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INTRODUCTION TIME Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Goodnight Goodbye See you later Today Tomorrow

Yesterday Tonight Next week Last week Buenos Dias Buenas Tardes Buenas Tardes Buenas Noches Adis Hasta Luego Hoy Maana Ayer Yesterday La prxima semana La semana pasada

- How are you? Cmo ests? - Very well, thanks. And you? Muy bien gracias. Y usted? - Hows things? - All right. PEOPLE Miss Mr Mrs - What is your name? - My name is John. - Where are you from? I am from Canada Seorita Seor Seora Cmo se llama? Me llamo Juan. De donde eres? Soy de Canad Qu tal? Bien.


PRACTICE TIME!! Practice saying hello to each other in the different forms! Ask a partner where is he from.. Ask a partner what his name is. MAKING YOURSELF UNDERSTOOD Do you speak English? Does anyone here speak English? I speak only English. I speak a little Spanish. Please speak more slowly. I understand. I do not understand. Do you understand me? I know. I do not know. I think so. Repeat it please. What does this word mean? What is that? Habla usted ingles? Hay alguien aqu que hable ingls? Slo hablo ingls. hablo un poco de espaol. Por Favor de hablar ms despacio. Entiendo. No entiendo. Me comprende? Lo s. No lo s. Creo que s. Favor de repetirlo. Qu significa esta palabra? Qu es eso? 11

How do you say woman in spanish? USEFUL THINGS TO KNOW Yes No Perhaps Excuse me Thanks Thanks very much You are welcome It is all right It doesnt matter That is all That man That woman Si No Quizs Disclpame Gracias

Cmo se dice woman en espaol?

Muchas gracias De nada Est bien No importa Eso es todo Ese hombre Esa mujer

Where is the bathroom? Dnde estn los baos? Who? What? When? Where? Quin ? Qu? Cundo? Dnde? 11

Why? How? How much? How long? DIRECTIONS - Where is the cathedral? - It is in the zcalo This way That way To the north To the south To the east To the west To the right To the left At the traffic light This side of the street The other side of the street

Por qu? Cmo? Cunto? Cunto tiempo?

Dnde est la catedral? Est en el zcalo. Por aqu Por all al norte al sur al este al oeste a la derecha a la izquierda en el semforo Este lado de la calle El otro lado de la calle


At the corner In the middle Straight ahead Opposite the park Behind the school In front of the monument. How far is it? Can I walk there? Am I going in the right direction? What street is this? Forward Back How far is it? PRACTICE

En la esquina En medio Derecho Frente al parque Detrs de la escuela Frente al monumento A qu distancia est? Puedo llegar a pie? Voy bien? Qu calle es esta? Adelante Atrs A qu distancia est?

Using a map of the centre of Puebla mark some of the places you have already visited and some other places where you would still like to go. With a partner make a conversation about how to get around from your hotel to the places you want to visit and then how to get back to your hotel at the end of the day. HANDY HOTEL TIPS Room service please Servicio de cuarto por favor 11

Please call me at 9 I want breakfast in my room Who is it? Come back later My room key, please. PRACTICE

Haga el favor de llamarme a las nueve Quiero el desayuno en mi cuarto Quin es? Vuelva ms tarde Mi llave, por favor.

What have been your problems in the hotel? More towels? Fly in your soup? In pairs practice what you may need to say to the maid or receptionist. There may be something you need to know that doesnt appear on the list. Ask for any new words you might need.

IN THE CAF ON THE ZOCALO (Very Important) Id like to have a drink A bottle of mineral water - fizzy Beer White wine Red wine Whisky Rum CHEERS! Me gustara una bebida Una botella de agua mineral - con gas Cerveza Vino blanco Vino tinto Whisky Ron SALUD! 11

With ice Orange juice Tomato juice Coffee - black - white PRACTICE

Con hielo Jugo de naranja Jugo de tomate Caf - americano - con leche

Go the zcalo. Sit down in a bar that takes your fancy and order all the drinks you want to try. Dont forget the all Mexican tequila! You will probably find that after a couple your Spanish will improve no end! EATING Breakfast Dinner Supper Waiter/Waitress Bring me the menu please The wine list A fork A knife A spoon A teaspoon A plate El Desayuno La Comida La Cena Mesero/Mesera Trigame la carta, por favor. La carta de vinos . Un tenedor. Un cuchillo. Una cuchara. Una cucharadita. Un plato. 11

Bread Butter Salt Pimienta Ketchup Mustard Sauce The bill,please PRACTICE

Pan/Torta Mantequilla Sal Pepper Catsup Mostaza Salsa (verde/roja) La cuenta, por favor

In pairs practice ordering some food that you would like to try while you are here in Mexico. Make sure you ask the teacher which are the traditional and tastiest dishes here in Puebla and where you can get to eat them. MONEY, MONEY, MONEY Where is the nearest bank? Will you cash - a personal check - a travelers check What is the exchange rate on the dollar? Can you change this for me? Do you have any small change? Dnde est el banco ms cercano? Quiere usted cobrarme un cheque personal? un cheque de viajero A cmo est el cambio del dlar? Puede usted cambiarme esto? Tiene usted cambio?


SPENDING THE MONEY (The easy part) Shopping I like this one How much is it? I prefer something - cheaper - larger - smaller May I try this on? TELEPHONE Where can I telephone? I want to make a local call The long distance operator, please. My number is 20 20 20 - May I speak to Maria? - This is John. Dnde puedo telefonear? Quiero hacer una llamada local. Comunqueme con la operadora de larga distancia. Mi nmero es 20 20 20. - Puedo hablar con Maria? - Habla Juan. 11 Compras Me gusta ste Cunto es? Prefiero algo ms barato ms grande ms pequeo Puedo probarme esto?

PRACTICE Whatever language we learn speaking on the phone is the hardest part. If you can make internal calls in the hotel practice with a colleague in Spanish so that when you call to room service you get your whisky on the rocks not a cup of coffee. WHAT TIME IS IT? It is quite common in Mexico for people in the street to ask you what time it is. So next time someone looks at your Rolex and utters something you didnt understand a word of they are probably asking you the time. So here is what you need to say. What time is it? It is early. It is late It is one oclock It is two oclock - a.m. - p.m. It is half past two It is quarter past two It is quarter to two Ten to two Qu hora es? Es temprano. Es tarde. Es la una Son las dos de la maana de la tarde Son las dos y media Son las dos y cuarto Son cuarto para las dos Diez para las dos 11

Twenty past two DAYS OF THE WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday MONTHS AND SEASONS January February March April May June July August September October November December Spring Summer Autumn Winter

Las dos veinte

Lunes Martes Mircoles Jueves Viernes Sbado Domingo

Enero Febrero Marzo Abril Mayo Junio Julio Agosto Septiembre Octubre Noviembre Diciembre Primavera Verano Otoo Invierno


It is warm It is cold The weather is good It is raining NUMBERS One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Twenty-one Twenty-two Uno Dos Tres Cuatro Cinco Seis Siete Ocho Nueve Diez Once Doce Trece Catorce Quince Dieciseis Diecisiete Dieciocho Diecinueve Veinte Veintiuno Veintidos

Hace calor Hace fro Hace buen tiempo Llueve

Thirty Thirty-one Thirty-two Forty Fifty Sixty Seventy Eighty Ninety One hundred Two hundred Five hundred Seven hundred Nine hundred One thousand Two thousand One million

Treinta Treinte y uno Treinta y dos Cuarenta Cincuenta Sesenta Setenta Ochenta Noventa Cien Doscientos Quinientos Setecientos Novecientos Mil Dos mil Un milln


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