independientes Mayor Daniel Rivera will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday,
en su propio hogar. DOC. 240A/17 December 5, 2017 in Council Chambers,
200 Common Street, Lawrence, MA at
In City Council 7:00 p.m. The purpose of said hearing is to

www.rumbonews.com September 5, 2017 gather testimony, information, and public

input concerning the proposed amendment
Notice is hereby given that the City Council to the Revised Ordinances of the City of
will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, Lawrence to be amended by ADDING the
December 5, 2017 following subparagraph to Section 10.40.060
in Council Chambers, 200 Common Street, of the Municipal Code (Permit parking streets
Lawrence, MA at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of designated), to be inserted in the proper
said hearing is to gather testimony, information, alphabetical order:
and public input concerning the proposed
amendment to the Revised Ordinances of Front Street, both sides, from the intersection
the City of Lawrence to be further amended of South Broadway to the intersection of
by DELETING the following paragraph of Andover Street.
Section 10.36.010 of the Municipal Code
(Parking Prohibited on Certain Streets At All To the extent that there exist any ordinances to
Times): the contrary, they are hereby repealed in that
respect only.
Canal Street, north side, from Union Street to
Mill Street. Persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded
the opportunity.
And inserting in its place and stead the
following paragraphs to Section 10.36.010 Attest: William J. Maloney, City Clerk
(Parking prohibited on certain streetsAt all
times) to be inserted in proper alphabetical
Canal Street, both sides, from Lawrence Street City of Lawrence, MA
to Mill Street. Mayor Daniel Rivera
Canal Street, south side, from Mill Street to DOC. 240B/17
Union Street. In City Council
September 5, 2017
To the extent that there exist any ordinances to
the contrary, they are hereby repealed in that Notice is hereby given that the City Council
Somos expertos en respect only. will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday,
December 5, 2017
precios mdicos y servicio Persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded in Council Chambers, 200 Common Street,
de alta calidad. the opportunity. Lawrence, MA at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of
La Primera Funeraria said hearing is to gather testimony, information,
Attest: William J. Maloney, City Clerk and public input concerning the proposed
hispana sirviendo con amendment to the Revised Ordinances of the
esmero y satisfaccin a la City of Lawrence to be further amended by
ADDING the following new Section 10.36.410
comunidad latinoamericana. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR of the Municipal Code (Parking Prohibited on
Brindamos servicio de Certain Streets between 3:00 a.m. and 7:00
asistencia social y enviamos RUMBO p.m.) to be inserted in proper numerical order:

el cuerpo a cualquier lugar Canal Street, north side, from Union Street to
incluyendo a Puerto Rico, 315 Mt. Vernon St. Mill Street.

137 Lawrence Street la Repblica Dominicana, Lawrence MA 01843

Email: Rumbo@rumbonews.com To the extent that there exist any ordinances to
the contrary, they are hereby repealed in that
Lawrence, MA 01841 Centro y Suramrica. respect only.
Tambin ofrecemos planes Letters must be less than 300 words in length. Please Persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded
pagados con anticipacin y
(978)682.4060 estampas de recordatorios.
send a telephone number or email address by which
we may confirm the sender.
the opportunity.

Attest: William J. Maloney, City Clerk


180 Thrift Shoppe $4.00 LOCAL

Enva usted cajas a la Repblica Dominicana u HASTA 3
otros paises? Venga y tendr un precio especial.
Immigration and Family Law
Toda la ganancia de Airport Service $50.00
esta organizacin sin 256 Essex St., 1st Floor Viaje cmodo y seguro
fines lucrativos ayuda a
Blueskies Wellness, Inc. Lawrence, MA 01840 Ms barato que UBER
la cual provee programas
de prevencin contra el Servicio local y larga distancia
Lunes a sbado de 10 a 6pm acoso escolar en el Valle de
(978) 361-0529 Buscamos choferes
y domingo de 10 a 3pm.
436 Broadway, Methuen, MA 01844 - (978) 208-1138 email: natalia@crisostomolaw.com


Lawrence High School

Graduates of 2010 through 2012
The Library received a large amount of
LHS yearbooks (2010 and 2012) from the
high school. They are giving them away.
If interested, please contact Louise Sandberg in the
Main Library, at 51 Lawrence St.

SUDOKU Respuestas/Answers

Es facil
encontrar a

(978) 794-5360

24 .: Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 603 NOVIEMBRE 22, 2017

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