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Universidad Nacional Abierta Y A Distancia - UNAD

Escuela De Ciencias Bsicas, Tecnologa E Ingeniera

Programa De Ingeniera Industrial

Act. 2 Reconocimiento General y de Actores

Edward Alexander Izquierdo Arizmendi

Curso 332571-126

Tutor: Alejandro Solarte Surez

Neiva Huila febrero de 2012

Apreciados estudiantes:
Esta actividad se ha diseado con el fin de hacer un reconocimiento general de
la estructura del curso de Ingls III.
Objetivo: El desarrollo de ste trabajo

permite el reconocimiento de las

diferentes actividades planteadas, el protocolo acadmico, los contenidos y los

recursos que permitirn tener una interaccin permanente entre los actores que
intervienen en este espacio de aprendizaje, logrando la identificacin de los
compaeros del grupo colaborativo, el tutor y los directores del curso.
Aspectos Generales:
La actividad consiste en:
1. Make a brief presentation and update personal profile within the course. For
this you enter the link "Participantes" (Strip left), click on your name, click on Edit
and finally click on update personal information.
2. Explore the different links and tools that this course offers you and answer the
following questions
2.1 In the Virtual Campus you can find some private information that your
English tutor sends you, what is the link you can see that information?
2.2 If you want to record your voice and send an audio, you should
download a tool, what is it?
2.3. What is the link to know the grades in your academic process?
2.4. There is a link that gives information about dates and score of
activities, what is it?
2.5. Which is the process to update your profile in the virtual course?
2.6. Where can you read important information about the course?
2.7. Where can you see your collaborative group?
3. Review the online content and answer the following questions:

3.1. In the Online Contents you can find all the units, if you look at them,
how many units are there?
3.2. Make a concept map about the different themes that are developed in
each of the units of the online content.
3.3. Describe the proposed training intentions in the academic protocol.
(Intencionalidades Formativas del Protocolo Acadmico)
Especificaciones del Trabajo
- Cada estudiante debe socializar sus aportes individuales en el foro: Act. 2
Reconocimiento General del Curso. Esto permitir la interaccin por parte de
todos los integrantes del pequeo grupo colaborativo y el fortalecimiento de la
- Cada estudiante de forma individual debe subir su trabajo al link Tarea: Act. 2
Reconocimiento General del Curso.
- El trabajo se debe enviar en un Documento pdf, letra Arial 12
- El trabajo se denominar: Act2_ seguido del nombre del estudiante. Ejemplo:
Act2_ AnaDaz
Peso Evaluativo: 20 puntos

Make a brief presentation and update personal profile in the course. To this is
the link "Participants" (time from left), click on its name, click Edit, and then
click to update your personal information.
2. Explore the various links and tools offered by this course and response the
following questions:
2.1 The Virtual Campus can find some information private English tutor sends
you, what is the link you can see that information?

The link is internal mail

2.2 if you want to record your voice and send an audio file, you must download a
tool, what is that?

I can record my voice and send an audio by downloading SV recorder

2.3. What is the link to find out their grades in academic process?

The link to know the grades in my academic process is called Grades

2.4. There is a link that provides information on dates and results of activities,
what is?

The link that gives information about dates and score of activities, is called
Agenda del Curso (Cronograma de Actividades)
2.5. What is the process to update their profile in the virtual course?

the process to update my profile in the virtual course is the following: First, to
click on the link Participantes, then click on the name of the student, next click
on edit and update what you need, finally click on update your personal

2.6. Where can read important information about the course?

I can read important I information about the course on the link called Course
2.7. Where can I see his staff?

I can see my collaborative group on the link called Participants

3. Review content online and answer the following questions:
3.1. In the online content you can find all the units, if you look at them, how many
units are you?

There are fifteen unites.

3.2. Make a concept map on the different themes that are developed in each of
the units of content online.

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