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2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Siento que vivo, pero no disfruto;
Siento que respiro, pero el aire es tan pesado;
Siento que soy alguien, pero pierdo mi identidad,
Cuando salgo yo valgo, por lo que poseo.

(Coro): Acompame, en mi largo viaje de infelicidad,
Estoy cansado ya, de tanta injusticia social;
Acompame, en mi largo viaje de infelicidad,
Hasta que llegue el final.

Creen tener, respuesta a toda pregunta,
Creen entender, el mundo en su totalidad,
creen conocer el porque y sin embargo callan,
la hiptesis que crearon, falla en su realidad.

(Coro): Acompaame en mi largo viaje de infelicidad,
Estoy cansado ya, de tanta hipocresa;
Acompame, en mi largo viaje de infelicidad,
Hasta que llegue el final.

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Conocimiento, mezclado con media verdad,
Hay que suponer, demasiado para confirmar;
La ignorancia, se demuestra al juzgar,
Quien hay que regrese el tiempo para mi situacion enfrentar.

(Coro): Acompaame en mi largo viaje de infelicidad,
Estoy cansado ya, de tanta hipocresa;
Acompame, en mi largo viaje de infelicidad,
Hasta que llegue el final de mi maldita vida!

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

(Coro): Bendicion mami, me voy para la playa,
A perder el tiempo pues yo soy el que te falla,
No esperes de mi pues se pasaron de la ralla,
Y el que tenga un comentario pues mejor se calla.

Sigo con mi melodia no sin aclarar,
Que si tengo una oportunidad yo me voy a largar,
No me recrimines pues nadie me va a comprar,
Lo que yo quiero en la vida yo lo tengo que lograr.

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(Coro): Bendicion mami, me voy para la playa,
A perder el tiempo pues yo soy el que te falla,
No esperes de mi pues se pasaron de la ralla,
Y el que tenga un comentario pues mejor se calla.

Cuando el da halla llegado, tos los que han hablado,
Van a tener que hacer buche, y hecharse para el lado,
La gente que me ha tirade nada habr logrado,
Pues lo nico que han hecho es que me han criticado.

(Coro): Bendicion mami, me voy para la playa,
A perder el tiempo pues yo soy el que te falla,
No esperes de mi pues se pasaron de la ralla,
Y el que tenga un comentario pues mejor se calla.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

(Coro): Se tiene o no se tiene, no se tiene a mitad,
Se hace o no se hace solo hay una realidad,
se tiene o no se tiene, la felicidad,
pues nada se tiene a mitad.

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Sincronizado para una meta ms,
Lograr que mi vida no sea, una maldita copia,
Lo que escucho en el exterior, ya no me importa,
Solo uno sabe, lo que uno soporta;
Creo en la prctica, y no en la teora,
Lo que le sirva cjalo, y lo que no btelo y siga,
Creo en la prctica, y no en la teora,
Lo que le sirva cjalo, y lo que no btelo y siga.

(Coro): Se tiene o no se tiene, no se tiene a mitad,
Se hace o no se hace solo hay una realidad,
se tiene o no se tiene, la felicidad,
pues nada se tiene a mitad.

Santo remedio, a la hipocresa,
Los remedios que proponen son tremenda porquera,
Los resultados todos los hemos visto da a da,
Y lo que falta, lo que falta todava.
(Coro): Pues se tiene o no se tiene, no se tiene a mitad,
Se hace o no se hace solo hay una realidad,
se tiene o no se tiene, la felicidad,
pues nada se tiene a mitad.

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2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

(Coro):Sentimientos que no volvern,
Situaciones que se olvidarn,
Cosas que no fueron, y que nunca mas sern
Por todo el mundo!

Sentado en el hilo del tiempo,
La situacin humana no la entiendo,
Porque dejar de existir (as),
Tantos deseos antes de morir.

(Coro):Sentimientos que no volvern,
Situaciones que se olvidarn,
Cosas que no fueron, y que nunca mas sern
Por todo el mundo!
Por todo el mundo!
Por todo el mundo!

mi verdad
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau
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No tengo la culpa de que el mundo se me venga encima,
Las luces al final del tnel son de un tren que se avecina.

(Coro): El tren de la humanidad se descarrila,
El tren de la humanidad se descarrila,
Se descarrila ms y ms.

No tengo la culpa de ser pesimista,
Si cuando veo el mundo es como ser realista.
Voy a la conquista siguiendo una pista,
Por mas que me tilden de loco solo soy un analista.

(Coro): El tren de la humanidad se descarrila,
El tren de la humanidad se descarrila,
Se descarrila ms y ms.

Porqu estar pensando en el maana si no soy eterno,
Cada vez que pienso esto, mi vida se vuelve un infierno;
Ideologias, estan de ma en el vivir,
La nica realidad es que algn da tengo que morir.
Djame existir, lo que me queda!
Djame vivir, el tiempo vuela!

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2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

No s porque t tienes en mi tanta influencia,
Esto maldita sea no lo explica la ciencia,
Ser que en mi vida hay tanta turbulencia,
Que yo sin darme cuenta me qued sin conciencia.

Mamita ven pa ac y no me tengas clemencia,
No frontees ms y muvete con demencia,
Aztame a m y no me tengas clemencia,
Vaymonos y mustrame autosuficiencia.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Cuesta mas un carro que las calles de todo el pas,
Cuesta mas la ropa, que lo que la vas a lucir;
Cuesta mas ser sincero que mentir,
Cuesta mas, construir que destruir.

(Coro): Pero nada es eterno,
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Aqu es que est el infierno.

Es mas fcil pasar a travs del diamante,
A que el gobernador no sea un farsante,
Ser que ahora ya nada es importante,
Hasta que la realidad te oblige a acordarte.

(Coro): Pero nada es eterno,
Aqu es que est el infierno.

Caminando hacia el horizonte sin destino,
Tratando de hallar si hay algn camino;
Vengo de un lugar desconocido,
Todo lo que conozco es porque lo he vivido.
Caminando hacia el horizonte sin ningn destino,
Tratando de hallar si hay algn camino;
Vengo de un lugar desconocido,
Todo lo que conozco es porque me he jodido.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

(Coro): Cada paso es un segundo menos de vida,
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Cada palabra para cambiarte un poco ms de hipocresa,
Cada pensamiento, cada emocin,
Va llevndote ahora a tu final obsesin.

Cuando el odio de mi corazn liberar,
Cuando el estrs, yo asesinar,
Cuando por fin por la noche descansar en paz,
Cuando por fin mi libertad disfrutar?!

(Coro): Pues cada paso es un segundo menos de vida,
Cada palabra para cambiarte un poco ms de hipocresa,
Cada pensamiento, cada emocin,
Va llevndote ahora a tu final obsesin.

Todas las respuestas se reducen a una sola,
Las ideologas, no pueden contra la realidad sola;
En vano intentan remendar sus porqueras,
Al final en la tumba se podrirn con su sabidura.

(Coro): Pues cada paso es un segundo menos de vida,
Cada palabra para cambiarte un poco ms de hipocresa,
Cada pensamiento, cada emocin,
Va llevndote ahora a tu final obsesin.

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2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

(Coro): Its unbelievable, how weak and nonsense is life,
How untrusted is a men for his wife,
Its unbelievable how many things happen this days,
Now my metamorphosis is now taking place with a new chance,
This time of bad are tyring to be faced,
Is time to quit this shit with my replace.

It is easy to tell me that Im insane,
Because theres something that you cant understand,
Society, control us is what pretends,
Now is the time to give to all of them, a final end.

(Coro): Its unbelievable, how weak and nonsense is life,
How untrusted is a men for his wife,
Its unbelievable how many things happen this days,
Now my metamorphosis is now taking place with a new chance,
This time of bad are tyring to be faced,
Is time to quit this shit with my replace.

Its time to (all of) us, awake!,
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Its time to see reality cant be changed,
Its time to you, to obtain your own gain,
Because chances happens and dont come again!

(Coro): Its unbelievable, how weak and nonsense is life,
How untrusted is a men for his wife,
Its unbelievable how many things happen this days,
Now my metamorphosis is now taking place with a new chance,
This time of bad are tyring to be faced,
Is time to quit this shit with my replace.

It is easy to tell me that Im insane,
Because theres something that you cant understand,
Society, control us is what pretends,
Now is the time to give to all of them, a final end.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

(Coro): Im gone away,
I put myself into a cave,
its all the same,
success its a complete fake,
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Im now waiting the arriving of the pay day,
To normal people I got something now to say:

You dont know, how sad its to be alone,
Because nobody, cant understand your own
Reason, problem, or anything you know,
Everything is judged by the people of your town.

(Coro): Im gone away,
I put myself into a cave,
its all the same,
success its a complete fake,
Im now waiting the arriving of the pay day,
To normal people I got something now to say:

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

(Coro): Tal vez una vez, o tal vez nunca,
Tal vez yo te quise ayer, o tal vez, nunca.

Me encuentro envuelto entre las sombras,
De un atardecer veloz,
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Esperando la llegada de algo,
Que cambie mi condicin.
No se si fuiste tu,
No se si fuimos los dos;
No se si lo que ayer fue o no fue,
Todava sigue siendo.

(Coro): Tal vez una vez, o tal vez nunca,
Tal vez yo te quise ayer, o tal vez, nunca.

