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SECTOR Lenguaje y Comunicación, Subsector Ingles.

Crime UNIDAD 1 Medio 18 horas


de Aprendizaje

-Comprender e interpretar textos escritos auténticos o -Aplicar estrategias y técnicas de lectura para localizar
OBJETIVO adoptados; obtener información general o específica y APRENDIZAJES información y señalar de que trata el texto, a quien va dirigido,
demostrar su comprensión, en castellano si fuera necesario. rellenando tablas o contestando preguntas.
FUNDAMENTAL -Entender distintos tipos de textos hablados o grabados; ESPERADOS -Aplicar estrategias y técnicas de comprensión auditiva en
demostrar la comprensión general o específica de la textos auténticos de distinta duración para predecir, localizar y
información, en castellano si fuera necesario. discriminar información general y específica del texto.
-Solicitar y entregar información oralmente y por escrito; -Completar y/o redactar frases u oraciones para resolver tareas
desarrollar diálogos simples relacionados con los textos de destinadas a demostrar comprensión auditiva y lectora.
lectura o su vida personal y escribir oraciones sintácticamente -Leer y entender textos que incluyan un léxico de, al menos
correctas y comunicativamente apropiadas. 1000 palabras.

OBJETIVO DE APRENDIZAJE DE LA Desarrollar la comprensión lectora y auditiva así como también la producción oral y escrita de diferentes textos que
UNIDAD: incluyen el pasado simple, pasado continuo y los pronombres personales y objeto.


-Gramática: pasado simple (en sus formas -Comprensión lectora: -Desarrollo del pensamiento: desarrollo de las habilidades
afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa); Predecir, localizar, deducir y sintetizar información de textos de interpretación, análisis y síntesis, y el conjunto de
pronombres personales y objeto; pasado sobre crimen. habilidades comunicativas.
continuo (afirmativo, negativo e -Comprensión auditiva: predecir, localizar y discriminar -Persona y su entorno: hábitos de trabajo: aplicación de
interrogativo). información del mensaje escuchado. criterios de sentido, calidad, productividad,
-Vocabulario relacionado con crímenes -Expresión escrita: responsabilidad y actitudes respecto al mismo:
(sustantivos y verbos). Discriminar información de textos específicos y redactar frases, perseverancia, rigor, creatividad.
oraciones y pequeños textos.
-Expresión oral:
Formular, usar y reproducir diálogos y/o frases solicitando o
dando información relacionada con la unidad.


Los alumnos realizan: Pizarra -1 nota acumulativa:

-Ejercicios de completación, unir, puzles Plumones - Escribir preguntas y respuestas
usando “past continuous”
-Leen y escuchan textos del libro del estudiante Texto para el estudiante American Adventures Intermidiate A -“Wrinting Alison’s story” usando
so y because.
-Lluvia de ideas Mp4
-1 prueba tipo: nota parcial. Incluye
-Realizan preguntas y respuestas Radio toda la materia de la unidad.

-Escriben textos cortos. Lápices -1 dialogo en parejas. Nota parcial.

Crear preguntas y respuestas para
-Crean y reproducen diálogos. Cuadernos saber si el compañero(a) es un(a)
buen(a) ciudadano(a). Dialogo
-Hacen comparaciones Diccionarios grabado en Mp4.
-Escuchan clases expositivas con uso de Tics

-Graban textos o diálogos en Mp4


DATE: May 4th , 2010 LEVEL: 1° of High School.

SKILLS: Grammar
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Students will be able to identify the simple past tense and make a contrast between the simple present and past simple tenses.
RESOURCES: American Adventures (students’ book), Essential grammar in use, handout, whiteboard, copybooks, pens.


INTRODUCTION: 10 minutes - Greeting.

- Calming down the students.
- Writing the date, the name of the unit and the aim of the lesson on the whiteboard.
- Warming up.

