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Protocolo de Kioto, Alcances, Compromisos y Estado Actual

Alex Ayo, Miembro Estudiantil IEEE

Ingeniera Elctrica Universidad Politcnica alesiana !uito, Ecuador mauricioayo"gmail#com
Abstract El cambio climtico, al igual que el exceso de factores contaminantes en nuestro medio son puntos crticos de debate tanto en factores econmicos, industriales, sociales e incluso militares, puesto que la mayor cantidad de emisiones contaminantes son producidas por pases con alta produccin de CO2, debido a la gran cantidad de industrias y elevada produccin energ tica a base de fsiles y elementos atmicos! Es debido a puntos crticos de estas emisiones que se crea el protocolo de "ioto, como un elemento de regulacin y control para mediar el excesivo! Keywordsrel; instrumento; IED; desconexin;IEC; NEC ; red; sistema; tiempo; conexin;

B. Maintaining the Integrity of the Specifications %/e template is used to ,ormat your paper and style t/e text# All margins, column 8idt/s, line spaces, and text ,onts are prescribed= please do not alter t/em# >ou may note peculiarities# 4or example, t/e /ead margin in t/is template measures proportionately more t/an is customary# %/is measurement and ot/ers are deliberate, using speci,ications t/at anticipate your paper as one part o, t/e entire proceedings, and not as an independent document# Please do not revise any o, t/e current designations# III# P&EPA&E >'U& PAPE& ?E4'&E



Una red elctrica est* expuesta a un sin n+mero de ,actores tcnicos, climatol-gicos o no convencionales .ue pueden terminar en un ,allo o perturbaci-n del sistema elctrico nacional o industrial, debido a ello se /an creado los di,erentes elementos de protecci-n .ue ayudan a .ue el sistema no pierda con,iabilidad o .ue el incidente sea en menor escala e incluso de ba0o impacto para los e.uipos# Estos ,actores obligan a el ingeniero encargado del dise1o prevea una adecuada prevenci-n para contingencias ante cual.uier tipo de ,allo# Al existir una variedad de aplicaciones para los circuitos elctricos .ue mane0an una elevada magnitud de corriente las protecciones elctricas /abitualmente se destinan para activarse por e,ectos de sobre corrientes, sin embargo al existir perturbaciones en las .ue se ven involucrados volta0e y ,recuencia, la ,iloso,a de protecciones debe cambiar para el ingeniero de dise1o# Es debido a ello .ue el presente estudio ayudara a ,i0ar par*metros para el uso e implemento de protecciones elctricas# II# P&'%ECCI'$E E23C%&ICA

?e,ore you begin to ,ormat your paper, ,irst 8rite and save t/e content as a separate text ,ile# Keep your text and grap/ic ,iles separate until a,ter t/e text /as been ,ormatted and styled# (o not use /ard tabs, and limit use o, /ard returns to only one return at t/e end o, a paragrap/# (o not add any Aind o, pagination any8/ere in t/e paper# (o not number text /eads7 t/e template 8ill do t/at ,or you# 4inally, complete content and organi5ational editing be,ore ,ormatting# Please taAe note o, t/e ,ollo8ing items 8/en proo,reading spelling and grammarB A. Abbreviations and Acronyms (e,ine abbreviations and acronyms t/e ,irst time t/ey are used in t/e text, even a,ter t/ey /ave been de,ined in t/e abstract# Abbreviations suc/ as IEEE, I, MK , C@ , sc, dc, and rms do not /ave to be de,ined# (o not use abbreviations in t/e title or /eads unless t/ey are unavoidable# B. nits Use eit/er I CMK D or C@ as primary units# C I units are encouraged#D Englis/ units may be used as secondary units Cin parent/esesD# An exception 8ould be t/e use o, Englis/ units as identi,iers in trade, suc/ as 9E#F7inc/ disA drive#< Avoid combining I and C@ units, suc/ as current in amperes and magnetic ,ield in oersteds# %/is o,ten leads to con,usion because e.uations do not balance dimensionally# I, you must use mixed units, clearly state t/e units ,or eac/ .uantity t/at you use in an e.uation#