Esperando la llegada de la muerte,
al no temerle al dolor,
el sufrimiento, lo llevo en la sangre,
y no lo calma el alcohol!
Puede que yo, este bien loco,
O que no tenga perdn,
Pero lo peor, lo peor de todo,
Es que no s la razn!

(Coro): Tal vez una vez, o tal vez nunca,
Tal vez yo te quise ayer, o tal vez, nunca.

Envuelto en lgrimas, por aquella traicin,
voy vagando como un alma perdida, por un mundo cabrn.
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Envuelto en odio, por aquella traicin,
voy vagando como un alma perdida, por un mundo cabrn.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Im waiting a long time for you,
Im waiting a long time ago,
Im waiting a long time here,
Im waiting alone!

Im waiting a long time for you,
Im waiting a long time ago,
Im waiting a long time here,
Im waiting alone!

you dont know
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau
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You dont know about me,
You dont know my pain inside me,
You dont know my suffering,
You dont know a shit about me!

You dont know about me,
You dont know my pain inside me,
You dont know my suffering,
You dont know a shit about me!

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Fucking my life, fucking me inside,
Fucking my brain, fucking my mind,
fucking me physical, fucking me emotional,
fucking my goals, fucking my hole life!

Fucking my car, fucking my time,
Fucking my health, fucking in the hell,
Fucking my notes, fucking my peace,
Fucking my liberty and deceased!
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You know in this world isnt easy to live,
You hate your problems, you hate your chief,
You see that all these days, are the same shit,
you wish to one day, take your life and quit!

Fucking my life, fucking me inside,
Fucking my brain, fucking my mind,
fucking me physical, fucking me emotional,
fucking my goals, fucking my whole life!

You know in this world isnt easy to live,
You hate your problems, you hate your chief,
You see that all these days, are the same shit,
you wish to one day, take your life and quit!

against all
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

You find a way and the doors are closed,
Except for a window in the next floor;
You check your place, isnt other way,
You can only jump through and again,
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is the same,
belief or not for me its okay,
waiting the day,
a real change,
if I will die, I will die with my revenge!

Walk in darkness, all alone,
All is for fucking me in the zone,
Prepared for shits,
The suckers exist,
My mind resists, closing the streets,
My body is walking across all the extremes!

I still here and they dont know why,
They tried to fuck me and the change I survive,
Try again, fucking my life,
I will be the same until the day of my die!

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Freedom to me,
I dont want be slave for eternity;
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Freedom to me,
I dont want to be other rock in the street;
Freedom to me,
I dont want to see again the same shit;
Freedom to me,
Im just gone away from this city!

I came outside, to walk on the street,
I see the sky, and the stars of it,
I see the clouds, near is the raining,
Im falling, Im falling,
Im feeling, and dying!

Every time I stop to think, is another fail trying,
I feel alone, and my pain is best dying.
I remember time when people was lying,
I check and now, so much people are crying.
No reason, no falling,
No feeling, no dying!

the end
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

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No more freedom, no more afraid,
No more hopes, no more essence,
No more shits, no more enemies,
No more trust, no more wait!

Im waiting too much time Armagedons day,
Im so tired, so fucked to say;
Im feeling the trust in defeat,
I have no reason, no reason to stay;
Im so angry a long time away,
I had no reason to now be ashamed!

My only hope is that my enemies die,
When I see them, I only say hi,
I dont need to tell a new lay,
When they are death, then I said goodbye;
Im focused in my eternal fight,
I write I line, it need to be straight,
Im running, to find the light,
Because its already, the time of the night!

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau
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Why the reason is so loud,
While the layers are so proud;
Why the reason is so loud,
While the layers are so proud?

Why they talk to someone something if nobody is around,
Why the problems are so complicated, the solutions are not found,
Why the suckers want to fuck me if I dont do anything now,
Why the people trust in something that is obvious wrong,
Why the waiting are so far, so hard, so long?!

Why the reason is so loud,
While the layers are so proud;
Why the reason is so loud,
While the layers are so proud?

I wasted too much time waiting for something that dont come,
Too much emotions, and feelings of my heart are gone;
I tried so hard to get a lot of things but I had some,
Some days Im so tired that I think in buy a gun,
The Earth is so contaminated that you cant see the sun,
A man cant solve his problems but can go to the Moon;
I hope this motherfuckers, die now or soon.
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I hope this motherfuckers die now or soon!

la metamorfosis (o venganza)
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

(Coro)Escucho a alguien, me niego a responder,
Cansado estoy, de hacer que traten de entender,
Hipocresa, mentira y poder,
Van gobernando, hacindote desfallecer.

Puede haber cambio, pero parte de el no ser,
Si hay algo extrao, jams yo le temer,
Si me hace dao, no me aterrorizar,
Imaginando, el mundo en que vivir.
Si tengo algo, yo no lo compartir,
Sobreviviendo, a humanos no me inclinar,
Si no hay comida, cucarachas me comer,
Mi dignidad, es lo que lograr (mantendr).

(Coro)Escucho a alguien, me niego a responder,
Cansado estoy, de hacer que traten de entender,
Hipocresa, mentira y poder,
Van gobernando, hacindote desfallecer.
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Los enemigos, rpido los matar,
Sus posesiones, tambin las destrozar,
Y las mejores, con ellas yo me quedar,
Ninguno de ellos, vivo yo lo dejar.

A sus hijos, tambin los asesinar,
Y a sus esposas, a todas yo las violar,
Los que resistan, al fin yo los masacrar,
Los que se escapen, en un horno los asar,
A los que mienten, en pedazos los cortar,
A los traidores, poco a poco los desangrar,
Y a los hipcritas, ejecutados los ver.

(En ritmo lento) De todo esto, no me arrepentir,
Y de su llanto, en todo tiempo me reir,
De mi venganza, muy feliz yo estar,
Al ser el dueo, mi destino gobernar.

(Coro)Escucho a alguien, me niego a responder,
Cansado estoy, de hacer que traten de entender,
Hipocresa, mentira y poder,
Van gobernando, hacindote desfallecer.

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the resolution
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

I feel tired, because something is in my mind,
Some kind of trouble, that I will fight so no more time,
Near a decision, Ill be proud of me this time,
I dont care, enemies want now my die.

It is easy, to me that I need to change,
You dont know, the problems that I need to solve,
Im tired of the people of this society,
They think, that are God to see in my mind.

You had your words, I had my actions,
You had your patience, I had my relations,
You had opinions, I have reality,
You had hopes, I make my destiny.
I see now, how to defeat you,
It doesnt matter how strong it seems to be.

Its not easy, to pass what I already life,
It is my problem, to leave this shit when I arrive,
No more rules, no more lies,
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No more wait, to get the freedom before you die.

el futuro
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

No existe Tierra, no existe Sol, no existe Luna,
No existe mar, no existe guerra,
Solo ideologias.
No existe casa, no existe el da, no existe noche,
No existe nada; solo lo que siento.

El futuro es tan incierto,
Como sol que no calienta, como agua que no moja;
El futuro es tan incierto,
Como mar sin olas, como noche sin oscuridad;
El futuro es tan incierto,
Como mundo sin fronteras, como pas sin bandera;
El futuro es tan incierto,
Como huracn sin viento, como terremoto sin movimiento;
El futuro es tan incierto,
Como ser humano sin emociones, como recompensa sin condiciones.

No existe Tierra, no existe Sol, no existe Luna,
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No existe mar, no existe guerra,
Solo ideologias.
No existe casa, no existe el da, no existe noche,
No existe nada;
Solo amor por t, de mi hacia t.

El futuro es incierto,
Pero no para temerle,
Pero no para no hacer nada.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Confusas razones,
Diversas opiniones,
Distintas emociones,
Estpidas canciones!

Ser cansado de vivir,
Por cosas que no debieran existir,
defraudado por los que debieran ensear;
Cuando no nos ensean a pensar, sino a copiar.
Se pierde entre reglas la originalidad,
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Por estpidos que no saben lo que es la libertad!

Medias verdades,
Errores fatales,
Acciones mortales,
Mediocres morones!

Comunicacin interrumpida, por la ignorancia,
Por gente que malcriaron en la infancia,
ay de la gente que todo lo cree saber,
si no escuchas nunca vas a aprender.

Confusas razones,
Diversas opiniones,
Distintas emociones,
Estpidas canciones!

Medias verdades,
Errores fatales,
Acciones mortales,
Mediocres morones!

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2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Largo camino, negro destino,
Va llenndose de odio ya tu corazn partido.
Largo camino, negro destino,
Las dudas son energa que le queda al vencido.

El tiempo es energa, por eso no va acabar;
El problema no es la vida, sino tener que esperar.
Es demasiado el tiempo, y no te miento al cantar;
Por mas que trato de seguir vivo, me atormenta el pensar.

Largo camino, negro destino,
Va llenndose de odio ya tu corazn partido.
Largo camino, negro destino,
Las dudas son energa que le queda al vencido.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Yo admiro, admiro al ser mortal,
Yo, me muero, pero otro seguir.
Existe y luego, desaparecer,
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No hay nada, como la felicidad.

Esta es un mito creado por la humanidad,
Deseando cosas imposibles, imposibles de lograr.
Siembran en tu mente regalos que no se pueden comprar,
Para luego ponerte precios que nunca puedas pagar.
Gobierno de unos pocos para lucrarse a costa de los dems,
En mi vida el gobierno no lo apoyar jams.

