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Introduccin Diagrama de flujo Lectura: Use your mind to improve your life El tiempo Pasado Continuo Vocabulario: El Supermercado Vocabulario: Envases y cantidades Lectura: What was everyone doing at the supermarket? El tiempo Pasado Idiomtico Vocabulario: Carnes, Aves y Mariscos Vocabulario: verduras y legumbres Vocabulario: Frutas Lectura: The Butcher Shop Vocabulario: Verbos Relacionados con el restaurant Vocabulario: Verbos Relacionados con la cocina Vocabulario: Restaurant Familiar Lectura: The Familys Restaurant Is a Family restaurant Vocabulario: Verbos relacionados con los deportes Vocabulario: Deportes de equipo Vocabulario: Deportes individuales Vocabulario: campos y canchas Lectura: Different sports for different folks Partes de la gramatica Vocabulario :El cuerpo humano Lectura: Susans Health Spa and Beauty Salon Vocabulario: Cuidado mdico y dental Lecturas y Ejercicios Vocabulario: Enfermedades y heridas Vocabulario: Tratamientos y Remedios Vocabulario: Estados de nimo y sentimientos Lectura: Situaciones. El Tiempo Pasado Simple Verbos en Pasado Vocabulario: Calle Principal Lectura: Confessions of a Kleptomaniac Vocabulario: Parques del Vecindario Vocabulario: Actividades al Aire Libre Vocabulario: En la Playa Lectura: Summer is the Season for Outdoor Activities Cuestionario: Ann Frank Los Verbos Defectivos Procedimientos para la Evaluacin Notas

3 4 4 5 7 9 11 12 14 16 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 51 52 53 54 55




INTRODUCCIN En la prctica no. 1, el alumno aprendi las diferentes funciones del verbo ser-estar, tanto como verbo principal en la oracin o como auxiliar de dos diferentes tiempos. En esta prctica aprender las funciones del mismo verbo, esta vez, en su forma pasado, igualmente; como verbo principal de la oracin o como auxiliar de dos tiempos. Tambin se vieron las reglas y funciones del auxiliar dodoes en el tiempo Presente Simple. Al final de esta prctica, el alumno aprender las funciones y reglas del auxiliar del Pasado Simple did Este tiempo le ayudar a sostener conversaciones que se llevaron a cabo en el pasado, ya que es el segundo tiempo que ms habla una persona durante el da. OBJETIVO GENERAL DE LA PRCTICA. Desarrollar la habilidad de comunicacin en situaciones de la vida cotidiana y relacionada a la escuela, cubriendo las cuatro habilidades: de comprensin auditiva, comprensin lectora, expresin oral y expresin escrita; mejorando la pronunciacin e incrementando el vocabulario general y tcnico. OBJETIVOS ESPECFICOS: Al terminar el Nivel II, el alumno es capaz de: Conversar sobre tipos de comida. Informar sobre sus hbitos alimenticios. Hablar sobre deportes. Hablar sobre habilidades y talentos. Planear ocasiones especiales y das festivos. Identificar y hablar sobre las partes del cuerpo y algunas enfermedades. Informar sobre medicamentos. Proporcionar consejos de salud. Pedir y dar direcciones de cmo llegar a un lugar. Pedir y dar informacin sobre sucesos pasados. Realizar llamadas telefnicas y dejar mensajes. Hacer, aceptar y rechazar una invitacin.

Diagrama de flujo del presente manual de practicas

Lectura: Use your mind to improve your life El tiempo Pasado Continuo Vocabulario: El Supermercado Vocabulario: Envases y cantidades Lectura: What was everyone doing at the supermarket? El tiempo Pasado Idiomtico Vocabulario: Carnes, Aves y Mariscos Vocabulario: verduras y legumbres Vocabulario: Frutas Lectura: The Butcher Shop Vocabulario: Verbos Relacionados con el restaurant Vocabulario: Verbos Relacionados con la cocina Vocabulario: Restaurant Familiar

Lectura: The Familys Restaurant Is a Family restaurant Vocabulario: Verbos relacionados con los deportes Vocabulario: Deportes de equipo Vocabulario: Deportes individuales Vocabulario: campos y canchas Lectura: Different sports for different folks Partes de la gramatica Vocabulario :El cuerpo humano Lectura: Susans Health Spa and Beauty Salon Vocabulario: Cuidado mdico y dental Lecturas y Ejercicios

Vocabulario: Enfermedades y heridas

Vocabulario: Tratamientos y Remedios Vocabulario: Estados de nimo y sentimientos Lectura: Situaciones. El Tiempo Pasado Simple Verbos en Pasado Vocabulario: Calle Principal Lectura: Confessions of a Kleptomaniac Vocabulario: Parques del Vecindario Vocabulario: Actividades al Aire Libre Vocabulario: En la Playa Lectura: Summer is the Season for Outdoor Activities Cuestionario: Ann Frank Los Verbos Defectivos

Prctica Unidad I Where were you yesterday? What were you going to do? Why didnt you call me?

