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cD Lessons’ Index Lesson 1 | | | LESSON 1-CD1 like me to cut piece of chocolate cake for you? 5 delicious. emp ou me you arrived. I've been waiting for an hou. im sorry but I hada litle problem. I couldn't get my car started My battery was * You've had lots of problems with tht battery: I's about time to geta new one, About to: ressy to, going 0 ‘isto para, « punto de) ~ What's your hury? I must hurry. My tran is about to leave and there won't be another ‘til tomorow. Above all: especially, most important are the children going? {They said they were going tothe park to play. * Children, be careful and above all look bath ways before you cross the street What's the matter? : wiat is wrong, n0tasit should be (qué pasa? qué ocurre) I's got my driver's license in it oS A number: many, «large quantity (una cantidad, bstantey + Are you enjoying the party? Yes, but there are a mumber of people I don' know. + Dorit wor, Just move around and you'l get to know them, Any number: many. vations aw bow to get tothe airport? number of ways to get to the airport, but I'll eae ae bat me 1 ebeats me how he can eat so much and not gain any weight / Anyway: 10 matter what happens > To blow up: to destoy by explosion, o break | (Geenalqter nin, ode motes) (esta, revert) iH «Hive you beard what is going on downtown? No. Ihavea't What is going on? Some terrorists got into City Hall and are threatening o blow up the buildin! Brand new: as new as when it was first purchased, not worn | Apart from - Aside from: vse, excep fr (enieramente 2v0) | Gapare de, con la excepeida de) erate a nice blue suit 1 don think Ive ever seen you wear it before 1 My car broke down. I was coming onthe freeway when all his smoke stared to come out ofthe hocd of the car and then my radiator blew up, -Tthink ifs about time you got a new cae | kate eer ea “we fs brand new tbo | “eras Ste sted be om NewYork | fi Ob, really? Does she know anybody here? To break down: art, to stop functioning «arf eit over esd ow anyone + ome Oe Sika) | wy aby nevus nein geting wok? | To bring up: tose educate | rar, educar) Have you met John's daughter yt 1 No, haven't. But Tm looking forvard to meeting her. (de un lado al oto, de aqui para alls) 1 Yee, she seems tobe a very fine young lady Her parents certainly brought ter? You look i he up t be very polite sick. first time you've been ona boat? 1 think the rocking back and forth ofthe boat is making me seasick. By heart: by memory, to memorize something To call up: talon the welephone (lamar por tee Did anyone call me up while I vas out? + Yes, Mister Smith ealled you up and wants you to return is cal | Cannot help: cannot ve prevested to goto the movies, but you weren' home, you see? y with Richard Pryor Ie rally funny, [just * couldn't help laughing throughout the whole movie LESSON 2-CD1 To catch: an tines, a cold: t contract an illness = You're right. think that = You'd beter take care of yourself Ihope I don't catch it to, To catch on: to nderstand, to comprehend No, Actually I caught on fist. + Teach me hav. [can’t seem to To catch up with: wo come eves with (cleanzad) ~"Who do you think wil win the race, Peter or aul? = Think hat Peer can win the rce ihe cn catch up with Pal onthe last tum and then pas him, To check in - to check out: to sign your name when entering o leaving + Because ths afternoon I'm going tthe doctor's fora check up, Is there anything wrong? ~ No. It's just my yearly cheek up To cheer upton mak cur ene try 3 1o work on Saturday and I had planned to go on a tip, Well, why don't you havea cup of coffe? Maybe tat wl chee you up To clean up: to leas, to pu everything in ondet (Gimpiar completamente, acelin) ‘Quick, Get me some paper towels! = What pend? Some cole al over the flor and eet clean it up, To clean out: (limpiar completamente, cof what is not needed lean up ray garage? ly? [hope it clears up before igo home. I don’t have an mabrell, To close down-to shut down: o stop al operations, asin factory or company (Gere deity ats Gece oo aks) ~ Why aren't you working toy? + Bad news. They closed dwn te factory wher 1 work because ofthe eooony. = Thats too bed Thao that they ste hung down lot plates. To come down with: woecase i wiht get sick vith ‘What's the hurry? ~ Come on the movie stars in 10 minutes To come to: to gain consciousness after being unconscious lite bit of pain. To come true: to become real, after being a hope or a