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1- Chinese population accounts for a fifth part of world population

Representa la poblacin china por una quinta parte de la poblacin mundial
2- The girl has to account to her father for arriving late
La chica tiene que tener en cuenta a su padre por llegar tarde
3- Peter's generosity accounts for his high popularity (ACCOUNT FOR =
La generosidad de Peter representa su alta popularidad.
4- Children usually act up in class and throw tantrums (ACT UP = COMPORTARSE
Los nios suelen comportartse mal en clase
5- After playing volleyball, my forearm begins to act up. (ACT UP = DOLOR
Despues de jugar futbol, mi antebrazo empieza a dolerme
6- I always add everything up before paying (ADD UP = SUMAR)
Yo siempre sumo todo antes de pagar
7- He will never dare to ask her out for a drink. (ASK OUT = INVITAR A SALIR)
El nunca se atrevera a invitarla a salir a tomar una copa
8- I will ask around (Preguntare por ally)
I will ask around for you (Preguntare por ally por ti)
9- I will ask them over this weekend for lunch. (ASK OVER = INVITAR A COMER /
Los invitare este fin de semana para comer
Blood oath = blod ot (Juramento de sangre)

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