Competencias especficas a desarrollar (Objetivo (s) General (s) del Curso) Al final de esta prctica, el alumno: 1. Relata sobre acontecimientos en el los tiempos Pasado Continuo. 2. Habla sobre comidas y hbitos alimenticios utilizando los adverbios de frecuencia. 3. Identifica los artculos dentro de las habitaciones de un hogar. 4. Conversa utilizando debidamente el tiempo Presente Continuo. 5. Analiza conceptos, teoras y temas por medio de la prctica oral y escrita para relacionarlos con una lengua extranjera sistemticamente. Competencias Genricas a desarrollar en la unidad Capacidad de aprender y actualizarse permanentemente de acuerdo a habilidades personales, medios materiales, recursos y tiempo.

Criterios de evaluacin de la Unidad (Conceptuales, Procedimentales y Actitudinales) C - Repite correctamente la pronunciacin de las palabras. P - Aplica los conocimientos adquiridos con precisin. A - Colabora con sus compaeros en las actividades desarrolladas en binas, tros o equipos.

Fundamento. El pasado del verbo ser- estar es tan importante y tiene tantas funciones como su forma presente; es el verbo principal de la oracin, auxiliar del Pasado Continuo y auxiliar del Pasado Idiomtico, en ambos casos, las mismas reglas aplican que en su forma presente. . La conjugacin del verbo to be en pasado es la siguiente: Conjugacin del verbo SER-ESTAR (TO BE) en pasado.

Prctica I.2





Prctica I.2. Repaso de las reglas que aplican con el tiempo Pasado continuo (mismas que con el Presente continuo). A. El verbo principal de la oracin debe ir en su forma Participio Presente, B. La terminacin ing equivale a ando o endo, en espaol. C. Si el verbo termina en e, se quita antes de agregar ing. make making have -having write writing come in coming in.

D. Si el verbo termina en una de las siguientes consonantes: b, d, g, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, y le antecede una vocal con sonido corto, se dobla la consonante antes de agregar ing. Sit down sitting down get up getting up run running. E. Cuando el verbo principal de la oracin es was-were, o cuando se quiere saber quien (who), o que (what) hizo la accin, la secuencia a seguir para formular una pregunta, siempre ser la misma: Palabra de pregunta verbo complemento preposicin ? Ejemplo: Who was speaking English? Quien estaba hablando ingles? What was happening here? Qu estaba pasando aqu? F. Cuando el verbo principal es otro aparte del ser _ estar, la secuencia a seguir para formular una pregunta, es la siguiente: Palabra de pregunta auxiliar sujeto verbo complemento preposicin -? What was your uncle writing a book about? Sobre qu estaba tu to escribiendo un libro? 1.3. Practicar la pronunciacin leyendo las siguientes oraciones en voz alta. Son las mismas del Manual de Prcticas 1(1.4.1), pero con la forma del verbo ser-estar en pasado, en sus respectivos tiempos. Interacta participando con el grupo para formar oraciones descriptivas con el resto de los verbos en la lista. 1. The high school students were standing up for the national anthem. 2. The customer was sitting down for a haircut. 3. My sister was going out with a Panamanian doctor. 4. The teenagers were going to come in from recess. 5. The hungry kid was eating a hamburger and drinking a soda. 6. The mechanics son was going to look at a new car for him. 7. The farmers daughter was going to drink milk straight from the cow. 8. The waiters niece is thanking the customer for the tip. 9. The doctor was remembering his first surgery. 10. The driver was agreeing with the police officer about the traffic violation. 11. Martin is going to improve his grades in math. 6

