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La Riviera Maya se encuentra en Mxico, concretamente en el estado de Quintana Roo,

se encuentra ubicado 16 km al sur del Aeropuerto Internacional de Cancn y 32

kilmetros al sur de la ciudad de Cancn. Se trata del hogar de la antigua cultura maya,
una de las culturas ms misteriosas y estudiadas en el mundo.
Los Mayas fueron los creadores de la primera lengua materna completa en las Amricas,
de elegantes obras arquitectnicas y piezas de arte, y el calendario maya.
En la regin continental el clima es semi-tropical, con una temperatura promedio anual de
26 grados centgrados, pudiendo llegar a los 35 grados centgrados en verano. Las
temperaturas ms altas se registran entre los meses de mayo y agosto. La Temporada de
lluvias comprende septiembre y octubre.
Envidia de los astros del cielo, conocer de los mares sus
misterios. Los baan de luz queriendo observarlos por dentro.
Privilegio de aventureros sumergirse en ellos, recorriendo con
su mirada extasiada, toda la grandeza ah guardada. Enormes
barreras de coral, selvas que se nutren de la sal, galeones que
tormentas hicieron naufragar, peces de colores que nadan sin
El arco iris tambin quiere mirar, sin dejar de tocar con su cresta
el cielo, hundiendo su cabeza en el mar y sonriendo a los que
habitan el hmedo lugar. No se siente aventurero pero si disfruta
de lo bueno y con cada respiro de aliento agradece a los dioses
el momento.
La Riviera Maya ofrece una excelente posibilidad para el
deporte de la pesca, que atrae a profesionales y aficionados de
todo el mundo tanto para la pesca de altura como para la menor.
Herein are the ceremonial precincts where homage is paid to the
body; where it is pampered and healed in the process.
Specialized venues where exclusive natural formulas handed
down from previous generations are employed, a perfect
alchemy based on the ingredients offered up by Mother Earth:
you will smell the aroma of exotic, tropical flowers, the flowing
sap of the trees, and the special algae from the oceans.
Chapels, as it were, for the veneration of body, mind and spirit,
provided by the wisdom and experience of those who have
among their chief concerns the desire that you enjoy being
immersed in a magical bath and receive unforgettable,

personalized treatments.

Mundo Maya
Puerto Morelos
Playa del Carmen
Sian Ka'an

Playa del Carmen

Conocido como Xaman H en lengua maya, Playa del Carmen o "Playa", como es
denominada por lugareos y visitantes por igual ofrece todo lo que uno podra soar. Por
sus bellezas naturales y la variedad de atractivos y servicios que ofrece, ha ganado fama
La famosa Quinta Avenida, el alma de "Playa", se recorre a pie y son interminables los
pequeos, exquisitos y confortables hoteles, comercios, restaurantes, bares con msica
en vivo, discotecas y espectculos al aire libre, lo que la convierten en el lugar preferido
despus de un da de actividades.
Fue declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco en el ao 1987
The Riviera Maya is located in Mexico, specifically in the State of Quintana Roo, islo
cated 16 km south of Cancun International Airport and 32 km south of Cancn. It
ishome to the ancient Mayan culture, one of the most mysterious and studied worl

The Mayans were the creators of the first complete language in the Americas, ofele
gant architectural works and works of art, and the Mayan calendar.
In the continental region the climate is semi-tropical, with an annual averagetempe
rature of 26 degrees Celsius, and
can reach 35 degrees Celsius in summer. Thehighest temperatures are registered b
etween the months of May and August. Theseason of rains understands September
and October.
Envy of the stars of the sky, know of the seas their mysteries. They bathe them ligh
to observe them inside. Privilege of adventurers dive into them, along with herrapt
gaze, all the pomp saved there. Huge coral reefs, rainforests that feed salt,
Galleons that storm did wreck, colorful fish that swim without ceasing.
Rainbow also wants
to look, while touching the sky with its crest, smiling that inhabitthe moist place an
d sinking her head into the sea. Not feeling adventurous, but if youenjoy the good
and with every breath of breath he thanked the gods time.
The Riviera Maya offers an excellent opportunity for the sport of fishing, which attr
actsprofessionals and amateurs around the world both for fishing and for the child.
Herein are the ceremonial precincts where homage is paid to the body; where it isp
ampered and healed in the process. Specialized venues where exclusive naturalfor
mulas handed down from previous generations are employed, to perfect alchemyb
ased on the ingredients offered up by Mother Earth: you will smell the aroma ofexo
tic, tropical flowers, the flowing sap of the trees, and the special algae from theoce
ans. Chapels, as it were, for the veneration of body, mind and spirit, provided byth
e wisdom and experience of those who have among their chief concerns the desire
that you enjoy being immersed in a magical bath and receive personalized treatme
nts, unforgettable.

Mayan world
Puerto Morelos
Playa del Carmen
Sian Ka'an

Playa del Carmen

Known as Xaman H in Maya, Playa del Carmen or
"Beach", as it
is called by locals andvisitors alike offers everything one could dream of. By its nat
ural beauty and variety ofattractions and services it offers, it
has gained international fame.
The famous Quinta Avenida, the soul of "Beach", is traversed on foot and small,
exquisite and comfortable hotels, shops, restaurants, bars are endless with live mu
discotheques and outdoor shows, which make it the favorite place after a day ofact
It was declared world heritage by Unesco in 1987

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