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Ingls intermedio - Dar direcciones en ingls

Dar direcciones en ingls

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Dar indicaciones:
Veamos otras expresiones muy tiles en el momento de dar indicaciones para llegar a un lugar
Veamos algunos ejemplos de dilogos en los que se piden direcciones:

A: Excuse me, Is there a restaurant near here?

B: No, Im sorry, but there is a fast food place around the corner.
A: Hello, could you tell me wherethisis?
B: Yes, you have to take the highway and then Exit 42 to the east. Then go straight for a couple of
miles and youll find it to
your right.
A: Hello, Im looking for a place to eat. Something cheap and nice.
B: Yes, you have to take the highway and then Exit 42 to the east. Then go straight for a couple of
miles and youll find it
to your right.
A: Hello, Im looking for a place to eat. Something cheap and nice.
B: Off course! There is Paulas caf. Go straight on
this street and turn right on the next corner. Then walk for a few

meters and youll find it to your left.

A: Excuse me, do you know where the nearest supermarket is?
B: Yes, I do. Go straight for three blocks until the
roundabout. Then make a right and look for the next traffic light. At

the traffic light, turn left. Keep going for a couple of blocks and
youll find a supermarket.

Estas son otras expresiones muy tiles para dar indicaciones:

Perdn. Dnde est el banco? = Excuse me. Wheres the bank?
Estoy buscando la oficina de turismo. = Im looking for the tourist office.
Est lejos? = Is it far?
Me he perdido. = I am lost. / I have lost my way.
Me podra decir por dnde se va al banco? = Could you tell me the way to the bank?
Un mapa de carreteras = a road map[14/06/2016 06:41:06 a. m.]

Ingls intermedio - Dar direcciones en ingls

Un plano, mapa = a map

Me lo puede mostrar en el plano/mapa? = Could you show me on the map?
Hay un restaurante cerca de aqu? = Is there a restaurant near here?
Voy bien por aqu para el centro? = Is this the right way to the centre?
Por dnde se va a la casa de Ana? = How do I get to Anas house?
El banco queda lejos? = Is the bank far?
Doble en la esquina. = Turn at the corner.
Cruce la calle.= Cross the street
Est en la acera de enfrente. = Its on the other side of the street
Est al final de la calle. = Its at the end of the road.
Est a 100 metros de aqu. = Its 100 metres away.
A unos diez minutos caminando = about 10 minutes on foot
Coja la prxima a la izquierda. = Take the next left.
Coja la segunda a la derecha. = Take the second road to the right
La calle = street/road
El callejn = alley
Una calle lateral = side street
La acera = sidewalk
Una autopista = motorway / highway
El carril = lane
detrs de = behind
Cambiar de carril = to change lanes
El carril izquierdo = left-hand lane
La salida = exitel
norte = north
Justo antes del semforo = just before the traffic light
El cruce = the crossroad, the intersection
Suba / Baje la calle hasta llegar al semforo = Go up / down the street until you reach the traffic light.
Ese autobs va al centro? = Does that bus go to the centre?
Es esta la parada correcta para el museo? = Is this the right stop for the museum?
Dnde cojo el autobs para? = Where do I catch the bus for?
Se puede ir en tren? = Can you get there by train?
el sur = south
el este = east
el oeste = west
cerca de = near
enfrente de = in front of
al lado de = next to
delante de = in front of

Mapa del Bus

Comparar etiquetas[14/06/2016 06:41:06 a. m.]

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