Susans grandmother has a hearing problem. Flight 508 from Los Angeles to Mexico City is just arriving. Today is Saturday, so the garbage truck was picking up organic waste only. They are going to play my favorite song on the radio. The responsible mother was going to walk her children to school. My parents are running in the 10 kilometre marathon. The guests were laughing at the hosts bad jokes. My cousin is going crazy over a girl in our class. My godparents are going to come to my birthday party by bus. The director of our school was going to get new buses to transport the students. The maid is washing the china with powder soap. The technician was cleaning the computers in the lab. The baker is going to put lots of icing on the cake. At school, we were going to place sanitary materials in a separate container. My friends are sleeping over because we are having a pajama party. The students were getting up from their chairs because the national anthem is playing. The child is going to wake up several times during the night. The class was going to put away their math books because the English teacher is walking in. I am keeping warm with my jacket on because Im cold. Maria was copying her report from the computer and saving it in her memory stick. The children are going to behave well in school this morning. Franks sister was going to buy fast food at Kentucky Fried Chicken. Omar is printing the practice manual for this course. My girlfriend was leaving me because I am unfaithful. The DJ is going to throw away all the old cassettes because he is going to use a computer to record now. 37. Memo was going waste his time talking with Martin about girls. 38. Gabriela is filling her cup with decaffeinated coffee. 39. Isabel was guessing the answers to the exam. 40. The girls are going to pull harder than the boys in the tug-a-war contest. 41. My aunt was going to sweep the floor and my uncle is mopping it. 42. My grandma is brushing her granddaughters hair with a tooth brush. 43. Hector was putting on a jacket because the day is cold. 44. Martha is going to take off her jacket because the day is hot. 45. The electrician was going to turn off all the lights because he is saving energy 46. The teacher is turning on his computer to project his presentation. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

Estudia el siguiente vocabulario una pagina a la vez, Y formula oraciones declarativas, negativas o preguntas a varios de tus compaeros. Asegurate de usar there is, there are, any, y some donde aplique. Anoota todas las oraciones.


1. The pot holder was near the oven and broiler. 2. There are hooks and hangers in the bedroom closet because my parents buy a lot of clothes for their children. 3. The model has a mirror, a comb, a hairbrush and an alarm clock on the bureau. 4. The technician is installing an air conditioning unit in the window. 5. All the windows in the bedroom were going to have white curtains and blinds. 6. My parents keep a box of tissues near the bed because they are ill. 7. The pillowcase on the pillows, the sheet and the blanket are made of the same material. 8. During the winter, our bed is equipped with a blanket and a comforter to keep us warm. 9. My bed is comfortable because it has a headboard, a footboard, a box spring and a mattress. 10. The light switch was not close to the bed; that was an inconvenience. 11. The phone on the night table had a long cord so it reached the whole bedroom. 12. The rug on the floor was green, orange and purple. 13. All our underwear and sleepwear was going to be in the chest drawer. 14. The shower curtain in the bathroom had curtain rings that were hanging from the curtain rod. 15. There was always a shower cap, shampoo, soap, a sponge and conditioner in the shower. 16. The bathtub was going to be equipped with a bath mat and a stopper. 17. The medicine chest was going to contain all the common medicines you could buy over the counter. 18. The sink was going to have a separate water faucet for the hot and cold water. 19. There was a washcloth, a hand towel and a bath towel hanging from the towel rack. 20. The whole bathroom was going to be covered with tile. 21. The container where people were keeping the laundry was called hamper. 22. The toilet paper and the toilet brush were going to be near the toilet. 23. My parents were keeping a scale in the bathroom to keep control of their weight. 24. The hair dryer, the toothpaste and the toothbrush were going to be on the sink cabinet. 25. A stepladder was going to be a convenient tool to have in a utility room. 26. A feather duster was going to reach the corners in the ceiling. 27. A flash light was going to come in handy during rainy season. 28. My father was always going to keep a bunch of rags on hand in the utility room. 29. There was always a good supply of fuses for the circuit breaker. 30. A sponge mop was absorbing liquid spills quickly. 31. The broom was made of straw and the dustpan was made of plastic. 32. Ajax was the most popular cleanser in the market. 33. A good window cleaner wasnt going to smear glass. 34. The iron and ironing board that my mother was buying were heavy duty. 35. If there were children, you were going to need a plunger and a bucket near the toilet. 36. Our house was going to have wall-to-wall carpeting, so a vacuum cleaner was necessary. 37. All the pipes in our house were going to be made of PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride). 38. My mother wasnt using the dryer much because she prefers the clothesline. 39. My mother wasnt going to use clothespins because they wrinkle the clothes. 40. My father was telling my mother to use spray starch on shirt collar and cuffs. 41. There was a good stock of light bulbs on the shelf. 42. The roll of paper towels was on the bottom shelf. 43. My mother was keeping the laundry detergent, bleach and fabric softener on hand when she did the Laundry. 44. My brother was taking the laundry from the laundry basket and putting it in the washing machine. 45. We like to keep a mousetrap near the garbage can just in case. 11



PRCTICA UNIDAD II Where was I going to buy? What was I going to eat? What was I going to drink?