PRE-STAGE: 5 minutes. - The students will be told that the lesson will consist on a grammar task, the past simple form will
be introduced to them and they will do some exercises based on this new form.

- The teacher will start explaining the past simple tense and will deliver a handout for each
WHILE-STAGE: 60 minutes. student where they find all the explanation of this new form, the handout also includes the verbs
they need to know for this unit. The students will be asked to do some exercises where they
must transform verbs in present into past checking this activity immediately after finished orally.
Finally the students will be asked to transform sentences in the simple present tense into past
simple sentences.

POST-STAGE: 12 minutes. - The students will be asked to write the sentences in the board.
- The teacher will ask the students if they have any doubts.
- The teacher will ask the students what they learned in the lesson.

CLOSSING 3 minutes. - The students will be told that the activity for the next class will consist on a reading.
- Greeting.


DATE: May 5th , 2010 LEVEL: 1° of High School.

SKILLS: Writing – speaking (pronunciation)
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Students will be able to identify and pronounce specific vocabulary related to crimes.
RESOURCES: American adventures book for students, American adventures CD, dictionaries, whiteboard, copybooks, pens.


INTRODUCTION: 8 minutes - Greeting.

- Calming down the students.
- Writing the date, the name of the unit and the aim of the lesson on the whiteboard.
- Warming up.

PRE-STAGE: 5 minutes. - The students will be told that the activity for the lesson will include a little writing, reading and
listening activity of the text ‘Crazy criminals”.
- Giving the instructions for the coming lesson.

WHILE-STAGE: 62 minutes. - The students will be asked to start the activity num. 1 of the students’ book which consists on
matching words related to crime to pictures. After that the students will all together try to give a
definition of the words recently introduced writing them on the board. In the next activity the
pupils will listen and repeat the words of the new vocabulary. Then, each of them will make a list
deciding which of the crimes (the new vocabulary) are the most serious for them. The students
will read the text ‘Crazy criminals” in a loud voice taking turns. Then they will listen to it. The
class, together with the teacher will look for the words they do not understand and will right their
meanings on the board. For the next activity students must do a matching and then, answer
questions about the text, the correct answers will be written on the board by the students. After
that, pupils must look in the text for verbs in the past tense and write their infinitive forms
guessing their meanings.

POST-STAGE: 12 minutes. - The students will compare their crime lists with his/her seatmate’s list.
- Students compare their guessing with their seatmate.
- The teacher gives the correct meaning of the verbs in case their own are not correct.
- The teacher will ask the students if they have any doubts and what they learned in the lesson.

CLOSSING: 3 minutes. - The students will be told that the activity for the next class will consist on a reading.
- Greeting.


DATE: May 12th , 2010 LEVEL: 1° of High School.

SKILLS: Grammar – writing.
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Pun into practice the use of the simple past tense practiced during the previous lessons to understand the use of the subject and
object questions.
RESOURCES: American Adventures book for students, whiteboard, copybooks, and pens.


INTRODUCTION: 10 minutes - Greeting.

- Calling the row
- Calming down the students.
- Writing the date, the name of the unit and the aim of the lesson on the whiteboard.
- Warming up.


PRE-STAGE: 5 minutes. - The students will be told that the activity for the lesson will be about the past simple tense. They
must put into practice what they have learnt.
- Giving the instructions for the activities.

WHILE-STAGE: 60 minutes. - The students will be asked to start with the activities which consist on looking for the past tense
of some verbs in a text, T or F, completing. All these exercises will be checked immediately
choosing one student at a time for answering orally. The teacher explains the use of the subject
and objects questions.
- The students write a little text based on some questions imaging they are crazy criminals. This
activity will be delivered at the end of the lesson to the teacher and will be evaluated with an
accumulative grade.
POST-STAGE: 12 minutes. - The students make sure their writings are correct asking the teacher to check them by the
teacher before they deliver them.

CLOSSING: 3 minutes. - The students will be informed about the activities for the next lesson.
- Greeting.


