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overall1 adjective (before noun) length total; result/reduction/cost global; the overall

impression la impresin general or de conjunto; he was the overall winner fue (el)
campen absoluto

pull ahead (of sb/sth) v + adv tomar la delantera (a algn/algo):
I pulled ahead of the other runners on the last straight. En la ltima
recta tom la delantera a los otros corredores.

pull sb/sth along, down, in, etc. v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n| v +

n/pron + prep + n/pron; pull sb/sth along, down, into, etc. sth llevar,
bajar, meter,, etc. a algn/algo a rastras:
He pulled the cart along with a rope. Arrastr el carro con una cuerda.
We pulled the trunk into the hall. Meti el bal en el hall a rastras.

pull sb/sth apart v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n (menos frec)

1 separar a algn/algo:
It took several of us to pull them apart. Tuvimos que intervenir varios
para separarlos.
= separate sb/sth (ms formal)
2 poner a algn/algo por los suelos:
She pulled my essay apart and told me to do it again. Dijo que el
trabajo estaba fatal y que volviera a hacerlo.

pull sth apart v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n (menos frec) destrozar algo,
hacer algo pedazos:
He pulled my book apart. Me destroz el libro.

pull sb aside v + n/pron + adv llevar algn aparte/a un lado:

I pulled him aside to warn him about her. Lo llev a un lado para
prevenirle sobre ella.
= draw sb aside, take sb aside

pull sth aside v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n apartar, retirar algo:

She pulled the curtain aside to reveal a small door. Apart la cortina
dejando al descubierto una puerta pequea.
OBJETO a curtain

pull at sth v + prep + n/pron dar tirones de algo, tirar de algo:

The little boy pulled anxiously at her sleeve. El nio le tiraba
ansiosamente de la manga.
= tug at sth

pull away v + adv

1 (tren, coche) arrancar, salir:
The train was pulling away as we reached the station. Cuando
llegamos a la estacin el tren estaba saliendo.
SUJETO the car
2 (from sb/sth) adelantarse (a algn/algo):
The other car pulled away from us and disappeared round the bend.
El otro coche nos adelant y desapareci al doblar la curva.
3 (from sb/sth) apartarse (de algn/algo):
She pulled away when she saw what was in the basket. Se apart
cuando vio lo que haba en la cesta.

pull sb/sth away (from sb/sth) v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n apartar a

algn/algo (de algn/algo):
I pulled her away from the edge. La apart del borde.

pull back v + adv

1 (from sb/sth) apartarse (de algn/algo), echarse atrs:
He pulled back and stared at her in disbelief. Se ech atrs y clav los
ojos en ella incrdulo.
= draw back
2 (Mil) retirarse:
We pulled back to await reinforcements. Nos retiramos a la espera de
= withdraw (ms formal)
3 echarse atrs, decidir no participar:
Their sponsors pulled back at the last minute. Sus patrocinadores se
echaron atrs en el ltimo momento.
= draw back, withdraw (ms formal)
4 (GB) (Dep) remontar:
Rangers pulled back to 43. El Rangers remont a 43.

pull sb/sth back v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n

1 retirar, apartar a algn/algo:
I pulled the child back from the edge. Apart al nio del borde.
2 (Mil) retirar a algn/algo:
We pulled our tanks back. Retiramos nuestros tanques.
= withdraw sb/sth (ms formal)

pull sth back v + adv + n| v + n/pron + adv (GB) (goles, puntos) conseguir
marcar algo (remontando posiciones cuando se va perdiendo ):
They pulled back a goal just before half-time. Marcaron un gol justo
antes del descanso.
OBJETO a goal

pull sb down
1 v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n (esp USA, coloq) dejar a algn para el
The stress at work is pulling me down. El estrs de la oficina me est
dejando para el arrastre.
2 v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n| v + n/pron + prep + n/pron ( tb pull sb
down sth) Ver pull sb/sth along, down, in, etc.
pull sth down
1 v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n bajar algo:
She pulled down the blinds and locked the door. Baj las persianas y
cerr la puerta.
OBJETO the blinds, your/sb's trousers
2 v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n (esp GB) echar algo abajo, derribar algo:
My old school has been pulled down. Han echado abajo mi antigua
OBJETO a house= tear sth down, demolish sth (ms formal)
3 v + adv + n| v + n/pron + adv (poco frec) (GB) (tb pull sth in) (coloq)
sacar, ganar algo:
He must be pulling down a hundred thousand. Debe de sacarse unas
cien mil.
= earn sth
4 v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n| v + n/pron + prep + n/pron ( tb pull sth
down sth) Ver pull sb/sth along, down, in, etc.