Competencias especficas a desarrollar (Objetivo (s) General (s) del Curso) Al final de esta unidad el alumno: Enfrenta las diversas necesidades que implica el aprendizaje de un segundo idioma. Identifica los objetos, empaquetados, envolturas y contenedores de los diversos productos y alimentos que normalmente se encuentran dentro de un supermercado. Distingue por nombre las diferentes secciones de un supermercado. Dialoga, formula y responde preguntas relacionadas con los temas en un tiempo especifico. Competencias Genricas a desarrollar en la unidad Capacidad de aprender y actualizarse permanentemente de acuerdo a habilidades personales, medios materiales, recursos y tiempo.

Criterios de evaluacin de la Unidad (Conceptuales, Procedimentales y Actitudinales) C - Repite correctamente la pronunciacin de las palabras. P - Aplica los conocimientos adquiridos con precisin. A - Colabora con sus compaeros en las actividades desarrolladas en binas, tros o equipos. Fundamento. Aunque was - were se puede traducir al espaol de cuatro diferentes formas (era, estaba, estuvo, fue), adems que tiene varias funciones y se aplica en modismos que en futuras unidades se vern, es importante recordar que como auxiliar del tiempo Pasado Continuo este solo puede ser traducido como estaba o estuvo, segn el sujeto, claro, seguido por el verbo en forma Participio Presente (terminacin ando endo en espaol o ing en ingls). Prctica II - 1 En esta unidad el alumno aprende a identificar el rea que comprende el interior y exterior de un supermercado en general Memorizar el vocabulario de las siguientes cuatro pginas y formar oraciones utilizando was-were como el verbo principal de la oracin.






1.3. Lectura. WHAT WAS EVERYONE DOING AT THE SUPERMARKET? Weekends are very busy days in the United States because people take advantage of these two days to prepare everything for the coming week. I was at the local supermarket with my family on Saturday, and everyone was buying their groceries for the week. My cousin Jim was at the deli buying some slices of cheese. My uncle, Tom, was by the freezer in the frozen food section, he was getting a turkey for dinner tonight. My Friend Henry was at the dairy products section, he was picking up a carton of milk, a container of yogurt and a tub of margarine. My sister-in-law was at the produce section, she was checking the fruits and vegetables for her salad; she is on a diet. My mother was carrying a shopping basket because she was selecting the loaves of bread. My aunt, Mary, was at the canned goods section. She was putting cans of tomato soup and tuna fish in the basket. Doctor Gonzalez was putting a six-pack of soda and a bottle of water in the shopping cart. Rose, the bank manager, was at the household items section getting a bottle of detergent, some bars of soap, a pump of liquid soap, a tube of toothpaste and a spray can of insecticide. Hector, the taxi driver, was loading the shopping cart with jars of peanut butter, mayonnaise and coffee. He was also buying a carton of eggs and a pack of cigarettes. The cashier was behind the checkout counter. She was getting the groceries from the conveyor belt and putting them in a bag. The customers were giving her the money and she was putting it in the cash register and handing them a receipt. Many people were coming in and going out of the supermarket. The security guard was at the entrance of the store, he was watching the TV monitors. He was making sure that the customers werent shop-lifting. The busboy was helping the customers with their shopping bags, and the parking lot attendant was guiding the drivers in and out of the parking spaces. I was enjoying my day at the supermarket because everyone was spending a lot of money doing their grocery shopping, and I was very happy because my parents were buying the stuff that I like. 2.4. Memorizar el vocabulario de las siguientes dos pginas. 18






2.5. Reading Exercise THE BUTCHER SHOP I work at the butcher shop around the corner from my house and this morning there were a lot of people in the store waiting in line, it was very long. Tomorrow is Independence Day, everyone is planning different activities, and in order to offer a better service, I was taking the orders of what they were going to buy, The jeweler was going to buy beef, ground beef, steak, stewing meat and roast because they were going to have a family reunion, its a large family and they dont eat pork meat. The police officer was going to get pork meat because they were going to have a picnic for the prisoners. Sausage, roast, chops, spare ribs, bacon and ham were on his list. The owner of the department store is always different, so he was going to include lamb meat in the menu for such special occasion. Legs and chops were his favorite. The get-together was for all his employees, including his manager, accountant, secretary, clerks, janitors, drivers and helpers. The general manager for the construction company does nt eat red meat, so he was writing on his list only poultry products. There was a large number of chicken, turkey and duck thighs, legs, breasts and wings. He is going to celebrate the holiday with all the company workers and contractors, including mechanics, engineers, electricians, bricklayers, welders, iron workers, locksmiths, security guards and stockholders. The hospital wants this day to be very special. It is serving its personnel sea food. The director says that the nurses and paramedics want lobster, doctors, dentists and optometrists want shrimp, the ambulance drivers want clams and oysters, and the housekeepers want crab. Some people are not going to spend time cooking; they are going to go to a nice family restaurant and have their favorite meal. All my relatives were going to go to the park, but my grandfather is not feeling well, we are going to buy fried chicken and go to our grandparents house and be with them. How about you? Where are you going to spend the next holiday? Are you going to be with your family, friends, classmates or co-workers? Whatever you decide to do, enjoy your day, and remember: if you drive, dont drink beverages which contain alcohol, and if you dont drive, well, dont drink anyway; it isnt good for you. ..\POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS\THE BUTCHER SHOP.pptx