Yo admiro, admiro al ser mortal,
Yo, me muero, pero otro seguir.
Existe y luego, desaparecer,
No hay nada, como la felicidad.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Aunque no quera plagiar a Shakira,
Me vi obligado a hacerlo esta vez;
Aunque yo sabia que me sobrara,
La cancin original es mas porquera.

Si te vas, si te vas,
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Pues vete, no me importa(s);
Si te vas, si te vas,
Pues vete, me estorbas,
Si te vas, si te vas,
Pues vete, no se que se cree esta tremenda imbecil!

dont forgot
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Dont forget, dont forgive;
Something years ago!
Dont forget, dont forgive;
Nothing good to come.

Pleasures, abstentions, regressions,
Leave my mind away , yeah!
Free my mind from stress;

Fly over the laws and order mazes,
All disgraces!
Many faces;
Emotion careless.
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So dont forget, and dont forgive;
Something years ago!
Dont forget, dont forgive;
Nothing good to come.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

I remember that cold winter in the sixty eight,
Nothing is going to change,
If we sit to wait.

So now you see the world, violence and death at all,
You can(t) see the children feeling hungry in his home.
Politicians, they dont care a fuck!
I cant be the only one that realize they suck!

I remember that cold winter in the sixty eight,
Nothing is going to change,
If we sit to wait.

Two thousand six,
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Some of us exist;
Several changes but the same shit.
Some people said, all are going to quit,
Im so tired and fucked, and I cant believe it.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

(Coro) Every war has his deaths,
Every ship, had his ghost,
Every sea, had his waves,
Every soul, had his mate.

So much trouble, on my way,
So much fight, but not okay,
So much hate in me to stay;
I cant to dream again.

(Coro) Every war has his deaths,
Every ship, had his ghost,
Every sea, had his waves,
Every soul, had his mate.

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Its easy, to get lost,
But so hard, to pay the cost,
Im so angry now because;
I cant understand the cause.

(Coro) Every war has his deaths,
Every ship, had his ghost,
Every sea, had his waves,
Every soul, had his mate.

I travel so far too many miles away,
I travel across this world with no destination.
I see all this wars, that are waiting me someday,
Even Im not okay, in the most hypocrite nation.

switch the coin
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Why Im not confess,
Why I have stress;
I hate when someone told me that its a fucking test!
No more enemies,
No more lies and shits;
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Tell me if the best can with all this, fucking freaks!

There was a boy, that use to go to school alone,
He had no friends, no fucking social life at all,
His life pass, quiking his ass five years ago;
Now he hate the world and all the people in his town.

Why Im not confess,
Why I have stress;
I hate when someone told me that its a fucking test!
No more enemies,
No more lies and shits;
Tell me if the best can with all this, fucking freaks!

Now its not a boy, now he is depressed,
He dont care nothing, even a shoot in his chest!
He go to Domes, to remember what is peace;
He had in his mind, the worst decease!
He turned to mad, thinking about death;
Thinking in his life when he is living in the hell!

Thinking in his life when he is living in the hell!
Thinking in his life!

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2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Were here like Limp Bizkit, but not a copy of shit!
Check out the west to east,
Now who will be the best!
You that think that youre first,
In the floor you will rest,
Im always down, so I cant to fall again!
You that now are too high, you will be falling like the rain!
You will fall like the rain!

Im seeing too much shit, nothing in world are okay!
I waited the day all this quit, but I dont see a shit!
I wish the world explodes taking the humans with!
Im seeing too much shit!

apocalyptic dream
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Walk alone,
In this road,
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I realize,
That near the death nobody is gone!

Pass the time,
All goes wrong,
I now this world,
Its the worst place to come!

Tears of blood,
Come down my face,
Its the last sign,
That try to put me out of my way!

I wish someday,
Control my own,
All is possible,
Even you think that youre wrong!

Its the end,
Goodbye friend,
You know I cant change,
So what the hell that you pretend!

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the trade
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Truth for lie,
Peace for war,
Hope for deception,
They go so far!
Freedom for government,
Deception for all;
Dreams for nightmares,
theyre going to fall (they go too far).

I saw the past,
Past for present,
Present is shit,
And future end;
What the hell I must understand,
Technology for stress,
And life for death!

bad road
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau
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I continue in this road and I dont care a shit,
Its me against all, killing all my enemies!
No sorry, no pain,
I dont care anything!
I have the power of free will, to kill, and disappear!

Awake humanity,
Im going to disagree;
I dont accept this shit,
How many of you are with me!
I see society,
All of them can suck my dick!
Government I hope you die,
Like the fucking shit you are!

I believed in the hell,
Its here in my time,
You cant escape death,
Is the truth and not a lie!
Do what you want to do because theres no more life!
You never know if you succeed even you try!

So I continue in this road and I dont care a shit,
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Its me against all, killing all my enemies!
No sorry, no pain,
I dont care anything!
I have the power of free will, to kill, and disappear!

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

There many times when I just feel my soul is cold,
Waiting for something, not arriving not at all!
Too many long years me responding to the call,
Now that promises, and hopes, are now too far!

I remember time when I just had a little peace,
now all is war and waiting for me my deceased;
hate consuming all my body, and my money will decreased,
my tortured soul; like a piece of shit!

My only wish is all this suffer someday quit;
Meanwhile I know, this world is crap and shit!
I had in my mind, all that I can keep,
So I dont care a fuck if the world call me a freak!

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2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

A new day, alive,
A new day, arrive,
A new day, for try!
A new day, alive,
A new day, arrive,
A new day, for try!

New circunstancies are you continuing see,
And you dont realize the most important its free!
Get out away,
Go so far from here,
Go and disappear,
Destroying the fear! (destroy all the fear)

A new day, alive,
A new day, arrive,
A new day, for try!
A new day, alive,
A new day, arrive,
A new day, for try!
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The sun still shining,
Even the clouds are passing,
even the winds are dancing!

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Cuando el barco, de la bahia zarpar,
Cuando el tren sin pasajeros llegar;
Cuando el barco, en el horizonte desaparecer,
Cuando el tren a mi estacin llegar.

Surge el canto, apagando el llanto y quebranto,
Y el espanto, surgiendo de repente,
Me duele tanto, el no saber ya que se siente,
El que maana, sea diferente.

Cuando el barco, de la bahia zarpar,
Cuando el tren sin pasajeros llegar;
Cuando el barco, en el horizonte desaparecer,
Cuando el tren a mi estacin llegar.

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Surgen recuerdos, del inconsciente y el ayer,
Al no poder cambiar lo que dej de hacer,
Desfallecer, el precio de ser y sentir,
El de vivir, el de morir.

Cuando el barco, de la bahia zarpar,
Cuando el tren sin pasajeros llegar;
Cuando el barco, en el horizonte desaparecer,
Cuando el tren a mi estacin llegar.

Ser una vez, y no ser mas,
Un punto en el infinito y ya no ests.
Corrientes invisibles en el espacio-tiempo,
Y esta condena que me mata desde adentro.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Rockers dont die;
Only transforms itself into another things.
Even if death is the end,
Our words will transcend.

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I hear my name in the night!
I hear my name so far and close at the same time!
Theres no confusion, no more deny!
How many times, I cheap the death in my own life!

Im not afraid to die,
because my whole life is a lie!
Die, die, bye, bye, bye!
Die, die, bye, bye, bye!
Die, die, bye, bye, bye!
My time is up, goodbye!

I hear my name in the night!
I hear my name so far and close at the same time!
Theres no confusion, no more deny!
How many times, I cheap the death in my own life!

Something destinated to end,
Cant be considered a real thing to me.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

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Because everyday; the hell is on my way!
Because everyday, I see more shit and lies!
The nightmare goes away,
But always coming back!

Because everyday; I see the shadows back again!
I only try to living my own way!
Thats so hard, because the hell is on my way!
On my way again!
On my way again!

The same shit dont change,
Always fucking strange!
I want to fuck all this shit,
Leave this world with my revenge!

Because the hell is on my way!
On my way again!
On my way again!

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

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Twenty four hours had a day;
Twenty four years I had;
I realize life stinks;
So we quit life, what remains is nothing silence.
Soldiers! Prepare to erase this world!

I realize, that the world stinks,
I survive by me, and my own instincts;
I walk in a road, cactus all the way,
Keep walking and running now theyre back again;
Always all the same.

My body is burning and my soul is cut,
I continue walking I dont care a fuck,
They want to send my pieces to God,
They want to fuck me but in none we trust;
But in none we trust.

I realize, that the world stinks,
I survive by me, and my own instincts;
I walk in a road, cactus all the (fucking) way;
Keep walking and running now theyre back again;
Always all the same.

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My body is burning and my soul is cut,
I continue walking I dont care a fuck,
They want to send my pieces to God,
What do you waiting for?!

Send the pieces before Im corrupted,
Send the pieces before Im death!
Send the pieces before Im corrupted,
Send the pieces express mail!

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Irse para no volver,
Vivir es desfallecer,
Irse para no volver,
J ams volverte a ver.

Vivir es desfallecer,
J ams volverte a ver,
Vivir es desfallecer,
La muerte su atardecer.

