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Se encuentra ubicado en el distrito de San Nicolas y una altitud de 2100

m.s.n.m. Se ubica entre la frontera del departamento de San Martn y el
departamento de Amazonas.
El acceso al lugar se realiza desde Rodrguez de Mendoza (ciudad) por el
camino de la herradura. Toma entre hora y media a dos horas, depende mucho
del ritmo del visitante.
Es una hermosa laguna estacional porque su presencia se da en la poca de
lluvias, y luego en verano, se convierte en una inmensa pampa que alberga
apenas una pequea quebrada.
It is located in the district of San Nicolas and an altitude of 2100 m.s.n.m. It is
located between the border of the department of San Martin and the
department of The Amazon.
The access to the place is realized from Rodrguez of Mendoza (city) by the
way of the horse-shoe. It takes between hour and a half at two hours, much
depends on the pace of the visitor.
It is a beautiful seasonal lagoon because his presence is given in the epoch of
rains, and then in summer, turns into an immense pampas that shelters
scarcely a small gully.

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