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5- 05– 2010

El presente BOLETÍN es una selección del total de ofertas que se difunden a través de
EURES( European Employment Services) :.. Las ofertas de empleo vienen distribuidas por países
donde se encuentran los puestos ofertados. Para optar a ellas, contacten directamente con el punto
de contacto indicado en la oferta de empleo. Estas y muchas más ofertas de empleo pueden con-
sultarse en EURES El Portal Europeo de la Movilidad Profesional: donde
podrán acceder a miles de ofertas de empleo. Pueden acceder a este boletín vía Internet en propuesta o sugerencia, para hacer más eficaz la in-
formación que enviamos será bien recibida. 50 nuevas ofertas de empleo en este boletín).

EURES Las Palmas EURES Tenerife

C/ Suárez Naranjo nº 78 C/ Tomé Cano nº 12, 38005
Las Palmas de G.C. S/C de Tenerife
e-mail: e-mail:


Toda la información y ofertas en el e-jobroom del AMS (Servicio de Empleo Austriaco)

en alemán e inglés:



Small Business Representative National reference: 4309610

You will work in Brussels ( Belgium) and must be customer-driven and possess the ability to successfully present networking
products, programs and promotions to IT channel resellers focused on the small business market. The position will require
working remotely, so the individual must be proactive, self-motivated, creative, and flexible; consistently meet or exceed
commitments, and exhibit a high level of integrity. TEK systems Information: Veldkamp C Christiaan Address: Maria
Montessorilaan 5 Phone: 0793638200 Email:

Sales Manager -International Trader, South America

Function description : Based at the head office in Antwerp, you will be responsible for the development of new market
opportunities in specific territories by prospecting regularly abroad (traveling up to 20% of your time) and maintaining daily contact
with foreign customers or colleagues abroad. You will handle all inquiries, draw up offers and follow up the results of those. There
will have to be research for new trading opportunities and you will be responsible for the strategy in your respective markets. Your
markets will be in South America, therefore you will be reporting to the South American coordinator. HR Manager. MANUCHAR,
Rietschoorvelden 20, 2170 MERKSEM, BELGIE, Email:

Native Speaker Spanish for interviews in the health care sector

Our client is specialised in research for healthcare and life science worldwide. We are searching for a temporary job: Native
Speaker Spanish for interviews in the health care sector Your functions: You will contact managers of hospitals,
surgeons/doctors and other administrative staff members in hospitals in Latin America by phone. You will check the possibilities of
adapting certain medical equipment to become an optimal client satisfaction. -You perform 6 conversations a day (each 40
minutes) and you will do approximately 60 telephone calls a day to achieve this goal. - During this conversation you make a

EURES en Internet:

registration of the results. Karel Oomsstraat 4 , 2018 ANTWERPEN, BELGIE. Tel +32 3 440 66 00, Enviar carta de
presentación y Cv a Monda Declercq:

Ofertas de empleo internacional en el área de Bruselas, consulta la web de BIJOB, WWW.BIJOB.BE el

servicio de empleo internacional de la Agencia de Empleo de Bruselas:


Se acerca la temporada de la fresa en Dinamarca. Las personas interesadas deben registrarse en la web crea-
da para tal fin por el Servicio Danés de Empleo: . El registro en línea es en inglés y la
entrevista con los granjeros también. Es muy importante poder comunicarse aceptablemente en esa lengua.

Más ofertas de empleo en Dinamarca en: (ofertas en varios idiomas)



Work is picking of cucumber in the field. Working period 10.7.-31.8.2010. Daily working 8 hours, weekely working hours 40.
Salary type hourly. Lodgigns arranged by employer. Additional information to workers: -Language skills: English, - In the room
with central heating 90e/month, meals includes. -The job applicants can also be a couple. -The harvesting time of cucumber may
vary. This may affect the lenght of the work days and hours. -Working overtime will be paid for. Send e-mail, letter, if you
interested. Taneli Uotila farm Information: Anne Uotila Address: Sydänmaantie 765 FIN-27100 EURAJOKI Finland, 27100
Eurajoki, Finland Phone: +358 50 3073 539 Email:


Camarero/a de bar en cruceros de lujo National ref.: 293909R

Con nivel alto de inglés (se valora español). Alta capacidad de relación. Para trabajar y animar en un bar temático a bordo de un
crucero de lujo en aguas internacionales. Contrato sometido al derecho estadounidense, 6 meses “on” y 2 meses “off”. Entrevis-
tas abordo, en Marsella o barcelona. Obligatorio presentar pasaporte y certificado de antecedentes penales. Enviar CV en inglés
a indicando el título BARMAN/BARMAID y el número de referencia de la oferta.