DATE: May 18th , 2010 LEVEL: 1° of High School.

SKILLS: Listening - grammar
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: The student will be able to identify specific information from the listening and they will be able to recognize the past continuous tens.
RESOURCES: American Adventures (students’ book), whiteboard, copybooks, pens.


INTRODUCTION: 10 minutes - Greeting.

- Calming down the students.
- Writing the date, the name of the unit and the aim of the lesson on the whiteboard.
- Warming up.


PRE-STAGE: 5 minutes. - The students will be told that for the coming lesson they will be doing a listening and then they
will be introduced to a new tense: the past continuous.

WHILE-STAGE: 60 minutes. - The students do a quick reading of a police document and then they listen to it. Then they do
activities related to the listening: matching and answering questions. The past continuous is
introduced to the students. They complete a chart using was, were and weren’t and they do
some exercises from the workbook for practicing the past continuous All the activities are
checked orally immediately after they have completed each of them.

POST-STAGE: 12 minutes.
- The teacher will ask the students to create some simple sentences orally using the past
- The teacher will ask the students if they have any doubts.

CLOSSING 3 minutes.
- The students will be informed about the activity for the next lesson.
- Greeting.


DATE: May 19th , 2010 LEVEL: 1° of High School.

SKILLS: Writing
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Students will be able to identify and differentiate between the past simple and the past continuous.
RESOURCES: American adventures book for students, whiteboard, copybooks, and pens.


INTRODUCTION: 10 minutes - Greeting.

- Calling the row.
- Calming down the students.
- Writing the date, the name of the unit and the aim of the lesson on the whiteboard.
- Warming up.


PRE-STAGE: 5 minutes. - The students will be told that during this lesson they will put into practice the past continuous
tense doing some exercises and doing a little writing activity in pair that will be evaluated orally
next class.

WHILE-STAGE: 62 minutes. - The students will do the following activities: completing a dialog, completing questions and
inventing their answers, completing sentences which the correct form of the simple past and
past continuous. The activities will be checked orally and on the board choosing voluntary pupils
for giving the answers. Then the students will start creating their questionnaires about being a
good citizen in pairs, questionnaire that will be evaluated orally next class.

POST-STAGE: 10 minutes. - The students ask questions about their questionnaire correcting the mistakes if it is necessary
(helped by the teacher)

- The students will be told that for the next class they must present the questionnaire they
CLOSSING: 3 minutes. elaborated orally and that they will get a grade for this activity.
- Greeting.


DATE: May 25th , 2010 LEVEL: 1° of High School.

SKILLS: speaking
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: To be able to produce orally the questionnaire they created last class
RESOURCES: mp4, whiteboard, pens.


INTRODUCTION: 8 minutes - Greeting.

- Calming down the students.
- Writing the date, the name of the unit and the aim of the lesson on the whiteboard.
- Warming up.


PRE-STAGE: 5 minutes. - The students are informed they have their oral presentation.
- The instructions are given by the teacher.
- The students are told they have 5 minutes for practicing before the evaluation.

WHILE-STAGE: 74 minutes. - In pairs the students go in front of the class and present their dialogs created last class to the
teacher. The dialog, which was memorized by the students and previously written on a cheat is
delivered to the teacher before they start their presentations. The dialogs are recorded using an
mp4. Each pair has two chances to record their questionnaire.


CLOSSING: 3 minutes. - The students will be told that the activity for the next class will consist on a revising of the unit
and that there will be a test on the 2nd of June about the whole unit “Crime”
- Greeting.


DATE: May 26th , 2010 LEVEL: 1° of High School.

SKILLS: Listening.
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Students will be able to use the tenses they have learnt in the previous lessons (past simple and continuous) and they will be able to
differentiate between the connector so and because.
RESOURCES: American adventures book for students, American Adventures CD, whiteboard, copybooks, and pens.