2.6. Reading exercise. THE FAMILYS RESTAURANT IS A FAMILY RESTAURANT My family owns a restaurant on Main Street. The entire family works there, including some of our relatives. The place is open from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. My father is the chef. He cooks different meals; pork, beef or poultry, and on weekends, he also includes seafood. He enjoys his work. My mother is the waitress. She runs the restaurant. She is usually behind the counter. She checks the orders and receives the checks and money from the customers. My brother is the waiter. He waits on customers: He hands them the menu and takes the orders. He wears an apron and is always smiling. I am the busboy. I do the dirty work. I clean the tables and make sure that there is always ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, coffee, tea, salt, sugar and napkins on all the tables. I also serve the soft drinks, bring a high chair or straws when the customer asks for one, My oldest brother owns a bar next to the restaurant, he is the bartender and his wife the cocktail waitress. She carries the drinks on a tray. His brother-in-law is the host. The bar offers wine, tap beer, beer, liquor, When a customer orders champagne, the host uses a corkscrew to remove the cork. He also provides a lighter or a book of matches to those who smoke cigarettes or a pipe. They all wear bow ties. Some customers like to sit on a barstool at the bar, others prefer a table. Sometimes the customers there ask for food and I deliver it. While Im there, I place ashtrays and coasters on the tables. If you are ever in the neighborhood, I invite you to stop by and visit our restaurant, or if you wish, visit the bar and have a couple of cold ones. Tell them you are a friend of the busboy. 2.7. Procedimiento. Dialogo en grupo sobre las caractersticas de los restaurants y bares de la comunidad. 25



Prctica Unidad IV What were you going to buy and where were you going to eat?

Objetivo. Al trmino de la prctica, el alumno: 1. Reconoce las reglas y aplica correctamente los tiempos hasta ahora aprendidos en una Conversacin. 2. Describe los deportes, sus integrantes y responsabilidades durante un partido. 3. Expone en ingls frente a grupo con temas incluidos en esta prctica. 2.1. Estudiar el vocabulario de la siguiente pagina y estar preparado para describir su Contenido en los diferentes tiempos y usando un nombre propio y un parentesco.





1. My mothers goddaughter is tall because she eats spinach. 2. Your brothers friend is short because he doesnt like vegetables. 3. Alejandras father-in-law doesnt like asparagus. 4. Germans nephew eats a lot of lettuce. 5. Our sisters husband doesnt eat salad, so he is heavyset. 6. The mechanics son includes lettuce, tomato and celery in his salad, so he is thin. 7. The farmers daughter loves the broccoli and cauliflower that they grow in their orchard. 8. The waiters niece stays healthy because she enjoys artichokes and asparagus. 9. The police officers grandfather adds. 10. The doctors nurse is middle aged. 11. The hairdressers godmother is ugly. 12. My uncles godson is handsome. 13. Our aunts baby is cute. 14. Marias cousins wife is pretty. 15. Her son-in-laws wife is my beautiful daughter. 16. Johns sister-in-laws sister is attractive. 17. Their stepsisters mother is blonde. 18. The carpenters sister is a pretty brunette. 19. The seamstress granddaughter is dark-skinned. 20. The lawyers nephew is light-skinned. 21. The sweet fire-fighters relatives are Mexican. 22. The moody managers kin are American. 23. The lazy cobblers parents are European. 24. The seamstress granddaughter is a dark-skinned Panamanian. 25. The pleasant janitors mother is African. 26. The friendly secretarys father is Italian. 27. The rude tailors children are Cuban. 28. The ingenious hairdressers son is French. 29. The lazy mechanics daughter is German. 30. Mikes intelligent husbands grandparents are British. 31. My smart wifes grandfather is Brazilian 32. Our stubborn grandmothers son-in-law is Argentinean. 33. The ignorant busboys stepmother is Japanese. 34. Rubens cool grandsons father-in-law is Chinese. 35. The clumsy electricians granddaughter is Canadian. 36. The silly bellboys uncle is South American. 37. The bright operators aunt is Asian. 38. His kind nephews girlfriend is Canadian. 39. Her boring teachers niece is Portuguese. 40. Our brothers friendly fiance is Korean 41. The restaurant owners talented sister is Australian. 42. My cousins cheerful friend is Dominican. 43. Her husbands stupid barber is Irish. 31

44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

His sweet wifes sister-in law is a beautiful Swedish reporter. My handsome son-in-laws name is Alex. Marias young brother-in-law is an engineer. Mans best friends are a dog and money. My ugly father-in-laws pretty car is a Ferrari. The old house on the corner is my sisters I am Gods favorite child.