Sommelier para trabajar en cruceros de lujo National ref: 285674R

Para realizar servicios de vinos y licores en un restaurante gastronómico de un crucero de lujo, con clientela internacional. Obli-
gación de entregar el Cv exclusivamente en inglés. Contrato: 5 meses “on” 2 meses “off”. Zona de Caribe y EE.UU.. Experiencia

imprescindible de 2 años en restaurantes gastronómicos. Enviar CV en inglés a indicando el título
SOMMELIER/SOMMELIERE y el número de referencia de la oferta.
vous assisterez le chef de projet da ns la gestion administrative des ap- pels d'offres jusqu'a la reception d e l'ouvrage. vous
assurerez la ges- tion financiere de l'ensemble des pr formation bac +2/3 compta- bilite ou dans le domaine du batimen t
avec 3 ans d'experience, au moins. fardin mme sylvie bouchet email:


assure la mise en uvre et l'animatio n des activites culturelles definies dans une programmation a la quelle il aura collabore et
assure des permanences actives d'accueil de s visiteurs. envoi cv par courrier Ass Culturelle du Passage Ste Croix m. Pittard
Yves 7 rue cardinal richard bp 52204 44300 Nantes


dans le cadre de son developpement, la societe loralait/biche recherche un conducteur zl pour effectuer du t ransport de liquides
alimentaires en citerne. vous travaillez les week -end et jours feries pour livrer les laiteries nationales et internation ales.
possibilite cdi.

Ofertas de empleo de enfermero/as y fisioterapeutas: Interesados/as, consulten las webs de las em-
presas colaboradoras:

Mobilite Europe Selección Emploi Europe

Nuevas ofertas!!!


Inside Sales Representative m/w// Englisch/Spanisch/Deutsch Arbeitsort: Ratingen

Die BPS Personalmanagement GmbH ist seit 30 Jahren höchst erfolgreich in der Personalvermittlung und
Arbeitnehmerüberlassung von qualifiziertem kaufmännischem Personal im Großraum Düsseldorf / Köln. Als Spezialist für den
kaufmännischen Bereich besitzen wir nicht nur umfassende Kenntnisse über alle entsprechenden Berufsfelder, sondern verfügen
darüber hinaus auch über hervorragende Kontakte innerhalb der Branche. Für unseren Kunden der Automobilbranche mit Sitz in
Ratingen suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Termin eine/n: Inside Sales Representative Auftragssachbearbeiter/in m/w Aufgabe -
Angebotserfassung, Erstellung und Nachverfolgung -Auftragsabwicklung über das Warenwirtschaftssystem ASW -
Lieferterminüberwachung -Aktive Kundenbetreuung bei Reklamationen (RMA) -Neukundenerfassung / Datenpflege im CRM-
System -Anfragen von technischen Datenblättern -Planvorschauen in Zusammenarbeit mit Einkauf erstellen -Preisverhandlungen
-Erfassung und Austausch von Markt- und Kundeninformationen in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Außendienst -Telefonische
Unterstützung bei Marketingkampagnen -Aufgabenspezifische Kommunikation mit den Schwesterfirmen in den USA & Asien -
Ansprechpartner bei der logistischen Auftragsabwicklung mit dem Kunden (supply chain management) -Schnittstelle für die
Partner Firmen in den Regionen -Eigenverantwortliche Kundenbetreuung (Aktive Selling) -Neukundenakquise (Telefon)
Anforderungen -Kaufmännisch / akademische Ausbildung -Gute EDV-Kenntnisse (u.a. MS Office) -Technisches Verständnis -sehr
gute Englisch-, Spanisch und Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift -Erfahrung im Export/Supply Chain von Vorteil -Gern weitere
Fremdsprachenkenntnisse im Zusammenhang mit regionaler Aufgabenzuordnung Persönlichkeit -Unternehmerisches Denken
und initiatives Handeln -Durchsetzungsvermögen und Verhandlungsgeschick -Selbstständige und systematische Arbeitsweise -
Analytisches Denkvermögen -Zuverlässigkeit und Flexibilität Bitte senden Sie uns Ihre vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen
vorzugsweise via Email (PDF-Datei, max. 5 MB), da wir schriftlich eingereichte Unterlagen nicht zurück senden. Nennen Sie uns
bitte unbedingt Ihre Gehaltsvorstellung und den frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermin. Weitere aktuelle Stellenangebote finden Sie auf Wir bringen Leistung. Zusammen. - Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse. BPS
Personalmanagement GmbH Niederlassung Düsseldorf Information: Meik Brauer Address: Couvenstr. 2, D-40211 Düsseldorf,
Deutschland Phone: +49 211 1592290 Email:

Fremdsprachenkorrespondent/in Englisch/Spanisch Arbeitsort: Düsseldorf

Im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung suchen wir für unseren Düsseldorfer Kunden ab sofort eine/n versierte/n
Fremdsprachenkorrespondenten/-tin Englisch/Spanisch Ihre Aufgabe: - Fremdsprachenkorrespondenz - Allgemeine Büro- und

Verwaltungsarbeiten - Interkulturelle Sachbearbeitung Unsere Anforderung: - Abgeschlossene kaufmännische Berufsausbildung -
Wünschenswerterweise fundierte Berufserfahrung - Sicher im Umgang mit den gängigen MS-Office-Produkten (Word/Excel) -
Sehr gute Englisch- und Wünschenswerterweise gute Spanischkenntnisse - Einsatzbereitschaft und Flexibilität Interessiert? Dann
freuen wir uns auf Ihre zeitnahe Kontaktaufnahme. - Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse. Aktiv Personal-Service GmbH
NL Düsseldorf Information: Aschmutat Address: Kasernenstr. 1a, D-40213 Düsseldorf, Deutschland Phone: +49 211 136530-10

Sales Agent IT Spanisch - L2062 Arbeitsort: München

WIR SUCHEN SIE! Für den Einsatz bei einem Kunden, einem mittelständischen Unternehmen, das sich als Dienstleister auf die
Vertriebsanbahnung für namhafte IT- Unternehmen spezialisiert hat, suchen wir eine/n Sales Agent/in Informationstechnologie
Muttersprache Spanisch Ihre Aufgaben: - Vertriebsanbahnung von IT-Business-Lösungen namhafter IT-Großunternehmen im
spanischen Markt - Klärung der Bedarfssituation bei potentiellen Geschäftskunden - Recherche von Ansprechpartnern -
Durchführen telefonischer Terminvereinbarungen Ihr Profil: - Muttersprache Spanisch - Interesse an IT Produkten/Lösungen -
Gute rhetorische Fähigkeiten - Schnell Auffassungsgabe - Erfahrungen im Vertrieb und Kundenbetreuung (wünschenswert) Ihre
Perspektiven: - Moderner Arbeitsplatz zentral in München Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung! (vorzugsweise per E-Mail)
Liebwein Personalmanagement und ¿service GmbH Schwanthalerstrasse 73 80336 München Telefon 089 / 5454289-0 - Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse Bitte haben Sie

Exportsachbearbeiter/in mit Spanisch Arbeitsort: Berlin

Für unseren Kunden im Osten von Berlin suchen wir im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung zur Elternzeitvetretung eine/n
Exportsachbearbeiter/in mit Spanischkenntnissen. Sie verfügen über Erfahrung im Vertragswesen und kennen Sie mit
Akkreditiven aus? Dann bewerben Sie sich bei uns! - Geforderte Anlagen: Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse. HUEBER
GmbH Personal Leasing & Service Information: Anja Riewe Address: Scharnweberstr. 132, D-13405 Berlin, Deutschland Phone:
+49 30 41032290 Fax: +49 30 41032225 Email:

Köche für spanisches Restaurant gesucht Arbeitsort: Berlin

Mitten im Schöneberger Kiez rund um den Nollendorfplatz liegt der Winterfeldtplatz. Hier findet jeden Mittwoch und Samstag der
größte Gemüse- und Wochenmarkt Berlins statt, ein beliebter Magnet für Besucher aus nah und fern. Das "La Boca" im Hinrich-
Baller-Haus bietet seinen Gästen auf ca. 120 Sitzplätzen leckere Speisen der spanischen Küche. Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams
suchen wir Köche mit exzelenten Kenntnissen der spanischen Küche. Sie haben mehrjährige Berufserfahrung, bevorzugt als
Alleinkoch? Sie sind kreativ und behalten auch in stressigen Situationen den Überblick? Dann vereinbaren Sie vorab telefonisch
einen Vorstellungstermin. Sie erreichen Herrn Kulakoglu unter 0177/9390080 und Herrn Erol unter 0157/74017287.
Bewerbungsunterlagen senden Sie bitte nur per E-Mail an

