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Plantas que actan predominantemente sobre la ENERGA

Leuzea Carthamoides
Hace varios siglos, en una remota e inaccesible regin montaosa del sur de Siberia, los mdicos primitivos descubrieron una raz que aumentaba la longevidad y energa, a la que llamaron "raz del Maral", debido a que una variedad de venado local -el Maral- desenterraba e ingera estas races durante la poca de apareamiento, cuando los machos pelean entre s para obtener el control de la manada y de las hembras en celo, para reponer sus gastadas energas. A raz de ello, comenzaron a utilizar la planta para incrementar su potencial energtico y retardar el envejecimiento, elevando el promedio de vida en la zona a 100 aos. Estos mdicos primitivos emplearon el extracto de la raz del Maral contra el cansancio fsico, luego de enfermedades agotadoras, para contrarrestar la debilidad senil y la disminucin de las funciones sexuales. Sin embargo, solo unas pocas Personas conocan los lugares donde crece la planta y este conocimiento fue pasado de una generacin otra.

En el ao de 1942, en plena Segunda Guerra Mundial, Rusia necesit medicamentos que contribuyeran a curar las heridas y restauraran la energa perdida de sus soldados, por lo que enviaron expediciones cientficas a Siberia, donde circulaban rumores acerca de la existencia de plantas con potencial curativo. Estas expediciones encontraron a la raz del Maral (Leuzea carthamoides, llamada tambin Rhaponticum carthamoides) en los bosques montaosos y praderas de un territorio limitado en la remota regin de Altay, Kusnetzki Ala-Tau y Sayani. Dieron a conocer la descripcin botnica detallada de la planta y enviaron los primeros fardos con races de Leuzea a diversos centros de investigacin de la Unin Sovitica, para su estudio cientfico. Luego de extensos estudios secretos, el ejrcito sovitico incluy los extractos de Leuzea en su arsenal de medicamentos para el campo de batalla, con el objeto de acortar el tiempo de reaccin de los soldados bajo la presin del combate. Despus de la guerra continuaron las investigaciones, y en 1965 se aisl el principal principio activo de la planta, la Ecdisterona. El extracto de Leuzea se convirti en favorito de los polticos del Kremlin y se utiliz en el programa espacial sovitico. Debido a las aplicaciones militares de estas investigaciones, la mayora de los resultados fueron considerados secreto militar y no se publicaron en las revistas cientficas. Aos ms tarde, un selecto grupo de mdicos y bioqumicos del Centro Anti-Dopping del Comit Olmpico Ruso, descubri que la Leuzea carthamoides aumenta en gran forma la sntesis proteica. Con la cada del muro de Berln en 1989 y la apertura de la medicina sovitica al resto del mundo, el conocimiento de las propiedades de esta planta fue del dominio cientfico internacional. En 1995, luego de numerosos estudios en atletas rusos, el extracto de Leuzea se convirti en el adaptgeno oficial del equipo olmpico sovitico. Desde 1984, la Leuzea carthamoides est incluida en la Farmacopea Rusa y forma parte del arsenal

teraputico sovitico. En vista de su limitada rea de distribucin y a las dificultades para su cultivo y regeneracin, esta planta es considerada como una especie rara y en peligro de extincin, por lo que el gobierno de Rusia ha limitado su exportacin fuera de ese pas.

Principios activos
Las races de Leuzea carthamoides contienen una variedad de compuestos fisiolgicamente activos. Son especialmente ricas en flavonoides (kaempferol) y lignanos de gran potencia antioxidante y estimulante en general. Tambin contienen cidos orgnicos que afectan procesos metablicos especficos como, por ejemplo, el cido tartrico, que reduce la conversin de carbohidratos a grasas. Estudios farmacolgicos y bioqumicos han demostrado que 3 compuestos esteroideos, aislados por cromatografa, muestran la mayor actividad estimulante. Dos de estos compuestos han sido identificados con la ayuda de la espectrometra de masa y resonancia nuclear magntica. Estos compuestos son la Ecdisterona , la Inocosterona y la dehydroamarasterona B. Estas dos sustancias pertenecen a la categora de esteroles polihidroxilados del grupo de las ecdisonas y son los responsables de la actividad anablica de la planta.