INTRODUCTION: 10 minutes - Greeting.
- Calling the row.
- Calming down the students.
- Writing the date, the name of the unit and the aim of the lesson on the whiteboard.
- Warming up.


PRE-STAGE: 5 minutes. - The students will be told that during this lesson they will a listening activity.
- Give the instructions for the lesson.

WHILE-STAGE: 64 minutes. - The students do a pre-listening activity that consists on answering some questions based on a
little text and pictures from the listening. Then they listen to an interview called “Murder Mystery”
and they do the exercises related to the interview. Then pupils do some post-listening activities.
The activities will be checked orally and on the board. Finally the connector so and because are
introduced to them giving some examples and doing some exercises of completing, matching
and answering questions

POST-STAGE: 8 minutes. - The teacher asks some students to create sentences orally using so and because in order to
check their understanding.
- The teacher asks if there is any doubt concerning the connectors. Doubts are clarified if there is

CLOSSING: 3 minutes. - The students are informed about the activities for the next lesson.
- Greeting


DATE: June 1st , 2010 LEVEL: 1° of High School.

SKILLS: listening – grammar
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Students will be able to recognize participants in a communicative situation and get specific information. They will be able to put into
practice the use of the past simple and past continuous tenses
RESOURCES: American adventures book for students and its workbook, whiteboard, copybooks, pens.

INTRODUCTION: 10 minutes - Greeting.
- Calming down the students.
- Calling the row.
- Writing the date, the name of the unit and the aim of the lesson on the whiteboard.
- Warming up.


PRE-STAGE: 3 minutes. - The students will be told that the activity for the lesson will include a progress check of the unit.
- Giving the instructions for the coming lesson.

- The students do the progress check activity which contains the vocabulary learnt through the
WHILE-STAGE: 62 minutes. Unit and the past simple and past continuous tenses. Some of the exercises are checked orally
and others on the board. The exercises consist on matching, completing, answering questions
and writing using so and because.

POST-STAGE: 12 minutes. - The teacher asks the students if they have any doubts concerning the unit because the next
class a test is programmed.
- Doubts are clarified.

CLOSSING: 3 minutes. - The teacher reminds the pupils they have a test next class about the whole unit.
- Greeting.


DATE: June 2nd , 2010 LEVEL: 1° of High School.

SKILLS: Reading – writing.
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: To be able to use the vocabulary, the use of the conjunctions so and because, the past simple and the past continuous tenses learnt
throughout the Unit.
RESOURCES: Tests, pens.

INTRODUCTION: 8 minutes - Greeting.
- Calming down the students.
- Writing the date on the whiteboard.


PRE-STAGE: 5 minutes. - The students are told they have an evaluated handout for that lesson.
- The handouts are delivered.
- The instructions are given.

WHILE-STAGE: 84 minutes. - The students star doing the activity.


- The students will be told that the next class we will start with a new Unit.
CLOSSING: 3 minutes. - Greeting.


SECTOR Lenguaje y Comunicación, Subsector Ingles.

The World of English UNIDAD 1 Medio 16 horas

de Aprendizaje

-Comprender e interpretar textos escritos auténticos o -Aplicar estrategias y técnicas de lectura para localizar
OBJETIVO adoptados; obtener información general o específica y APRENDIZAJES información y señalar de que trata el texto, a quien va dirigido,
demostrar su comprensión, en castellano si fuera necesario. rellenando tablas o contestando preguntas.
FUNDAMENTAL -Entender distintos tipos de textos hablados o grabados; ESPERADOS -Aplicar estrategias y técnicas de comprensión auditiva en
demostrar la comprensión general o específica de la textos auténticos de distinta duración para predecir, localizar y
información, en castellano si fuera necesario. discriminar información general y específica del texto.
-Solicitar y entregar información oralmente y por escrito; -Completar y/o redactar frases u oraciones para resolver tareas
desarrollar diálogos simples relacionados con los textos de destinadas a demostrar comprensión auditiva y lectora.
lectura o su vida personal y escribir oraciones sintácticamente -Leer y entender textos que incluyan un léxico de, al menos
correctas y comunicativamente apropiadas. 1000 palabras.

