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12 de abril, Pamplona

Made with Tweet Category for iPad

Date: 04/13/2013

Analysis of the session '#10daC' created with Tweet Category

Made with Tweet Category for iPad

Session #10daC
Introduction: Anlisis del #10DaC celebrado en Pamplona el da 12 de abril.


Categories total tweets


Replies Pictures


415 269 Links

Tweets Check-ins

426 5

43 74

Category Links Santiago Cirugeda Replies Pictures Ximo Lizana Joris Joosten Nicolas Rooper Otros Rest of categories

4.386.466 Impressions
Potential impact

Tweets per user


Total tweets 381 117 102 88 87 86 78 73 220

% 31 9 8 7 7 7 6 6 18

Original Tweets 269 65 43 74 62 41 48 56 159

RT 112 52 59 14 25 45 30 17 61

Users 222 53 61 35 38 50 46 37 142

1.011.701 Users
Potential reach

Followers per user


num. tweets

Most Active Users


tweets followers 252 195 157 88



tweets 0 followers


00:00 12 apr



08:00 10:40 13:20 16:00 18:40



00:00 13 apr

tweets followers


num. users
40 35 29 26 40 36 37



19 17

19 13 9

1500-5000 5000-10000 >10000
















num. followers

5 6

tweets followers


num. tweets per user


tweets followers

>5 5 4 3 2 1 4 13 19




75 256
num. users

tweets followers



Analysis of the session '#10daC' created with Tweet Category

Ranking of Categories. Top categories with the highest number of: Potential Reach Links Nicolas Rooper Gala clausura Potential Impact Links Nicolas Rooper Gala clausura Users Links Replies Santiago Cirugeda Number of tweets Links Pictures Santiago Cirugeda Retweets Links Replies Santiago Cirugeda

4 5

Santiago Cirugeda Joris Joosten

4 5

Santiago Cirugeda Joris Joosten

4 5

Joris Joosten Nicolas Rooper

4 5

Ximo Lizana Otros

4 5

Joris Joosten Nicolas Rooper

Charts Impressions per category Tweets per category Users per category

Categories Category Links Santiago Cirugeda Replies Pictures Ximo Lizana Joris Joosten Nicolas Rooper Otros Gala clausura Querido Antonio Positivos Humberto Matas Sergio Caballero Negativos Check-ins Total tweets 381 117 102 88 87 86 78 73 61 52 49 23 21 9 5 % 31 9 8 7 7 7 6 6 5 4 4 2 2 1 0 Original Tweets 269 65 43 74 62 41 48 56 52 30 34 12 17 9 5 RT 112 52 59 14 25 45 30 17 9 22 15 11 4 0 0 Users 222 53 61 35 38 50 46 37 29 32 40 17 14 5 5 Impressions 1.976.946 312.342 150.544 201.102 166.106 217.771 433.649 109.763 314.582 133.281 147.647 90.254 92.314 27.555 12.610 Potential Reach 824.896 67.856 79.231 66.029 105.067 87.587 250.504 66.648 81.141 51.390 93.422 39.463 34.270 12.971 12.610 Tweets/ User 1,7 2,2 1,7 2,5 2,3 1,7 1,7 2,0 2,1 1,6 1,2 1,4 1,5 1,8 1,0 Followers/ User 3.715 1.280 1.298 1.886 2.764 1.751 5.445 1.801 2.797 1.605 2.335 2.321 2.447 2.594 2.522

Analysis of the session '#10daC' created with Tweet Category


Number of users Top 5 users Most active users

Number of users per category

Number of tweets per user

Number of impressions per user

Most popular users


Users with the highest impact


tweets mismamente MkDirecto


impressions SuperTuittero

tweets Guillewriter tcreativo

followers MkDirecto





4 5


tweets Ad_Vengers

4 5


followers clubdecreativos

4 5


impressions Huss87




Most participative users



Most original users


num. categories xmooth baluarte

num. of RTs Ad_Vengers

original tweets

num. categories clubdecreativos wklk

num. of RTs Guillewriter

original tweets

num. categories

num. of RTs

original tweets

4 5


num. categories 21alexsanchez

4 5


num. of RTs mismamente

4 5


original tweets 21alexsanchez

num. categories

num. of RTs

original tweets

Followers per user HIGH INFLUENCE


101 78 56

32 3
influence level
Very low 0 to 10 followers Low 10 to 50 followers Medium-low 50 to 200 followers Medium 200 to 500 followers Medium-high High 500 to 1000 1000 to 5000 followers followers


