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Some y any significan lo mismo: "algn/algunos",

Some" para frases afirmativos con "some".

1. There are some good T.V shows tonight. (Hay algunos buenos
programas de televisin en la noche)
2. We will need some summer clothes. (Nosotros necesitamos alguna
ropa de verano)
3. Could you lend me some money? (Podras prestarme algo de
4. Would you like some coffee? (Quieres un poco de caf?)
5. Would you like some tea? (Quieres un poco de t?)
6. I need to buy some books. (Necesito comprar algunos libros.)
7. She wants some new clothes. (Quiere ropa nueva.)
8. I would like some cake, please. (Quisiera un poco de torta, por favor.)
9. I need some Milk (Necesito algo de leche
10.Do you want some water? Quieres un poco de agua?
11. There is some water in the bottle. Hay agua en la botella.
12.Some para ofrecer en preguntas:
13.Would you like some coffee? Te gustara beber algo de caf?
14.May I offer you some apples? Te puedo ofrecer unas manzanas?
15.Can you give me some apples? Me puedes dar unas manzanas
16.I have some friends.
Tengo algunos amigos.
17.Could you bring some bread?
18.I would like some beer. quiero cerveza / me apetece cerveza
19.There are some students in the class Hay algunos estudiantes en la
20.There is some cheese in the fridge.
hay queso en el frigorfico
21.I have some money at home. Tengo algo de dinero en casa.
22.I don't want any sweets now. No quiero caramelos ahora.
Some para ofrecer en preguntas:
23. Would you like some coffee? Te gustara beber algo de caf?
24. May I offer you some apples? Te puedo ofrecer unas manzanas?
Some para ofrecer en preguntas:
25.Would you like some coffee? Te gustara beber algo de caf?
26.May I offer you some apples? Te puedo ofrecer unas manzanas?
27.Do you want some sugar with your coffee?
28.Do you want some biscuits?
29.Would you like some bread?
quieres pan?
Some Pedir las cosas
30.Can you give me some salt, please? me puedes dar sal, por favor?
31.Could you give me some money? Me podras dar algo de dinero?
32.Can you give me some salt, please? me puedes dar sal, por favor?
33.Can I have some chips? me puedes poner unas patatas fritas?
34.Can you give me some water? Me puedes dar agua?
35.Could you give me some money?
Me podras dar algo de dinero?
36.Could you bring some bread? me puedes traer pan?
37.There are some books. Hay unos libros

Some" en preguntas cuando es probable que la respuesta del oyente sea

Do you want me to give you some money?
Are there some apples in the fridge?

quieres que te d dinero?

Hay manzanas en el frigorfico?

Ejemplos de Any
1. Is there any milk left in the fridge? (Queda leche en la heladera?)
2. Do you have any pets? (Tienes mascotas?
3. Do you have this dress in any other color? (Tiene este vestido en
algn otro color?
4. Are there any oranges? (Hay algunas naranjas?
5. Do you have any idea? (Tienes alguna idea?)
6. Is there any possibility that we going to the movies tomorrow? (Hay
alguna posibilidad de que vayamos al cine maana?)
Any" para preguntas

Is there any cheese in the fridge.

hay queso en el frigorfico?
Do you have any friends. tienes amigos?
Would you like any apples?
quieres manzanas?
Are there any students in the class
hay estudiantes en la clase?
Were you in a bar with any friends yesterday?
estabas en un bar
con amigos ayer

7. You don't need any experience for this job
8. No necesitas experiencia para este trabajo
9. There aren't any bottles of water in the fridge. No hay botellas de agua en la nevera.

10.She doesnt have any children. Ella no tiene hijos.

11.There isn't any water in the bottle. No hay agua en la botella.

Do you have any advice for me?
Tienes algn consejo para m?

Ejemplos de something algo

1. Sorry, I have to do something important now Perdona, tengo que hacer algo
importante ahora
2. Would you like something to drink? (Desea algo de beber?)
3. . We heard something in the darkness. (Escuchamos algo en la oscuridad)
4. She told me something about her trip. (Ella me platic algo de su viaje)
5. You said something about my new car. (T dijiste algo de mi automvil nuevo)
6. I will give you something to read. (Yo te dar algo para leer)
7. It was something important. (Era algo importante)
8. He left something in the table. (l dej algo en la mesa)
9. I am working in something important. (Yo estoy trabajando en algo importante)
10. We know something about the new sales plan. (Nosotros sabemos algo sobre
el nuevo plan de ventas)
11. She left something in the desk. (Ella dej algo sobre el escritorio)
12. I think there is something wrong with my car. (Yo creo que hay algo mal con mi
13. His mother gave him something to eat. (Su madre le dio algo de comer)

Ejemplos de somebody




I heard somebody is in danger Escuch que alguien est en peligro

Somebody in here has stolen my ipod Alguien aqu ha robado mi ipod
Somebody left a flower on my desk. Alguien dej una flor en mi mesa
Somebody likes you (A alguien le gustas)
Someone told me they hadn't been there (Alguien me dijo que no haban
estado all)
6. There is somebody at the door. (Hay alguien en la puerta)
7. She saw somebody in your house. (Ella vi a alguien en t casa)
8. She will bring somebody with her. (Ella traer a alguien con ella)
9. There is somebody in the room. (Hay alguien en el cuarto)
10. There is somebody waiting for her. (Hay alguien esperndola)
11. There is somebody in your office. (Hay alguien en tu oficina)
12. They have been talking with somebody. (Ellos han estado platicando con
13. She seems to be somebody in her town. (Ella parece ser alguien en su ciudad)
14. There is somebody waiting the bus. (Hay alguien esperando el autobs)
15. I think somebody took my books. (Creo que alguien tom mis libros)
16. I'd like something to eat. - Me gustara algo de comer.
17. He wants something to read. - (l) quiere algo de leer

Ejemplos de anything

Could you show me any examples?Podras mostrarme algn ejemplo?

Would you like anything? - Te gustara algo?
She doesn't want anything. - (Ella) no quiere nada
They don't want anything to eat. - No quieren nada de comer.
We haven't got anything to do. - No tenemos nada que hacer.
Would you like anything to eat? - Te gustara algo de comer?
Do you need anything to drink? - Necesitas algo de beber?
I don't like anything here. No me gusta nada.

Ejemplos anybody (al negar):


There isnt anybody at the door. (No hay nadie en la puerta)

She didnt see anybody in your house. (Ella no vi a nadie en t casa)
She will not bring anybody with her. (Ella no traer a nadie con ella)
There isnt anybody in the room. (No hay nadie en el cuarto)
There isnt anybody waiting for her. (No hay nadie esperndola)

Ejemplos anybody (al preguntar):


Is there anybody at the door? (Hay alguien en la puerta?)

Did she see anybody in your house? (Ella vi a alguien en t casa?)
Will she bring anybody with her? (Ella traer a alguien con ella?)
Is there anybody in the room? (Hay alguien en el cuarto?)
Is there anybody waiting for her? (Hay alguien esperndola?)

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