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1 caminaron 2 trabajaron 3 cocinado 4 pidi 5 vistos 6 tocado 7 lavados 8 terminaron 9 besaron 10 borr 11 ayud 12 dejaron de 13 rieron 14 tosa

1 walked 2 worked 3 cooked 4 asked 5 watched 6 touched

7 washed
8 finished 9 kissed 10 erased 11 helped 12 stopped 13 laughed 14 coughed

i los platos sucios despus de la cena de anoche jim el tablero con un borrado robert ama a su hija. l en la frente la broma era gracioso. que en la historia divertida la lluvia hace unos minutos. el cielo est claro ahora trabaj durante tres horas la noche anterior. i mi tarea sobre las nueve, reloj steve, el hombro con la mano para llamar mi atencin mr. wilson en su jardn la maana de ayer linda una pregunta en la clase de ayer tuve un problema con mi tarea. el profesor me antes de la clase

16. Anna walked to class yesterday instead of taking the bus 17. I finished the dirty dishes after dinner last night 18. Jim erased the board with an erase 19. Robert loves his daughter. He kissed her on the forehead 20. The joke was funny. We laughed at the funny story 21. The rain finished a few minutes ago. The sky is clear now 22. I worked for three hours last night. I stopped my homework about nine o'clock 23. Steve, helped my shoulder with his hand to get my attention 24. Mr. Wilson worked in his garden yesterday morning

25. Judy asked because she was sick. She had the flu 26. Don is good cook. He cooked some delicious food last night 27. Linda touched a question in class yesterday 28. I had a problem with my homework. The teacher watched me before class
1 rained 2 signed 3 shaved 4 arrived 5 smiled 6 killed 7 sneezed 8 closed 9 remembered 10 played 11 enjoyed 12 snowed 1 llovi 2 firmado 3 afeitado 4 llegaron 5 sonrieron 6 muertos

7 estornud
8 cerrados 9 recordado 10 jugaron 11 disfrutaron 12 nev

es invierno el suelo es de color blanco, ya que ayer

anita en esta ciudad hace tres semanas. Ella

Las chicas y chicos de bisbol despus de la escuela ayer cuando llegu a una nueva tarjeta de crdito, que su nombre con tinta en el negro de la tarjeta rick sola tener una barba, pero ahora no lo hace. l esta maana. los papeles de pruebas que los estudiantes eran muy buenos, el maestro, el seor Jackson, estaba muy contento. l cuando regres a los papeles de prueba. Yo la fiesta de anoche. fue muy divertido. Tuve un buen momento. las ventanas estaba abierta. mr. chan. porque haca fro afuera.

las calles estaban mojadas esta maana, ya que, ayer por la noche.
"Achoo" cuando judy ken dijo, te bendiga. oscar dijo: "Gesundheit". tengo mis libros conmigo. No me olvid de ellos hoy. i para traerlos a clase. mrs. lane estaba volviendo loco porque no haba una mosca en la habitacin. la mosca zumbaba alrededor de la habitacin. finalmente, con un peridico enrollado

13. It's winter the ground is white because it snowed yesterday 14. Anita arrived in this city three weeks ago. She 15. The girls and boys playing baseball after school yesterday 16. When i got a new credit card, he signed his name in ink on the back of the card 17. Rick used to have a beard, but now he doesn't. He shaved this morning 18. The students test papers were very good, the teacher, Mr. Jackson, was very pleased. He smiled when he returned the test papers. 19. I enjoyed the party last night. it was fun. i had a good time 20. The window was open. Mr. Chan. closed it because it was cold outside 21. The streets were wet this morning because it rained last night 22. " achoo " when Judy sneezed ken said, bless you. Oscar said, "Gesundheit" 23. I have my books with me. I didn't forget them today. I remembered to bring them to class 24. Mrs. lane was going crazy because there was a fly in the room. The fly was buzzing all around the room. Finally, she killed it with a rolled up newspaper.

1 waited 2 wanted 3 counted 4 visited 5 invited 6 needed 7 added 8 folded

1 esperaron 2 quera 3 contados 4 visitado 5 invitados 6 necesitaban

7 aade
8 plegada

a los nios un poco de caramelo despus de la cena.

El Sr. Miller a permanecer en el hospital durante dos semanas despus de haber tenido una operacin. I el nmero de estudiantes en la sala de. El Sr. y la Sra. Johnson nos venga a su casa el pasado domingo el domingo pasado que los Johnson.

Yo la carta antes de que lo puse en el sobre.

kim el autobs en la esquina de la quinta avenida y la calle principal. el nio los nmeros en la pizarra en la clase de aritmtica ayer

9. The children added some candy after dinner. 10. Mr. Miller wanted to stay in the hospital for two weeks after he had an operation 11. I needed the number of students in the room 12. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson invited us to come to their house last Sunday 13. Last Sunday we visited the Johnsons

14. I folded the letter before I put it in the envelope 15. Kim waited for the bus at the corner of 5th avenue and Main Street 16. The boy counted the numbers on the chalkboard in arithmetic class yesterday

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