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J ams volverte a ver,
J ams volverte a tener,
J ams volverte a querer,
J ams volver a ser.

Al polvo tu volver,
El nunca mas hacer,
Querer, perder, temer,
El nunca mas volver.

Es no querer olvidar,
Es amar y odiar,
El nunca mas desear,
Y nunca mas pensar.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Mountain, river,
Are came back now to the sea;
Mountain, river,
Are came back now to the sea.

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Why it need to happen,
Where is the key;
To unlock this door of mystery?
Why it has to happen,
Where is the key;
To unlock my misery.

Rain come down, river miss around,
When it cross under the ground profound;
Where is liberty,
Where is eternity? ,
Things a human cant afford;
Like a fog.

Like the shadow in the night I cant see,
Only me;
Only me.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Im being,
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Im seeing,
Im now understanding.
I questioned,
My question,
Things make me crazy sometimes.

Why I had unanswered questions printed on my brain,
And I cant answer, or erase them, no matter when?
Is here like a living hell,
Like a bad memory of another days,
Another times,
Another past I cant remember it.

I dont know why for example,
Why now Im singing this things;
Is like a bird with another wings,
Like the strange south winds.

Some inspiration, now I had,
I dont know where is coming from,
But I realize, this real life,
Is just another dream or nightmare;
My time of no care, my time of no fear,
My time of no care, my time of no fear.
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long ride
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

A long time ago,
Walking alone all the road.
I walked too much miles away,
And I dont see another road.

Too much wait,
Too much hate,
Too much wait for the pay.

Too much wait,
Too much hate,
Too much wait for the day.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Un caballero trat una vez,
De ser rey, pero no pudo ser,
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Un caballero trat una vez,
de ser rey, pero no pudo ser.

No se hace reino sin soldados,
No se conquista sin morir,
No se es libre sin vivir,
No se aprende sin sufrir.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

No siento nada, nada,
Solo algo insoportable.
No siento nada, nada,
Desde hace tiempo me estoy llendo y no llego a ningn lugar;
Donde pueda estar,
Donde pueda recrear,
Los esquemas, mi verdad;
Libertad! (La gran farsa de la humanidad!)

do you remember
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau
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Do you remember, the first time of life,
Do you remember, the first sight out the hospital,
Do you remember, the first time of self conscious,
Do you remember, your identity a long years ago?!

antique judgment
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

An antique judgment, was celebrated,
In absence of, humanity.
It was decided,
All pay for sinners,
To pay for losers,
To pay for liers.

An antique judgment, was celebrated,
In absence of, humanity.
It was decided,
All pay for sinners,
To pay for losers,
To pay for liers.

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To pay in absence,
For fucking offense,
being innocent,
with your existence!

I prefer, to remain unconscious,
The same as death!
Waiting the day;
Waiting the day;
Far away!

To pay in absence,
For fucking offense,
Being innocent,
With your existence,
With your resistance!

I prefer, to remain unconscious,
The same as death!
Waiting the day;
Waiting the day;
Far away!

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2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Awake up today and I dont see any difference,
I dont understand whats the point of my existence,
To work all the day,
For miserable pay, its not okay;
Its not my way!

To give much more than I receive,
I dont believe is just,
Is not enough.
To fuck all the day for survive,
Waiting in slow my die,
For alive!

For world its okay,
To fuck yourself,
To make rich this bitch,
A nation of shit!

Awake up today and I dont see any difference,
I dont understand whats the point of my existence,
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To work all the day,
For miserable pay, its not okay;
Its not my way!

To give much more than I receive,
I dont believe is just,
Is not enough.
To fuck all the day for survive,
Waiting in slow my die,
For alive!

end this shit
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

No fucking hope,
No fucking time to rest;
I dont know why
All this still here yet.

Fucking shit,
I been fucking all my life,
I dont know why
They dont cut my neck with a knife!
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They will be happy if I suicide,
This fucking world stinks, I know why;
I know why, goodbye!
Good die,
Good die,

I dont know why
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

I dont know why Im still here,
I dont know why Im still life,
I dont know why I still believe;
In a change.

Im being fucking all my life,
Fucking myself, for only crap,
Continue walking all is shit,
Im only waiting for my death;
Nothing yet!

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All in my dream is a nightmare!
For me not a single walfare!
For my only one destination!
Eternal obsession!
My posession,

I dont know why Im still here,
I dont know why Im still life,
I dont know why I still believe;
In a change.

Im being fucking all my life,
Fucking myself, for only crap,
Continue walking all is shit,
Im only waiting for my death;
Nothing yet!

All in my dream is a nightmare!
For me not a single walfare!
For my only one destination!
Eternal obsession!
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My posession,

I see my death, surrounding me,
Its seems a joke, eternity!
For me; falling,
For me; dying!

let go
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

A long time ago,
I fall in love, with someone,
So far in the past,
My sorrow push me find, another one
So now I stand!

Its obvious, never was my destination,
She knows (I know) and leave without explanation,
Now my world is in war in all the nations,
I want to let it go!
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A long time ago,
I fall in love, with someone,
So far in the past,
My sorrow push me find, another one.

Regressions to my past are trying to turn me down!
All losers and hypocrits, fucking all around!
Nobody can understand me now!
I think about myself, and this is what I found, I found that!

A long time ago,
I fall in love, with someone,
So far in the past,
My sorrow push me find, another one.

I cant turn back and try another way,
I hope I see her face, another day,
To say what, I supposed to say!
Away; away!
Let go. Let go.
Let go. Let go; away! Away!

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2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Una aparente calma,
Una aparente indecision;
Mas sabe mas el que el dolor,
Ha vuelto an peor.

Voy en camino hacia el Nirvana,
Voy en camino hacia el Seol;
Aqui yo le digo al dolor,
No puedes seguirme all,
Lrgate, por favor.

Hades se que hay un lugar para mi all.
Hades se que hay un lugar para mi all.
Cada noche pienso en t.

Voy en camino hacia el Nirvana,
Voy en camino hacia el Seol;
No importa hacia donde valla,
Se que ir a un lugar mejor.

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Voy en camino hacia el Nirvana,
Voy en camino hacia el Seol;
No importa a donde yo llegue,
Si dejo atrs este dolor!

wear black
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Why I wear black?
Because my world is dying!

Why I wear black? ,
All is turned to crap,
All the shit is back,
Make me so mad.

Why I wear black?
Because my world is dying!
My world is dying!

the way to home
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau
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Its so long,
The way to home,
The way to home.

Its so long,
The way to go,
The way to go.
Im here
Waiting for you,
My love is true.

Its so long,
The way to home,
The way to home.
Its so long,
The way to home,
The way to home!

mortality 2
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

I see a lot of things,
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In my short fucking life,
I dont know why they still deny;
Reality, reality.

I dont know why pretend,
To be eternal men,
All things begins and had an end.
Reality. Reality.

I see a lot of things,
In my short fucking life,
I dont know why they still deny;
Reality, reality, reality, reality!

I dont know why pretend,
To be eternal men,
All things begins and had an end.
Reality, reality, reality!, reality.

All things life send,
To meet and loose a friend,
Its all and I cant understand;
Reality, reality, reality! , reality.

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poor and rich
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

(Coro) Poor and rich,
The same end,
but their life are not the same;
poor and rich,
the same death,
but their life are not the same.

Poor and rich,
The hell win;
The disaster,
Is waiting!
Poor and rich,
The hell win!
Death is waiting!

Come in to the party!
Animal safari!
Come in to the party!
Killing everybody, yeah!

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(Coro) Poor and rich,
The same end,
but their life are not the same;
poor and rich,
the same death,
but their life are not the same.

Welcome to my Halloween,
Take off your mask and scream!
Welcome to my Halloween,
Taking down your self stem!

Come in to the party!
Animal safari!
Are you waiting for somebody?!
Come on move your body, burning in the hell! - It feels so well.

the last one
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Be our last stand,
Be our war star!,
Be our last one,
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Without reward.

Be our last stand,
Be our war star! ,
be our last one,
until the end of this world.

redemption 2
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Until the last day,
Seek in my own destruction,
Ill be burning in the hell with them until the end!
Until the last day,
Seek in my own destruction,
Ill be laughing at the face of death until the end!

J ustice;
Where the fuck you are?!
Peace of mine;
In the graveyard you still stand,
Rest inside,
Never mine!
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I run,
But never escape,
I fuck myself,
Every day, every way,
Every day, every way!

Until the last day,
Seek in my own destruction,
Ill be burning in the hell with them until the end!
Until the last day,
Seek in my own destruction,
Ill be laughing at the face of death until the end!

lonely time
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Its a lonely time,
Until an another life.
Its a lonely time,
Until an another lie.

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Im finally pass away.
I got no more hurry.
I have no more sorrow.
I need no more money.
I dont need to lie anymore!

Useless things,
All are;
useless things,
Oh yeah!

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

(Coro) How to get easy this storm in my head?!
How to get easy this storm in my head?!
No matter where we go;
No matter what I do;
No matter how alone I be;
No matter if Im with you.

Rise from hell,
Rise from death; screaming a while lot of time!
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Sick time;
emotions are a lie.

(Coro) How to get easy this storm in my head?!
How to get easy this storm in my head?!
No matter where we go;
No matter what I do;
No matter how alone I be;
No matter if Im with you.