2as protecciones elctricas por de,inici-n tienen como ob0etivo limitar el da1o a los e.uipos de potencia y colocar ,uera de servicio el e.uipo en ,alla de ,orma r*pida para mantener la con,iabilidad y estabilidad del sistema elctrico A. Selecting a Template (Heading 2) 4irst, con,irm t/at you /ave t/e correct template ,or your paper si5e# %/is template /as been tailored ,or output on t/e A6 paper si5e# I, you are using U letter7si5ed paper, please close t/is ,ile and do8nload t/e ,ile 9M :;U ltr;,ormat<#

(o not mix complete spellings and abbreviations o, unitsB 9:bGmH< or 98ebers per s.uare meter,< not 98ebersGmH#< pell units 8/en t/ey appear in textB 9###a ,e8 /enries,< not 9###a ,e8 I#< Use a 5ero be,ore decimal pointsB 9J#HF,< not 9#HF#< Use 9cmE,< not 9cc#< Cb!llet listD

In your paper title, i, t/e 8ords 9t/at uses< can accurately replace t/e 8ord using, capitali5e t/e 9u<= i, not, Aeep using lo8er7cased# ?e a8are o, t/e di,,erent meanings o, t/e /omop/ones 9a,,ect< and 9e,,ect,< 9complement< and 9compliment,< 9discreet< and 9discrete,< 9principal< and 9principle#< (o not con,use 9imply< and 9in,er#< %/e pre,ix 9non< is not a 8ord= it s/ould be 0oined to t/e 8ord it modi,ies, usually 8it/out a /yp/en# %/ere is no period a,ter t/e 9et< in t/e 2atin abbreviation 9et al#< %/e abbreviation 9i#e#< means 9t/at is,< and t/e abbreviation 9e#g#< means 9,or example#<

". #$!ations %/e e.uations are an exception to t/e prescribed speci,ications o, t/is template# >ou 8ill need to determine 8/et/er or not your e.uation s/ould be typed using eit/er t/e %imes $e8 &oman or t/e ymbol ,ont Cplease no ot/er ,ontD# %o create multileveled e.uations, it may be necessary to treat t/e e.uation as a grap/ic and insert it into t/e text a,ter your paper is styled# $umber e.uations consecutively# E.uation numbers, 8it/in parent/eses, are to position ,lus/ rig/t, as in CKD, using a rig/t tab stop# %o maAe your e.uations more compact, you may use t/e solidus C G D, t/e exp ,unction, or appropriate exponents# Italici5e &oman symbols ,or .uantities and variables, but not @reeA symbols# Use a long das/ rat/er t/an a /yp/en ,or a minus sign# Punctuate e.uations 8it/ commas or periods 8/en t/ey are part o, a sentence, as in a+b = (1) (1) + = . (1)

An excellent style manual ,or science 8riters is LMN# IO# U

I$@ %IE


A,ter t/e text edit /as been completed, t/e paper is ready ,or t/e template# (uplicate t/e template ,ile by using t/e ave As command, and use t/e naming convention prescribed by your con,erence ,or t/e name o, your paper# In t/is ne8ly created ,ile, /ig/lig/t all o, t/e contents and import your prepared text ,ile# >ou are no8 ready to style your paper= use t/e scroll do8n 8indo8 on t/e le,t o, t/e M :ord 4ormatting toolbar# A. A!thors and Affiliations %/e template is designed so t/at aut/or a,,iliations are not repeated eac/ time ,or multiple aut/ors o, t/e same a,,iliation# Please Aeep your a,,iliations as succinct as possible C,or example, do not di,,erentiate among departments o, t/e same organi5ationD# %/is template 8as designed ,or t8o a,,iliations# ') (or a!thor)s of only one affiliation (Heading *)+ %o c/ange t/e de,ault, ad0ust t/e template as ,ollo8s# a) Selection (Heading ,)+ Iig/lig/t all aut/or and a,,iliation lines# b) "hange n!mber of col!mns+ elect t/e Columns icon ,rom t/e M :ord tandard toolbar and t/en select 9K Column< ,rom t/e selection palette# c) %eletion+ (elete t/e aut/or and a,,iliation lines ,or t/e second a,,iliation# 2) (or a!thor)s of more than t-o affiliations+ %o c/ange t/e de,ault, ad0ust t/e template as ,ollo8s# a) Selection+ Iig/lig/t all aut/or and a,,iliation lines# b) "hange n!mber of col!mns+ elect t/e 9Columns< icon ,rom t/e M :ord tandard toolbar and t/en select 9K Column< ,rom t/e selection palette# c) Iig/lig/t aut/or and a,,iliation lines o, a,,iliation K and copy t/is selection# d) (ormatting+ Insert one /ard return immediately a,ter t/e last c/aracter o, t/e last a,,iliation line# %/en paste do8n t/e copy o, a,,iliation K# &epeat as necessary ,or eac/ additional a,,iliation#