Aunque los componentes individuales de la Leuzea muestran gran actividad farmacolgica, diversos estudios han demostrado que el uso de todos los componentes de la planta ofrece un efecto sinergstico mayor que la suma de la sus compuestos individuales.

Propiedades de la Leuzea carthamoides:

Induce la sntesis proteica. Posee actividad anablica, activando la sntesis proteica, especialmente en los tejidos musculares, por lo tanto, aumenta la masa muscular. Adems, estimula la sntesis del ARN (cido ribonucleico) en las clulas hepticas. La sntesis proteica resulta de especial importancia durante los perodos de estrs como, por ejemplo, las intervenciones quirrgicas, pero tambin en las fases catablicas de la vida, como durante el envejecimiento. La Ecdisterona activa el anabolismo, retarda el catabolismo proteico y puede detenerlo parcialmente. Activa la sntesis de los siguientes catalizadores bioqumicos: - Enzimas que participan en los procesos de generacin energtica celular: glucosa deshidrogenasa, fosfatasa cida, glutarato decarboxilasa, malato deshidrogenasa, succinato deshidrogenasa. - Una enzima responsable de la sntesis del cido gama-amino-butrico (GABA) un neurotransmisor inhibitorio cerebral: la glutamato decarboxilasa. - Una enzima que participa en el metabolismo de la tirosina y adrenalina: la dopa-decarboxilasa - Una enzima que participa en la regulacin de los impulsos nerviosos en el sistema colinrgico: la acetilcolin-esterasa cerebral - Un sistema enzimtico que participa en la fosforilacin de las protenas: el sistema de la AMP-cclicoprotenquinasa.

Antioxidante La Ecdisterona, lignanos y flavonoides de Leuzea ofrecen un efecto protector contra las toxinas que producen dao a la cromatina del ncleo celular, como resultado de las reacciones de los radicales libres en las clulas hepticas, por lo tanto contribuyen a la eliminacin de radicales libres. Adems, induce la sntesis de la catalasa, que interviene en la eliminacin del perxido de hidrgeno que se produce en exceso como resultado del estrs oxidativo.

Antianmico Estimula la sntesis de hemoglobina y la eritropoiesis, logrando una rpida regeneracin eritrocitaria. Mejora la circulacin sangunea muscular y cerebral, antes, durante y despus de los esfuerzos fsicos y durante la reaccin de estrs. Fortalece el sistema inmune Incrementa la resistencia inespecfica al estrs, mejorando la inmunidad celular y humoral inespecficas. Por

ello, contribuye a prevenir la gripe y otras infecciones virales comunes. Previene el desarrollo de hipoglicemia durante los perodos de estrs Regula el eje adreno-corticotrpico Cuando la secrecin hormonal suprarrenal se encuentra disminuida, debido a la sobre-estimulacin crnica que ejerce el estrs de larga evolucin como ocurre en la condicin de agotamiento, la insuficiencia de estas hormonas puede ser suplida por la ecdisterona. Este principio activo no es un esteroide, es una fitohormona que puede ser calificada como precursor esteroideo. El organismo no prefiere ni reconoce este precursor, cuando sus hormonas endgenas estn presentes, pero, ante su disminucin o ausencia, lo puede utilizar de forma similar. Por ejemplo, durante el ejercicio fsico extremo, los niveles de testosterona disminuyen en gran forma. La ecdisterona se convierte en un sustituto efectivo, ofreciendo una actividad anablica similar a la de la testosterona mejorando la capacidad de adaptacin al estrs. Mejora la contractilidad miocrdica y disminuye las arritmias Incrementa la resistencia a la falta de oxigenacin Sistema Nervioso Contribuye a mejorar los trastornos del sueo, depresin, astenia, eficiencia mental, disminuye la fatiga mejorando la concentracin mental y el tiempo de reaccin neurolgica, al mismo tiempo que restaura la capacidad de trabajo mental. Sistema reproductor En los hombres, aumenta los niveles de testosterona, la viabilidad y movilidad de los espermatozoides y el inters sexual. En las mujeres, contribuye a evitar la amenorrea por estrs o entrenamiento atltico. El mecanismo de accin de la Ecdisterona probablemente es similar al de las hormonas esteroideas humanas, sin sus efectos secundarios.