dream (realzarse, result) ~ Theard that your parents are going to Hawaii ‘tue, They are going to go next month that they have been wanting to go fora long time, ie o see that their wish came rue. Come to think of it: 21 sink about (alpensuto) ave you ever been ou restaurant called La Fonda out in he valley? = Come to think of Lhave bee there, abou thee yeas ago, To count on: depen o, 0 tt + Some friends and I ae going to a movie. Do you want to come? * Which movie ae you going to see? = We are going ta see this new horror movie Can we count you in? - Forget it! You ean count me out. I don led "Running Blood”. lood. in Tiernan ame LESSON 3-CD1 (cortar, interrumpir) * id-you bea the bad news? = No. Wai 1 Wel ees ofthe heavy is ast nih the rg at ends into the iis Booed. {= That means eae on off and wont be able to get tothe ity to work, | found this parkingplace and as I was about to back up into i this od ‘od took To dawn on: ws cles, to bssomesppareat = What did you sayto he? (erpera a comprendes) ~ Tio her she had no ight 0 eu in ike that. 1 made no diferene, ~ Jim sally funny. i = Why do you say that? t + You know ow he's been complaining how his car ran oo hot? > Yea. ~ Well it finally dawned on itn thatthe reason its running otis that he hast put lin the car for months. To give a dirty look: wo ook a wth iit o anger ‘(dar una mirada rencorosa) } + Why are you giving me a dirty look? I ~ Because you took and ate my piece of cake, and you know it! ! A drawback: a disadvantage, a negative espect = Wit the dramback? = Wall, te drawback tht hey arent ange enouph fran average family should just drop by like theyre busy + Tm Sure that they wont indus dropping In To drop out: arse) xeuse me. know yous busy bit Thave to ask you someting + Yes. What To fill out: to compet a form, an sppication ort questonnaic by writing factor cto apply fora job in your company. jown right here and il ou this application and this otber form. completely to fil tothe top ~ Well, the boss found ou that be bad bees. lying about what time he got ‘to work in the mornings. He was always late, i» Short for: a3 way of abbrevistng (para abievian) ~ [know that Lupe is short for Guadalupe, but do you know what is shor for Wiliam? + Bills short fr Wiliam, From time to time: occasionally, sometimes (de vezen cuando) ~ Do you still hear from your girlfriends from school? Oh, sure. We keepin touch by telephone and from time to time we get together for lunch, To get ahead: 1 become sszestl, surpass others (edelantase tener éxito) ~ Do you know how Mr. Smith became boss? + Yes He came to tis company as young man and he worked very taro get ahead To get along: wonave a good relationship, tbe compatible Aevarse bien, set compatible) Looks ike Mike and Stove are arguing again = They argue al the time. Tish they'd ean ow to get along. * My kids get along beter than tore ro, To get around: to go many pce, tbe active (Gespuzarse, vai, movese) ® Dave loos tired today. Loks lke he was out again lastnight, + Yeah, He wa at anor pary lst igh. + Thats he second pay this week. Boy! He sure ges around. To get away: to\eave,to g0.avay been working very hard lately and you bavent rested, z 10W. I's about time fora vacation, ~ Yes. You definitely need to getaway. | To get away with: todo something bed without being caught LESSON 4-CD2 (hace con impunidsd, escapase) ~ Tim gla they caught that janitor who was stealing the supplies from To get t0: ote shen oare ie pporeiy (empezar poral - He seemed ikea nice person. I wonder why edd it ive when fe ota oa? ~ He prot could get away with it a es, U plan to take cry vacation im June. When's yours? ee bet ba ‘Thope to get to take my vacation in August. | ind - to fall behind: 1 g0 120 siow'y, tbe late, to lose ‘To get up: wi un etal (teres erate) | 1 "re you going on that ski rip tomorow? 7 Yen Tan What tie ae we eevig? shaving hard ine at schoo. 