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Regrets and dreams

Hay dos formas de conocer que es un sueo. La primera es el termino cientfico, que es
imaginarse cosas mientras duermes, pero yo me refiero al otro significado. El de desear
algo que quieres tener o que entras en un mundo donde tu mandas. No solo les contar
sobre mis sueos, sino tambin de mis arrepentimientos que me han sucedido. Lets
check out some of them.

I wish i had superpowers. En este sueo siempre he querido utilizar estos poderes para
mi vida. Los poderes seran tener telequinesis, volar, sper fuerza, velocidad y telepata.
Los usara para impresionar a las chicas, para hacer bromas en la calle, familiares,
amigos, profesores, etc

Tambien para mi futuro, por ejemplo puedo ser atleta de atletismo y ganar todas las
competiciones. El que ms me gustara tener sera volar porque podra ir hacia el limite
del cielo, y depuse dejarme caer sin tener que tener un paracadas. Estara bien.

I wish i was gifted in the intelligens. This could be another of my dreams. Si yo fuera
super inteligente, podra sacar buenas notas y mis padres me adoraran. Tambin seria el
favorito de los profesores. Aunque para que no me subieran de curso, controlara mi
inteligencia. Me daran diplomas and join in a good university.

Algunas veces me he arrepentido sobre algunas malas elecciones en mi vida, o errores

que pude haber evitado.

I wish i had helped that poor man. Always when i see a poor men i want to help him.
But one time, a poor man said to me if i had some money for eat. I said no but i had in
my pocket 5 euros. I felt very bad because perfectly y could gave him some money.

I wish i hadnt gone to that part of the school. Accidentaly, me and my Friends went to
a restricted rea that we have never gone. When my Friends said me to go there, i had to
think on my feet if i do it or no. Finally i went there and the teachers saw us. They
punish us and we paid the pipes. So i regret of decide to go with my Friends.

In conclusin dreams are good to think because is your fantasy, and then you have to
think very carefully your decitions if you dont want to regret of something.


There are two ways to know what it is a dream. The first is the scientific term, which is
to imagine things while you sleep, but I mean the other meaning. The one of wanting
something that you want to have or that you enter in a world where you send. Not only
will I tell you about my dreams, but also about my regrets that have happened to me.
Let's check out some of them.

I wish I had superpowers. In this dream I have always wanted to use these powers for
my life. The powers would be telekinesis, flying, super strength, speed and telepathy. I
would use them to impress the girls, to make jokes on the street, family, friends,
teachers, etc ...

Also for my future, for example I can be athletic athlete and win all competitions. The
one that I would most like to have would be flying because I could go to the edge of the
sky, and I decided to let myself fall without having to have a parachute. It would be

I wish I was gifted in the intelligens. This could be another of my dreams. If I were
super intelligent, I could get good grades and my parents would love me more. I would
also be the favorite of teachers. But to keep me off course, I would control my
intelligence. They would give me diplomas and join in a good university.

Sometimes I have regretted some bad choices in my life, or mistakes that I could have
I wish i had helped that poor man. Always when i see a poor men i want to help him.
But one time, a poor man asked to me if i had some money for eat. I said no but i had in
my pocket 5 euros. I felt very bad because perfectly i could gave him some money.

I wish i hadnt gone to that part of the school. Accidentaly, me and my Friends went to
a restricted rea that we have never gone. When my Friends said me to go there, i had to
think on my feet if i do it or no. Finally i went there and the teachers saw us. They
punished us and we paid the pipes. So i regret of decide to go with my Friends.

In conclusion dreams are good to think because it is your fantasy, and then you have to
think very carefully if you do not want to regret something.

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