Mitarbeiter (m/w) Kundenbetreuung (Spanisch und Englisch) Arbeitsort: Potsdam

Im Kundenauftrag suchen wir Kundenbetreuer für den Einsatz in Potsdam. Aufgaben: - Kunden bei Fragen zu Flügen beraten -
Flüge für Kunden buchen Anforderungen: - erste Erfahrungen im Call Center Bereich - sehr gute Spanisch- und
Englischkenntnisse - pünktlich und zuverlässig Die Arbeitszeiten sind von Mo - So 08:00-21:00 Uhr. Für Bewerber mit einem
Vermittlungsgutschein arbeiten wir kostenfrei. Bewerbungsmappen werden nur bei Vorlage eines ausreichend frankiertem
Rückumschlag zurück geschickt. - Geforderte Anlagen: Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse. jam - jobs and more
Information: Ivonne Lepski Address: Brandenburgische Str. 51-53, D-14974 Ludwigsfelde, Deutschland Phone: +49 3378 510158
Fax: +49 3378 510159 Email:

Teamassistenz mit Englisch und Spanisch (m/w) Arbeitsort: Hamburg

Wir suchen für unseren Kunden, ein erfolgreiches Hamburger Groß- und Außenhandelsunternehmen, eine engagierte und
erfahrene Teamassistenz mit sehr guten Englisch- und Spanischkenntnissen. Die Stelle ist zunächst für sechs Monate über die
Zeitarbeit angedacht. Es gibt eine Option auf Verlängerung, eine Übernahme können wir zu diesem Zeitpunkt jedoch noch nicht
zusichern. Die Stelle ist dem Vertriebsbereich zugeordnet und umfasst viele Back-Office ¿Aufgaben. Ihre Aufgaben: ¿
Angebotserstellung & Sortimentspflege nach Absprache ¿ Anfragen nachverfolgen ¿ Korrespondenz mit Kunden in deutscher,
englischer und spanischer Sprache ¿ Statistiken führen und Kundenbestände überwachen ¿ Überwachung von POS Material ¿
Datenpflege ¿ Präsentationen erstellen ¿ Kundenbesuche & Reisen vorbereiten Ihr Profil: ¿ Abgeschlossene kaufmännische
Ausbildung ¿ Kommunikative Fähigkeiten ¿ Organisatorisches Geschick ¿ Hohe Teamorientierung ¿ Selbstständiges und
zielorientiertes Arbeiten ¿ Sehr gute Englisch- wie auch Spanischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift ¿ Sehr gute MS-Office-
Kenntnisse Finden Sie sich in dieser internationalen Stelle wieder? Wollen Sie in einem der erfolgreichsten Handelsunternehmen
Hamburgs ihre Chance nutzen und Ihre Fähigkeiten unter Beweis stellen? Dann bewerben Sie sich schnellst möglich ¿ gerne per
E-Mail. Wir freuen uns auf Sie! - Geforderte Anlagen: Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse. Home of jobs Hamburg GmbH
Information: Meike Wulff Address: Bleichenbrücke 11, D-20354 Hamburg, Deutschland Email:



6 Reservations Sales Associate (Spanish/English Speaking) National reference: 534992

Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. is currently recruiting for multi-lingual Reservations Sales Associates. The purpose of
this position is to generate sales for Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc properties worldwide and to assist in the handling
of the Frequent Guest Programme enquiries. The Reservations Sales Associate will receive and process calls from travel agents,
business houses and the general public. Book reservations and provide information on all Starwood brands/properties, in a
professional manner with specific emphasis on sales and service to the caller in accordance with guidelines, policies and
procedures. This is a full-time permanent position. Candidates must be computer literate with an excellent telephone manner, the
ability to work independently and have strong aptitude for Sales and Customer Services. Fluency in English and Spanish is
essential. Please forward CV to or post to Starwood House, MacCurtain Street, Cork City. For
further information, call 021-4279200. Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. is an equal opportunities employer.