1 Wel we veo gat up very ey, 5:0 a, + Now be is having a hard time etching up (cr eins beri scons is) t * You know how itis whee you'e new on job. i ‘They're pining him a hard ime, bcaas he doesn't know th job about a moat, soe gor Behind in hs studies. To give a hard times o give vost, to ease diticulies | To give away giver (wpa esers) | rt buying ene dining-room able and I'm going to giveaway my old one, To give out: wi epee (enn repui, dui) ~ Fnease me, could youll howto Sd ot who does set mite. inte = Tssony bt fic doesn: ie ut st information Yo have go eGiy Hal To give up: to tying, urea (bandos eta ett) + How was your game with Tom? Itets OK & ie begin lf 50 god tear en, Wy? “Walesa atl we vaningbojupee spate yf uppened? £0. They esl axgung about woul juste Iv ad p othe pty | + The reason is that you are going about ithe wr00g way Esty put hs ire ough ie ne i oe ou ere = You te He as gobng about nthe wrong Ps LESSON 5-CD2 To be on the right track: be proceeding comecty (ic por buen camino) + Tra having wouble solving hs problem = You bave figured ut the last part. think you're om the right rack r To be the apple of someone's ev he isthe apple of her eye. To pay through the nose: topey elotof none for something, twpay fo much (coae + uno un oj de a crs, un 8ér) ‘Where did you get them? hem ffom & guy st work, but had to pay through the nose for Make yourself at homte: pss ees, make youself comfortable ‘(esta usted en su casa) «Are you ready to go for diner? + No, [have a few things to do, Please make yourself at home while you wai No sooner said than done: it willbe done immediately (dicho y hecho) ~ Have you writen the report asked you for? ~ Yes, here itis. No sooner said than done. The cream of the cr «hy aang the boats aim ms oyportasty (pecter's opin an precio 3) To be an old maid: tobe a spinster; an older, unmarried wornan ~~ Did you see that the value of the house next door doubled? (quedarse para vestir santos) Yes, Ne eally missed the boat on tat oe, We Should lave bought it before the price wen! yp eee asa eo den poem To come on strong: ob very fot nd agaresive (fuertemente, con todas las fuerzas, con entusiasmo) ~ Maks ee ting Lids for one month, ane aeady eked her {twas too soon and that he was coming on too strong. Tossip one’s mind: w forget (see dels memoria olvidssele uno) ~ Did you remember to pick up the laundry? ~ No, | was thinking about something else, and ‘slipped my mind. To get down to business: ido or discuss what mos imponast (ir al grano) | ‘pat dd you do this moming? pent the morning washing TV Think you shuld get down o Busines thi fron, and do a fo your guns: to standby what you believe. (no dats azo a trees, ja, but want to go to college. if you want o goto college, you should stick to your guns. words right out of someone's mouth. one else ad planned 10 say (quite las palabras ‘he movies tog. 5 bu tok the words right ont of mouth, was going to suggest te same hing! To take one's breath away: inspire ane 1 overwielm with beaty 1 LESSON 6°CD2 To work wonders: to work very well (hacer milagros) = Thaventbad so many cols this year. * What kind of medicine ave you bee aking? Te been taking viamisC, and it works wonders To have the means: to bave se airy (spone: os meios) + Are you going othe party tonight? = No,i'mot + Why no 1 Myer broke dvr, and have no means of geting there. There's no place like home: sxe ist vex pace 0be To pave the way’ 1901 its wrk ov pan opiet er el amin oe een) (orga hyped te cw 5 ecu, itpne the way fr more sail change. To take the long way: towse rave W's longest (ws 80) = Tooke xo to gett hme fom he beach, “hy ive wo ong? 1 Tek the ong way, Daas xjoy the scenery To be absent minded: woe forgets (se dseado, star en's unt) re LESSON 7+CD2 To bully: t0 pick on, o intimidate because of greater strength =i! In vr ines bling ery bt heey ig 58, {ike in offb | "m surprised tat Fvays thought is older rte was the saccesu one inthe aly. To cost an arm and a leg: ve vey exessve To have butterflies in your stomach: ves veo th: our somach's | et (esa nervioso oninsed) Were you nervous? 1 At fist was 0 ervou hat had buterfles in my stomach. To take (be taken) by surprise: wzprse, be supiees nee almost robbed last night rreener on the other side of the fence: ieee ? es er tact ae 1 Jes tres wer evn tbs hus, th poi ok he by pre 1 Hegoes to shoves ents bck from my optometrist, Thave buy new glasses ter pi ha, «Ht goes to show you tht you shouldbe mre caefl wit your things, [piomaric EX Had better (best): sro, nus: (deve, tener que) To hand out» gv ou, odsvinee (Sb) = Sure, what iif? + iin he has a problem with is boy, Do you know what ics? ~ Wells son Mike isnot studying at school and al he does is ‘hang arvund with te otber ds nthe neighborhood To hat to place te telephone back o he hoo, to breathe connection talking you sgn whe since we lke sbou ol nes, lk gun soon. ve goto hang up naw. Ve goto go. Hangover sa fling er drinking 10 muck aleotol Toots ple. agp es ih ad een och wor ist. They ae going o need it tomomow