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Reglas para bibliografa.



Cursos del Ing. Carlos Ernesto Garca, M.Sc.

<autores>. <ttulo del libro>. <editorial>,<edicin>,<lugar>,<ao>.

1. Ludwig von Bertalanffy. General System Theory. George Braziller, New York, 1968.
2. Robert E. Shannon. Systems Simulation: The Art and Science. Prentice Hall, New York, 1975.
3. Bjarne Stroustrup. The C++ Programming Language. Addison Wesley, 2da. edicin,Londres,1991.
4. James Rumbaugh, Michael Blaha, William Premerlani, Eddy Frederick, and William Lorenson. ObjectOriented Modeling and Design. Prentice Hall,Portland,1991.
5. Maurice S. Elzas, Tuncer I. Oren, and Bernard P. Zeigler. Modelling and Simulation Methodology in the
Artificial Intelligence Era. North Holland, Amsterdam,1986.

Artculo de revista.
<autores>.<ttulo del artculo>. <revista>,<volmen(#)><editorial>,<lugar>,<fecha>,<pginas>.
1. Richard E. Nance. The Time and State Relationships in Simulation Modeling. Communications of the ACM,
24(4), April 1981,pp.173-179.
2. Bernard P. Zeigler. Towards a Formal Theory of Modelling and Simulation: Structure Preserving Morphisms.
Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, 19(4),1972, pp.742 - 764.
3. Ernst Mach. The Economical Nature of Physics. Popular Scientific Lectures. Open Court, La Salle,
Illinois,1894,pp. 186-213.

Pgina web.
<autores>.<ttulo del artculo>.<(tipo documento)>,<fecha>.
<direccin web del documento>.
<fecha de ltima visita>.
1. Miguel Guara Requena. Fundacin Sindrome de Down, Valencia - Espaa. (documento web),1998.
2. IEEE Computer Society Press. Proceedings Author Guidelines. Author Guidelines for 8.5x11-inch
Proceedings Manuscripts. (documento web),1997.
3. Jaime Surez Martnez. Frecuencias en Textos Espaoles. (Documento web). Enero/2000.

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