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Programa Intel Educar

Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 1 de 4

Plan de unidad 2
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Autor de la unidad
Nombre y apellido Melva Esther Lamboglia Jones
Nombre de la institucin educativa Profesional and Technical Institute Juan Daz
Ubicacin de la institucin educativa
Panama Central Region 1, Juan Daz, first street, beside Melo
Otros datos de la institucin educativa
IPT Juan Diaz is a high school that offers certificates of Turism
and Commerce.
Descripcin de la unidad
Ttulo de la unidad
Aesops Fables
Resumen de la unidad
This is an extra activity or project 2 based on Aesops fables which teach moral lessons in each of his fables. All the
fables chosen have a very well known moral for hundred of years. These fables will help my students to practice
their speaking abilities through the drama, questions and answers and the power point presentation.
Espacio/s curricular/es o asignatura/s
English as a second language
Ao y nivel
Students of 1o and 11
Tiempo necesario aproximado
16 periods of class , 45 minutos, 3 weeks,
Fundamentos de la unidad
Grammar in Context for communicative purpose. Parts of speech (Nouns, pronouns, verbs,
adjectives, adverbs and articles)
Using vocabulary new vocabulary related with the topic.
oral form.
Developing a positive attitude toward the life.

Objetivos del aprendizaje
Be aware of the importance of the English language for personal and professional success.
Integrate and develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to express ideas, opinions and describe
personal affairs
Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad
Pregunta esencial Do fables teach lessons to our lives?
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 2 de 4

Preguntas de unidad

Are moral lessons really important to our lives?
Preguntas de contenido
What oral does this fable teach to us?

Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 3 de 4

Plan de evaluacin
Cronograma de evaluaciones

Antes de empezar el trabajo
del proyecto
Durante el desarrollo
del proyecto
Una vez completado el

Diagnostic Evaluation
All the students will observe or hear
a story about a little boy who does
not know how to tie his shoes.
They will tell if they had the same
situation when they were children.
They all will share what they think
about the moral lesson of the story.

Formative Evaluation
They will read their fable
assignment at home.
They will read a fable in
class aloud.
They will read the
biography of Aesop.
They will write Aesops
They will study and
complete literary elements
charts about their fables.
They will retell the fable

They will present a drama
about a fable in class and will
read pwp it to the class.

Resumen de evaluaciones

The evaluation criteria used during this Project are the following>
Diagnostique> Students will evaluate each others answer when it is indicated that they have to talk about the
ideas that come up their minds when they look at the images on the screen or copies or hear to their
classmates. .
Formative>they will complete all the practices about the project in groups..
Summative>Students will present a drama in front of their classmates and other teachers about the fable
using customs and a pwp.
Detalles de la unidad
Habilidades previas
All my students should know some fables of in Spanish. They will identify these fables when they are reading
at home.
They should know the use of the computer and the use of internet.

They will read a short story similar to one of the Aesops fable and they will identify which is the lesson in it.
When they get the moral of the fable, they will know what is a fable and a moral. They will know the Aesops
biography and where he lived.
They will read s fable and will study literary elements on the story. They will know new vocabulary to retell the
story aloud.
They will read their fables at home practicing the pronounciation.
Finally they will make a drama infront of their classmates and other teachers in English using customs.
Besides that, they will present a pwp about the literary elements of the fable.

Adaptaciones curriculares
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 4 de 4

Estudiante con

No hispano-

In each group, there will be a skillful student which will help their classmates with the
use of the computer programs and also with the fable pronunciation and the drama.
Materiales y recursos necesarios para la unidad
Tecnologa Hardware (equipo necesario)

x Cmara
x Cmara digital
Reproductor de DVD
xConexin a Internet
xDisco lser
x Impresora
xSistema de proyeccin
Cmara de vdeo
Equipo de vdeo conferencia
x Otro
Tecnologa Software (necesario)

Base de datos/Hoja de clculo
Diagramador de publicaciones
x Programa de correo
Enciclopedia en CD-ROM
x Editor de imgenes
xBuscador Web
x Multimedia

x Desarrollo de pginas web
x Procesador de texto
Materiales impresos
Dictionary Spanish/English
Aesops fables

Recursos de Internet

Librivox application
Samsung Reading Application.

Otros Recursos

Los programas de Intel Educacin son financiados por la Fundacin Intel y la Corporacin Intel.
Derechos reservados 2008, Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Intel, el logo de Intel, la iniciativa de Intel Educacin y el
Programa Intel Educar son marcas registradas de Intel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los Estados Unidos y otros pases. *Otros nombres
y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.

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