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Msica y danza tpica

La msica de Italia oscila en un amplio espectro de pera y msica clsica

instrumental, como principal, La pera se origin en Italia a finales del siglo 16,
durante la poca de la Camerata Florentina. A travs de los siglos que
siguieron, las tradiciones de la pera se desarrollaron en Npoles y Venecia.

La Tarantella, el baile tpico de Italia deriva de una creencia popular del

medioevo, se crea que cuando se era mordido por una tarntula se entraba en
un trance donde el nico modo para no morir envenenado era bailar y danzar

Music and typical dance of Italy

The music of Italy ranges in a wide spectrum of opera and classic instrumental
music, since principal, The opera originated in Italy at the end of the 16th
century, during the epoch of the Camerata Florentina. Across the centuries that
continued, the traditions of the opera developed in Naples and Venice.

The Tarantella, the typical dance of Italy derives from a popular belief of the
medioevo, one was thinking that when it was bitten by a tarantula one was
entering a situation where the only way not to die poisoned was to dance and
to dance rapidly.

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