Medicina Sistmica y Leuzea carthamoides

Se recomiendan 400 a 600 mg diarios con el desayuno, por tiempo prolongado, especialmente si el estado de salud no es satisfactorio o la persona se encuentra bajo influencia del estrs fsico o emocional. Se recomienda su uso continuo por lo menos un mes antes y despus de toda hospitalizacin o intervencin quirrgica. Los resultados se aprecian luego de 1 a 2 semanas de uso continuo.

Hipersensibilidad a alguno de sus componentes. Hipertensin arterial incontrolada o enfermedades cardiovasculares severas. No debe ser administrado durante el embarazo o cuando se sospeche su existencia.

No suministrar a nios.

Reacciones adversas:
Uno de los ms importantes aspectos de Leuzea es su carencia total de toxicidad, incluso cuando se utiliza por perodos prolongados. Considerando que miles de personas han utilizado esta frmula, es sorprendente la ausencia de reportes sobre molestias gastrointestinales, diarrea o reacciones alrgicas. El seguimiento a largo plazo no ha demostrado ningn efecto secundario adverso. A pesar de su efecto anablico, no interfiere con el balance de los andrgenos y no causa los signos de androgenizacin que se observan con los anablicos sintticos. La toxicidad debida a la sobredosis de Leuzea es prcticamente desconocida. La presin arterial, parmetros hemticos o hepticos no se modifican con su uso. Algunas personas pueden experimentar insomnio, en cuyo caso la dosis puede ser reducida.

1: Di Yi Jun Yi Da Xue Xue Bao. 2003 Nov;23(11):1219-21. [Protective effect of ecdysterone against sodium arsenite-induced endothelial cell apoptosis] Wu X, Wang WJ. Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Nanfang Hospital , First Military Medical University , Guangzhou 510515, China . OBJECTIVE: To study whether ecdysterone (EDS) inhibits apoptosis of endothelial cells. METHODS: In the model of sodium arsenite (Ars)-induced endothelial cell apoptosis, the effect of EDS at varied dosages (50, 200, 800 mg/L) on cell apoptosis was observed by measuring the number of apoptotic endothelial cells, intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and the oxidative state (OS). RESULTS: Ars at the dosages of 40, 80, 160 mmol/L was capable of causing an increase in the number of apoptotic endothelial cells in vitro, and 160 mmol/L Ars exhibited the strongest effect. EDS was shown to exert influence on the apoptosis-inducing effect of Ars, which decreased the apoptotic cell number at the dosage of 50 and 200 mg/L, but a contrary effect occurred while at the dosage of 800 mg/L. Meanwhile EDS (50, 200 mg/L) inhibited the increase of ICAM-1 expression in the endothelial cells in response to Ars, but failed to significantly elevate the low OS induced by Ars (P>0.05). CONCLUSION: Ars induces endothelial cell apoptosis dose-dependently, and in a similar manner, EDS produces influence on the apoptosis-inducing action of Ars. EDS (50, 200 mg/L) may decrease the apoptotic endothelial cell number and lower the Ars-induced increase of ICAM-1 expression, demonstrating its protective effect on the endothelial cells against apoptosis.

2: Fitoterapia. 2003 Apr;74(3):288-90. Antifungal activity of a thiophene polyine from Leuzea carthamoides. Chobot V, Buchta V, Jahodarova H. Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Ecology, Charles University , Faculty of Pharmacy, Heyrovskeho 1203, Hradec Kralove 500 05, Czech Republic .

The thiophene polyine (E)-2-[5-(hept-5-en-1,3-diynyl)-thien-2-yl]-ethan-1,2-diol was isolated from an ethanolic extract of underground parts of Leuzea carthamoides. The thiophene polyine demonstrated significant antifungal activity against all tested species.

3: J Ethnopharmacol. 2002 Sep;82(1):51-3. Screening of some Siberian medicinal plants for antimicrobial activity. Kokoska L, Polesny Z, Rada V. Department of Tropical and Subtropical Crops, Czech University of Agriculture, Kamycka 129, Prague 6-Suchdol, Czech Republic.

The antimicrobial activity of crude ethanolic extracts of 16 Siberian medicinal plants was tested against five species of microorganisms: Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans. Of the 16 plants tested, 12 showed antimicrobial activity against one or more species of microorganisms. The most active antimicrobial plants were Bergenia crassifolia, Chelidonium majus, Rhaponticum carthamoides , Sanguisorba officinalis, and Tussilago farfara.

