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Writer: Alejandro Garca Tagle Translation: Julio Perea Bedolla

TEAM 1 Participants: Garca Tagle, Alejandro Hernndez Victoria, Marcela Isamar Daz, Tania Lira, Juan Carlos Martnez Rodrguez, Jorge Ral Perea Bedolla, Julio Prez, Itzel Velzquez Mendoza, Janet

Cenlex Santo Toms Ttulo: De campamento. Autor: Alejandro Garca Tagle Personajes: Narrador Laura Aracely Victoria

Cenlex Santo Toms Title: Camping Author: Alejandro Garca Tagle Characters: - Narrator - Laura Aracely Victoria

Narrador: Laura, Aracely y Victoria son tres chicas que, en sus vacaciones, decidieron irse de campamento con los scouts a un rancho cerca de la ciudad. Durante el da se divirtieron y baaron en la playa.

Narrator: Laura, Aracely and Victoria, are three girls that decided went to camping to a Ranch near the City, with other scouts. During the day, they swam and got fun on the beach;

Pero, en la noche el miedo las inundo But in the night, they were terrified cuando oyeron que algo rondaba su casa when one of them heard a sound near the de campaa. tent. (Las chicas duermen. De repente Aracely escucha que algo pasa corriendo, y se (The three girls are sleeping. Aracely suddenly hears a sound that looks like levanta de golpe) Aracely: Victoria! Victoria! Victoria (Despertndose): Qu quieres? No grites o vas a levantar a Laura, y ya sabes cmo se enoja cuando la despiertan. Aracely: Escuchaste eso? Creo que hay algo afuera. Victoria: No es nada, seguramente slo es el viento. (Victoria comienza a acomodarse de nuevo para dormir, cuando escucha el mismo ruido. Al escucharlo la chica se sienta de golpe) Aracely: Lo escuchaste? Victoria, lo escuchaste? Victoria: S! Qu fue eso? Aracely: No despert! lo s, por eso te there's something running near the tent, and she abruptly wakes up) - Aracely: Victoria! Victoria! - Victoria (waking) Whats up? Dont raise your voice! or Laura will wake up, and you know she gets crazy when wakes up early and suddenly. - Aracely: Did you heard that? I think theres something outside the tent. - Victoria: Its nothing. Probably

its the wind. (Victoria is preparing again to sleep, in that moment, she listen the same sound and sits down quickly ) - Aracely: - Victoria: sound? Did you hear that?!

Victoria, did you heard that? chicas Yes! What was it that

(El ruido se repite. Ambas gritan, y despiertan a Laura)

Laura: (Molesta): gritan? Victoria: afuera. Es que Aaah! Por qu algo

Aracely: I dont know! Thats why I woke up to you!


(It repeats the same sound, Victoria and Aracely scream and Laura wakes up) Laura: (Angry) Waah! You two! Why

Aracely: Y si es un oso? Laura: Estamos en un rancho! No hay osos, en los ranchos.

are you screaming? Victoria: Y si es un monstruo que ya se comi a los otros scout y ahora - Victoria: We heard something outside viene por nosotras? the tent Laura: Los monstruos slo viven debajo de las camas! Aracely: Y si es un tipo de monstruo diferente? (El ruido se escucha de cerca, las nias gritan) Victoria: afuera. Te lo dije! no nuevo y ms Aracely: What if is it a bear? Laura: We are in a ranch! There are no bears in the ranches! Victoria: What if is it a monster? And the monster ate the rest of the other scouts and now its coming for us.


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- Laura: Monsters only live under the beds! - Aracely: What if is it a different monster? (The sound it hears again, this time closer. Then, the girls scream) Victoria: I told something outside! you! There is

Laura: S, monstruo.




(Laura se acerca hacia la puerta de la casa de campaa) Victoria y Aracely: Nooo! No abras! Laura: No es nada, estoy segura.

- Laura: Yes! But I dont think theres a monster outside! (Laura gets close to the door of the tent)

(El ruido se escucha de nuevo. Laura abre la puerta y sale de escena. A lo - Victoria and Aracely: Nooo!!! Dont open the door! lejos se oye gritar a Laura) - Laura: There is nothing, Im sure. Laura: Aaah! (The sound it hears again. Laura opens the door of the tent and gets out. Victoria: Qu pas? Qu pas? Shes out of the scene. Laura screams Aracely: Ests bien? in the distance) - Laura: Aaah! (Laura grita de nuevo y enseguida se escucha como la chica re - Victoria: Laura, Whats going nerviosamente, entonces (regresa a Whats happening there outside? escena) con cara de asustada.) - Aracely: Laura, Are you alright? Laura: Hay algo en el cielo, no s qu es. on?

(Laura screams again, after that she laughs nervously and then return inside the tent with frightened face [Laura Narrador: Las chicas asoman la cabeza y returns to scene]) logran ver en el cielo un gran plato - Laura: There is something in the sky,

que giraba justo encima de sus cabezas, but I dont know what is that. no tard mucho tiempo en irse. Pero les - Narrator: The three girls poke out qued claro que no estaban solas en their heads outside the tent and they este planeta can see, in the sky, a great dish turning, just over their heads. It not takes long time to leave. But it was clearly that they weren't alone on this planet...

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