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45) Dnde habran ido este 4) ______________ (take) a taxi if

verano si hubieran viajado al you ________________ (be) in a

extranjero? hurry.
46) Si tienes hambre, puedes 5) If it ________________ (be) too
comer fruta. late when you get home,
________________ (not/wake) me up.
47) Si no apruebas los exmenes,
trabajars todo el verano. 6) If you ______________ (put) butter
near the fire, it _______________
48) Si te duele la cabeza, toma
una aspirina.
49) Si tuviera ms dinero, me
comprara una bicicleta nueva. 3. Rewrite these sentences
using UNLESS.
50) Yo en tu lugar no hara nada.
1) We wont buy any fish today if it
51) No te invitarn a la fiesta a
isnt cheaper than yesterday.
menos que les pidas disculpas.
___We wont buy any fish today
52) Si te acuestas tarde, estars
unless it is cheaper than
cansada por la maana.
53) Si estuviera ms delgado, me
2) If you dont go to the party,
sentira mejor.
theyll be disappointed.
54) Si hubiramos sabido que
estabais en casa, os habramos
55) No habra salido si hubiera
3) I cant help her if she doesnt
hecho fro.
want to talk to me.
56) Si Elvis hubiera llevado una
vida ms saludable, no se hubiera
muerto tan joven.
57) Si hubieras estudiado ms, no
4) If it doesnt stop raining, well
habras suspendido el examen.
stay at home.
2. Use Zero and First
Conditional Clauses to
complete the sentences.
1) If he __has_________ (have) got a
5) If he doesnt go to the post
temperature, __call_______ (call)
office, he wont buy the stamps.
the doctor.
2) ______________ (take) your
umbrella if it ________________
6) George wont come out of
3) If you ______________ (heat)
hospital if he doesnt feel better.
water to 100C, it _______________
___________________________________ 2) If it __________________ (rain), we
___________________________________ __________________ (stay) at home.
3) I ____________________ (call) you
4. Complete the following if I ___________________ (have) time.
4) If she ___________________
1) If we dont hurry, we ___will (not/study) hard, she
be____________ (be) late. ____________________ (not/pass) the
2) If I see her, I
_____________________ (give) her 5) If the weather
your message. ___________________ (be) nice, we
___________________ (go) to the
3) If youre hungry, I
_____________________ (make) you a
sandwich. 6) You ______________________ (get)
fat if you ___________________
4) If he _____________________
(not/stop) eating so much.
(not/come) to the party, I will be
very upset. 7) If I ______________________ (see)
John, I ______________________ (tell)
5) If she ____________________ (go)
him about the party.
to Paris, shell send me a postcard.
8) Mum _______________________
6) If we _____________________
(be) very angry if I
(not/be) busy, well come with you.
____________________ (not/tidy) my
7) If he does that again, dad room.
____________________ (be) very
9) If we _______________________
(not/leave) now, we
8) If he ______________________ _____________________ (miss) the
(not/finish) his homework, he bus.
wont go out.
10) You ________________________
9) If he ______________________ (not/go) to the party if you
(come), Ill talk to him. _________________ (not/do) your

10) If she _______________________ homework.

(hurry), she wont be late.
11) If it rains, we
. Rewrite the sentences. Use
___________________ (not/go) out.
the Second Conditional.
12) If they are late, they
1) I havent got any money, so I
______________________ (miss) the
wont buy that CD.
____If I had some money, I would
5. Complete with the First
buy that
1) If I ___am not_________ (not/be) ____________
busy, I __will come____ (come) with
2) Pigs havent got wings, so they
dont fly.
___________________________________ Read and write Third
___________________________________ Conditional sentences.
1) Helen forgot to make an
3) His marks arent good because appointment at the hairdressers.
he doesnt work hard. She cut her hair herself. She
___________________________________ awful at the party.
____If she hadnt forgotten to make
4) Im busy, so I wont come with an appointment at the
you. hairdressers, she wouldnt have
cut her
___________________________________ hair herself. If she hadnt cut her
___________ hair herself, she wouldnt have
looked awful at the party.________
5) They dont know her, so they
wont invite her to their party. 2) Peter ate three bars of
chocolate. He had a terrible
stomach ache. He couldnt go to
the cinema
with Stanley and Leslie.
6) I wont call him because I
havent got his phone number. ___________________________________
___________ ___________________________________
7) She walks to school because
she hasnt got a bike.
3) Mary sat in the sun too long.
8) Its cold, so we wont go to the
She was red and sore. She didnt
enjoy herself at the barbecue that
___________ ___________________________________
9) I wont join you because I have
to stay at home.
10) He wont lend you his camera
because he needs it.
4) Pauline watched TV until three 3) If I ________________________
oclock in the morning! She was (pack) the suitcases myself, I
late for the school bus. She missed wouldnt have left my swimsuit.
the school excursion.
4) We
(can / sit) in the garden if the
weather were nicer. ____
(Fred / be) bored if you had taken
___________________________________ him to the opera? ____
6) I
5) Mr Davis tried to lift a heavy (wait) for you outside the cinema if
suitcase. He hurt his back. He I arrive early. ____
couldnt play golf.
7) Val and Cherie would move if
___________________________________ they __________________________
___________________________________ (can / find) a better house. ____
8) I
___________________________________ ________________________________
___________________________________ (tell) him my name if he had
___________ asked. ____

___________________________________ 9) If the children want to go to the

___________________________________ zoo, _____________________________
___________ (Dad /take) them? ____

30. Complete the sentences 10) If the job

and decide which type of ___________________________ (be)
Conditional Sentence it is. interesting, would you work for
this company? ____
1) If I ____had______ (have) lots of
money, I would sail round the 11) They wouldnt have believed
world. 2__ him if he
____________________________ (tell)
2) If my sister them the truth. ____
_____________________ (see) this
puppy, she will love it. ____ 12) She would be upset if her best
friend ______________________ (not /
come) to her wedding. ____

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