OBJETIVO DE APRENDIZAJE DE LA Desarrollar la comprensión lectora y auditiva así como también la producción oral y escrita de diferentes textos que
UNIDAD: incluyen el pasado simple, pasado continuo y los pronombres personales y objeto.



-Gramática: repaso del presente simple, -Comprensión lectora: -Desarrollo del pensamiento: desarrollo de las habilidades
presente continuo, pasado simple pasado Predecir, localizar, deducir y sintetizar información de textos de interpretación, análisis y síntesis, y el conjunto de
y continuo ( en sus formas afirmativa, sobre crimen. habilidades comunicativas.
negativa e interrogativa). -Comprensión auditiva: predecir, localizar y discriminar -Persona y su entorno: hábitos de trabajo: aplicación de
-Vocabulario relacionado con crímenes y información del mensaje escuchado. criterios de sentido, calidad, productividad,
personalidad y expresiones idiomáticas -Expresión escrita: responsabilidad y actitudes respecto al mismo:
para hacer citas; relacionado con el uso del Discriminar información de textos específicos y redactar frases, perseverancia, rigor, creatividad.
ingles internacionalmente. oraciones y pequeños textos.
-Expresión oral:
Formular, usar y reproducir diálogos y/o frases solicitando o
dando información relacionada con la unidad.


Los alumnos realizan: Pizarra -1 nota acumulativa:

-Ejercicios de completación, unir, puzles Plumones - crear dialogo.
- reproducir dialogo en parejas.
-Leen y escuchan textos del libro del estudiante Texto para el estudiante American Adventures Intermidiate A
-1 proyecto: nota parcial. Exponer
- Power Point Presentations. Mp4 sobre algo en inglés que les guste
respondiendo a las preguntas: donde
-Realizan preguntas y respuestas Radio lo encontraste, de que se trata y por
que te gusta.
-Escriben textos cortos. Lápices

-Crean y reproducen diálogos. Cuadernos

-Hacen comparaciones Data Show.

-Escuchan clases expositivas con uso de Tics

-Graban textos o diálogos en Mp4


DATE: June 8th , 2010 LEVEL: 1° of High School.

SKILLS: Reading-listening
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Students will be able to recognize participants in a communicative situation and get specific information. They will be able to put into
practice the use of the simple present, present continuous, past simple, past continuous tenses
RESOURCES: American adventures book for students, American Adventures CD, DATA (PPT), radio, copybooks and pens.


INTRODUCTION: 15 minutes - Greeting.

- Calming down the students.
- Going to the computers lab.
- Calling the raw.


PRE-STAGE: 8 minutes. - The students are told today we start with a new Unit called The World of English 1 and that the
activities for the lesson consist on a reading and listening. These activities will be based on a
PPT (power point presentation).
- Instructions are given.
WHILE-STAGE: 47 minutes. - The students take turns to read a dialog called North Street. Then they must find sentences in
the simple present, present continuous, simple past and past continuous in the dialog. After
having finished this they listen to the dialog twice and answer the questions in their books. Then
some new useful expressions are introduced to the students together with some examples of
the expressions, they must try to deduce the meaning of the new words. After that the student
practice a dialog all together divided into two groups: girls and boys. The students create
some sentences based on some pictures. All the exercises are checked on the board and orally.
Finally The students create a dialog that will be evaluated later on in pairs.

POST-STAGE: 17 minutes. - The teacher checks and corrects their dialogs before they deliver them next class.

CLOSSING: 3 minutes. - The students will be told that the next class we will continue revising the tenses but this time
with some games.
- Greeting.


DATE: June 9th , 2010 LEVEL: 1° of High School.