Sickness, get away from me,
Forgotten lies,
Shadows, black shadows,
Coming to take me away.
Shadows, black shadows,
Coming to take me away.

(Coro) How to get easy this storm in my head?!
How to get easy this storm in my head?!
No matter where we go;
No matter what I do;
No matter how alone I be;
No matter if Im with you.

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Time is passing with no remorse,
Where living from bad to worse;
Tricking life;
Life is just a sucession of bad,
Life is just a lot of crap.

puppets of destruction
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Signs of disaster,
Sons of Can,
All we are going to a place we never been!
Silver raining,
Falling time,
Puppets of destruction now life or die!

Signs of war;
Hopes and changes;
Are now too far!

I had a scar,
I crash a car,
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I drunk in a bar,
Im fall apart;
I had a deceased,
Kill me please,
No more lies, shut up and die!

Signs of war;
Hopes and changes;
Are now too far!

Signs of disaster,
Sons of Can,
All we are going to a place we never been!
Silver raining,
Falling time,
Puppets of destruction now life or die!

I had a scar,
I crash a car,
I drunk in a bar,
Im fall apart;
I had a deseaced,
Kill me please,
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No more lies, shut up and die!

I see
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

I see the final threat,
I see the end of the end,
I see the Earths death,
I see me get away!

my only remorse
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Mi only remorse is not die fast,
Do not suffer more until I last;
Write my name,
Write it dark;
Write my name in the graveyard;
Write my name in the grave!

Write my name,
Write it big,
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Take me away from this shit.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

I die, a long time ago,
People that knew me,
Dont recognize me anymore.
Im drowning in a sea of suffer,
And every day,
I have a little meal with hate!
Im drowning in a sea of suffer,
And every day, an obstacle gets in my way!

Get away!
Dont fuck me again!
Go to hell!
I hope for something:
For one time (day) be okay!

Get off my way!
Get off my way,
If you dont want to pass away!
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I die, a long time ago,
People that knew me,
Dont recognize me anymore.
Im drowning in a sea of suffer,
And every day,
I have a little meal with hate!
Im drowning in a sea of suffer,
And every day, an obstacle gets in my way!

Get away!
Dont fuck me again!
Go to hell!
I hope for something:
For one time (day) be okay!

Get off my way!
Get off my way,
If you dont want to pass away!

day or night
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

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Day or night,
Day of light,

Day or night,
Day of mine,
Day of knight (night),
Day of blind!

Falling down,
In a pool of decease;
Flying now,
Above all this believes;
Darkness is,
All it is.

Miss death,
Coming around me!
Miss death,
Come to take far from this;
Darkness is,
All it is!

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Day or night,
Day of light,

Day or night,
Day of mine,
Day of knight (night),
Day of blind!

my own hell
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Feel the pain,
Feel the hate,
Feel the pain,
Feel the hate!

Many people,
Ask me where is hell.
Many people,
Ask me how it is.

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I can tell myself,
Im living it.
I can tell myself,
Im living in in the hell!

Fall; far; away,
From this shit!

Every fucking day I try to changed it,
My fucking circunstances are bullshit,
Two fucking dogs noise make me sick again,
When I try to study do not graduated,
Then I began to work to fucking myself,
With a fucking carpal tunnel syndrome!

Feel the pain,
Feel the hate,
Feel the pain,
Feel the hate!

the memory of war
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

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A killer soul,
Suffer in eternity,
Fighting alone in the dark,
Like Im always been.
I lost my way to peace,
Instead decease.
I lost my way to peace,
Instead decease.

Look in the yard,
Nobody are waiting you,
Dont look now back,
They are following your steps.
No more crap,
They are now back.

Prepare to die,
Or say goodbye,
Prepare to die
Or send them to the hell.

A killer soul,
Suffer in eternity,
Fighting alone in the dark,
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Like Im always been.
I lost my way to peace,
Instead decease.
I lost my way to peace,
Instead decease.

In the valley of death,
There are remains of war,
In the fight for my peace,
There are too many scars on my skin.

A killer soul,
Suffer in eternity,
Fighting alone in the dark,
Like Im always been.
I lost my way to peace,
Instead decease.
I lost my way to peace,
Instead this is:

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Release this awful things from me and send to my enemy.
Release this awful things from me and send to my enemy.

A killer soul,
Suffer in eternity,
Fighting alone in the dark,
Like Im always been.
I lost my way to peace,
Instead decease.
I lost my way to peace,
Instead decease.

All the things for me are wrong,
Now all my patience is gone.
Waiting for the day that dont come,
All is awful wrong;
Let it done;
Let it done.

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bad luck
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Im back,
From a long road,
Travel from Spain.
Im back,
From a long road,
Travel from Spain.

I came back;
For my health,
For my well.
I came back;
For survive, for my life.

Im back,
From a long road,
Travel from Spain.
Im back,
From a long road,
Travel from Spain.

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All things I try in life,
All end wrong,
Where is God?
All things I try in life,
All end wrong,
Where is God?
Where is now?

I hope he is looking now,
Because I cant,
I cant accept this shit.
I will never accept unjustice from perfection.

deaths justice
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Nobody is eternity!
Nobody can escape from it!
Nobody can release the pain,
When are waiting for me!

Dad, you fuck my life,
Through misery,
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And when you die I will celebrate!
Cheers to you!
Fuck you too!
I will be glad when youre burning!

Nobody is eternity!
Nobody can escape from it!
Nobody can release the pain,
When are waiting for me!

Dust to dust!
Ash to ash!
You are finally pay with cash!
Dust to dust!
Ash to ash!
You are finally pay at last!

Nobody is eternity!
Nobody can escape from it!
Nobody can release the pain,
When are waiting for me!

Dust to dust!
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Shit to shit!
Youre finally fucking death!
Dust to dust!
Ash to ash!
Ear your bones when are making crash!

Nobody is eternity!
Nobody can escape from it!
Nobody can release the pain,
When are waiting for me!

Invite your family,
Invite your neighbors,
Invite your coleages and your haters,
Invite the suckers, that once now you,
Invite the death that are waiting for you!

Nobody is eternity!
Nobody can escape from it!
Nobody can release the pain,
When are waiting for me!

awake in the sun
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2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

I awake in the sun,
I awake in the sun,
I awake in the sun,
I awake in the sun.

Silver ring,
Fall in sin,

Understanding my I!
Understanding my life!
Many bad things, so fucking strange,
This world is the demons game,
All you get at the end is lose and death!

Understanding my I!
Understanding my life!
Many bad things, so fucking strange,
This world is the demons game,
All you get at the end is lose and death!

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2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Here you are,
Trying to find your way again,
You now,
Is useless try it one more time.

But you go,
Try to grab the wind,
But you know,
Its a useless thing.

Is one life,
What you have,
Dont waste it living bad,
Dont try no more crap;
What will happen, you cant change that,
What will happen, you cant change that.

saint or sinner
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau
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(Coro) For world Im a saint,
For God Im a sinner!
For who Im a good guy?!
Only for who pass the same as I!

Living in the hell,
Pretending not to be in it,
Falling like a fool
Because the wasnt right,
Survive is a fight,
You cant stand without a sign
That something good will come!

(Coro) For world Im a saint,
For God Im a sinner!
For who Im a good guy?!
Only for who pass the same as I!

Life is just a game and all will lose in the end,
Death is just awake from this nightmare!
Fools and silly people try me to convince,
All effort is paid in his day!

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So I asked why the hell,
I still have the same things,
I still have this feelings all inside of me!
So I dont waste my time,
Waiting for a lie,
J ustice only exist on the peoples mind!

Life; lie; die; bye!
Life; lie; die; bye!
So I asked why the hell,
I still feel the same,
But I still have a skimboard beside me!

life is a shadow
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Life is a shadow,
I only want to get away!
Life is a shadow,
I only want to get away!

Only my way, no other way!
I will escape or I will die!
I wont accept another lie, goodbye!
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You cant accept reality, so cry!
Insanity is now my ride!
Reality fuck your life a long time,
So dont pretend understand mine!

killer time
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Travel in a road I see the distance all away,
Keep walking now because time doesnt wait.
Many rocks in the road, are disturbing now my way.
Many rocks;
Disturbing now my way.

Im not afraid of die.
Im not afraid, of anything at all.
Im not afraid of future,
Im only afraid of time!

The time that doesnt wait,
The future that dont exist,
The past that is too heavy;
The present I dont live.
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Travel in a road I see the distance all away,
Keep walking now because time doesnt wait.
Many rocks in the road, are disturbing now my way.
Many rocks;
Disturbing now my way.

This dream becomes a nightmare,
Since I was born,
Im the result of too many craps ago.
Im the way Im because you allow me to,
So dont tell my now, dont tell me,
Dont tell me what to do.

Travel in a road I see the distance all away,
Keep walking now because time doesnt wait.
Many rocks in the road, are disturbing now my way.
Many rocks;
Disturbing now my way.

Im not supposed to be here now!
Im not supposed to feel this way now!
Im not supposed to have this shit now!
Im not supposed to be this way now; or never!
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Travel in a road I see;
Theres no other place to go.

puta vida
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Puta vida la que me toc vivir,
Yo nac para sufrir.
Maldigo a la madre que me vuelva a parir,
Traerme al mundo a morir.
(Dile. Dile la verdad a todos.)