Partner Services Advisor with Spanish and/or Portuguese - Service Partners National reference: 542743
The Partner Services Advisor (PSA) is a highly responsible remote relationship management role where the candidate will
develop and maintain a 1:1 professional relationship with a number of designated SAP Service Partners. The PSA will be the
partner?s key point of contact into SAP. The PSA will create and deliver a range of services designed to improve the performance
of the partner in all their operational areas, including marketing, sales support, implementation methodologies, customer support
etc.The PSA will have a series of remote 1:1 meetings with the partner, focusing on building a relationship and identifying which
areas the partner would best benefit from you as their relationship manager.The PSA will focus on increasing partner satisfaction
and productivity, while contributing to SAP?s growth strategy. The role is predominantly a proactive one, where the PSA drives
value to the partner. To apply for this job please send your CV and the title of the position to

Operation Manager/Team Leader (French/Spanish) National reference: 544916

Hotel R Yacht is a unique accommodation concept giving travellers the opportunity to stay on boats and yachts as a competitive
alternative to a hotel. With Hotel R Yacht the client can book online to stay aboard a yacht or boat in the exact same way they
would book a hotel or holiday villa. Responsibilities include prospecting and acquiring new accounts for a designated region;
research prospective business clients, assess competitive landscape and manage the pipeline of potential sales clients. Follow up
and qualify inbound leads from all sources, including website and marketing. Analysing and matching solutions to customer
requirements. Maintaining accurate records of customer and prospect information on the database. Applicants should have
excellent written verbal communication skills, marketing background with an emphasis on hospitality, travel and tourism. Fluent
Spanish or French language required.

Inside Sales Specialist ( Spanish Speaking) - Maternity Cover 12 months National reference: 542193
Our BUiSS?s are customer-focused and target driven with keen business acumen. They are comfortable and experienced in
selling IT Business Intelligence solutions to senior executive audiences and demonstrate a professional and mature customer
interfacing profile. The BUiSS role is part of the SAP Business Objects European Inside Sales Organization. This position requires
both strategic and detailed thinking and strong initiative. It is primarily phone-based but will sometimes require customer/ partner
visits. Requirements: 2-4 years full-cycle sales experience with a consistent track record of exceeding quota and revenue goals
(preferably IT sales experience);Fluency in Spanish; Bachelors degree in business, marketing or equivalent experience is desired;
Energetic and goal-oriented, strong leadership qualities (experience with cross-functional and trans-national teams
desired);Proven success prospecting and developing a territory; Exceptional written and verbal communication skills etc. To apply
for this job please send your CV and the title of the position(Inside Sales Specialist ( Spanish Speaking) - Maternity Cover 12
months) to

Sales & Administration Person (Fluent Spanish/Italian Languages) National reference: 545165
A personalised book company based in Malahide requires an individual who is fluent in Spanish and Italian to sell and market
personalised books in Spain and Italy. This person must be computer literate and a customer services orientated individual. Tasks
will also include making personalised books in Spanish, Italian and English. This position is a new position and is full time.
Attention to detail and ability to work to deadlines is essential. Responsibilities will also include selling personalised books via our
website and contacting companies via telephone. Taking book orders, making and dispatching personalised books, general office
work and administration. As this is office work, starting times and finishing times are flexible. To apply for this position please
contact Siobhan via email

Hair Stylist -Dublin 2 National reference: 546110

Applicants must be fully qualified in the hairdressing industry, must have excellent all round hairdressing skills, cutting, colouring,
perming, full training in the hair replacement industry will be given. Requirements: Must speak fluent English, must have excellent
hairdressing skills, must have worked as a trained stylist in a hairdressing salon previously. Please apply via email or phone only
to: Email: Phone: 00442920641290

Dental Technician (Junior Ceramist) National reference: 541777

Junior Ceramist. Candidates are required to have a dental technician qualification and competency in the English language.
Working under a Swiss Master Technician who is fluent in English and German. Modern work environment with customised work
stations. Please e-mail

Hotel Waiting/Cleaning Assistant (Temp) National reference: 545895
The person will be required to serve breakfast, clean tables, set up for lunch, clean a number of bedrooms and porter duties when
requested to do so. Advanced level of English is required as the person will be required to greet guests, write food/beverage
orders and input into computer. The hours for this job will vary from week to week, but it will not exceed 39 hours. E-Mail: The hotel is 7kms from city centre. The bus stop is 250m from hotel, there is a bus service every 30
minutes from 6:00am to 12:00 midnight. Accommodation can be arranged for successful applicants.