SKILLS: writing.
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Be able to put into practice the use of the simple present, present continuous, past simple, past continuous tenses learnt through the
Unit 1 and 2.
RESOURCES: American adventures book for students, Data show, copybooks and pens.


INTRODUCTION: 14 minutes - Going to the computer lab.

- Greeting.
- Calming down the students.
- Writing the date on the whiteboard.


PRE-STAGE: 8 minutes. - The students are told today we are going to review the four tenses they learnt through the units
because next week they have the synthesis test. The reviewing will be done with a PPT. and
also some exercises.
- Give the instructions for the lesson.

WHILE-STAGE: 30 minutes. - The teacher starts presenting the PPT to the students and explaining them the four tenses. The
teacher asks some questions to them while presenting the PPT in order to check their

POST-STAGE: 35 minutes. - The teacher asks the students to go in front of the class and create some sentences using the
Verbs and the tenses that are stated there. Then they do some exercises from their books.

CLOSSING: 3 minutes. - The students will be told that the next class we will continuing practicing for the test.
- Greeting.


DATE: June 15th, 2010 LEVEL: 1° of High School.

SKILLS: Speaking – writing.
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: To put into practice the vocabulary, the past simple, the past continuous, present simple and present continuous tenses learnt
throughout the Units 1 and 2.
RESOURCES: American Adventures workbook, whiteboard, handouts, pens.


INTRODUCTION: 8 minutes - Greeting.

- Calming down the students.
- Writing the date on the whiteboard.


PRE-STAGE: 5 minutes. - The students are told that for this lesson they will be reviewing all the necessary topics for the
test they have on the next class, they are also informed that the lesson will include a game and
some funny activities in order to make the review.
- The instructions are given.

WHILE-STAGE: 66 minutes.
- The students are divided into three groups, each group receive a handout, the one they must
complete taking turns and making questions to the classmates that don’t belong to their groups,
they must complete 14 sentences, the first group that finishes delivers the handout to the
teacher who is in charge of checking the answers. The group that has the majority of the
answers correct wins the competition. The answers that were incorrect are written correctly on
the board.
- After finished that activity the students go to the page 12 of their workbooks and work on the
exercises that appear there which are based on the vocabulary they have learnt. They work on a
wordsearch, a crossword and activities of completing a text and a box. All these exercises are
checked orally.
- Finally the students do an activity on the board that consists on completing with the correct
tense of different verbs on a chart.

POST-STAGE: 8 minutes.
- The teacher asks the students if they have any douts in order to clarify them before their test.

CLOSSING: 3 minutes.
- The students will be told that the next class they have their synthesis test.
- Greeting.


DATE: June 16th, 2010 LEVEL: 1° of High School.

SKILLS: Reading – writing.
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Identify and extract general and specific information from a text. Identify and be able to differentiate and use correctly the simple
present, present continuous, past simple and past continuous tenses.
RESOURCES: Tests, pens.


INTRODUCTION: 8 minutes - Greeting.

- Calming down the students.
- Writing the date on the whiteboard.


PRE-STAGE: 5 minutes. - The students are told they have their synthesis test today.
- The tests are delivered.
- The instructions are given.
WHILE-STAGE: 82 minutes. - The students start doing their tests.

POST-STAGE: 2 minutes. - The students delivered their tests.

- The students will be told that the next class we will start with a new Unit.
CLOSSING: 3 minutes. - Greeting.


DATE: June 22nd , 2010 LEVEL: 1° of High School.

SKILLS: speaking
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: To be able to produce orally a short dialog they created before.
RESOURCES: mp4, whiteboard, pens.


INTRODUCTION: 8 minutes - Greeting.

- Calming down the students.
- Writing the date, the name of the unit and the aim of the lesson on the whiteboard.
- Warming up.