4: Med Parazitol (Mosk). 2002 Jan-Mar;(1):29-33. [Ecdysten in the treatment of giardiasis] Osipova SO, Islamova ZhI, Syrov VN, Badalova NS , Khushbaktova ZA.

The drug ecdisten as tablets is the natural compound ecdisteron was extracted from Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Jljin. Ecdisten was tested in the treatment of 32 and 3 patients with persistent and acute giardiasis, respectively. A ten-day course of ecdisten, 5 mg 3 or 4 times a day, resulted in a clinical and parasitological recovery in 22 (68.7%) and 3 patients, respectively. After the reuse of a ecdisten course in 4 patients with persistent giardiasis wherein its initial dose was increased, recovery was achieved in 3 cases, the efficacy of the agent was 78.1%. Ecdisten should be used to treat giardiasis, in its chronic pattern or resistance to conventional giardicial agents . Publication Types: Case Reports Clinical Trial

5: Eksp Klin Farmakol. 2001 Nov-Dec;64(6):45-7. [Effect of Rhaponticum carthamoides extract on hemorheological properties of blood in rats with arterial hypertension] Plotnikov MB , Aliev OI, Vasil'ev AS . Laboratory of Circulatory, Tomsk Institute of Pharmacology, Tomsk Scientific Center, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Tomsk, Russia.

The hemorheological activity of a dry extract from Rhaponticum (Leuzea) carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin. was studied in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs). A 14-day treatment of the test rats with a daily dose of 150 mg/kg improved the rheological characteristics, as manifested by a reduced viscosity of the whole blood and plasma, increased spontaneous erythrocyte aggregation and fibrinogen concentration, and increased erythrocyte deformability and electrophoretic mobility against the untreated control level.

6: Zhonghua Shao Shang Za Zhi. 2001 Feb;17(1):39-41. [The effects of ecdysterone on the apoptosis and necrosis of cultured HUVEC induced by endotoxin] Shi F, Zhang J, Zhang M. Institute of Burn Research, Southwestern Hospital, The Third Military Medical University , Chongqing P.R. China. OBJECTIVE: To study the protective effects of ecdysterone (EDS) on the apoptosis and necrosis of cultured HUVEC induced by endotoxin. METHODS: HUVEC was cultured in vitro. Apoptosis and necrosis of HUVEC were induced by LPS, and EDS was added in test specimen. Apoptosis was determined by means of flow cytometry and fluorescent microscopy. RESULTS: There was relatively less number of apoptosis and necrosis of in vitro cultured normal HUVEC than that after LPS stimulation, whereas apoptosis dominated over necrosis. After EDS was added to the culture of HUVEC, cell apoptosis and necrosis decreased simultaneously. CONCLUSION: EDS might exert protective effects on cultured HUVEC against apoptosis and necrosis induced by LPS.

7: Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2001;15(19):1796-801. Study of excretion of ecdysterone in human urine. Tsits impikou C, Tsamis GD, Siskos PA. Doping Control Laboratory of Athens , Olympic Athletic Center of Athens , Maroussi, Greee.

A study of excretion in human urine of ecdysterone, which is the active component of several over-thecounter supplements such as "Ecdysten", reportedly used by athletes, is presented. The study was performed after oral administration of 20 mg of ecdysterone. The collected urine samples were prepared using the standard screening extraction procedure for the free and conjugated fraction of anabolic steroids, and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) coupled with quadrupole mass spectrometry (MS) and also with high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS). Two ecdysterone metabolites were identified and detected along with unchanged ecdysterone. Accurate mass measurements were made for diagnostic ions, including the molecular ion of the main metabolite of ecdysterone, deoxyecdysone , which, to our knowledge, has not previously been reported in the literature. These accurate mass measurements support the proposed fragmentation scheme.

8: Phytother Res. 1999 Jun;13(4):275-91. Adaptogenic properties of six rasayana herbs used in Ayurvedic medicine. Rege NN, Thatte UM, Dahanukar SA. Ayurveda Research Centre, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Seth GS Medical College, Mumbai , India .