$ote t/at t/e e.uation is centered using a center tab stop# ?e sure t/at t/e symbols in your e.uation /ave been de,ined be,ore or immediately ,ollo8ing t/e e.uation# Use 9CKD,< not 9E.# CKD< or 9e.uation CKD,< except at t/e beginning o, a sentenceB 9E.uation CKD is ###< %. Some "ommon Mista&es %/e 8ord 9data< is plural, not singular# %/e subscript ,or t/e permeability o, vacuum J, and ot/er common scienti,ic constants, is 5ero 8it/ subscript ,ormatting, not a lo8ercase letter 9o#< In American Englis/, commas, semi7Gcolons, periods, .uestion and exclamation marAs are located 8it/in .uotation marAs only 8/en a complete t/oug/t or name is cited, suc/ as a title or ,ull .uotation# :/en .uotation marAs are used, instead o, a bold or italic type,ace, to /ig/lig/t a 8ord or p/rase, punctuation s/ould appear outside o, t/e .uotation marAs# A parent/etical p/rase or statement at t/e end o, a sentence is punctuated outside o, t/e closing parent/esis CliAe t/isD# CA parent/etical sentence is punctuated 8it/in t/e parent/eses#D A grap/ 8it/in a grap/ is an 9inset,< not an 9insert#< %/e 8ord alternatively is pre,erred to t/e 8ord 9alternately< Cunless you really mean somet/ing t/at alternatesD# (o not use t/e 8ord 9essentially< 9approximately< or 9e,,ectively#< to mean

Identi,y applicable sponsorGs /ere# I, no sponsors, delete t/is text box Csponsors).

e) .eassign n!mber of col!mns+ Place your cursor to t/e rig/t o, t/e last c/aracter o, t/e last a,,iliation line o, an even numbered a,,iliation Ce#g#, i, t/ere are ,ive a,,iliations, place your cursor at end o, ,ourt/ a,,iliationD# (rag t/e cursor up to /ig/lig/t all o, t/e above aut/or and a,,iliation lines# @o to Column icon and select 9H Columns<# I, you /ave an odd number o, a,,iliations, t/e ,inal a,,iliation 8ill be centered on t/e page= all previous 8ill be in t8o columns# B. Identify the Headings Ieadings, or /eads, are organi5ational devices t/at guide t/e reader t/roug/ your paper# %/ere are t8o typesB component /eads and text /eads# Component /eads identi,y t/e di,,erent components o, your paper and are not topically subordinate to eac/ ot/er# Examples include ACK$':2E(@ME$% and &E4E&E$CE , and ,or t/ese, t/e correct style to use is 9Ieading F#< Use 9,igure caption< ,or your 4igure captions, and 9table /ead< ,or your table title# &un7in /eads, suc/ as 9Abstract,< 8ill re.uire you to apply a style Cin t/is case, italicD in addition to t/e style provided by t/e drop do8n menu to di,,erentiate t/e /ead ,rom t/e text# %ext /eads organi5e t/e topics on a relational, /ierarc/ical basis# 4or example, t/e paper title is t/e primary text /ead because all subse.uent material relates and elaborates on t/is one topic# I, t/ere are t8o or more sub7topics, t/e next level /ead Cuppercase &oman numeralsD s/ould be used and, conversely, i, t/ere are not at least t8o sub7topics, t/en no sub/eads s/ould be introduced# tyles named 9Ieading K,< 9Ieading H,< 9Ieading E,< and 9Ieading 6< are prescribed# ". (ig!res and Tables ') /ositioning (ig!res and Tables+ /lace fig!res and tables at the top and bottom of col!mns. Avoid placing them in the middle of col!mns. 0arge fig!res and tables may span across both col!mns. (ig!re captions sho!ld be belo- the fig!res1 table heads sho!ld appear above the tables. Insert fig!res and tables after they are cited in the te2t. se the abbreviation 3(ig. '45 even at the beginning of a sentence.
%A?2E I# #able $ead copy %A?2E %>2E #able Column $ead
Table column sub ead !ub ead !ub ead