PRE-STAGE: 5 minutes. - The students are informed they have their oral presentation.
- The instructions are given by the teacher.
- The students are told they have 5 minutes for practicing before the evaluation.
WHILE-STAGE: 74 minutes. - In pairs the students go in front of the class and present their dialogs created last class to the
teacher. The dialog, which was memorized by the students and previously written on a piece of
cheat, is delivered to the teacher before they start their presentations. The dialogs are recorded
using an mp4. Each pair has two chances to record their dialogs.


CLOSSING: 3 minutes. - The students will be told that the activity for the next class will consist on reading.
- Greeting.


DATE: June 23rd , 2010 LEVEL: 1° of High School.

SKILLS: Reading – listening.
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: To use previous knowledge to predict content and to identify specific information.
RESOURCES: American Adventures Book and CD, copybooks, whiteboard, pens, radio.


INTRODUCTION: 8 minutes - Greeting.

- Calming down the students.
- Calling the row.
- Writing the date on the whiteboard.


PRE-STAGE: 5 minutes. - The students will be told that the activity for the lesson will consist on a reading and exercises
related to the reading.
- Give the instructions.
WHILE-STAGE: 59 minutes. - The students do a pre-reading activity, in which they must predict some contents, then they
discuss some questions in pair and finally they do an exercise of choosing the correct
alternative. On the while-stage the students take turns to read the text “International English”.
Some new vocabulary is introduced to them (vocabulary from the reading). Finally on the after
reading stage the students listen to three people talking and they answer some questions in
which they must recognize participant in the communicative situation. After that the pupils listen
to the tape one more time and they complete a chart with information from it. All the exercises
are check immediately after they are finished.

POST-STAGE: 15 minutes. - The students start working on a mini project that consists on finding something in English that
they really like. Such as a website, a song, a computer game, etc. Project that they must present
to the class talking about where did they find the thing they chose, what is it about and why they
like it. They must present their projects next class.
- The students’ turns are randomly selected for presenting their works the next class.

CLOSSING: 3 minutes. - They are informed they must do their presentations next class.
- Greeting.


DATE: June 29th , 2010 LEVEL: 1° of High School.

SKILLS: speaking
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: To be able to perform an oral presentation.
RESOURCES: Data show, whiteboard.


INTRODUCTION: 8 minutes - Greeting.

- Calming down the students.
- Writing the date, the name of the unit and the aim of the lesson on the whiteboard.
- Warming up.


PRE-STAGE: 5 minutes. - The students are informed they have to present their projects.
- The instructions are given by the teacher.
- The first group has 5 minutes to get prepared.

WHILE-STAGE: 64 minutes. - In pairs the students go in front of the class and present their projects. Some feedback is given
to the students after they finish their presentations.

POST-STAGE: 10 minutes. - The grades are given to each couple together with some extra feedback.

CLOSSING: 3 minutes. - The students will be told that the activity for the next class will consist on a revising of the unit
and that there will be a test on the 2nd of June about the whole unit “Crime”
- Greeting.


DATE: June 30th , 2010 LEVEL: 1° of High School.

SKILLS: Reading – listening.
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: To be able to identify specific information from a text an from a listening.
RESOURCES: American Adventures Book and CD, copybooks, whiteboard, pens, radio.


INTRODUCTION: 8 minutes - Greeting.

- Calming down the students.
- Calling the row.
- Writing the date on the whiteboard.


PRE-STAGE: 5 minutes. - The students will be told that the activity for the lesson will consist on a reading and listening
activities and some exercises related to them.
- Give the instructions.

WHILE-STAGE: 59 minutes. - The students read the texts “Rock & Roll” and “Elvis Presley” taking turns in order to permit
everyone to read, then; some new vocabulary from the text is introduced to them and they must
try to infer the meaning from the context of the text. After that they listen to these texts and
answer some questions. After that the students listen to the song “Blues suede shoes” twice and
they complete the last part of the song with some words that were previously given to them.

POST-STAGE: 15 minutes. - The students answer questions asked by the teacher about the song they just listen to and
about Elvis Presley.

CLOSSING: 3 minutes. - Greetings and Acknowledgments.

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