Plants from all over the world such as Eleutherococcus senticosus, Panax ginseng, Raponticum carthamoides , Rhodiola rosea, Withania somnifera and Ocimum sanctum have been extensively evaluated for their adaptogenic potential. However, none of them has been successfully introduced as an adaptogen in the clinic. This paper discusses some of the problems in evaluation of adaptogens which have precluded their inclusion as clinically useful drugs. We further discuss our results with six rasayana plants from Ayurveda, which were studied for their adaptogenic potential. The whole, aqueous, standardized extracts of selected plants (Tinospora cordifolia, Asparagus racemosus, Emblica officinalis, Withania somnifera, Piper longum and Terminalia chebula) were administered orally to experimental animals, in a dose extrapolated from the human dose, following which they were exposed to a variety of biological, physical and chemical stressors. These plants were found to offer protection against these stressors , as judged by using markers of stress responses and objective parameters for stress manifestations. Using a model of cisplatin induced alterations in gastrointestinal motility, the ability of these plants to exert a normalizing effect, irrespective of direction of pathological change was tested. All the plants reversed the

effects of cisplatin on gastric emptying , while Tinospora cordifolia and Asparagus racemosus also normalized cisplatin induced intestinal hypermotility. Tinospora cordifolia was also tested for its ability to modulate the changes occurring in the phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages after exposure of rats to either carbon tetrachloride or horse serum. It was found to normalize the phagocytic function irrespective to the direction of change, complying to the definition of an adaptogen. All the plant drugs were found to be safe in both acute and subacute toxicity studies. Studies on the mechanisms of action of the plants revealed that they all produced immunostimulation. The protection offered by Tinospora cordifolia against stress induced gastric mucosal damage was lost if macrophage activity was blocked. Emblica officinalis strengthened the defence mechanisms against free radical damage induced during stress. The effect of Emblica officinalis appeared to depend on the ability of target tissues to synthesize prostaglandins. Recent data obtained with Tinospora cordifolia suggest that it may induce genotypic adaptation, further opening the arena for more research and experimentation. Publication Types: Review Review, Tutorial

9: Eksp Klin Farmakol. 1998 Nov-Dec;61(6):31-5. [The search for new anti-ulcer agents from plants in Siberia and the Far East ] Amosova EN, Zueva EP, Razina TG. Institute of Pharmacology , Tomsk Research Center , Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Russia .

Screening tests on mice with the use of a model of neurogenic damage to the stomach revealed antiulcerative activity in extracts of Amoor cork tree, Pacific Bergenia, Lespedeza dichromatic, Leuzea carthamoides , sea-buckthorn, common aspen, Manchurian nuts, Serratula coronarius, and Scutellaria baicalensis. It was proved that an extract of aspen cork produces a marked antiulcerative effect on being administered to animals with "acute" ulcers and in treatment of chronic peptic ulcer. The study of various drug forms of Serratula coronarius extracts (prepared from the bark and the bark and shoots) in experiments on mice (neurogenic ulcer) and rats (Aspirin ulcer) revealed the most marked gastroprotective effect of oil extracts of bark and shoots. A high antiulcerogenic activity of extracts prepared from grass and roots of Scutellaria baicalensis was demonstrated.

10: Ceska Slov Farm. 1997 Dec;46(6):247-55. [Phytotherapeutic aspects of diseases of the circulatory system. 6. Leuzea carthamoides (WILLD.) DC: the status of research and possible use of the taxon] Opletal L, Sovova M, Dittrich M. Farmaceuticka fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Hradec Kralove . Leuzea carthamoides (WILLD.) DC., Asteraceae, has become an important taxon usable in human practice and animal production in recent years. Originally an endemic plant of southern Siberia , now it is widely grown not only in the Union of Independent States, once the original region of introduction, but also in central and eastern Europe. The principal constituents of the whole plant are ecdysteroids (5 beta-cholest6-on-7-ene derivatives) and flavonoids. In addition, the aerial part contains sesquiterpenic lactones of the guajanolide type, and the roots contain polyines (on the thiophene base). The present paper comprehensively discusses the occurrence, content and biological activity of these substances, the preparations manufactured from the plant, their use in therapeutic practice, food manufacture and animal production in the world and the Czech Republic . The plant has certainly become a taxon with prospects in the Czech Republic , particularly as the source of 20-hydroxyecdysone, which is getting into the limelight in the world. Publication Types: Review Review, Tutorial

11: Eksp Klin Farmakol. 1997 May-Jun;60(3):41-4. [The results of experimental study of phytoecdysteroids as erythropoiesis stimulators in laboratory animals] Syrov VN, Nasyrova SS, Khushbaktova ZA.

