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Controversias frecuentes


1) Lo que la Biblia dice

Convirtiendo la
Controversia en

2) Los gay nacen as

3) La gente elige ser gay
4) El cambio no es posible

Bryan Kliewer

Guianza de las Escrituras

Juan 1:14-17, Jess vino pleno de la gracia y de la
verdad de Dios y trajo gracia y verdad a la gente
atrapada en pecado sexual y quebrantamiento,
conducindoles a una vida transformada
Los cristianos y las Iglesias son instruidas a
ministrar la verdad y la gracia de Jess a otros.
100% gracia y 100% verdad convierte la
controversia en un ministerio que transforma

Guianza de las Escrituras

La forma en la que la Biblia discute el pecado est diseada
para ayudarnos a encontrar la salvacin, no para alejarnos de
1 Corintios 6:9-11
Este pasaje es sobre qu tipo de gente hereda el reino de
Dice que las personas involucrada en la homosexualidad
pueden ser perdonadas, pueden ser justificadas en Jess,
pueden recibir una nueva identidad en Cristo y pueden
heredar el reino de Dios. No es algo que quizs ocurri, sino
algo que realmente sucedi en la iglesia de Corinto.
Es un pasaje de advertencia y esperanza.

Controversia sobre lo que la Biblia dice

acerca de la homosexualidad
Verdad distorsionada

Gracia distorsionada

Hay solo unos versculos

sobre la homosexualidad.
El resto de la Biblia habla
sobre el amor de Dios y la
aceptacin de toda la
gente. Esto significa que la
homosexualidad est bien.

La Biblia claramente
establece que la
homosexualidad es un
pecado abominable que
merece condenacin. Los
homosexuals necesitan ser
confrontados con una
verdad moral.

Guianza de las Escrituras

Podemos mostrar que la Biblia dice claramente que la
conducta es un pecado y que estamos interpretando
correctamente lo que est escrito. Pero si nos detenemos ah,
dando la impression de que es todo lo que la Biblia tiene que
decir al respect, entonces estamos presentando un evangelio
parcial. En este caso, estamos revelando las normas
inquebrantables de un Dios santo, mientras que dejamos
fuera el amor de Dios para el picador, el agua viva que Jess
les ofrece y la esperanza para una vida transformada que
viene por el Espritu Santo.


Cpontroversia por la ciencia y la

Verdad distorsionada

Gracia distorsionada

Bailey & Pillard (1999) resultados reales

41 sets of brothers.
13 pairs where both twins were gay.

-|-|-|-|-|- | -
1 triplet where all 3 were gay.


La ciencia ha demostrado La gente decide ser gay o

que la gente nace con una eligen no serlo. Es sencillo.
orientacin homosexual.
Simplemente elegir.
Est en sus genes.
Impedirles que acten con
sus atracciones es

Bailey, Dunne & Martin (2000) findings

27 pairs where only one twin was gay.

-|-|-|-|-|- |-
-|-|-|-|-|- |-
-|-|-|-|-|- |-
13/41 = 32 % both gay
1 / 41 = 2 % all 3 gay
27 / 41 = 66% only one twin was gay

Langstrom, Rahman, Carlstrom, Lichtenstein (2008)

27 twin pairs

71 twin pairs

3 twin pairs were both gay

7 twin pairs were both gay



24 twin pairs where only one twin gay

3/27 = 11 %
24/27 = 89%

both gay
only one twin was gay

64 twin pairs where only one twin gay

7/71 = 10%
64/71 = 90%

both gay
only one twin was gay

Twin Studies

Do people choose to be gay?

Six studies (2000-2011): if an identical twin

has same-sex attraction, the chances that the
co-twin also has SSA, are only about 11% for
men and 14% for women.
As study methods improve and more people
are studied, studies are disproving the theory
that genes cause same-sex orientation.

The mean (average) age of first same-sex

attraction is 10 years old.
Two thirds of the ages of first attraction are in
the range 6-14 years.
At 10 years old, no-one chooses lifetime
sexual orientation or lifestyle.


Too Simplistic
Saying that twin studies have proven that people are
born gay is a misrepresentation of science and too
simplistic for the complexities of sexual attractions.
Saying that people choose to be gay is too simplistic.
Simple explanations and quick-fix solutions can drive
people away from church, faith and God.
Ministering Jesus truth and grace recognizes that the
first thing a struggler needs to do is receive Gods
Living Water in their soul.

God Changes People

Scriptures teach that change is an integral part of
God's work in us. So much so that God says we are
new creations.
From the time we come to Christ until the time we
go home to be with him, God calls us to change.
We have been changed by his grace, are being
changed by his grace, and will be changed by his

God Changes People

Gods plan for change involves and is directed by
Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit empowers our life and change.
Change takes time; healing is a process not an instant
God uses relationships with mature people who live
by the Spirit to bring healing and change in people.
Change involves work on our part.
The church has a role.

Controversy over whether God

changes people
Distorted Truth

Distorted Grace

Mental health professions People just need to repent

have proven people with
and pray, and God will take
same-sex orientation cant it away.
change and attempts to
change actually cause

God Changes People

God's offer of life and transformation is not a formula
or program that you follow but a person - Jesus
We are full in Christ (Colossians 2:9-10),
Made alive in Christ (Colossians 2:11-12),
Set free in Christ (Colossians 2:13-15).
This changes everything, including how we change
and the way we struggle against sin.

Jesus truth & grace, 100% grace and
100% truth, turns controversy into
life-transforming ministry.


Turning Controversy
Bryan Kliewer

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