morning. Lin sister with Bil i topeter ever since they met tthe party last weekend Tie ey at oe To hold back: to cons, 1 contel oneself Jus ten inne before got here, 80 men held up the bask How come?: wry? (por qut?) {wont be able to come your pany Sauda night * How come? + Because Tm going tobe out of ow hat weekend yan ‘What should doo improve my English? {In onder‘ improve your English you shoul pesesce diy looking apples! thought they were ut of season. “These apples ar le season LESSON 8+CD2 Down the wire: ate tine when «cision o an sctin must be ken sive. You bave to register by Friday, To be in seventh heaven: toe exvemelyhspy (estar en extrema fiidad) To be as blind as a bat: w rave very poor eyesight (ver menos que un topo) Dida’t you se me waving at you? To be treading or skating on thin ice: tein tages ois suson (andar en una sina recaps eno pele) ~ Joa was cle i te pip sis oy > Why? 1 Heo him he was skating om thin cea that'd bene st studying ore’ It’s not my cup of tea: i¢+aot somthing one ejys doin, nt of my incest (no es de mi interés 0 agrado) Would oun go the racsnday? No Thee ta my ep oft Come what may: via apes seo ps2) YG tink come what may Maran snd Joyce wil remain good friends To be unable to hold a candle to someone: io ve less qualified or competent than someone (no egal toil, «los tlons e algien) ‘a LESSON 9+ CD3 To give someone the benefit of the doubt: 1 sssune tt someones | ‘mustorthy (rel beneicio de leds) | the suspect that Cindy took te money? om ber but she decided give Cindy the benef ofthe doubt, Bee arenes wea To draw something out of someone: ye infrsaion fom soneane cae a verdad alguien, sonsact a ead) wow did epic a ut whe obed tebak? 1 ay asked nes wh was dt i,t ty Sly drew ou of be To put your cards on the table: ot wces eae sting in ra earas tos abs). as ‘Steve and I may go into business together 1 Realy? When yoo forming te preshp? Pi we ae goingte met and we re going fo pu our cards om the table To add ful tothe fre w rae sad soon nn (es Through thick and thin: tough soda bs inss (t pesar de todo, por el bien yl mal conta vento y mae) Tm ving lunch wi Ket ody. 1 Ave yu wo sil Bends? 5x We have remained clos through thick and hin, To wear the pants: tte tbs, bein cars (lear los pataloe) on Mees ty, So: Mi Joes vel so much hit wife ear the pots im LESSON 10-CD3 That’s a load off my mind: (mg dost ave to worry shou tat xymore (uitarse un gran peso de eatin) ~The check you've been wag for arved today + That'saload of my mind. Ithouht tht check was os To be out of one’s mind: sore cazy (estat loca de ur, de ent) 90a an runes wit on your employee. et fay. He wasn George rubs me the wrong way. Every time | ask him to do something new, be argues a VCE 7 ~ He found out his wife had left him and he was out of his mind with anger. To get on one's nerves: wo tec someone badly to bother (ser irritante, fastidiar) "had oie tat George bthred yoo mh ee To lose track: o forget, to lose record of - Ye (olvidarse, perder la pista de, perder la onda) ~ Ate you going homeo re you ping o work at? = Isitthat ie already? Twat so busy tat law rack ofthe ime To sleep like a log: Didtbe ei To make ends meet: to car what it costs to live, to have enough money To cut 7 ‘to pay the bills (poder vivir uno de sus ingresos) comtuumee eerie ~ Tope the economy gets beter sot or oherwise I'm ging o have 1 8 set moter jo, bsppened fo ou assistant manager? acing lke the boss hen the anager "Yes, And ow tht the manage bis retimed eeu sain ~ Tknow whit you mean, Prices ae so high; have a problems making ends ‘meet wit te salary T make To make sures to verity (asegirarse de, asegurar que) + Ae you staying lat today? Yes, Lam, + Good. When you ake sure tha the door is locked, To make up one’s mind 0 sci, to choose (esse) + Maybe you ean help me + Sure what isi = Leant make up my mind which des to wear, the blue oe or the green one. + Wear the blue one {£¥0Sed: wo bope for good lack (esperar 0 anhltlgrr a logrr go) enor Anside out: so tat the inside of something is turued to the outside To knock on wood: w bop fr go ck (oe mates) (ree desi a ‘ is something wrong with your cout ton Inside ou you's right In the ong ran, she'll be happier in anew ob ick of time: js ia me at th appropiate moment su got here just inthe nick of me, L wes just about o leave. ‘with enoigh ime, soon enough always so neat and clean. ly taught her Bow to keep house 1 Kind of-sort of sos, aerate (un, ier algo, cierto