Phytoecdysteroids alpha-ecdysone, 2-desoxyecdysterone, ecdysterone, sileneoside A, and turkesterone isolated from Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) IIjin, Silene brahuica Boiss and Ajuga turkestanica (Rgl.) Repeated administration of brig increased the content of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood of intact rats. The most active of them--ecdysterone , sileneoside A, and, particularly turkesterone, cause also a marked effect on red blood regeneration in hemotoxic phenylhydrazine anemia. In its capacity for simulating erythropoiesis turkesterone resembles the well-known steroidal anabolic drug nerobol.

12: Experientia (Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (CMLS). 1996 Jul 15;52(7):702-6. Insect hormones in vertebrates: anabolic effects of 20hydroxyecdysone in Japanese quail. Slama K, Koudela K, Tenora J. Institute of Entomology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Praha, Czech Republic.

Ecdysteroids are hormones controlling cell proliferation, growth and the developmental cycles of insects and other invertebrates. They are occasionally present in various unrelated plants for no apparent reason; no phytohormonal function has yet been identified. In certain cases, ecdysteroids are accumulated to high levels in leaves, roots or seeds. Some ecdysteroid-containing plants have been known as medicinal plants for centuries. One of them, Leuzea carthamoides Iljin (Asteraceae), growing in Central Asia , contains 0.4% ecdysteroid in dry roots and 2% in seeds. A pharmacological preparation from this plant, "Ecdisten', is already available as a commercial preparation for its anabolic, tonic and other effects, for medical use (review). It remained problematic, however, whether ecdysteroids were truly responsible for these effects, because Leuzea contains a number of other biologically active compounds in addition to ecdysteroids. We extracted and purified ecdysteroids from the seeds of Leuzea. With 6 g of 96% 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), we made a large-scale feeding assay with Japanese quail to find out whether ecdysteroid alone could duplicate the anabolic effects of the seeds. We found that the 96% ecdysteroid increased the mass of the developing quails in a dose-dependent manner, with the rate of increase proportional to the ecdysteroid content in the seeds; there was a 115% increase in living mass with 100 mg kg-1 of pure 20E compared with 109.5% increase with 100-180 mg kg-1 20E equivalents in the seeds. We conclude that the plethora of growth-promoting, vitamin-like effects induced in vertebrates by Leuzea is mediated by ecdysteroids.

13: Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 1995;95(4):78-9. [The use of a decoction of the rhizome of Leuzea carthamoides for the treatment of alcoholics with depressive states] Ibatov AN. Decoction of Leuzea carthamoides rhizome was prescribed inside (half glass, 4-5 times a day during 2 months). The group of 37 patients was treated in ambulant clinic. From 28 patients who completed the treatment the remission which protracted up to 2 years was observed in 9 individuals, up to 1 year--in 11 and up to 6 months--in 8 persons. Decoction promoted correction not only depressive manifestations but also gastrointestinal diseases in some somatic patients. For alcoholic patients author recommends to use Leuzea carthamoides in combination with the another methods of therapy of alcoholism. Patients beard decoction administration well and hadn't suffered from any


14: Vopr Onkol. 1992;38(9):1073-80. [The inhibiting effect of phytoadaptogenic preparations from bioginseng, Eleutherococcus senticosus and Rhaponticum carthamoides on the development of nervous system tumors in rats induced by N-nitrosoethylurea] Bespalov VG, Aleksandrov VA, Iaremenko KV.

The study was concerned with the inhibitory effect of officinal preparations of phytoadaptogenic drugs such as bioginseng and Eleutherococcus senticosus and Rhaponticum carthamoides root extracts on the carcinogenesis induced by transplacental administration of N-nitrosoethylurea. The phytodrugs were given orally over a year. The administration of the drugs was followed by longer survival of the rats and lower occurrence and/or multiplicity of tumors (mainly those of the central nervous system). The drugs were placed in the order of decreasing anticarcinogenic activity as follows: bioginseng, Rhaponticum carthamoides extract and Eleutherococcus senticosus extract.

