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Glossary words in Spanish

Arcada dental: es la disposicin en forma de U que tienen los dientes en cada maxilar.
Articulacin temporo mandibular: es la articulacin formada por las ramas ascendentes de los
maxilares que terminan en una parte llamada cndilo y una cavidad de la base del crneo
llamada cavidad glenoidea junto al disco articular.
Apiamiento dental: es la mal posicin dentaria ocasionada por la falta de espacio en los
maxilares y que hace que los dientes se entre monten unos con otros.
Blanqueamiento dental: procedimiento qumico mediante el cual se logra el cambio de color de
los dientes.
Bolsa periodontal: es el aumento del surco subgingival (alrededor de las piezas dentales)
resultado de una gingivitis o periodontitis.
Bruxismo: apretamiento y rechinamiento de dientes de forma consiente o inconsciente. Es algo
para funcional.
Carilla: lmina delgada (grosor de 0.8mm) de porcelana que tiene las caractersticas anatmicas
de los dientes del sector anterior, pero solo de la cara frontal.
Corona de porcelana: prtesis dental que reemplaza a la corona clnica (lo que vemos de los
dientes) de las piezas dentales que estn muy destruidas, devolvindole funcin y esttica.
Dentina: estructura dentaria principal, responsable del color de los dientes y que es la que
protege a la pulpa dental y por encima de la dentina est el esmalte.
Diastema: espacio ms de lo normal entre dos dientes.
Endodoncia: tratamiento por el cual se extirpa el paquete vsculo nervioso de una pieza dental
para preservarla en boca.
Exodoncia: el retiro de una pieza dental.
Hueso alveolar: es el hueso que va en los maxilares.
Implante dental: tornillo de titanio que reemplaza la raz de un diente perdido.
Ligamento periodontal: es la estructura que mantiene al diente insertado por la raz al hueso
pice: la punta de la raz de un diente.
aparato: cualquier prtesis removible o un dispositivo de ortodoncia.

Glossary Words In English

dental arch: the U-shaped arrangement with teeth in each jaw.
Articulation temporo - mandibular: the joint formed by the ascending branches of the jaw ending
in a part called condyle and a cavity in the base of the skull called the glenoid by the articular
crowded teeth: the bad tooth position caused by the lack of space in the jaws and teeth makes
between assembled with each other.
Teeth Whitening: chemical process by which the change in color of the teeth is achieved.
periodontal pocket: the increase in the sub gingival sulcus (around the teeth) result of gingivitis
or periodontitis.
Bruxism: clenching and grinding of teeth conscious or unconsciously. It's something functional.
Veneer: thin film (thickness of 0.8mm) porcelain has the anatomical characteristics of the
anterior teeth, but only on the front face.
Porcelain crown: dental prosthesis that replaces the clinical crown (what we see of teeth) of the
teeth that are very destroyed, restoring function and aesthetics.
Dentin: main tooth structure responsible for the color of teeth and which is what protects the
dental pulp and dentin above is enamel.
Diastema: more than normal space between two teeth.
Endodontic: treatment by which the nervous vacuole nervous pack a tooth is removed to
preserve it in his mouth.
Extraction: the removal of a tooth.
alveolar bone: the bone that goes to the jaws.
dental implant: titanium screw that replaces the root of a lost tooth.
periodontal ligament: is the structure that holds the tooth root inserted by the alveolar bone.
apex: the tip of the root of a tooth
appliance: any removable dental restoration or orthodontic device

Lazaro Cardenas High School
Subject: English lll
Grammar topic: The conditional zero
Assigment: Glossary of words/verbs + conditional zero
Teacher: Jose Antonio Vazquez Fernandez

Team Members: Eduardo Villar

Yadira Mendoza
Rafael Vzquez
Rodrigo Carreo
Paola Gutirrez
Gabriel Valenzuela
Enrique Jaime Silva
Dulce Davila
Name: Eduardo Villar
Word: Diastema (more than normal space between two teeth).
Conditional zero sentence: If you have a diastema, you need brackets.
Word: Extraction(the removal of a tooth).
Conditional zero sentence: if you tooth are infected, you need a extraction.
Name: Dulce Davila
Word: Periodontal ligament (is the structure that holds the tooth root inserted by the alveolar
Conditional zero sentence: If the periodontal ligament break, I cure
Word: Implant dental (titanium screw that replaces the root of a lost tooth).
Conditional zero sentence: If I applicant an implant dental, repair the teeth.
Name: Paola Gutierrez
Word: Extraction (the removal of a tooth).
Conditional zero sentence: If I eat a lot of candies, I will need an extraction.
Word: Appliance (any removable dental restoration or orthodontic device).
Conditional zero sentence: If an appliance isn't removed, it may hurt the patient.
Name: Yadira Mendoza.
Word: Antibiotics (antibiotics are used for treatment or prevention of bacterial infection).
Conditional zero sentence: If you take antibiotics, the bacteria will disappear.
Word: Pontic (the portion of a dental bridge that substitutes for an absent tooth).
Conditional zero sentence: If you have an absent tooth, you need a Pontic.

Name: Rafael Vazquez.

Word: Porcelain.
Conditional zero sentence: If someone breaks a tooth, I make one of porcelain to replenish
Word: Teeth Whitening
Conditional zero sentence: If the color of someone's teeth is yellow, I make teeth whitening.
Name: Gabriel Valenzuela.
Word: Endodontic (treatment by which the nervous vacuole nervous pack a tooth is removed to
preserve it in his mouth).
Conditional zero sentence: if they do not get a root canal , you will form an infection.
Word: Periodontal pocket (the increase in the subgingival sulcus (around the teeth) result of
gingivitis or periodontitis).
Conditional zero sentence: if you have many germ, can give you the periodontal pocket.
Name: Enrique Silva
Word: veneer (thin film (thickness of 0.8mm) porcelain has the anatomical characteristics of the
anterior teeth, but only on the front face).
Conditional zero sentence: If your tooth is damaged, you need a layer of veneer
Word: Dentin (main tooth structure responsible for the color of teeth and which is what protects
the dental pulp and dentin above is enamel).
Conditional zero sentence: If you dont check your dentins, you may have dental pulp issues.
Name: Rodrigo Carreo
Word: Dental arch
Conditional zero sentence: If you have a bad positioned dental arch, it will hurt you.
Word: Alveoral bone (the bone that goes to the jaws).
Conditional zero sentence: If you have an accident and get injured jaw , you will need an
operation of alveoral bone.
Word: Bruxism (clenching and grinding of teeth conscious or unconsciously. It's something
Conditional zero sentence: If you constantly clench your jaw, you have bruxism problems
Word: Apex (the tip of the root of a tooth).
Conditional zero sentence: If you damage the apex you immediately have to come with your

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