pull for sb v + prep + n/pron (USA, coloq) apoyar a algn:

Hang in there, we're all pulling for you! Adelante, estamos contigo!
= root for sb/sth

pull in v + adv| v + prep + n/pron; pull into sth

1 llegar (a) (a la estacin, a la terminal, etc.):
The express pulled in on time. El expreso lleg puntual.
SUJETO the train= draw in, draw into sth (esp GB)
2 (GB) (conductor) detenerse, parar (en) (a un lado de la carretera, en la
calle, etc.):
He pulled into a lay-by and turned off the engine. Par en un rea de
descanso y apag el motor.

pull sb in
1 v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n (coloq) detener a algn:
The police have pulled him in for questioning. La polica le ha detenido
para interrogarle.
= bring sb in (2) (menos coloq)
2 v + adv + n| v + n/pron + adv atraer a algn (grandes cantidades de
The show is still pulling in the crowds. El espectculo todava atrae al
OBJETO the crowds, the customers
3 v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n| v + n/pron + prep + n/pron ( tb pull sb
into sth) Ver pull sb/sth along, down, in, etc.

pull sth in
1 v + adv + n| v + n/pron + adv (poco frec) (GB tb pull sth down) sacar,
ganar algo:
His wife is pulling in a fortune. Su mujer gana una fortuna.
2 v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n| v + n/pron + prep + n/pron ( tb pull sth
into sth) Ver pull sb/sth along, down, in, etc.

pull off v + adv (vehculo) salir:

The limousine pulled off silently. La limusina sali silenciosamente.
= move off (esp GB)

pull off v + adv| v + prep + n; pull off sth (vehculo) salir (de) y parar:
I pulled off the main road and stopped. Sal de la carretera principal y

pull sb/sth off v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n| v + n/pron + prep + n/pron;

pull sb/sth off sb/sth quitar a algn/algo de encima (de algn/algo) (referido a
persona o animal):
She had to be pulled off him by two policemen. Fueron necesarios dos
policas para quitrsela de encima. Pull your dog off or I'll break his neck.
Quteme a su perro de encima o le rompo el cuello.

pull sth off

1 v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n (ropa) quitar(se), sacar(se) algo (con
dificultad o con prisas):
She pulled off her hat and gloves. Se quit el sombrero y los guantes.
= take sth off (1), pull sth on
2 v + pron + adv| v + adv + n| v + n + adv (poco frec) ( coloq) conseguir,
lograr algo:
I never thought you'd manage to pull it off. Jams pens que lo
conseguiras. The goalie pulled off a terrific save. El portero hizo una gran
OBJETO it= bring sth off
NOTA En este sentido pull sth off se utiliza mucho en la construccin pull
it off.

pull sth on v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n ponerse algo (con dificultad o con
I pulled my shorts on and ran out. Me puse las bermudas y sal
= put sth on (1), pull sth off

pull on sth v + prep + n/pron dar una calada a algo:

She pulled on her cigar. Dio una calada al puro.
OBJETO a cigarette, a cigar

pull out v + adv

1 (vehculo) salir:
I pulled out onto the main road. Sal a la carretera principal. The train
pulled out from the station on time. El tren sali de la estacin a su hora.
A van suddenly pulled out in front of me. De repente se me meti delante
una furgoneta.
2 (of sth) retirarse (de algo):
We pulled out of the village under heavy bombardment. Nos retiramos
del pueblo bajo un intenso bombardeo. They pulled out of the
tournament. Se retiraron del torneo.
= withdraw (from sth) (ms formal)

pull sb/sth out (of sth) v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n retirar a algn/algo
(de algo):
They've pulled Smythe out of the competition. Han retirado a Smythe
del concurso.
= withdraw sb/sth (from sth) (ms formal)

pull sth out (of sth) v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n

1 sacar algo (de algo):
He pulled an envelope out of his pocket. Sac un sobre del bolsillo.
The police pulled out the details of all the local criminals. La polica
extrajo la informacin referente a todos los delincuentes de la zona.
2 arrancar algo (de algo):
I pulled out the middle page to show him. Arranqu la pgina central
para ensersela.