De nio siempre fu un solitario antisocial,
Me criaron como a un vegetal.
Metido en un tiesto de paredes de cemento,
Me convirtieron en un anormal.

Puta vida la que me toc vivir,
Yo nac para sufrir.
Maldigo a la madre que me vuelva a parir,
Traerme al mundo a morir.

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No tuve carro para la Universidad,
Yo queria trabajar.
Pero no!
Tena que estudiar.
Cuatro aos despus no me pude graduar.

Puta vida la que me toc vivir,
Yo nac para sufrir.
Maldigo a la madre que me vuelva a parir,
Traerme al mundo a morir.

Trabaj en diferentes lados,
Y obtuve, sndrome de tnel carpiano,
Mejor hubiera vendido el ano,
y asi no estuviera tan joven he incapacitado;
como si fuera un cabrn que tuviera 40 aos.

Puta vida la que me toc vivir,
Yo nac para sufrir.
Maldigo a la madre que me vuelva a parir,
Traerme al mundo a morir.

Hoy estoy jodido, solo y amargado,
Y todava no me he superado.
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Es un milagro que no me halla suicidado.
Cualquier otra persona, con esto hubiera acabado.

Puta vida la que me toc vivir,
Yo nac para sufrir.
Maldigo a la madre que me vuelva a parir,
Traerme al mundo a morir.

Un bastardo a quien nunca le import,
Si coma o mora yo.
Quisiera verlo ahora en posicin horizontal,
Dentro de una tumba.

Puta vida la que me toc vivir,
Yo nac para sufrir.
Maldigo a la madre que me vuelva a parir,
Traerme al mundo a morir.

Sacar su tumba,
Me cagar en su boca,
Le quemar la ropa,
Quemar su carne,
Trirurar sus huesos,
Esparcir sus restos;
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Entre todos los perros vagabundos se comern su carne;
Al menos su cadver servir para quitarle el hambre a alguien.

Puta vida la que me toc vivir,
Yo nac para sufrir.
Maldigo a la madre que me vuelva a parir,
Traerme al mundo a morir.

no sense
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

J ust words dont change reality;
We all die young,
We all die young!
This life, dont prove eternity!
We are programmed to die!
We are programmed to die!

Falling time!
Our world is a lie!
We are waiting to die!
Destination is darkness.
Destination is dark.
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Forever and ever, disappear!
Forever and ever, disappear!

Fragmented in eternity!
Fucking the space time we are dying!
What sense could have a life to die?!
What love could make you suffer inside?!
Or make you suicide!
Is just take ahead of mine!
To get sooner to my end!
We are programmed to die!
Our future is a lie!

J ust words dont change reality;
We all die young,
We all die young!
This life, dont prove eternity!
We are programmed to die!
We are programmed to die!

Falling time!
Our world is a lie!
We are waiting to die!
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Destination is darkness.
Destination is dark.

Forever and ever, disappear!
Forever and ever, disappear!

Fragmented in eternity!
Fucking the space time we are dying!
What sense could have a life to die?!
What love could make you suffer inside?!
What peace could you achieve through all this shit?!
What justice is to make all pay for two?!
What liberty could you get waiting for die?!

my own hell 2
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Dancing through flames of fire,
Growling through the waves of death,
Beneath the Earths core,
Is hidden a secret place!

Drowning in seas of sorrow,
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Fighting with troubles of shit!
Beneath the minds core,
Is hidden your own disgrace!
Ocean of lonely!

Away from my own destiny,
It seems a joke eternity!
In all this world of misery,
I only get insanity!

Away from my own destiny,
It seems a joke eternity!
In all this world of misery,
I only get insanity!

long time ago
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Long time ago.
A long time ago;
A long time ago,
I was happy. I dont remember anymore.
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Lost in paradise,
Nothing will survive.
Ilusion of life.

Far away, far away,
Far away
Far away, far away,
Far away

Live today,
Theres no other way.
Past dont exist,
Only future it is.

fool myself
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

I cant fool myself anymore!
I cant fool myself anymore!
I cant fool myself;
Even when Im living in the hell!

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supersticin estpida
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

En un mar de calaveras,
Va surcando un barco sin control;
Entre fuego y azufre;
Hacia un destino,
Hacia un destino comn.

Cruzando el Estigia,
Olvid mis dos monedas llevar.
Me dijeron,
Aqui no puedes entrar,
Fuera te vas a quedar!

Y me qued en este mundo maldito,
Queriendo irme para otro sitio.
Y me qued aqu,
J odindoles la vida,
A ver si alguien se inspira,
A ver si alguien expira.

En un mar de calaveras,
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Va surcando un barco sin control;
Entre fuego y azufre;
Hacia un destino,
Hacia un destino comn.

Respira que no vas para all!
La puerta todava no abrir!
Tira dinero encima,
Del atad arriba,
Paga muchos trabajos,
Vllanse pal carajo,
Con su seor abajo!

taken away
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

My wings has taken away,
My legs are broken again;
My wings has taken away,
My heart was broken again.

Oh, oh oh, save your life!
Oh, oh oh, see the horizon!
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This world of crap;
Enter to his last lap!
In this race to die;
The winners say: bye, bye, bye!

Wars, deceases, sickness, nations,
System failure for their protection,
Rich people lying over the place;
We like slaves obey for disgrace.

Wars, deceases, sickness, nations,
System failure for their protection,
Rich people lying over the place;
We like slaves obey for disgrace.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

You die a long time ago!
Youre like a memory;
Almost forgot.

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I continue walking,
Like a bone in the hell!
Ill never be well;
With this pain in my heart.

Like a limp in a race; disgrace after disgrace.
A word with no sense to me.
If theres some justice in the world,
I will never get a part of it.

Misery are my clothes,
Sorrow is my air;
And every time I breath,
I feel dying a little bit.

Hate is my strength;
In absence of a gram of justice,
One thousand tons of hate!

You die a long time ago!
Youre like a memory;
Almost forgot.
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I continue walking,
Like a bone in the hell!
Ill never be well;
With this pain in my heart.

I dont care if you cant forgive me.
I dont care if you cant forgive me.
I dont care if you cant forgive me,
J ust get out of my way.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

I miss a long time ago
A time so far in the past
I know it wont go back,
Im swimming in a river chaos,
And Im drinking the wine of disgrace.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau
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Charge your weapons!
Charge your weapons,
And follow me to the end!
Charge your weapons! Oh (On)!
Charge your weapons,
And follow me to the end, of the time.

Shoot them at sight!
Shoot them in their ears!
Make them remember,
When they choose, not to ear.

Shoot them at sight!
Shoot them in their eyes!
Make them remember,
When they choose, not to see.

Charge your weapons!
Charge your weapons,
And follow me to the end!
Charge your weapons! Oh (On)!
Charge your weapons,
And follow me to the end, of the time.
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Shoot them at sight!
Shoot them in their hearts!
Make them remember,
When they choose, not to feel.

Shoot them at sight!
Shoot them in their heads!
Make them remember,
When they choose, not to be.
Shoot them at sight!
Shoot them in their brains!
Make them remember,
When they choose, not to think.

Charge your weapons!
Charge your weapons,
And follow me to the end!
Charge your weapons! Oh (On)!
Charge your weapons,
And follow me to the end, of the time.

miss you
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2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

I was looking for my old love.
It takes me too long to understand my lock.
Its so unjust to realize that was lost!
Now I cant go back,
To recover what I have lost!

Dear come back to me!
I miss your green eyes,
Please open it for me!

things I hate
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

I hate school.
I hate work.
I hate government,
All the lies he said.

I hate school,
They never teach,
Something I couldnt,
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Learn it for (by) myself.

I hate work,
Live like slave,
Making someone rich,
My life is a bitch.

Im sick
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Im sick.
They study me;
To see,
Whats wrong with me!

I cant, had a moment of peace.
I cant, focused in anything.
Im just, losing myself in a blink.
Isnt, a way to life.

Programming minds,
Suggestions for me!
I cant rely,
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In this reality!

Im sick.
They study me;
To see,
Whats wrong with me!

Im blind, for all the things I have see.
I cant, do all the things that I need.
Im, a little ship in the sea!
Im, a little bird in the wind!
Im sick! Im sick!

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

A long time ago! ;
I was walking, to the horizon!
I was tracking some steps.
I dont know where it goes.

Nobody really knows!
Nobody really knows how you feel when you loose!
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Nobody really knows!
Nobody really knows how you feel when you loose!

You have to feel it for yourself!
Who is gone to feel it for you?!
You have to feel it for yourself!
Who is gone to feel it for you?!

A long time ago! ;
I was walking, to the horizon!
I was tracking some steps.
I dont know where it goes anymore!

Big sorrow in my soul!
No feelings, hurt me anymore!
I have erase them from my heart!
I have erase them all!

Nobody really knows!
Nobody really knows how you feel when you loose!
Nobody really knows!
Nobody really knows how you feel when you loose!

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all goes down
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

All goes down,
Down through the stairs.
You dont know when,
But you know for sure.

All goes down,
Down through the stairs.
Down, down;
Down to the hell.

no matter
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

What a disgrace is getting old.
I finally figure out whats all about.
What a disgrace is getting old.
I finally figure out whats all about.