Very high >5000 followers

Analysis of the session '#10daC' created with Tweet Category


Lucas Rincn @LucRincon

16:09 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Ximo Lizana

Hugo Gmez @Huss87

15:55 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Ximo Lizana

Voy a necesitar varios das para asimilar toda la tecnologa que nos ha enseado Ximo Lizana #10diac #xdiac #impresionante

En serio Ximo Linaza hace magia!!!! #10diac

Javier San Romn @JavierSRmn

15:50 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Ximo Lizana

Alberto @xmooth

15:41 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Ximo Lizana

Ximo Lizana propone una publicidad exterior que deje a la gente alucinada con lo que pasa en la calle. S, hay tecnologa #10diac #XDiaC

Todo el mundo quiere unas Google Glasses, no? Pues Ximo dice nosotros tenemos unas mejores y tambin se estn haciendo lentillas. #10daC

Alex Snchez @21alexsanchez

15:32 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Ximo Lizana

Advengers 2.0 @Ad_Vengers

15:22 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Ximo Lizana

Esto es magia seores! Ximo Llizana hablando sobre tecnologa que parece venida del futuro. #10diac

"Aqualium somos esos que nos metemos en follones en los que nadie ms se quiere meter" Ximo Lizana #10diaC

Club de Creativos @clubdecreativos

17:36 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Sergio Caballero

Amaia C. G. @zuribostnerisei

17:11 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Sergio Caballero

Las campaas de Sergi Caballero para Snar, de una forma u otra, contienen siempre una narrativa fabulosa y "fabuladora". #10DiaC

#10diaC #XdiaC Si algo est claro es que Snar en su publicidad es provocativa.

Ferminmusic @FerminmusicPamp

17:11 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Sergio Caballero

David Arratibel @davidarratibel

12:05 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Santiago Cirugeda

Sergio Caballero #Snar Festival 20 aos Msica Electrnica y New Media Arte de Barcelona a Reijkiavik pasando por NY y mucho ms en #10DiaC

Genial #santiagocirugeda en el #10DiaC Cuando la creatividad nace de la sensibilidad poltica s sirve de algo

toni caldern @mismamente

10:39 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Santiago Cirugeda

jose olivares @margarita__

10:20 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Santiago Cirugeda

echadle un vistazo a 'recetas urbanas'. es un proyecto muy distinto a todo lo que has visto #10diaC @santicirugeda

La arquitectura es como los amigos, no tiene que ser bonita ni cool, lo peor es que te aburra. Santiago Cirugeda #10DiaC

Javier San Romn @JavierSRmn

10:07 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Santiago Cirugeda

Club de Creativos @clubdecreativos

09:57 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Santiago Cirugeda

Cirugeda: si un joven quiere trabajar se le dice que estudie, y cuando ya ha estudiado que no tiene experiencia. #XDiaC #10diac #espaistan

Llega el turno de Santiago Cirugeda, el arquitecto que nos va a contar cmo acometer proyectos con limitados recursos. #10DiaC

Roman Romeral @dondestahoudini

14:25 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Replies

Muttante @muttante_es

08:34 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Replies

@andreuchosa muchas gracias, la prxima semana la dedicar por completo en el blog a hablar de todos los ponentes y del #10diac

@mismamente @huss87 @21alexsanchez @tagoartwork @pupitreestudios @jfrades hoy me uno al escuadrn twittero #10diac habr q desvirtualizar :)

CreativoBusca @CreativoBusca

11:43 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Querido Antonio

Tago Art Work @Tagoartwork

11:19 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Querido Antonio

Aprender de Querido Antonio buenas lecciones de ingenio y copys. #10DiaC

Sin parar de reir con los videos de @queridoantonio Recomendamos que echis un vistazo a sus trabajos! humor+cretividad #10diaC

Analysis of the session '#10daC' created with Tweet Category

David Arratibel @davidarratibel

19:55 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Positivos

Vicky Escolar @vickyescolar

16:34 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Positivos

@baluarte enhorabuena por el nivel del montaje en el #10diaC Audio, imagen, coordinacin...

Siguiendo el #10diaC gracias a los tweets de los amigos @Huss87 y @twitpedroaires :) thanks and keep on twitting!