pull over v + adv (vehculo) parar/hacerse a un lado (de la carretera, de la

He pulled over and jumped out of the car. Par a un lado de la carretera
y salt del coche. I pulled over to let the ambulance pass. Me hice a un
lado para dejar pasar a la ambulancia.

pull sb/sth over v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n parar a algn/algo ( referido

al conductor o al vehculo):
A police car pulled me over near Exeter. Un coche de la polica me par
cerca de Exeter.

pull through v + adv| v + prep + n/pron; pull through sth

1 recuperarse (de algo):
Few people expected him to pull through after the acccident. Muy
pocos esperaban que se recuperase despus del accidente.
2 salir adelante (y superar algo):
It was difficult but somehow we managed to pull through. No fue
fcil pero de alguna forma logramos salir adelante.

pull sth to v + n/pron + adv cerrar algo (una puerta, una ventana, etc.):
Pull the door to on your way out. Cierra la puerta cuando salgas.
OBJETO the door, the window= close sth

pull together v + adv cooperar, trabajar codo con codo:

If we all pull together, we'll finish by Friday. Si todos cooperamos,
acabaremos para el viernes.
pull sth together
1 v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n dar cohesin a algo:
His inspired leadership pulled the party together. Su acertado
liderazgo dio cohesin al partido.
2 v + adv + n| v + n/pron + adv reunir algo:
This essay pulls together several theories. Este ensayo rene varias

pull yourself together v + reflex + adv calmarse, sobreponerse:

Stop crying and pull yourself together! Deja de llorar y clmate!

pull sb/sth under v + n/pron + adv arrastrar a algn/algo hacia el fondo:

He felt the current pulling him under. Notaba que la corriente le
arrastraba hacia el fondo.

pull up v + adv (vehculo) parar, detenerse:

He pulled up alongside me at the traffic lights. Se par a mi lado en el
= draw up

pull sb up v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n (coloq)

1 (on/for sth/for doing sth) (GB) reir a algn (por algo/hacer algo):
She pulled him up on his untidy handwriting. Le ri por su mala letra.
I was pulled up for not using the correct procedure. Me rieron por no
usar el procedimiento correcto.
2 parar a algn:
His question pulled me up short. Su pregunta me par en seco.
NOTA En este sentido pull sb up se utiliza mucho con los adverbios short
y sharp.

pull sth up v + n/pron + adv| v + adv + n

1 subir(se) algo:
She pulled her shorts up and put a T-shirt on. Se subi las bermudas y
se puso una camiseta.
2 (planta) arrancar algo:
The vandals pulled all the shrubs up. Los gamberros arrancaron todos
los arbustos.
= rip sth up (2), tear sth up (3)
3 v + adv + n| v + n/pron + adv (to sth) acercar algo (a algo):
Pull up a chair and sit down. Acerca una silla y sintate.
OBJETO a chair= draw sth up (3)

(c) Oxford University Press 2006

surrender1 transitive verb

1 (Military) arms/town rendir*, entregar*

2 (hand over) (formal) document/ticket entregar*

3 (relinquish) right/claim renunciar a

surrender intransitive verb soldier/army rendirse*; to surrender to somebody

entregarse* a alguien; he surrendered to the police se entreg a la polica; he had not
surrendered to idleness no se haba dejado vencer por la pereza

v refl to surrender oneself to something to indulgence/idleness dejarse vencer por algo;

just surrender yourself to the music djate llevar por la msica, abandnate a la msica

assault1 noun

A uncountable/countable (Law)

1 (violence) agresin feminine; assault and battery agresin con lesiones

2 (molestation) agresin feminine sexual, ataque masculine contra la libertad sexual; (rape)
violacin feminine

B countable

1 (Military) asalto masculine, ataque masculine; to make an assault on something atacar*

algo; (before noun) assault craft barcaza feminine de asalto; assault rifle rifle masculine de
asalto; assault troops tropas feminine plural de asalto