modo) + Tdon’tow, excep that fel kind of sad To let go: torclease J Dut hold the leash tight. fet go ofthe Leash, he'll run away. to allow to escape o allow to leave crying? ‘way of letting me know that she wants me to let her out tp take place in line, to form a line nk we're going to beable to get into the movie. * Why: ~ Did you se all the people that were lined up waiting to get in? ~ No problem. We'll just eut in line. To look out: to ve careft A close call: 1x scident anos happened (paisa gue se evade por un ts) "ead else calf on he rovay. ‘What happened” ‘tuck ney bit us To get up on the wrong side of the bed: to sar te day in abaé m008 (levantarse con el pie iquerdo) The boss has been in a bad mood all dy = Yes. He most bave goten up onthe wrong side ofthe bed his ornig To mess around - to monkey around: 1 was tne isead of tring serious (hacer payasadas,ravesea) w*riive so many sradents who do noting but monkey around al ay © You should el ther f they don't stop messing around you'll keep them afterschool, On second thought: changing des because of more thought (kno bie, pensinolo bien) “Tink fx the ex today. 1 Teloo ike it might ria 1 Om second though, ix the cr when the weather is beter leep on it: to take time to think about something consuliarlo con la almohada) you want to goto the country this weekend? ‘That sounds like a good idea. Let me slep oni LESSON 11-CD3 To pay wp: pay ih (pga deat ent Because today {am nly the owner of my ct: Toy seat im my ast ‘ar payment The ear is allyl paid yp ae To pick on: wee obotet (anaes ep) ‘Preah stoic er fi eu stone ENS = Pal eee ory fb eat 1 Yes They plod on eal te ne a ae ey tao ee You fo een pana iat gogo gt ery a You ato spun of ig eis odes ino gin weight (vests, ponerse, tambien sumer prised this morning when I tried putting on my old gray suit. P= te anymore since TVe pron some weight show to make clear (dics, hacer ott) roiauet Teed total you, out You that you ned to use that form instead ih of i oe when you re sedig ou packs, To pull off to succeed st someting difficult, to bring something sbout a lo set eget tet en "NL pe you epg” ENN ee EN LESSON 12-CD3 de sevicio, ite de rabjo) she to ake tthe pry tonigh? ae You can go the Good Ssmartan Hospital an merge cal there, wt ctor on call Shor dy, fame lag owing ake 3 sometimes, ocesionaly (de ver en eusnds) sng ton parpose (Gescompuesto, qu fncio mal) and atch TV wh you? faypaed oyu v? += The economy most 1 Wel foe ide ny od neighborbod ada gst mnbe of te house ‘econ themarkes er a On the other hand: iookng st someihing fom enoter point of view (por ot prs) ighboriag in the next house or apartment (cerca de, casi vecnos) ‘What do you fee like doing tong? cy eat pass mow moved anen door we. ell we fold go ut toni Buon he ter han, it would be ceo say 9: home last night, wh sbould be moving in next door pea oo eee eee ay On time: prop, ox scedte, punctual (a ieap, penta) ‘Lon ink taney man is going to ast very lng a his ob = Wy doyouy at Out cold wensiow | get tents con id you se Nancy ft i moming? + Yas the fede oh, She wat ou cold for abo Sines. Out off icing, wieoout (sin) ‘Would you da mes favor? | | (rk rade 0 dp de LESSON 13-CD4 To turn down: To 5 ges the employment ped Fe Sie ra yar penn by 900 ook to gotobed (acosarse) 3 watch th ate movie on TV? To turn off t0 turn out: w sop pove by venga sie (peg) Tous te ips oI wonder ty gt redo eiiigetecttins ne ow sk cing onthe bk ea? iseyoet supe Jock umd on ben exelent deessvepiget a To turn up: toicerxse volume (da: yolumea, sbi el vlumen) ‘The are digas the new low on the news rogram + Le bea te [ftp the rd Go you can bearit Under the table (ot) counter: wet tog sr pe CORD Bn om neh ie mA Tg met aa se sa roa b= iN To be up 1 something: vss tice os LESSON 14-CD4 | (Sr cag ane so and planning something all day. ii bee someon a ; Se ee yc thee tidy orow Jo beg someone's pardon: asec eitecne oes) { ena ae nia ath ea ight Ada Soc the leet eos To run out of time: soraresstize eh (sabee tengo, expire pede) + Wel Tope you dont rum out of ime The reprtis ue by Friday. Watch out: ve carci (cxdado) SEs kee id Tt ue orig rok To run into: i (epee sept) There was ae on be highoay. 1 Ae SE ran tt cr aia higgins To wear down (or) wear out: to mike or become useless by use (Gesgestar) To run into: 0 meer (encostase cos) today. | jou er planning to sche ody | nto be a the restart wee was having neh, To make money:

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