Muttante @muttante_es

15:40 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Positivos

Violeta @Violeta_eMe

11:58 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Positivos

#10diac con @CarlosJNavarro @JotaBenedi @davidmorah @AnicaBalles y @edugarciaon de pinchos. Una gozada hablar con pasin de #creatividad

#10DaC A twitteaaaar. Que muchos nos hemos quedado en tierra y queremos estar al loro de todo! Abrazos y mucha envidia sana desde Madrid.

Jon Ander Toms @JonAnderT

09:14 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Positivos

Taller360 @taller360

12:46 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Nicolas Rooper

Muchas gracias a todos por las muestras de apoyo. As da gusto seguir luchando por lo que uno cree. #XdiaC #10diaC

N. Rooper #10DiaC: Para relatar historias, todos los vehculos publicitarios tienen que integrarse con los productos en s ... @MkDirecto

09:45 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Nicolas Rooper

Alejandro Di Trolio @Di_Trolio

09:36 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Nicolas Rooper

N. Rooper (Poke London) #10DiaC: "Lo interesante de Twitter es su papel como vehculo para comunicar, para contar historias"

El poder del storytelling reside en contar historias donde el protagonismo reside en la gente. Identificar historias y amplificarlas #10DiaC

GAby Menta @gabymenta

09:23 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Nicolas Rooper

Guillermo Garca @Guillewriter

09:10 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Nicolas Rooper

N. Rooper (Poke London) #10DiaC: "Los anuncios utilizan las mismas estrategias narrativas de pelculas como Titanic"

Nicols Rooper hablando de Storytelling, Kubrick y La naranja mecnica #muyfan #10diac

toni caldern @mismamente

17:01 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Negativos

Hugo Gmez @Huss87

10:55 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Negativos

seores de @baluarte y @clubdecreativos... no es #postureoblogger pero necesitamos enchufes y wifis para sobrevivir en el #10diac

El wifi del #10diaC ha muerto... DRAMAAAAA!!!

toni caldern @mismamente

16:51 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Joris Joosten

BTOB @btob_words

16:40 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Joris Joosten

la gente que trabaja feliz, trabaja mejor. as ha cerrado #jarisjoosten su ponencia en el #10diac #inspiracion

J. Joosten, de la agencia independiente Happiness: "Queremos seguir siendo pequeos porque as podemos reaccionar ms rpido". #10DiaC

Guillermo Garca @Guillewriter

16:20 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Joris Joosten

La Criatura Creativa @LaCriaturaCreat

16:15 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Joris Joosten

"Everything is a media" este concepto me lo quedo #10diac #jorisjoosten

"Creemos en la gestin creativa, no queremos un departamento creativo y de estrategia separados" J. Joosten #10diaC

Alejandro Di Trolio @Di_Trolio

12:12 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Humberto Matas

Javier San Romn @JavierSRmn

12:03 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Humberto Matas

Humberto Matas: para ser un buen creativo primero tienes que ser una buena persona. Eres un agente de cambios positivos #10diac

Humberto Matas: ms antropologa y menos psicologa para "descomoditizar" los productos #10DiaC #xdiac

Club de Creativos @clubdecreativos

20:10 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Gala clausura

Club de Creativos @clubdecreativos

20:09 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Gala clausura

c de c de plata por Ejecucin Grfica y Diseo Grfico para Evil Love por Unexpected project. #10DiaC

c de c de plata por la Ejecucin Grfica y Serie Fotogrfica tambin para SCPF por "Gestos" para el Banco Sabadell. #10DiaC

Analysis of the session '#10daC' created with Tweet Category

Club de Creativos @clubdecreativos

20:08 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Gala clausura

Club de Creativos @clubdecreativos

19:58 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Gala clausura

c de c de plata por la Ejecucin Grfica y Direccin de Arte para SCPF por "Seny" para el Banco Sabadell. #10DiaC

c de c de plata por Ejecucin Interactiva y Direccin de Arte para Ogilvyone por la campaa "El Monstruo" para ING Direct. #10DiaC

toni caldern @mismamente

19:28 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Gala clausura

Montijano & Ca. @montijanoycia

19:01 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Gala clausura

emocin contenida en el auditorio @baluarte... seguiremos sonriendo y abriendo mucho los ojos :) #10diac #lagala

Y para terminar el #10diaC, la gala de premiados y el Musical del cdec

Ainhoa Sagaseta @Ainiirunea

17:02 - 12 Apr 13

Cat.: Check-ins

#10diaC alucinando en colores @clubdecreativos (@ Palacio de Congresos y Auditorio - Baluarte w/ 13 others)

Analysis of the session '#10daC' created with Tweet Category


Alta participacin (casi 400 usuarios con una media de 3,1 tweets).