2 (onslaught) assault (on something) ataque masculine (a algo), arremetida feminine (contra
algo); an assault on Everest un intento de escalar el Everest; the firm is preparing for an
assault on the market la empresa se dispone a conquistar el mercado

ascent noun

1 uncountable/countable (of mountain) escalada feminine, ascensin (formal); the ascent of

Everest la ascensin al Everest

2 uncountable/countable (rise) ascenso masculine

3 countable (slope) subida feminine, cuesta feminine

evict transitive verb

1 tenant/squatter desahuciar, desalojar

2 demonstrators desalojar

item atm noun [countable]

1 an individual thing, usually one of several things in a group or on a list
customers who pay high prices for luxury items
item of Repairs were carried out on several items of equipment.
1a an individual subject that you are discussing or dealing with
The main item on the agenda is the pay dispute.
2 an article in a newspaper or magazine
Were doing an item on the Queens visit to China.
2a a short part of a news programme on television or radio dealing with a
particular subject
be an item INFORMAL
if two people are an item, they have a romantic or sexual relationship
When they realised that he and Lesley were an item, they werent very happy
about it.

pardon p(r)d()n prd()n interjection

1 used for politely asking someone to repeat something you did not hear or did
not understand
2 used for saying sorry when you make a rude noise with your body

Sound asleep: profundamente dormido.

worrywart noun (American English colloquial) don angustias, doa angustias masculine,
feminine (colloquial); don't be such a worrywart! no te preocupes tanto! (colloquial)

livelihood noun (no plural): farming is their livelihood viven de la agricultura; our livelihood
depends on it de ello depende nuestro sustento; to earn o gain one's/a livelihood
ganarse la vida or el sustento; the shop affords them a bare livelihood la tienda apenas
les da para vivir; it deprived them of their livelihood los priv de sus medios de vida
heartfelt adjective sincero, sentido; my heartfelt sympathy mi ms sentido psame

similarly adverb

1 (in a similar way) de modo parecido or similar

2 (equally) igualmente

3 (as linker) asimismo, del mismo modo

break into VI + PREP

[+ house] entrar a robar en, allanar [+ safe] forzar
(Comm etc)
to break into a new market introducirse en un mercado nuevo
to break into films introducirse en el mundo cinematogrfico
(=begin suddenly) echar a, romper a
to break into a run echar or empezar a correr
to break into song ponerse a cantar

caldo masculino

A (Cocina) (para beber) clear soup; (con arroz etc) soup; (para cocinar) stock; (salsa) juices
(plural); cubitos de caldo stock cubes; caldo de pollo/verduras chicken/vegetable stock;
dle un caldito ligero give him a thin soup; cambiar el caldo a las aceitunas (familiar &
humorstico) to have o take a leak (familiar & humorstico); echar un caldo (Mxico familiar)
to have a grope (familiar); hacerle a alguien el caldo gordo to make it o things easy for
somebody; poner a alguien a caldo (Espaa familiar) to tell somebody what you think of
him/her (familiar); al que no quiere caldo, taza y media or dos tazas it never rains but it
B (Vinicultura) wine

bill1 noun

1 (invoice) factura feminine, cuenta feminine; telephone bill la cuenta or (Spain also) el recibo
del telfono

2 (in restaurant) (especially British English) cuenta feminine, nota feminine, adicin feminine

3 (costs) gastos masculine plural; we have to reduce our wage bill tenemos que reducir los
gastos de personal, tenemos que reducir el rubro salarios (Latin America); the telephone
bill is still too high lo que gastamos en telfono es an demasiado; to foot the bill pagar*,
apoquinar (colloquial)

B (Finance)

1 (banknote) (American English) billete masculine; a dollar bill un billete de un dlar

2 bill of exchange

C (Government) proyecto masculine de ley; private bill (BrE) proyecto de ley presentado por
un diputado, mocin feminine (Chi)

1 (poster) (dated) cartel masculine, anuncio masculine; (S)post o (British English also) stick
no bills prohibido fijar carteles

2 (program) programa masculine; to head o top the bill encabezar* el reparto; to fill o
(British English also) fit the bill reunir* las condiciones, satisfacer* los requisitos; do you
know of anyone who would fill the bill? conoces a alguien que rena las condiciones or
satisfaga los requisitos?; that would fill the bill admirably eso sera ideal

