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Espinoza Snchez Luis Fernando

Esta historia se basa en hechos 100% reales y es protagonizada por un grupo
de buenos amigos, quienes desde nios decidieron formar una banda de rock
una banda tan genial que pudiera darles todas las experiencias locas
posibles, adems de adentrarse a un mundo maravilloso, el de la msica.
Han pasado aos y aos rockeando. Todo el mundo ha sido conquistado por su
msica, a veces aburrido, a veces divertido, pero siempre juntos como
hermanos, jams haban tenido ningn percance, excepto el da en que
decidieron visitar la ciudad de Marruecos
El 11 de noviembre de 1995 Klaus, Rudolf, Mathias y James volaban
tranquilamente en su avin privado, el cual usaban en todas sus giras, Klaus
portaba una genial chamarra de cuero color negra, los dems estaban viendo
la tv. Rudolf dijo entonces: -chicos, debemos hacer algo muy especial para la
tocada a la que vamos, se realizara en la ciudad de Marruecos, es nuestra
primera presentacin en ese lugar, as que debemos ser muy cuidadosos y
respetuosos porque las costumbres en esa ciudad son un poco peculiares.
Mathias asinti sin ningn problema al igual que la estrella y voz de la banda
Klaus, pero James comenz a pensar en cmo podran divertirse al mximo
convirtiendo esta aventura en una experiencia alocada.
La banda aterriz en el aeropuerto, era muy pequeo y estaba lleno de vacas
que transportaban el equipaje, todo era extrao, hasta el cielo tena un color
rojizo tenue y el calor estaba bien cabrn, un lugar tan extrao era una
tentacin muy grande para James as que no lo pens ms y dijo oooo! que
geniales vacas hay en este lugar tan mgico, montare una. qu es lo peor que
podra pasar?, entonces se acerc a una y se subi, no saba que las vacas
eran sagradas en esa parte del mundo, an no haban salido del aeropuerto
cuando un montn de guardias con vestidos extraos comenzaron a golpear a
James (eran policas de esa regin), Klaus, Mathias y Rudolf no tuvieron ms
alternativa que meterse al pleito para defender a su amigo, lo cual fue un
grave error ya que ocasionaron que todos fueran encarcelados en la crcel
desrtica marroqu!, un lugar deplorable, lleno de culpables de delitos absurdos
y tontos, una pocilga llena de corrupcin.
La banda estuvo muy triste durante algunos das, su condicin era un fiasco, la
tocada se haba cancelado y estaban en la crcel, Klaus se senta asustado y
nervioso, Mathias siempre se mantuvo tranquilo y con un nimo positivo
mientras que Rudolf escriba muchas canciones, ese lugar era una obscura
inspiracin pero ya vea venir el xito si es que algn da salan de ese lugar .
Por su parte James siempre fue la oveja negra de la banda, ese quien siempre
le da el toque de peligro y emocin a todos los viajes, es quien siempre hace
cosas increbles, as que tuvo una idea genial, contacto al director de la prisin
y le propuso un trato, el cual era dejarlos tocar para el disfrute de los dems
convictos, era una gran idea, solo tena que dar a cambio su collar de vaca, el
cual le pareca genial al director y crea que le dara muy buena suerte, adems
era de oro de 24 k.
Despus de aproximadamente 2 das todo estaba listo , el escenario chafa
estaba armado y las guitarras y dems instrumentos estaban conectados, solo
quedaba darle feeling!!!
Cuando comenzaron todo el lugar estallo con tantos matices, tantos colores en
forma de sonido, eran fuertes y alegres, tan llenos de energa y ritmo, que
hasta la gente que estaba en la calle escuchaba la msica y le gustaba mucho.
Despus de ese da marruecos reconsidero la situacin de los 4 amigos y
decidi perdonarlos a cambio de que dejaran el pas inmediatamente, lo cual
decidieron hacer.
A partir de ese da, las pocas personas que fueron testigos de las grandes
canciones de la banda tuvieron un cambio de ideales que iban en contra de sus
costumbres radicales, iniciando un movimiento revolucionario y el comienzo de
una guerra civil en contra del gobierno opresor que les prohiba las costumbres
globalizadas del capitalismo y la msica comercial.

This story is based in 100% real acts and is starred by a band of Friends, since
kids wanted form a grat rock band one band who can take all crazy
experiences , whith an entrace to the wonderful world of music.
Have spent a lot of rocking years. All the world has been conquered because
they listen your music, somethimes sad, always funny, always together like
brothers, never have one problem, until they decided travel to Morocco.
On November 11, 1995 Klaus, Rudolf, Mathias and James were flying quietly in
their private plane, which they used on all their tours, Klaus was wearing a
great black leather jacket, the others were watching TV. Rudolf then said:
"Guys, we must do something very special for the presentation we are going to
perform in the city of Morocco, it is our first presentation in this place, so we
must be very careful and respectful because the customs in that city Are a bit
peculiar. Mathias nodded without a hitch as well as the Klaus band's star and
voice, but James began to think about how they could have the most fun
turning this adventure into a crazy experience.
The band landed at the airport, was very small and was full of cows carrying
luggage, everything was strange, even the sky had a faint reddish color and
the heat was good "bastard", such a strange place was a very big temptation
For James so did not think it over and said - oooo! What great cows there are in
this place so magical, I will mount one. What is the worst that could happen?
Then he approached one and went up, did not know that the cows were sacred
in that part of the world, had not yet left the airport when a lot of guards in
strange dresses began to beat James, Klaus, Mathias and Rudolf had no
alternative but to go to court to defend their friend, which was a serious
mistake as they caused everyone to be imprisoned in the Moroccan desert
prison !, a place Deplorable, full of guilty of absurd and foolish crimes, a pigsty
full of corruption.
The band was very sad for a few days, their condition was a fiasco, the play
had been canceled and they were in jail, Klaus was scared and nervous,
Mathias always remained calm and in a positive mood while Rudolf wrote many
songs, This place was an obscure inspiration but I already saw success coming
if one day they left that place.
James was always the black sheep of the band, the one who always gives the
touch of danger and excitement to all the trips, is who always does incredible
things, so he had a great idea, contact the director of the prison and He
proposed a deal, which was to let them play for the enjoyment of the other
convicts, it was a great idea, he just had to give in return his cow collar, which
seemed great to the director and believed he would give very good luck, Plus it
was 24 carat gold.
After about 2 days everything was ready, the chafa stage was armed and the
guitars and other instruments were connected, just left giving him feeling !!!.
When they started the whole place burst with so many nuances, so many colors in the
form of sound, they were strong and joyful, so full of energy and rhythm, that even the
people on the street listened to the music and liked it a lot..
After that day Morocco reconsidered the situation of the 4 friends and decided
to forgive them in exchange for leaving the country immediately, which they
decided to do.
From that day on, the few people who witnessed the band's great songs had a
change of ideals that went against their radical customs, initiating a
revolutionary movement and the beginning of a civil war against the
oppressive government that Forbade them the globalized customs of capitalism
and commercial music.

THE END?????????

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