4igure 2abelsB Use Q point %imes $e8 &oman ,or 4igure labels# Use 8ords rat/er t/an symbols or abbreviations 8/en 8riting 4igure axis labels to avoid con,using t/e reader# As an example, 8rite t/e .uantity 9Magneti5ation,< or 9Magneti5ation, M,< not 0ust 9M#< I, including units in t/e label, present t/em 8it/in parent/eses# (o not label axes only 8it/ units# In t/e example, 8rite 9Magneti5ation CAGmD< or 9Magneti5ation CA C mCKD,< not 0ust 9AGm#< (o not label axes 8it/ a ratio o, .uantities and units# 4or example, 8rite 9%emperature CKD,< not 9%emperatureGK#< ACK$':2E(@ME$% (Heading 6) %/e pre,erred spelling o, t/e 8ord 9acAno8ledgment< in America is 8it/out an 9e< a,ter t/e 9g#< Avoid t/e stilted expression 9one o, us C&# ?# @#D t/anAs ###<# Instead, try 9&# ?# @# t/anAs###<# Put sponsor acAno8ledgments in t/e unnumbered ,ootnote on t/e ,irst page#

&E4E&E$CE %/e template 8ill number citations consecutively 8it/in bracAets LKN# %/e sentence punctuation ,ollo8s t/e bracAet LHN# &e,er simply to t/e re,erence number, as in LENRdo not use 9&e,# LEN< or 9re,erence LEN< except at t/e beginning o, a sentenceB 9&e,erence LEN 8as t/e ,irst ###< $umber ,ootnotes separately in superscripts# Place t/e actual ,ootnote at t/e bottom o, t/e column in 8/ic/ it 8as cited# (o not put ,ootnotes in t/e re,erence list# Use letters ,or table ,ootnotes# Unless t/ere are six aut/ors or more give all aut/orsS names= do not use 9et al#<# Papers t/at /ave not been publis/ed, even i, t/ey /ave been submitted ,or publication, s/ould be cited as 9unpublis/ed< L6N# Papers t/at /ave been accepted ,or publication s/ould be cited as 9in press< LFN# Capitali5e only t/e ,irst 8ord in a paper title, except ,or proper nouns and element symbols# 4or papers publis/ed in translation 0ournals, please give t/e Englis/ citation ,irst, ,ollo8ed by t/e original ,oreign7language citation LTN#
LKN @# Eason, ?# $oble, and I#$# neddon, 9'n certain integrals o, 2ipsc/it57IanAel type involving products o, ?essel ,unctions,< P/il# %rans# &oy# oc# 2ondon, vol# AH6M, pp# FHU7FFK, April KUFF# CreferencesD V# ClerA Max8ell, A %reatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Erd ed#, vol# H# 'x,ordB Clarendon, KQUH, pp#TQ7ME# I# # Vacobs and C#P# ?ean, 94ine particles, t/in ,ilms and exc/ange anisotropy,< in Magnetism, vol# III, @#%# &ado and I# u/l, Eds# $e8 >orAB Academic, KUTE, pp# HMK7EFJ# K# Elissa, 9%itle o, paper i, Ano8n,< unpublis/ed# &# $icole, 9%itle o, paper 8it/ only ,irst 8ord capitali5ed,< V# $ame tand# Abbrev#, in press# ># >oro5u, M# Iirano, K# 'Aa, and ># %aga8a, 9Electron spectroscopy studies on magneto7optical media and plastic substrate inter,ace,< IEEE %ransl# V# Magn# Vapan, vol# H, pp# M6J7M6K, August KUQM L(igests Ut/ Annual Con,# Magnetics Vapan, p# EJK, KUQHN# M# >oung, %/e %ec/nical :riterSs IandbooA# Mill Oalley, CAB University cience, KUQU#

More table copya


ample o, a %able ,ootnote# (Table footnote)


:e suggest t/at you use a text box to insert a grap/ic C8/ic/ is ideally a EJJ dpi resolution %I44 or EP ,ile 8it/ all ,onts embeddedD because t/is met/od is some8/at more stable t/an directly inserting a picture# %o /ave non7visible rules on your ,rame, use t/e M :ord 94ormat< pull7do8n menu, select %ext ?ox P Colors and 2ines to c/oose $o 4ill and $o 2ine#
4ig# K# Example o, a ,igure caption# (fig!re caption)



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