E (certificate): bill of indictment escrito de acusacin presentado a un jurado; bill of lading

conocimiento masculine de embarque; bill of sale contrato masculine or escritura feminine
de venta; a clean bill of health (favorable report) el visto bueno; (Nautical) certificado
masculine or patente feminine de sanidad; to sell somebody a bill of goods (American
English colloquial) darle* or (Chi) pasarle or (Colombia) meterle gato por liebre a alguien

1 (beak) pico masculine

2 (of cap) (American English) visera feminine

G the (old) Bill (the police) (BrE slang) la poli (colloquial), la pasma (Spain slang), la cana
(RPl slang), la tomba (Colombia colloquial)

flop1 intransitive verb -pp-

1 (fall, move slackly) (+ adverb complement): she flopped down into a chair se dej caer en
un silln; he flopped down exhausted onto the bed se desplom en la cama muerto de
cansancio; her head flopped forward as she fell asleep dio una cabezada al quedarse
dormida; the fish was flopping about el pez daba coletazos

2 (sleep) (American English colloquial) dormir*, apolillar (RPl colloquial)

B (fail) (colloquial) play/film/show fracasar estrepitosamente

flop2 noun

A (sound, movement) (no plural) golpetazo masculine, golpe masculine seco

B (failure) (colloquial) fracaso masculine

though1 conjunction

1 (despite the fact that) aunque; though the house is small, it is very comfortable aunque
or a pesar de que la casa es pequea, es muy cmoda; the house, though small, is very
comfortable la casa, aunque or si bien (es) pequea, es muy cmoda; though you may
find this hard to believe aunque te cueste creerlo; good though the book is, it could
have been better aunque el libro es bueno podra haber sido mejor

2 (but) aunque; I wouldn't have thought it likely, though you may be right no lo hubiera
credo posible, aunque puede (ser) que tengas razn

B (even if) (literary) aunque (+ subjunctive); though we die in the attempt aunque muramos
en el intento

though2 adverb

1 (nevertheless, however): it is easy, though, to understand their feelings sin embargo, es

fcil comprender sus sentimientos; the course is difficult; it's interesting, though el curso
es difcil, pero es interesante

2 (just, indeed) (colloquial): he's very talented isn't he though! tiene mucho talento si
tendr !

cycle2 intransitive verb person ir* en bicicleta; I cycle to work voy al trabajo en bicicleta

swap2, -pp- transitive verb possessions/ideas intercambiar; to swap something for

something cambiar algo por algo; I'll swap (you) my stamp album for your bike te
cambio el lbum de sellos por la bici; to swap something with somebody cambiarle algo a
alguien; I swapped places with Helen le cambi el sitio a Helen; would you mind
swapping places with me? le importara cambiarme el sitio?

swap intransitive verb: try to swap with a friend trata de cambirselo (or cambirselos
etc) a un amigo

Phrasal verb
swap around, British English also swap round verb + object + adverb cambiar de sitio; I
swapped the glasses around cambi las copas de sitio

straightforward stretf(r)w(r)d stretfrwrd adjective

1 not complicated or difficult to understand
Its a fairly straightforward operation.
2 clear and honest
Just give me a straightforward answer.
straightforwardly adverb
She told him quite straightforwardly, No.
straightforwardness noun [uncountable]

premature adjective birth/baby/baldness prematuro; senility precoz; their victory celebration

was premature cantaron victoria antes de tiempo

incubator noun (Biology, Medicine, Zoology) incubadora feminine






cast on my leg



whining in pain



end up = end up (2), finish up (2)
1 v + adv + complemento [+ adv/prep/adj] terminar, acabar:
He ended up in prison. Acab en la crcel.
NOTA En este sentido, end up siempre va seguido de un complemento:
How did I end up here?
= end up (1), finish up (1)
2 v + adv + -ing end up doing sth terminar, acabar (haciendo/por hacer
I expect we'll end up paying, as usual. Supongo que acabaremos
pagando, como siempre.
NOTA En este sentido, end up siempre va seguido de una forma en -ing:
I never thought I'd end up marrying him.

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