No matter if youre rich,
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No matter if youre good.
No matter how you lived,
No matter if you loved.

No matter if youre rich,
No matter if youre good.
No matter if you have,
A better understand.

What a disgrace is getting old.
I finally figure out whats all about.
What a disgrace is getting old.
I finally figure out whats all about.

The purpose of life: to die.
The purpose of heal: To get sick.
The purpose of love: To loose.
The purpose of being born: To get killed, by time.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Far away, so far away;
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Like that sheep that lost their way.
Dark fog;
You cant see around.
How you supposed to see when your eyes are blind?!

Far away, so far away;
Like that sheep that lost their way.

Stand and walking, through the sea;
I wish to do that!
Instead Im drowning and I cant see,
Im drowning in my own misery!

Far away, so far away;
Like that sheep that lost their way.
Dark fog;
You cant see around.
How you supposed to see when your eyes are blind?!

J oin me; if you now feel lost!
Come and cry with me,
If your love was broken!
J oin me; if you now feel lost!
I cant help you Im so mess up,
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But at least, we wont, feel alone.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Im death, Im death at last.
No more feelings, hurt me, no more crap.
I remember how all began;
So many things I quite not understand.

Oh God, you could change a lot.
Now Im rotten, in an ugly tomb.
Let everyone know the truth, about my life!
Let everyone know the truth, about me!

No more sickness,
No more sorrow,
No more obsession,
No more depression.

meet your maker
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau
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Everybody share his destiny!
Everybody found it at death!
Everybody share his destiny!
Everybody found it at death!

Do you want to meet your maker?
Do you want to meet your maker?
Do you want to meet your maker?
So why youre scared to die?!

Meet your maker!
Feel the fire in you!
Burn to dust,
Ash to ash;
Until the final crash!

Fire, fire, fire, fire, cry!
Fire, fire, fire, fire, bye!
Fire, fire, fire, fire, cry!
Fire, fire, fire, fire, die!

Meet your maker!
Find the fire in you!
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Seek the truth,
Fight to last;
Until the final clash!

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Im the sickness, made it men.
Im the sorrow of all deaths.
Im the lock on that door in the end!

Die! What the hell is left for me?!
God! My only gift insanity.
Far far away from me!
God! : Take me away from misery.

Love I use to spit you in the face!
Walking through all this years,
All seems to be okay.
Now Im drowning in disgrace.

I I been waiting too much time.
During through all this years,
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Im doing the best with what I have.
During through all this years, Im starting to realize!
During through all this years, Im starting to be alive!

God! Im been wasting too much time!
Now Im feeling the process of dying.
Now theres no need to lie!
Now its time to die!

Thank you,
For doing nothing about this.
At least let me be in peace!
You killed all my hope,
So dont think I will forgive.

Im the sickness, made it men.
Im the sorrow of all deaths.
Im the lock on that door in the end!

el funeral
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

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Ya lleg el carruaje pa llevarme al funeral.
Ya las penas enterradas estn.
No es tiempo de llorar;
Ya lo pasado, pasado est.
Abre se tequila y vamos a tomar.
Tomar. Toma a a aar. Toma a a aar.
Tomar. Toma a a aar. Toma a a aar.

Ya los gases de mi cuerpo comienzan a salir.
Ya los gusanos de tierra comienzan a vivir.
Ya la memoria se va.
Ya los recuerdos se van.
Se va. Se va a a aa. Se va a a aa.

are you ready
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

In this changing world the things are turning bad,
Because nobody the world can understand.
The inalterable sequence is now began.
The destiny of the world are scared the man.

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Are you ready to decide whats important;
Whos the person or the thing that you believe,
That can save your life or mind in something way?
The day will be near if you can say:

Are you ready, for the nightmare;
Is the day that you will need a more strength.
Are you waited;
The destruction;
That will starting in this world everyday.
Are you ready,
To survive now;
Because you dont know the hour that begins.
Are you ready to resist the death of friends?
Are you ready to resist all your afraids?
Are you ready to wait patiently those days?
Are you ready to resist what I now say.

Are you ready, for the world ends? ,
Because nobody can know what you pretends.
Are you ready, preparing your mind? ,
Because you dont know who is persecuting you behind.
Are you ready, if youre intelligent,
To forget the past and go to live the present?
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Are you ready, if you plan your life? ,
Because enemies cant hurt you when arrive.
You are alive!
You arrive!
You are alive!
You arrive!

Are you ready for the day when you are scared?
Are you ready for destroy something that appeared?
Are you ready to survive the war of wars?
Are you ready to receive all your awards?
Are you ready to resist the deadly Earth?
Are you ready to resist the nightmare?

Are you ready to decide what you going to do?
Are you ready to resist the problems too?
Are you ready to persist in your style?
Are you ready for the real nightmare?

Are you ready to persist in your actions?
Are you ready to destroy the relations,
Of the people that want your destruction?
Are you ready to live now everywhere?
Are you ready for the living nightmare?
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my decision
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Im thinking of my life.
All the things are going to hell.
I always want, to go to surf.
Im a crazy lonely boy.
I will go. I will go.

Only one alternative.
My parents try to control me.
Nobody can, control my brain;
Because Im intelligent.
Nobody can. Nothing can.

I understand the deadly Earth.
The governments forever fights.
I dont care if we will die,
Because Im going to decide;
My destiny, destiny.

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If our destiny is death;
I dont care about it.
Im going to enjoy;
My life is now.
You cant stop,
A hydrogen bomb.
I dont care, is the same.

The crazy people is began,
To make the world some different.
I will be,
A famous artist;
Because nobody can resist,
My crazy music disc.

hace falta tolerancia
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Tolerancia, tolerancia;
Hace falta en ste mundo de ignorancia.
Tolerancia, tolerancia;
En ste mundo reina la ignorancia.
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Tolerancia, tolerancia;
Hace falta en ste mundo de ignorancia.
Tolerancia, tolerancia;
En ste mundo reina la ignorancia.

S que mucha gente trata de sobrevivir.
S que con sus mtodos ellos no van a resistir.
S que todos queremos un mejor porvenir.
S que si seguimos hablando de nuestro existir,
Ya tenemos que ser realistas, yo no te quiero mentir.

No, no, no. La intolerancia es mortal.
Tenemos que comprender que todo tiene su final.
No, no, no. No mas corrupcin.
No podemos confiar nisiquiera en nuestra nacin.
Tenemos que soportar a los que no piensan igual,
Porque tarde o temprano nuestro turno va a llegar.

Ya no soportaremos mas,
A gente que jams,
Entender que no todos piensan como los dems.
Dile al que trate de cambiarte,
Que no tiene el poder para poder controlarte;
Que tu vida y su vida siempre van a estar aparte.
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En donde est el cerebro de aquellos que me quieren ver cambiar?
En dnde est el motivo para que ellos me puedan controlar?
Se creen mejores, y son los peores.
Quieren obligarnos. No pueden cambiarnos.
Solo mirarnos. Solo escucharnos.
Obligados a tolerarnos, con nuestro estilo.

surfer sicpata
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

S que, tu quisieras que yo fuera,
Como tu mente quisiera;
Pero no va a ser as.
S que, me consideran un loco,
Y eso a m me importa poco;
Pero as es que nac.
Yo quiero surfear,
Y me encanta kimbolear.
No quiero pasar,
Yo mi vida sin disfrutar.

S que todo tiene un resultado,
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Y ya lo haba pensado;
Pero te tengo que decir:
No quiero morir,
Pero vivir me asusta ms.
Yo quiero sentir,
Algo que t nunca podrs.

S que todo tiene consecuencias;
Pero no le temo al final.
S que sobrevivo experiencias;
Aunque yo no soy inmortal.
Yo quiero lograr todas mis metas alcanzar;
Y quiero probar lo que yo puedo impresionar.
No quiero parar,
Pero la vida va a seguir.
Me quiero expresar,
Y yo voy a sobrevivir.

Nunca he sentido sta forma,
La emocin que me transforma;
De sta manera radical.
Ella es una chica hermosa,
Parece casi una diosa;
La descripcin no tiene final.
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Me voy a surfear,
A ver si me puedo calmar,
Y empiezo a pensar,
Cmo la puedo enamorar.
Me quiero sobrar,
Pero tengo que esperar.
No quiero sufrir,
Pero tampoco destruir.

Todo se resume en una cosa,
Que si no la hago no posa;
Y que me puede a m servir.
Tengo que sacar la licencia para guiar,
Y poder llegar, hasta la playa a surfear.
Si no kimbolear, y luego mi table quemar,
Si me hace pasar, una verguenza frente al mar.

Sigo, canto algo confundido,
Y a veces decidido;
Por lo que acabo de pensar.
No puedo elegir, y a las dems yo rechazar.
No quiero mentir, pero tampoco humillar.
No quiero esperar, y yo tener que lamentar;
Ni apresurar demasiado y fracasar.
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Pinsalo muy bien antes que vallas adecir:
Te quiero a t. No digas me arrepent.
No quiero influenciar ni tu mente yo controlar,
Solo expresar, lo que acabo de pensar;
Y quiero lograr que pienses acerca de t,
Que siempre al final es posible sobrevivir.

no creer
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Maten al gobierno.
Acaben con la sociedad.
Vyanse al infierno.
No creo en su realidad.

