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Pasado Simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones que han

sucedido en un tiempo anterior y que ya han finalizado, por ejemplo:

She cleaned her house. Ella limpi su casa.

I broke the window. Yo romp la ventana

Su conjugacin que en el espaol equivale al Pretrito Indefinido, donde la

estructura de la oracin es similar a la del Presente Simple
El tiempo pasado y los verbos regulares e irregulares
En el primero de los casos forman su Pasado Simple aadiendo la terminacin ED
al infinitivo, mientras que los irregulares reciben ese nombre por no seguir un
patrn determinado y en este caso deben estudiarse individualmente.
Esta forma verbal del Ingls es un poco ms complicada, porque ya obliga a
asimilar otros aspectos que son ms abstractos, como los verbos irregulares por
El presente simple se suele utilizar para referirnos a acciones que tuvieron lugar
en un momento concreto del pasado. En este caso se utilizan partculas como
yesterday (ayer) o last year (el pasado ao).

She finished school last year - Acab el colegio el pasado ao.

Tambin se utiliza el pasado para acciones que ocurrieron en el pasado y que han
finalizado, aunque no se mencione el momento preciso.

Who wrote that letter? Quin escribi esta carta?

Para formar el pasado debemos poner el verbo en su forma pasada, y es aqu

donde viene la dificultad. Lo primero, tenemos que distinguir dos clases de verbos:
los regulares y los irregulares.

El "simple past" se utiliza para hablar de una accin que concluy en un

tiempo anterior al actual. La duracin no es relevante. El tiempo en que se sita la
accin puede ser el pasado reciente o un pasado lejano.

John Cabot sailed to America in 1498.

My father died last year.
He lived in Fiji in 1976.
We crossed the Channel yesterday.

Cuidado: el "simple past" del ingls puede parecerse a un tiempo verbal de tu propio
idioma y, sin embargo, su significado puede ser distinto.



Sujeto + raz + ed

I skipped.


Sujeto + did not + infinitivo sin to

They didn't go.


Did + sujeto + infinitivo sin to

Did she arrive?

Interrogativa negativa:

Did not + sujeto + infinitivo sin to

Didn't you play?

Sujeto Verbo

Be Have Do

I was had did

You were had did

He/She/It was had did

We were had did

You were had did

They were had did

La forma afirmativa del "simple past" es sencilla.

I was in Japan last year

She had a headache yesterday.
We did our homework last night.

Para las formas negativa e interrogativa del "simple past" del verbo "do" como
verbo ordinario, se emplea como auxiliar "do", e.g. We didn't do our homework
last night.
La forma negativa del verbo "have" en "simple past" suele construirse utilizando el
auxiliar "do", aunque en ocasiones solo se aade not o la contraccin "n't".

La forma interrogativa del verbo "have" en "simple past" suele emplear el

auxiliar "do".


They weren't in Rio last summer.

We didn't have any money.

We didn't have time to visit the Eiffel Tower.

We didn't do our exercises this morning.

Were they in Iceland last January?
Did you have a bicycle when you were young?
Did you do much climbing in Switzerland?
Algunos verbos hacen el "simple past" de forma irregular. Estos son los ms


He went to a club last night.

Did he go to the cinema last night?
He didn't go to bed early last night.


We gave her a doll for her birthday.

They didn't give John their new address.
Did Barry give you my passport?


My parents came to visit me last July.

We didn't come because it was raining.
Did he come to your party last week?

1. Did you eat meat?

(Comiste carne?).

2. No, I didnt eat

(No, yo no com carne).

3. I liked the fruits.

(Me gustaron las frutas).

4. I listened to music.

(Yo escuch msica).

5. I tok an English class

(tome una clase de ingles).

6. Did you hear that?

(Escuchaste eso?).

7. They did it

(Ellos lo hicieron).

8. He was there

(l estuvo ah).

9. I knew it

(Lo saba).

10. I tried so hard

(Lo intent muy duro).

11. Lester learned how to play the piano

(Lester aprendi a tocar el piano).

12. She looked at me in a very bad way

(Ella mir de una muy mala manera).

13. I painted my bedroom yesterday

(Pint mi recmara ayer).

14. Martha didnt know about all of this

(Martha no saba acerca de esto).

15. Did you try the soup?

(Probaste la sopa?).

16. Did you meet my friends?

(Conociste a mis amigos?).

17. You didnt have to do that

(No tenas que hacer eso).

18. Did the mall open today?

(Abri el centro comercial hoy?).

19. Did you eat all the cake by yourself?

(Te comiste todo el pastel t solo?).

20. Laura didnt want to go out with me

(Laura no quiso salir conmigo).

21. Carla didnt pay attention to the teacher

(Carla no puso atencin al maestro).

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