2.8. Reading DIFFERENT SPORTS FOR DIFFERENT FOLKS Do you worry about your physical condition? Do you exercise? Do you watch what you eat? If you dont, your health may be at risk. Life offers us a great variety of sports to suit our lifestyle. You can choose an individual sport or a team sport. You can do it for fun or if you are really interested, you can become a professional and earn lots of money. Baseball is a team sport. There are nine players on each team: three outfielders, four infielders, a catcher and a pitcher. It requires special equipment and gear, the players on the field use a glove to catch the ball, the pitcher throws the ball and the batter tries to hit it with a bat when it is on its way to the plate. The catcher is behind the plate to catch it in case the batter misses. Football soccer is another team sport. There are eleven players on the field for each team. The objective of the game is to score a goal on the opponents net. The game requires a soccer ball, and the players wear special shoes with spikes for a better grip on the grass field. Only the goalie can use the hands during the game, the rest must kick the ball. A third team sport is basketball. It is made up of five players, usually tall and strong. They shoot the ball to score as many points as possible in the basket of the opposite team. They must score at least one more point than the other team in order to win. If the score is tied by the end of regulation time, they go into overtime until one team wins. Some people prefer individual sports because you dont depend on the performance of others, there is no one to blame but yourself (and maybe your trainer) if things dont turn out as they should. One popular individual sport is tennis, which is played on a court and requires a net, a racket and a ball. Sometimes this sport can be played with two players on each side. Golf and bowling are sports that many people play because they dont require a particular physique; Tall, short, heavyset, slim, young or old. Any person who is willing can play them. Most people dont like boxing because they consider it brutal, but with todays extreme sports, maybe we can fit it in this category. If you like this sport, take it seriously. It requires a lot of training and discipline. Athletes who do not follow these rules usually end up in the hospital. Other sports can be played individually or in teams, in the water or on the dirt, on top of an animal or on wheels, with weapons or bare hands. As you can see, there is no reason not to practice a sport. It may not help you live longer, but you will stay younger looking and better looking for a long time. Just dont abuse it!








A third team sport is basketball. It is ____________(compuesto) of five players, usually _____(alto) and ________(fuerte). They _______(disparan) the ball ________(para anotar) _________(tantos) points _____________(como sea possible) in the basket of the opposite team. They _______(deben) score _________(al menos) one more point _______(que) the other team _________(para) to _______(ganar). If the ___________ (marcador) is __________(empatado) by the ________(final) of regulation time, they go into ____________(tiempo extra) _________(hasta que) one team wins. Some people prefer individual sports because you dont depend on the _____________(desempeo) of others, there is no one ___________(culpar) but __________(tu mismo) (and maybe your trainer) if things dont ___________(resultan) as they _________(deberan). One popular individual sport is tennis, which is played on a _________(cancha) and requires a _______(red), a __________(raqueta) and a ball. Sometimes this sport _______(puede) be played with two players on ________(cada) ________(lado). Golf and bowling are sports that many people play because they dont require a particular physique; Tall, short, heavyset, slim, young or old. _______(cualquier) person who is _________(dispuesto) can play them. _________(la mayora de) people dont like boxing because they consider it brutal, but with todays extreme sports, maybe we can __________(encajar) it in this category. If you like this sport, take it seriously. It requires __________(un montn) of training and discipline. Athletes who do not ______(siguen) these rules usually __________(terminan) in the hospital. Other sports can be played individually or in teams, in the water or on the _______(tierra), _______(arriba) of an animal or on ________(ruedas), with ________(armas) or ________(desnudas) hands. As you can see, there is no reason not to practice a sport. It _________(pueda que) not help you live __________(ms largo), but you _______(future) ___________(permanecer) younger looking and better looking for a long time. ________(solo) dont abuse it!



Prctica Unidad No.VI Some Days Are Great. Some Days Are Terrible

Objetivo. Al trmino de la prctica, el alumno: Planea ocasiones especiales y das festivos. 43

Reconoce los sentimientos del cuerpo aplicando los adjetivos debidamente. Habla de situaciones favorables y no favorables.

