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Emily Onofre

Av. Eloy Alfaro y Alemania


22 de marzo de 2017

Por favor permtame adjuntarle algunas palabras acerca de la historia que
estoy escribiendo llamada "El Lago", que podra publicarse como un cuento o
un libro o historia corta para nios.
El Lago es una interesante historia acerca de una pequea nia y sus amigas,
acostumbradas a los juegos de aventura en un bosque cerca de uno de los
lagos ms grandes de la regin. Mientras jugaban las infantas solan tomar
ramas y hierbas del lugar y algunas de ellas las consuman, asumiendo que
eran deliciosa preparaciones que ellas mismas haban elaborado, sin embargo
uno de esos frutos era un alucingeno que por poco logra que una de las nias
muera ahogada al caer en el lago.
Esta historia puede llegar a convertirse en un libro de suspenso y aventura,
bastante atractivo, incluye enseanzas acerca de la amistad verdadera y el
valor de la vida. Es una historia de drama y comedia que encantar a nios y
Este es uno de mis primeros libros, debo confesar que apenas estoy iniciando
mi carrera como escritora, pero ya llevo varias experiencias escribiendo
historias cortas para nios.
Les agradezco y espero enviarles el manuscrito si les interesa recibirlo.

Mis mejores deseos

Emily Onofre
Emily Onofre
Eloy Alfaro and Germany Street

March 22, 2017

Please allow me to attach some words about the stories I am writing called
"The Lake", that could be published as a short book or short story for children.
The Lake is an interesting story about a little girl and her friends, accustomed
to adventure games in a forest near one of the largest lakes in the region.
While they played the infants they used to take branches and herbs from the
place and some of them consumed them, assuming that they were delicious
preparations that they themselves had elaborated, nevertheless one of those
fruits was a hallucinogen that by little obtains that one of the girls dies
drowned to the Fall into the lake.
This story can become a book of suspense and adventure, quite attractive,
includes teachings about true friendship and the value of life. It is a story of
drama and comedy that will delight children and adults.
This is one of my first books, I must confess that I'm just starting my writing
career, but I've already had several experiences writing short stories for
I thank you and hope to send you the manuscript if you are interested in
receiving it.

My best wishes
Emily Onofre

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