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Contadura Pblica
IV Semestre

Universidad Piloto de
Colombia Seccional Alto
Magdalena Girardot
Carrera 19 N 17 33 Barrio La



Arturo Calle nace en la ciudad de Medelln el da 13 de agosto de 1938. A los diez

aos de edad este paisa ya se haba convertido en un experto en ventas de fruver en
las plazas de mercado, donde el asegura que era el lugar donde pasaba gran parte de
su tiempo, debido a que tena que ayudar con los gastos del hogar donde l viva con
su madre y sus nueve hermanos.
Desde muy joven tena la idea de convertirse en un gran empresario independiente,
ya que los negocios siempre hicieron parte de su ADN. Despus de un tiempo logr
vincularse como mecnico industrial en una fbrica de medias y a medida que iba
creciendo se dio cuenta que solo deba gastar lo necesario. Fue all en el ao 1965
donde surgi la motivacin de ahorrar por ms de 2 aos todo su esfuerzo para as
inaugurar su nuevo almacn en el san Victorino de la ciudad de Bogot D.C. y lo
denomino DANT.
El empresario viajaba muy de seguido a la ciudad de Pereira en busca de proveedores
con productos de buena calidad para atraer nuevos clientes. A cabo de 2 aos Arturo
Calle ya tena 3 almacenes en la ciudad y despus de ser tan reconocido estos
almacenes sus clientes le sugirieron cambiar el nombre de su empresa a ARTURO
CALLE. Lugo de ver que se estaba volviendo imposible conseguir diseos nuevos e
innovadores, el empresario decide dar un paso ms all de lo nunca se habra
imaginado, es por eso que se vio la necesidad de surtir sus propios almacenes con sus
propias fbricas de manufactura y confeccin.
Esto garantizo a sus clientes la mejor relacin entre calidad, precio y un buen servicio
de sus productos, logrando as llegar al xito comercial de la firma.
Hoy en da, despus de ms de 50 aos de la apertura de Arturo Calle se decide
implementar una estrategia de negocio que contempla la aplicacin del avance
tecnolgico, lanzamiento de nuevas marcas, y el desarrollo de un plan de expansin
territorial con proyeccin internacional.
LEGADO SOCIAL: Desde muy joven, Arturo Calle comprendi el deber que
tiene cualquier ciudadano en la construccin de una mejor sociedad. Mi madre
me ense el valor de la solidaridad. A menudo, ella llegaba a casa con la mitad
del mercado porque reparta gran parte de lo que haba comprado entre los
pobres que encontraba en el camino, seala Calle.
El ejemplo de su madre y su visin del mundo, llevaron a este empresario a
invertir en lo social desde temprana edad, labor que se formaliza en 1981 con la
creacin de la Fundacin ARTURO CALLE, a travs de la cual se ofrece respaldo


a iniciativas que fomentan la educacin, la salud y la adquisicin de vivienda

propia. Hoy en da, la firma apoya a 200 fundaciones mensualmente.
Las nuevas generaciones al mando de la compaa tambin han aprendido de la
vocacin social de Arturo Calle, lo cual garantiza la continuidad de su espritu
filantrpico sustentado en el principio de aprender a compartir. ARTURO
CALLE es una empresa que le pertenece a los colombianos por una razn muy
sencilla, uno no se lleva nada cuando se muere. Me siento satisfecho por haber
sembrado las bases de este gran edificio que genera empleo y que construye
pas, finaliza Calle.
La frmula del xito de Arturo Calle est definida: tener un horizonte claro, el don
de la paciencia y ser honrado.


Arturo Calle was born in the city of Medellin on August 13, 1938. At the age of ten
this paisa already had become an expert in sales of fruver in the market places,
where the says that it was the place where he spent much of his time, since he had to
help with the costs of home where he lived with his mother and nine siblings.
From a very young had the idea of becoming a great independent businessman, since
businesses were always part of their DNA. After a while he managed to engage as
industrial mechanic in a factory of socks and it would grow was aware that should
only spend what is necessary. It was there in 1965 where arose the motivation to
save for more than 2 years all his effort to so to inaugurate its new warehouse in the
san Victorino of Bogot D.C. and call it "DANT".
Businessman was traveling very of followed the city of Pereira in search of suppliers
with products of good quality to attract new customers. After 2 years Arthur Street
already had 3 warehouses in the city and after being so recognized these stores
customers suggested changing its company name to "Arthur Street". Lugo's view
that it was becoming impossible to get designs new and innovative, the employer
decides to take a step beyond never would have imagined it, so that was the need to
restock their own warehouses with their own manufacturing plants and preparation.


This guarantee to its clients the best relationship between quality, price and good
service of its products, managing to reach the commercial success of the firm.
Today, after more than 50 years of the opening of Arthur Street is decided to
implement a strategy of business which includes the application of technological
advance, launching of new brands, and the development of a plan of territorial
expansion with projection International.
"SOCIAL legacy: since I was very young, Arthur Street understood the duty that
has everyone in the construction of a better society." My mother taught me the
value of solidarity. Often, she came home with half of the market because it
delivered much of what they had bought among the poor was in the way", says
The example of his mother and his vision of the world, led this entrepreneur to
invest in society from an early age, work that was formalized in 1981 with the
creation of the Arthur Street Foundation, through which it offers support for
initiatives that encourage education health and the acquisition of own housing.
Today, the firm supports 200 foundations monthly.
New generations under the command of the company have also learned from the
social vocation of Arthur Street, which ensures the continuity of your
philanthropic spirit based on the principle of learning to share. "Arthur Street is
a company that belongs to the Colombian people for a very simple reason, one
does not take anything when you die. I am satisfied for having planted the
foundations of this great building that generates employment and building
country" ends Street."
The formula of success of Arthur Street is defined: "have a horizon of course, the
gift of patience and be honored".

ARTHUR STREET. (s.f.). Arthur Street case. Retrieved from history of the company:

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