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Martes 05.11.

2013 | 13:08

Golpe a Farmacity: prohiben la venta de golosinas y

bebidas en farmacias
La medida sostiene que se penar la comercializacin de productos no incorporados al
listado que la legislacin actual contempla
por MATAS BONELLI Buenos Aires

Farmacity deber ahora analizar los pasos a seguir

Una resolucin oficial dictada por el Ministerio de Salud podra poner en serios aprietos el negocio de
Farmacity, la mayor cadena de farmacias del pas.
Aunque sin hablar en forma especfica sobre este firma en particular, en sus consideraciones la resolucin
1632/2013 advierte que slo pueden venderse en farmacias los productos includos en los artculos 1 de la
Ley de la Reglamentacin , y que la venta y despacho en farmacias de los productos no incorporados por la
autoridad competente a este rgimen sern considerados ejercicio ilegal de la farmacia .
En el artculo citado por esta resolucin, la ley habla de recetas preparadas, dispensa de drogas, medicamentos
de venta libre y especialidades farmacuticas, adems de productos destinados a la higiene o esttica de las
personas y productos para diagnsticos.
En su artculo 4, la resolucin sostiene que las farmacias slo podrn realizar las actividades establecidas en
el artculo 1 de la Ley 17.565 .
De este modo, todo establecimiento farmacutico que venda en su local productos que nada tengan que ver con
los permitidos, debern adecuarse a la nueva legislacin dentro de los prximos 90 das.
Una vez superado ese lapso, se comenzarn a aplicar las sanciones correspondientes.
En el caso especfico de Farmacity, una de sus particularidades es que comercializa productos como golosinas y
gaseosas, que ahora debera retirar de su oferta.
Segn pudo saber El Cronista, en el sector analizan con detenimiento la resolucin dictada ayer por el
Ministerio de Salud, sobre todo por parte de aquellas farmacias que de acuerdo con la nueva medida se
encuentran fuera de los parmetros establecidos.
En el caso especfico de Farmacity, este no es el primer escollo que se le presenta para mantener su esquema de
negocios tal cual lo haba planteado.
Desde hace tiempo, las farmacias ms tradicionales criticaban a la cadena por el sistema de expendio que tena

de los remedios, que permita a los clientes tomar los productos de venta libre en forma discrecional.
Luego de una importante serie de reclamos, Farmacity del grupo Pegasus debi dar de baja esa modalidad,
tras una disposicin de la Sala IV de la Cmara Nacional en lo Contencioso administrativo Federal.
All, se determin que la cadena debera cumplir con la resolucin del Ministerio de Salud, que impide que los
remedios de venta libre estn exhibidos sin restricciones y al alcance del pblico en general.
Si bien es cierto que esta situacin se da ante la insistencia de un grupo de farmacias, tambin se debe tener en
cuenta que tiene que ver con una cuestin de reciprocidad con los kioscos.
En noviembre de 2009, en varias regiones del pas se haba determinado la prohibicin para los kioscos de
comercializar medicamentos de venta libre, como por ejemplo analgsicos.
En la Ciudad de Buenos Aires es
a ley fue aprobada por la Legislatura en noviembre de 2011, pero das despus fue vetada por el Ejecutivo


Shoppers' faces to be scanned in advertising push at Tesco petrol stations across the UK - Telegraph

Shoppers' faces to be scanned in advertising push at Tesco petrol stations

across the UK
Supermarket giant Tesco is installing hundreds of hi-tech screens that scan the faces of
shoppers as they queue at the till to detect their age and sex for advertisers.

Tesco will install the technology into 450 petrol stations across the UK Photo: Daniel Jones

By Steve Hawkes, Consumer Affairs Editor

11:16AM GMT 03 Nov 2013

The store giant has signed a ground-breaking deal with Lord Alan Sugar's Amscreen in a move which
tonight sparked fresh concerns from privacy campaigners about the growing use of "invasive"
techology in the nation's shops.
The 'OptimEyes' system will be rolled out into 450 Tesco petrol forecourts, which serve millions of
customers a week.
It works by using inbuilt cameras in a TV-style screen above the till that identify whether a customer
is male or female, estimate their age and judge how long they look at the ad.



Shoppers' faces to be scanned in advertising push at Tesco petrol stations across the UK - Telegraph

The 'real time' data is fed back to advertisers to give them a better idea of the effectiveness of their
campaigns and enable them to tailor ads to certain times of the day.
Ads for Red Bull could run in the rush hour with ads for women's magazines timed for after the
morning school run.
The technology echoes hit 2002 sci-fi film Minority Report, where actor Tom Cruise's character is
bombarded by personalised ads as he walks down a street once sensors detect him by scanning his
Simon Sugar, Lord Sugar's son and Amscreen chief executive, told industry magazine The Grocer:
"Yes it's like something out of Minority Report, but this could change the face of British retail and
our plans are to expand the screens into as many supermarkets as possible."
He added: "We're extremely excited to call Tesco a screen network partner."
He insisted the OptimEyes technology, developed in conjunction with a face detection software
specialist, does not store images or recognise people, and instead simply "works out gender and sorts
customers into one of three age brackets".
But privacy campaigners last night said the explosion in personal data collection was threatening to
spiral out of control.
Nick Pickles of Big Brother Watch said more advanced camera technology was already available that
matches scans of people's faces when they walk into a shop with their pictures on Facebook to tailor
special offers to their "likes" on the social media website.
He told The Daily Telegraph: "People would never accept a degree of surveillance for law
enforcement purposes, but these systems are solely designed to watch us for collecting marketing
"People would never accept the police keeping a real-time log of which shops we go in, but this
technology can do just that. It is a surveillance state by the shop door."
The technology is already used in forecourts across the UK but Amscreen claim the Tesco deal is the
biggest of its kind since it was unveiled earlier this summer.
The screens in Tesco forecourts will show ads that run for up to 10 seconds a time on a 100 second



Shoppers' faces to be scanned in advertising push at Tesco petrol stations across the UK - Telegraph

Peter Cattell, category director for Tesco petrol stations, said the technology would "enhance" the
customer shopping experience.
He said: "The ability to tailor content based on time and location means this can be extremely useful
and timely for interacting with our customers."
Tesco was one of the first to track shopping habits with Clubcard, the loyaly card scheme launched in
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