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Puntuacin total /20
(Se divide la puntuacin total entre 2)

E O I:

Direccin General de Polticas Educativas y Ordenacin Acadmica

ER 0682/2007

Servicio de Evaluacin, Calidad y Ordenacin Acadmica

Prueba Especfica de Certificacin de Nivel Avanzado de idioma Ingls
Comprensin oral. JUNIO 2009
A continuacin, usted va a realizar una prueba que contiene dos ejercicios de comprensin oral.

Los ejercicios de comprensin oral tienen una estructura similar: se reproduce una grabacin y a partir
de ella se hacen una serie de preguntas que aparecen escritas en este cuadernillo.
Tendr tiempo suficiente para leer las preguntas antes de escuchar la grabacin, que ser reproducida
tres veces.
Cada pregunta o frase incompleta va seguida de una serie de respuestas posibles o de frases que la
completan. En cada caso tendr que elegir la respuesta correcta rodeando con un crculo la letra de
su opcin.
Slo una de las opciones es correcta.

En otro tipo de preguntas tendr que responder con una palabra, frase o nmero, escribiendo la
respuesta en el espacio proporcionado.

En total, deber contestar 20 preguntas para completar esta prueba.
Dispone de 40 minutos para responder las preguntas de este cuadernillo.
Utilice nicamente bolgrafo azul o negro y asegrese de que su telfono mvil o dispositivos
electrnicos estn desconectados durante toda la prueba.
Trabaje concentradamente, no hable ni se levante de la silla. Si tiene alguna duda levante la mano
y espere en silencio a que la profesora o el profesor se acerque a su mesa.
Si no tiene dudas, PUEDE EMPEZAR.
Ejemplo 2
How many people were in the car?

Write here: Five people / (5)
Si se confunde, tache la respuesta equivocada y vuelva a escribir la que considere correcta.
Write here: Five people / (5) Four people / (4)

Servicio de Evaluacin, Calidad y Ordenacin Acadmica

Prueba Especfica de Certificacin de Nivel Avanzado de idioma Ingls
Comprensin oral. JUNIO 2009


Listen to this recording and then choose the best option in the following questions.
Podcast downloaded from Enjoy England. City Guides.
1. Birmingham is an influential city because it

A. offers a lot of amenities
B. has an engineering Power Station
C. was highly populated in the 18

2. Selfridges building is outstanding because it

A. contains a bullring
B. has straight lines inside
C. is covered in aluminium

3. The new shopping area

A. is a major tourist attraction
B. was built after one in Ibiza
C. houses the Symphony Hall

4. The Malmaison Hotel

A. is modern and lively
B. is cool and inexpensive
C. only accommodates rock stars

5. In Mailbox complex you can find __________________ restaurants

A. designer
B. a wide variety of
C. modern Japanese

6. At the Hotel Du Vin, there is a

A. cellar where they sell champagne
B. Humidor Room to keep the cigars fresh
C. Bistro which welcomes people on the ground floor

7. According to Nicola, the

A. shopping offer in Birmingham is superb
B. retail outlets in Birmingham are fantastic
C. restaurants in Birmingham are for the wealthy

Servicio de Evaluacin, Calidad y Ordenacin Acadmica
Prueba Especfica de Certificacin de Nivel Avanzado de idioma Ingls
Comprensin oral. JUNIO 2009
8. If you go shopping in Birmingham, you will

A. even order your wedding ring
B. also enjoy the citys entertainments
C. also have an unexpected experience

9. When you leave the Jewellery Quarter

A. your pockets will be loaded up
B. you must go around Saint Pauls church
C. you can easily have a stroll back to the city centre

10. On your way back into the city you can

A. get wet toes
B. buy cheap gold jewellery
C. find interesting bars and buildings

Servicio de Evaluacin, Calidad y Ordenacin Acadmica
Prueba Especfica de Certificacin de Nivel Avanzado de idioma Ingls
Comprensin oral. JUNIO 2009

Listen to this recording and then choose the best option in the following questions.
Listening material from CBS News Podcasts and


1. According to the speaker, companies use greenwashing to

A. inform consumers about environmentally friendly products
B. deceive consumers about environmentally friendly products
C. lead consumers who want to buy environmentally friendly products

2. Which of the following is the most eco-friendly term?

A. Organic
B. Sustainable
C. Environmentally preferred


3. Some effects of BPA (Bisphenol A) on the development of cancer cells can
appear after

A. a little contact with it
B. the growth of hormones
C. a long-term contact with it

4. We find BPA in products such as

A. organic plastic and flatware
B. baby bottles and some food
C. the interior cover of some cans

5. Some health supporters concern is that the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) ...

A. is scared and therefore has declared BPA harmless
B. is being paid to withhold confidential information about the effects of BPA
C. has been paid 1 billion dollars since the 1930s to keep quiet about the effects of BPA


6. In the floating island of Garbage we can find

A. buoys, plastic debris, and styrofoam
B. bottles, plastic debris, and some type of foam
C. booties, plastic debris, and some type of foam

Servicio de Evaluacin, Calidad y Ordenacin Acadmica
Prueba Especfica de Certificacin de Nivel Avanzado de idioma Ingls
Comprensin oral. JUNIO 2009
7. One of the effects of this mass of plastic particles is that

A. food and fish are easily mistaken for one another
B. it affects generations of both land life and sea life
C. it interrupts generations of fish moving towards land


8. In order to reduce pollution, the Chinese authorities are

A. controlling all the industrial emissions which reduce visibility
B. limiting car-access to the city centre and reducing smog
C. limiting traffic in Beijing and limiting emissions from factories

9. Ethiopian runner, Haile Gebrselassie, has pulled out of the Games because

A. he is concerned about the irreparable effects of pollution in his lungs
B. he thinks he might have an asthma crisis and need asthma medication
C. because many athletes are already suffering asthma crises and are on medication

10. One of the 4 green air minutes reflects on the following issue:

A. Tidal flows in the Pacific Ocean are the cause of the concentration of garbage on top
of a remote island
B. Every consumer should look at the stickers on products and be careful if they read
natural, green, earth friendly
C. Bispherol A has been known to be toxic for many years but it is still used in the
manufacturing of some plastic products

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