Sous Chef/2nd Chef National reference: 545777

An amazing career opportunity has arisen on a permanent basis for what is undoubtedly one of the counties most prestigious
eating establishments. This amazing property boats some of the finest views in the world, coupled with a unique menu using only
the finest of ingredients and local fresh produce. With an award winning Head Chef, their intention is to source and appoint a
suitably experienced 2nd Chef to support the kitchen in delivering the finest level of quality and service. Currently coming into the
very busy summer season, they wish to appoint an individual passionate about food to undertake a permanent post in the coming
weeks. The 2nd Chef is second in command in the kitchen and will be in charge of food production and in supervising other team
members to fully support the Head Chef and deliver consistently good food to the patrons. The 2nd Chef will assume full
responsibility of the kitchen in the Head Chefs absence. Please contact Robert at Network Recruitment on 07491 13274 to find
out more. Please also email a copy of your CV to Robert - E

Swim Teacher & Gym Instructor National reference: 545834

We are a health and leisure club in the Mid West of Ireland. We have a vacancy for a qualified Swim Teacher to give private and
group lessons. The ideal candidate will also have a gym qualification as other duties would involve working with clients in our gym
doing fitness assessments and programmes. Accommodation can be arranged if required. E-Mail CV to: and cc to


AUXILIAR ADMINISTRATIVO Eures reference: 27553

auxiliar administrativo con destino en italia. funciones administrativas y comerciales. nivel alto de italiano y conocimientos admi-
nistrativos. titulacion academica de auxiliar adminitrativo o similar. edad de 25 a 40 años. salario, jornada, horario, alojamiento,
manutencion, gastos de desplazamiento y duracion del contrato a convenir. rafibra s.l. information: antonio magraner address: c/
llauradors s/n. parcela 106. p.i. alberic.;alberic (valencia);46260;españa phone: 34962443646 fax: 34962443648 email:

2 cuochi 2 chefs Eures reference: 4783011

2 cuochi con esperienza per hotel area montana, Limone Piemonte, - ottimo italiano, francese/inglese
intermedio, qualifica e/o diploma alberghiero, contratto dal 1/6 al 30/09 e dal 1/12/2010 al 31/3/2011.Invio CV A cori srl vitto e
alloggio. 2 chefs avec experience, hotel en montagne, Limone Piemonte, - bon italian + notions
francais/anglais. diplome hotellier, contract du 1/6 au 30/09 et du 1/12/2010 au 31/3/2011. nourri et logé. envoi cv à l'hotel CORI

2 CAMERIERI/E SALA 2 SERVEURS/SES Eures reference: 4784811

ALLOGGIO.CONTRATTO DAL 1/6/2010 AL 30/09/2010 E DAL 1/12/2010 AL 31/3/2011. INVIO CV A CORI 2 serveurs/ses sale restaurant pour hotel de Limone Piemonte (Cuneo) ,
préparation sale et service tables, tres bon italian, bon fra/en. Nourri logé. CDD du 1/6/2010 au 30/09/2010 et du 1/12/2010 au
31/3/2011.Envoyer CV à CORI

2 ESTETISTA 2 ESTETICIENS/ENNES Eures reference: 4785071

31/3/2011. INVIO CV A . 2 esteticiens avec experience pour centre SPA à Limone Piemonte (Cuneo),
traitements, massages musculaires et soignes estetiques de la personne. Très bon italien, francais-anglais. diplome reconnu en
Italie, nourri logé, contrat du 1/6/2010 au 30/9/2010 et du 1/12/2010 au 31/3/2011. Envoy cv à


8 mates & 8 sailors for the Rhine & Inlandshipping National reference: 4361210
We are searching for 8 mates and 8 sailors for our ships (Dslb-Wilmer-F, Dslb-Roelof-F, Dslb-Sandra-F en Dslb Dennis-F).You
are acquainted with all the work on board of a push ship.You have sense of responsibility and experience (at least 3 years) on a
push ship in the inland shipping.Minimal secondary education ( MBO of LBO) in the Inland navigation and valid documents (
dienstboekje/ schifferdienstbuch/service book) and ADNR certificate.You have good knowledge of the English or German

language.4 weeks on board and 4 weeks at home.Salary: max.: ¿ 1779,66 every month/gross.Applications by e-mail: Attn. Mr. Martin Marin

Sailor Uniqueship National reference: 4087710

Duties: Vessel maintenance, navigational watch, cleaning work on board, steering of vessel, rope handling REQUIREMENTS;
You are in possession of "Dienstboek" for inland shipping. Must unroll for the course for the position of "matroos" as per Dutch
legislation. Willingness and be able to learn Dutch. Knowledge of English (basic) Offers: first contract for 6 months with possibility
to extension. Salary as per Collective Agreement: ordinary seaman ¿ 1407,60 Euro monthly gross sailor - 1629,72 Euro monthly
gross Accommodation available on board Information about the vacancy can be obtained by Euresadviser, Barbara Gorter-
Zahuta, e-mail:

Si te interesa trabajar estacionalmente en la agricultura en Holanda, regístrate online en:



Landbruksarbeider/Agronom/Agricultural w National reference: 0405 10 05 000001

On behalf of a client we are looking for an experienced agricultural worker, preferably with relevant education and especially
experience from swine production. In addition to livestock production (pigs) the farm also grow grains and potatoes. Mastering
other tasks such as maintenance, tractor driving, forestry and grain/ potato production would therefor be an advantage. It is
necessary to speak English or a Scandinavian language. Salary and working conditions depending on relevant experience/
education, according to Norwegian rules and regulations. Appartment with good standard is available at the farm if interested.
Start as soon as possible. Please send your application and CV to Application date: As soon as
possible, at the latest May 15th 2010.

A la carte cook National reference: 0905 10 04 000169

Blom Restaurant is an exclusive and nice restaurant located in the centre of Arendal. Arendal is a medium sized town located at
the coast in the south of Norway (about 4 hours drive to the south from Oslo). Arendal is a typical turistic town in the summer
season, and in July the town arranges the Formula 1 Offshore Race and hosts several rock, jazz and blues festivals.
Requirements: Experience from a la carte menus. Language: Candidates must speak English very well or a Scandinavian
language Duration: Seasonal from May until end of September 2010. There is, however, a possibility of a permanent position.
Working hours: 37,5 to 40 hours per week Salary: According to qualification, but around NOK 20,000 gross per month. In addition
the employer will provide free accommodation in a very nice central apartment and food. Send a CV and presentation letter as
soon as possible, but at the latest 23.05.10 Applications to be sent to:

Head chef National reference: 0905 10 04 000170

Bark Bar & Brasserie is a new establishment that will open in the very beginning of May. The establishment is located in the
centre of Arendal. Arendal is a medium sized town located at the coast in the south of Norway (about 4 hours drive to the south
from Oslo). Arendal is a typical turistic town in the summer season. Requirements: Education as a cook (2 to 4 years) and
preferably experience as an a la carte cook. Language: Candidates must speak English very well or a Scandinavian language.
They must also be willing to learn Norwegian. Duration: Permanent vacancy Starting date: As soon as possible Working hours:
37,5 to 40 hours per week Salary: According to qualification, but around NOK 27,000 to 30,000 gross per month. Closing date for
applications: Send a CV and presentation letter as soon as possible, but at the latest 23.05.10 Applications to be sent to:

4 Servicemedarbeider til hjemmeservice p National reference: 1266 10 05 000011

CityMaid is the largest Homecare company in Norway. We have offices in Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger and Trondheim. We need
employee that can clean private homes( dusting, vacumcleaning, washing of bathroom and kithcen and other tasks) Must have

workpermit, drivings licence and we prefer employee that can speak some scandinavian language or fluently english. Work in
team of two Get training and uniform Drive a company car Daytime work mostly.Please, see our website and fill out an
application. . CityMaid HjemmeService AS Information: Ta kontakt med Mette Mari Tlf.98297754 Address:
Salhusveien 55 5131 NYBORG Phone: 40006330 Email:

Ofertas de empleo en Noruega (en inglés): ( buscar enlace: NAV EURES in English )





Interesados/as pueden registrarse en el servicio de gestión de Empleo Agrícola del Servicio Andaluz de Empleo (SAE):;jsessionid=947175

QUALITY ENQUIRY STAFF MV B10 Eures reference: 4779971

Our spanish company, specialised in quality studies of a wide range of hotel chains, is currently looking for people to join our team
based in Spain . Requirements: However to qualify for this opportunity, you will need to meet the following criteria: -Fluency in
English and German or English and Scandinavian languages (Spanish intermediate level ).Good PC skills. -Knowledge of other
languages will be an added advantage. We offer: -Lodging and provisions -Full or part time contract. -Salary negotiable. Starting
in May 2010 to October 2010-Medical Insurance. If you are interested, please apply in writing, enclosing your CV (in English or
Spanish) to EURES Baleares at the following mail :


Manicurist Eures reference: 4784111

We are looking for a pleasant girl/guy who can work with manicures, pedicures, nail extensions with acrylic, gell, pink and white
etc. You must be able to work at a fast pace. All of us who work here are very positive so you should be a smiling, happy person.
Monthly salary according to Swedish labour agreements. Ange ExpressNail Information: Anh Thanh Thuy Nguyen Address:
Allfarvägen 21, 19147 Sollentuna, Sweden Phone: (46)8-6319999 Fax: (46)8-631 99 98 Email:


Waiting Staff National reference: NI918164

JOB DUTIES : Waiting tables, cleaning tables, ensuring customers are satisfied. Cleaning and tidying restaurant after service.
OTHER INFO : These positions are available immediately and experience in a similar role is essential. SALARY INFO : 16-17
£3.57, 18-21 £4.83, over 22 £5.80 per hour EQUALITY STATEMENT : None. How to apply: Please send a copy of your CV to

Chef National reference: NI918120

JOB DUTIES : Reed Hospitality, acting as an employment business are currently seeking Temporary Chefs for their client based
throughout Belfast. Knowledge of HAACP (Hazardous and Critical Control Points)/COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to
Health). Duties will include all food preparation and service and general maintenance of kitchen. Additional duties may be
applicable. OTHER INFO : None. SALARY INFO : £7 - £7.50 per hour. How to apply: Please send a copy of your CV to

Office Worker National reference: NI918080

JOB DUTIES : You will be responsible for the day to day running of an office. Your duties will include invoicing companies,
banking, wages and contacting clients by telephone. OTHER INFO : Immediate start available. Job could possibly be on a full
time basis, depending on experience. SALARY INFO : Wages will depend on qualifications and experience. train Engineering
Information: MR Liam Gorrell Address: 6 Newferry Road Phone: 028 79386848 Fax: 79386150 Email: How to apply How to apply: Please contact Maggie or Liam from Strain Engineering on 028 7938
6848 to apply.

RECEPTIONNISTE EN HOTELLERIE National reference: 788418L

we are looking for a well presented & professional receptionist to work in a 2-star hotel. previous experience is recommended.
would be beneficial to have opera knowledge. accommodation provided - salaire : 900 to 1100 gbp/month+accommodation.
cv+photo by e-mail to :


BackCheck is a successful HR outsourcing firm and is preparing to expand into the European market. We are currently recruiting
candidates who speak both English and a foreign European language fluently, type at least 40 WPM, and have a university de.
For the HR Interviewer position, duties will include conducting investigative reference interviews, verifying education credentials,
and providing excellent client service. Experience is not required, as training is provided. We offer benefits and long term career
opportunities. You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Marla Dranfield at Checkwell Decision Limited, .



Must be 18+ as will be serving alcohol. Must have excellent communication skills. Previous experience is preferred but not
essential as full training will be given. . Will be working with the public as part of a team. Duties will include, taking orders, serving
food and drinks, maintaining a clean and tidy dining area and dealing with guests. Temporary and permanent positions available.
You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Sean Young at Ramblers Rest,


Must be aged 18+ for serving alcohol and night work reasons. Previous experience is desirable but not essential. Main duties are
serving behind the bar, pouring drinks, stock replenishment and cash handling. Other duties are serving food to the table and
keeping the restaurant area tidy. You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Tammy Walsh at Orange PSG,

CATTERING ASSISTANT (Pension available!) ( North U.K.)

Basic Food Hygiene Certificate is essential. Previous experience prefe. preparation, cleaning kitchen area, washing dishes and
supporting the kitchen manager. Also will be serving hot and cold food and making/preparing food for children's parties as
required. It's a full time job ( Hours: Saturday & Sunday, 9.00am – 7.30pm. You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written
application to Janet Holloway at Giants Den, .

BAR STAFF (London SW17)

Must be age 18+ due to licensing laws. Must have good communication skills as will be dealing with customers. Previous
experience is essential. Must have own transport due to late finish. Duties will include serving customers with food and drinks,
clearing of tables, washing of glasses, setting up and clearing away events and assisting to keep the bar area. clean and tidy.
Shifts to be discussed. This is a seasonal vacancy until October 2010. You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written
application to Fabio Bini at Central London Golf Centre,

BAR STAFF (London)
This Vacancy is being advertised on behalf of Supply Group who is operating as an employment business. Temporary leading to
permanent. Must be aged 18+, due to licensing laws and have. previous bar experience. Must have good
communication/customer service skills. Must be able to provide references. Duties will involve serving drinks, taking payments,
using the till and keeping all areas of the bar clean and tidy. This is a temporary position for at least 3 months and may lead to
permanent . You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Mr Keniro Miller at Supply Group, .


Ofertas de empleo en Suiza: Servicio Público de Empleo Suizo (web en inglés, ofertas en dife-
rentes idiomas):


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