Fundamento. Contrario al espaol, donde los sentimientos corporales en veces se estn y en otras se tienen, en el idioma ingls todo lo referente al cuerpo se est. Por ejemplo: En espaol se tiene calor; en ingls se est caluroso En espaol se tiene frio; en ingls se est friolento En espaol se tiene hambre; en ingls se est hambriento. No es muy placentero al odo expresiones tales como: I have hot, I have hunger, I have cold. La forma correcta de decirlo es: I am hot, I am Hungry, I am cold. Por otro lado, en ambos idiomas se est triste, cmodo, nervioso, etc. Por lo tanto, a la hora de traducir, se debe tener en cuenta esta regla idiomtica, o de modismo. Procedimiento. En el siguiente encuadro, trata de escribir los sentimientos que se tienen en una columna y los que se estn en la otra. SE TIENEN TRADUCCIN SE ESTN TRADUCCIN

3.1. Memoriza el vocabulario de las siguientes dos pginas




3.4. Reading. SITUATIONS The following are situations from the previous two pages in which an adjective describes a feeling of the person or people involved. The tourist was hot and thirsty because he was walking across the desert. At night he was very sleepy, and by morning he was cold and hungry, almost starving. Moments later, he was in a restaurant eating pan cakes and eggs and drinking a hot chocolate. Now he was full and ready to continue his journey. The people on flight 247, from Los Angeles to Mexico City, were experiencing different feelings. The man sitting at the window was short and thin, so he was very comfortable on his seat. The man sitting in the middle was tall and heavyset. He was very furious and uncomfortable. The man sitting on the seat by the aisle was disgusted because the food he was eating was really bad. The man sitting on the other side of the aisle was listening to music, so he was calm and overjoyed, but the lady sitting next to him was terrified and very nervous, it was her first time on an airplane. When the little girl gets home, she is in pain. Her mother is worried because her daughter is sick, so she gives her some pills and the girl feels well the next day; her mom is relieved. Robert is hurt because his girlfriend doesnt accept the engagement ring. Now he feels lonely. Suddenly, a beautiful woman appears in his life. That lucky man is overjoyed now that he is in love. Henry is sad and homesick because his family isnt with him, but they are going to be very proud of him now that he is a captain. Sammy and Tony were excited because they were going to ride on the wheel of fortune at the amusement park. Sammy was embarrassed because he was scared and his younger brother wasnt and was making fun of him. John is bored because he is working on his math homework. He is confused and frustrated; he doesnt understand the equations. The store manager is angry because Sandra is late for work. Now she is sitting at her desk feeling upset and humiliated. When Joes wife was at the hospital giving birth, he was overjoyed because he was going to be a father, but he was surprised when the nurse told him they were twins. They are very happy but very tired because they dont get much sleep at night. 3.5. Procedimiento. En grupo, platicar sobre situaciones en la vida cotidiana donde se presentan estos tipos de situaciones.




Prctica Unidad No. VII The body and its ailments

Objetivo. Al trmino de la prctica, el alumno: 1. Reconoce las partes del cuerpo y su ubicacin dentro de este. 2. Ubica los dolores y malestares de un ser humano. 3. Distingue los diferentes tipos de medicamentos comunes. 3.1. Fundamento. La Prosodia es la parte de la gramtica que ensea la recta pronunciacin y acentuacin de las palabras. Es imperativo que esta se lleve a cabo en todo momento, y as evitar una mala interpretacin de una palabra o contexto. El Sintaxis es la parte de la gramtica que ensea a coordinar y unir las palabras para formar las oraciones y expresar conceptos. Es de igual importancia que se practique esta regla para que el idioma sea tcnico y no lirico. La Morfologa es la parte de la gramtica que se ocupa de la estructura de las palabras. El siguiente poema da una clara idea de por qu son tan importantes de aplicar estas partes de la gramtica al idioma Ingls. When its English that we speak, Why is steak not rhymed with weak? And couldnt you please tell me how Cow and now can rhyme with bough? I simply cant imagine why High and eye sound like buy. We have food, and blood and wood, And yet we rhyme should and good. Bead is different from head, But we say red, bread and said. Gone will never rhyme with one Nor home and dome with some and come.

Nose and lose look much alike. So why not fight and height and bite? Dove and dove look quite the same But not at all like rain, rein, and reign Shoe just doesnt sound like toe, And all for reasons I dont know, For all these words just prove to me That sounds and letters disagree.

3.2. Procedimiento. 49

Memorizar las siguientes 72 palabras de vocabulario usando la dinmica que el asesor indique.