15: Acta Physiol Pharmacol Bulg. 1987;13(3):37-42. Effects of extract from Rhapontcum carthamoides (Willd) Iljin (Leuzea) on learning and memory in rats. Mosharrof AH. Institute of Physiology , Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The effects of extract from Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd) Ijin (Leuzea) on the processes of learning and memory in rats were investigated. R. carthamoides was administered orally in doses of 0.25, 0.5 and 2.5 g/kg body weight for 10 days prior to the training session. Using the maze-training method of active avoidance with punitive reinforcement, R. carthamoides improved the learning and memory indices to one degree or another depending on the dose applied. Using the "staircase-maze" method of training with food reinforcement, the low dose of R. carthamoides had no effect, while the high dose deteriorated learning. Using the method of step-through passive avoidance with punitive reinforcement, all three doses of R. carthamoides did not affect substantially the memory indices. R. carthamoides in a dose of 0.5 g/kg, administered orally for 10 days prior to the training, completely eliminated the scopolamine-induced memory impairment.

16: Farmakol Toksikol. 1976 Nov-Dec;39(6):690-3. [Anabolic activity of phytoecdysone-ecdysterone isolated from Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin] Syrov VN, Kurmukov AG.

Introduction of phytiexdizone-exdisterone (0.5 mg/100 g) to rats for 7 days is shown to be attended by an accelerated body weight gain and also by a rising weight of the liver, heart, kidneys and musculus tibialis anterior. In these organs the total amount of protein increases. All of the above-stated changes are more marked when the substance is given to growing rats (70-- 80 g ). In experiments on castrated sexually immature rats the androgenic action of exdisterone, unlike that of methandrostenolone, is not demonstrable.

17: J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2002 Apr 25;770(12):291-5. High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis and separation of N-feruloylserotonin isomers. Pavlik M, Laudova V, Gruner K. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague.

The N-feruloylserotonin containing fraction was isolated from seeds of Leuzea carthamoides (Willd.) DC by solvent extraction followed by column chromatography on silica gel or on Sephadex LH-20. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic analysis of the isolated fraction showed the presence of four structurally related compounds. These compounds were identified as four isomers of N-feruloylserotonin: N-(Z)feruloylserotonin, N-(Z)-isoferuloylserotonin, N-(E)-feruloylserotonin and N-(E)-isoferuloylserotonin. They were analyzed by HPLC on Separon SGX C18, Separon SGX and Separon SGX phenyl, using various mobile phases. Separon SGX phenyl phase was found the most efficient for a rapid analysis and for the final separation of the N-feruloylserotonin isomers.

18: Fitoterapia. 2001 Dec;72(8):940-2. Two flavonol 5-O-glycosides from the roots of Leuzea carthamoides. Sharaf M, Skiba A, Weglarz Z. Phytochemistry and Plant Systematics Department, National Research Centre, Dokki-12311, Cairo , Egypt .

Two new flavonoids, identified as quercetin 5-O-galactoside (1) and isorhamnetin 5-O-rhamnoside (2) were isolated from the roots of Leuzea carthamoides.

19: J Nat Prod. 1998 Oct;61(10):1298-9. A stilbene from the roots of leuzea carthamoides Hajdu Z, Varga E, Hohmann J. Departments of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Medical University, Hungary, and Central Research Institute for Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hu.

From the roots of Leuzea carthamoides, (E)-3,3'-dimethoxy-4, 4'-dihydroxystilbene (1) has been isolated and its structure elucidated by means of NMR spectroscopy, including HMQC and HMBC measurements, mass spectrometry, and X-ray crystallography.

20: Phytochemistry. 1997 Sep;46(1):103-5. 24(24(1))[Z]-dehydroamarasterone B, a phytoecdysteroid from seeds of Leuzea carthamoides. Baltayev UA, Dinan L, Girault JP. Institute of Petrochemistry and Catalysis, Bashkortostan Republic Academy of Sciences , Russia .

A new phytoecdysteroid, 24(24(1))[Z]-dehydroamarasterone B, has been isolated from seeds of Leuzea (Rhaponticum) carthamoides. It has been unambiguously identified by CIMS, 13C NMR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The biological activity of the ecdysteroid has been determined in the Drosophila melanogaster BII bioassay. The ED50 (5.2 x 10(-7) M) is 70-fold higher than that for 20-hydroxyecdysone (7.5 x 10(-9) M).

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