Ms de cuatro millones de impresiones.

Alta influencia de los usuarios (ms de un milln de alcance potencial).

Usuario ms activo: @xmooth.

Analysis of the session '#10daC' created with Tweet Category


Analysis of the session '#10daC' created with Tweet Category

Page 1: General Overview: This page shows at a glance the evolution and the global statistics of the session. Statistics Number of Tweets: Total number of Tweets sent during the session, RTs and replies included. It is shown below, a breakdown of the types of tweets: original tweets (those containing text only) tweets with links, retweets, conversations (tweets as part of a conversation between several users), check-ins and photos. - Number of users: Total number of users who participated in the session using the given hashtag. It also includes users who only sent RTs. - Potential Impact: Number of impressions of the hashtag, which is the number of times that people could have seen the hashtag. This is important because it tells you how many times it has been possible to visualize the hashtag. This number is calculated by multiplying the number of followers of each user by the number of number of Tweets and adding those results. Example: If a user sends 2 tweets and he has 100 followers, the number of impressions generated by the users would be 200. If another user sends 3 tweets and he has 50 followers, the number of impressions generated by this person would be 150 which would make a total of 350 impressions of the session. - Potential Reach: Number of users who have been unable to see the hashtag and could have been impacted by the hashtag. This number is calculated by adding all the followers of each user who participated in the session. Using the previous example, if the session had 2 users, one with 100 followers and the other one with 50, the reach will be 150 followers, regardless of the number of tweets sent. IMPORTANT: both the impact and reach are 'potential' because not everyone may have seen the hashtag and users can have other users in common. - Average number of Tweets per user: this number is the average of Tweets sent per each user. This number is calculated by dividing the number of tweets between the number of users who have participated. RTs included. - Average followers per user: the average number of followers that users of the session have. This figure indicates how influential are the participants in our session. Given that the average number of followers that a Twitter user has is about 250, you can calculate if participants in your session exceed that average. This number is calculated by dividing the sum of followers by the number of users who have participated. - Difference between Total Tweets and Tweets: The Total Tweets include RTs, links, replies, links and 'Tweets'. 'Tweets' are the ones containing only text. ChaRTs There are different types of graphs in the report Tweet Category: Temporal Evolution: shows the time evolution of the tweets sent by users. Tweet Category takes the first and last tweet and draws the timeline of the session. Thanks to this chart you will be able to identify the moment people tweeted the most or the least. Influence of Users: shows the influence of the users who participated in the session. On the vertical axis you will find the total number of users and on the horizontal one, the number of followers of those users. As we move to the right part of the graph you will see the users who have a greater number of followers and therefore influence. The higher the columns on the right, the higher influence of your users. User activity: shows the number of tweets sent by users. The vertical axis shows the number of tweets sent and the horizontal one the number of users who have participated. Page 2: Statistics of the categories: on this page you will find the detailed statistics for each category.

Rankings of categories: This ranking shows which categories have reached the top 5 according to several statistics. It is interesting to note that although a category may have a greater number of tweets that another one, it could have a minor number of impressions (lower impact). The rankings show the categories with the highest reach, impact, number of users, number of tweets and number of RTs.

Analysis of the session '#10daC' created with Tweet Category

ChaRTs: Impact by category: This graph shows which category has the highest number of impressions and therefore the highest impact. Tweets by category Chart: This chart shows which category has the highest number of total tweets. Users by category Chart: This chart shows which category has the highest number of users. Table of categories: This table shows detailed statistics for each category; these statistics are the same variables as the global statistics of the session but applied to each of the category. Thus you can see which category gets more impact, more users, and so on. It is worth taking a second to consider this table as very interesting conclusions can be obtained from it. Page 3: User Rankings Tweet Category offers different kinds of user rankings: Most active users: the ones who tweeted the most using the hashtag. RTs included. Most popular users: the ones who have the highest number of followers in the session. Users with the highest impact: the ones who generated the highest number of impressions. Most participative users: the ones who participated in more categories. Most retweeter users: the ones who sent the highest number of RTs. Most original users: the ones who sent the highest number of original tweets (No RTs).

Analysis of the session '#10daC' created with Tweet Category


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