3.2.1. Escribir en la libreta y memorizar las palabras de vocabulario subrayadas extradas de la siguiente lectura El asesor proporcionar su significado. 51

3.3. Reading. SUSANS UNISEX HEALTH SPA AND BEAUTY SALON HI, my name is Maria. I work at Susans Unisex Health Spa and Beauty Salon. It is located in the center of town. People come here for many reasons, but mainly because they want to look and feel their best. We work on every part of the body, from head to toes. Susan is the face specialist. She plucks and trims unwanted hair from womens eyebrows, mustache, sideburns and even nose hair. She curls eyelashes, and when she puts eyeliner and shadow on the eyelid, she tries to enhance the color of the iris and pupil. Women like the way she outlines the mouth area depending on the size of the lips and chin, and the make-up hides or brings out the cheekbone and jaw. She also does a good job covering wrinkles on the forehead and rings under the eyes. Armand is the hairdresser. He cuts and fixes hair exactly the way the customer wants it. He is very good at outlining beards and goatees, and when men or women want the hair removed from their armpits, arms, forearms, chest, back or legs, he does it with wax or tape. Alexia is in charge of manicure and pedicure. She trims and repairs toenails and fingernails. She also softens the rough skin on the elbows, knees, knuckles and heels. Dr. Wilson, Susans husband, is the health advisor. He recommends what food to eat and what exercises to perform in order to maintain the internal organs healthy. He says that alcohol damages the brain, liver, pancreas, kidneys and bladder. He argues that smoking ruins your lungs, throat, windpipe and esophagus. He believes that junk food causes your stomach, intestines and gull bladder to malfunction. He Thinks aerobics or spinning can maintain the heart, arteries and veins in good condition. Muhammad is whom you want to see if you want an enviable body. He can help you develop the muscles in your shoulders, chest, stomach, thighs, calves and neck. He knows that a strong back keeps the spinal cord complete and in its place. And last but not least, I am the person who does the cleaning around here; yes, the janitor. I enjoy my job because I am always looking at all those beautiful women and good looking men with great bodies walking in and out of this building. Next time you are in the neighborhood, stop by, I can give you a tour of the place and maybe you decide to join the club. It is not cheap, but it is worth every cent you pay. 3.3. Procedimiento. Despus de practicar las veces que sea necesario, la lectura anterior deber ser leda en voz alta, con un mnimo de faltas prosdicas, en un tiempo mximo de 2 minutos con 45 segundos. 3.3.1. Memorizar el vocabulario de las siguientes tres pginas.



3.3.2. Leer y observar las acciones que se estn llevando a cabo en cada una de las 53

ilustraciones de la pgina anterior (35). 1 7. The x-ray indicates that the girl has a broken bone. The nurse brings a wheelchair because the girl has a sling on her right arm, a band-aid on the left one and a cast on her right leg. She is sitting on the examining table, she is going to try and walk with the crutch first. The clock shows that its two oclock. 8 12. Two attendants are carrying an old man. They are laying him on the examining table. The doctor is holding a stethoscope in one hand and a chart in the other. When the doctor finishes examining him, the attendants are going to put him on a stretcher and take him to a room for his recovery. 13 18. The oral hygienist is holding the instruments while the dentist gives the patient a basin and makes sure that the drill and the pedal are working properly. 19 27. The nurse is holding the patient while the doctor uses a needle to sew stitches on his head. He uses a cotton ball with alcohol to disinfect the cut, and then he is going to place a gauze pad and a bandage around the patients head. When he finishes, he is going to use a syringe to inject an anasthetic in the little boys arm. 3.3.3. Responder las preguntas relacionadas con las pginas siguientes (56 y 57), segn el nmero del dibujo. 1. What does the boy have on his arm? 2. What does the thermometer indicate about the patient? 3. What does the little boy have on his forearm? 4. Why is the man in bed and covered with a blanket? 5. What is wrong with the girl? 6. Why is the man holding his head? 7. Why is the man suffering? 8. What does the woman have? 9. Why is the woman grabbing her jaw? 10. What is the nurse checking on the man? 11. Why is the girls nose red? 12. Why does the doctor have a tongue depressor in the patients mouth? 13. Why does the patients ankle require a stretch bandage? 14. What does the knee have? 15. What does the x-ray show? 16. What does the woman have on her finger? What finger is it? 17. What does this man have on his knee? 18. What is the little boy going to get if he touches the hot iron? 1. Describe the scenario in this picture. 2. Why do you think that the woman is lying on the hospital bed? 3. Why does this girl have a heating pad under her? 4. When do people use ice packs? 5-10. Describe a situation where people use these medicines.






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