No confio en nadie.
Decepcin no existe ms.
Quemen el dinero.
Esclavitud ya no ser.
La filosofa, y la hipocresia morir.
No halla ms engao.
Ya no hay nada extrao.
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Yo me doy un bao, no hago caso al regao.
Maten al pastor las ovejas del rebao.

Maten al gobierno.
Acaben con la sociedad.
Vyanse al infierno.
No creo en su realidad.

No creo en compromiso,
Ni en pedir permiso.
Mtete en mi vida pa meterte contra el piso.
Yo solo analizo, lo que est pasando.
La Fortaleza y el Capitolio ya se estn quemando.
Que bueno, cabrones! Por estar robando.
Espero que en el infierno se estn achicharrando.

hopeless 2
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

I waited so much time waiting for the prophecies.
So much trouble; many problems for me.
Contradictions in the mind of all my enemies.
Im surviving across all this many bad extremes.
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Every morning is the same, and nothing will change.
Im waiting the best time for my revenge.
Many chances seems to be,
But in reality, none.
So I dont care, if all this things so late come.
You will never understand why my patience is gone.
In this world, many parents lost his son.
I transform all this hate to make my own gun,
And I hope, all this nightmare ends soon.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Inspiracin, para salir,
De ste laberinto oscuro y sin fin.
Harto estoy de hipocresa;
De dominio absoluto, sociedad maldita.
Estoy cansado de ser un esclavo;
Maldecido por siempre y un maldito pago.
Que diablos se creen. Que compran mi vida?
Con un maldito cheque, sociedad podrida.

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Cansado yo. Cansado t.
Cansados de la maldita esclavitud.
Cansado yo. Cansado t.
Cansado todo el mundo de sta esclavitud.

Volviendo ahora a la realidad.
El mundo no pierde tiempo para ganar.
Negocios aqu. Negocios all.
Formas astutas para esclavizar.
Ser un maceta es la forma de probar,
Que esclavizar a todo el mundo no lo van a lograr.
Tratan all. Tratan ac.
Pero no se imaginan que Diego aqu est.
Que diablos creen que van a lograr.
Conmigo no pueden y nunca podrn.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Existencia fatal.
Es justo dar para quitar?
Existencia fatal.
Es justo dar para quitar?
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Existencia fatal.
Simulacro de felicidad.
Existencia fatal.
Simulacro de felicidad.

En mi corta existencia,
Pocas cosas me dieron la esencia.
Buscando sentido,
Encontr un mundo confundido.
No soy una copia de la realidad.
Soy la voz que grita en vez de callar.

Existencia fatal.
Es justo dar para quitar?
Existencia fatal.
Es justo dar para quitar?
Existencia fatal.
Simulacro de felicidad.
Existencia fatal.
Simulacro de felicidad.

La supuesta inteligencia,
Queda corta cuando se enfrenta.
Represento al que no aparenta;
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Al que se le acab la paciencia.
No te puedes quedar esperando.
Si quieres algo, lgralo luchando.

by force
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Take me to the Hades!
Take me to the end!
Meet me in the alley!
I will kill all men!
Take me to the Hades!
Take me to the end!
Meet me in the alley!
I will kill all men!

Life got a big debt with me,
So I will take it all by force!
I search for lyers and thieves,
And they get shelter in the shadows!
Im being too much time here,
So I get used to be in darkness!
Im the new hurricane in town,
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And I will take it all by force!
Without remorse!

I will get back from Hades,
I will collect their bodies,
And I will burn them and return with the ashes!
I will get back from Hades,
I will collect their bodies,
And I will burn them and return with the ashes!

Enjoy the journey,
Walking through the night!
Adopt the sickness,
As a way of life!
Enjoy the journey,
Walking through the night!
Adopt the sickness,
J ust to survive!

I want to die!
I want to die!
I want to die taking my enemies with me
Ou yeah!

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2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

An apocalyptic vision of the end of the humanity is given to me.
Empires falling; breaking apart
That cant escape from their own destruction.

His absurd and nonsense ideas are spreading
Like a virus in the weakest minds of humanity.
Thats the reason theres no forgiveness
To this crap so called government.

The burning fire will descend upon this elite of lyers
And coward killers that don have the guts to kill for themselves,
Transforming them to ashes.
This unstoppable force wont stop through his path
Until all the remains of this corrupt civilization that deserves to die
Are erased from the face of the Earth for all the evil that has done.
This is the beginning of the end.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

You have a fortress but dont feel secure? Causality!
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You have a big bed but you cant sleep? Causality!
You have the best medicines but youre still sick? Causality!
You have the biggest bank account but you cant save yourself? Causality!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

What we do wrong?!
Why we fail?!
My house is burning in fire!
My family is dead!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

You think nothing will make you pay for your sins?
You think you will forever be a king?
You think your lies are save in the darkness of the night?
You think you will survive?
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Do you even think?

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau
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Una visin apocalptica del fin de la humanidad se me ha dado.
Imperios cayendo; despedazndose, que no pueden escapar de su propia destruccin.

Sus ideas absurdas y sin sentido se esparcen como un virus
en las mentes ms dbiles de la humanidad.
Esa es la razn por la que no hay perdn a sta basura llamada gobierno.

El fuego incandescente descender sobre sta lite de mentirosos y asesinos cobardes
Que no tienen las agallas para matar por ellos mismos,
Transformndolos en cenizas.
Esta fuerza imparable no se detendr en su camino
Hasta que todos los remanentes de sta civilizacin
Corrupta que merece morir sean borrados de la faz de
La Tierra por toda la maldad que han hecho.
Este es el principio del final.
J a, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja!
J a, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja!
Tienes una fortaleza pero no te sientes seguro? Causalidad!
Tienes una cama grande pero no puedes dormir? Causalidad!
Tienes las mejores medicinas pero sigues enfermo? Causalidad!
Tienes la cuenta bancaria ms grande pero no puedes
Salvarte a t mismo? Causalidad!
J a, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja!
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J a, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja!

Que hicimos mal?!
Por qu fallamos?!
Mi casa est ardiendo en fuego!
Mi familia est muerta!
J a, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja!
J a, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja!

Piensas que nada te har pagar por tus pecados?
Piensas que siempre sers rey?
Piensas que tus mentiras estn a salvo en la oscuridad de la noche?
Piensas que sobrevivirs?
J a, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja!
J a, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja!
J a, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja!
J a, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja!
Siquiera piensas?
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Sorrow is in my mind.
Sorrow is in my mind.
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Sorrow is like the blood in my veins;
It wont stop, until my death.

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

You feel powerless,
You dont now what to do;
All the things youre living,
All the hell you going through!

Prepare to kill everybody now!
The best TV shows ear you story now!
The newspapers now write your story down!

You feel powerless,
You dont now what to do;
All the things youre living,
All the hell you going through!

For one day the truth kill the lie at least!
Im living so now I forget the past!
Its time to prepare for the final crash!
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The new age is the shit of the human kind!

You feel powerless,
You dont now what to do;
All the things youre living,
All the hell you going through!

be free
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Be e e e e e e free. Be e e e e e e free.
Broke the shadows of your past,
Follow the lights of the Sun.
Nothing is broken now inside,
I feel no pain anymore.
Life. Life.

too late
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

I was looking for, a place to go
I only see dark clouds, near the horizon.
Near the horizon.
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I finally found a castle
with the doors wide open.
Theres been a battle inside,
But now its over.
Its over.

I guess I came too late.
I guess it is my fate.
I guess I came too late.
I guess it is my fate.

I was looking for, a place to go
I only see dark clouds, near the horizon.
Near the horizon.

Its seems that all my life
Always get there too late.
Living to fock myself,
I know it is my fate,
So I will wait my end
With my eyes wide open.
(With my eyes wide open.)

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I was looking for, for a place to go.
I only see dark clouds, near the horizon.
I was looking for, for a place to go.
I only see dark clouds, near the horizon.
Near the horizon.

the game
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

You let me suffer in the hell,
Now the fire feel so well;
You wonder why I came again,
To play and losing in this game.

I feel so fucking bad!;
Living through all this crap!

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Bless the dark;
Because is more sincere than you!
Bless the dark;
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Because is more sincere than you!

I can had treasure in the sky,
But I need it, here and now!
I dont eat hopes!
I dont drink hopes!

2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Life is too short,
And we are wasted.
We are wasting it,
And we dont notice so.
We were walking a long time,
To arrive to nowhere.

In my bugged memory,
Some memories are not clear.
When I think about myself;
I see a stranger.

Life is too short,
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And we are wasted.
We are wasting it,
And we dont notice so.
We were walking a long time,
To arrive to nowhere.

So much things I lived,
That changed my soul and face;
Like see my brother into drugs,
One of my worst disgraces.
Life is too short,
And we are wasted.
We are wasting it,
And we dont notice so.
We were walking a long time,
To arrive to nowhere.
To arrive to nowhere.

go back
2014 Diego Domnguez Santapau

Theres some place,
Theres some time.
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Theres some place I wanna go back,
Theres some time I wanna go back.

Full of regrets,
I cant forget: What I loose.

Theres some place,
Theres some time.
Theres some place I wanna go back,
Theres some time I wanna go back.

I will send a letter to you,
If theres some way, it made it through.
What is lie and what is true?
How the hell I supposed to know you?

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