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Plan de accin para la innovacin y competitividad de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California.


Baja California,

Junio de 2012



PARTICIPANTES Dr. Jos Alberto Godnez Lic. Olivier Sinai Guzmn Prez Lic. Gustavo Adn Rodrguez Meza Lic. Jaime Eduardo Moncada Garibay


Lic. Gustavo Banda Aceves Lic. Teresa de J. Contreras Domnguez

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California

Observatorio del vino de los valles vitivincolas de Baja California

El sabor del buen vino mexicano nace en las tierras del Valle de Guadalupe y su principal atractivo turstico es el recorrer los viedos para conocer el proceso de elaboracin de los mejores vinos mexicanos, vinos gourmet, vinos artesanales y degustar de la gastronoma con productos elaborados en la regin. (Ruta del Vino).



Dentro del marco del fomento al turismo en Baja California, en la entidad se ha ido gestando una nueva ruta turstica conocida como Ruta del Vino. Esta ruta comprende un paseo por los diferentes valles vitivincolas apostados en los municipios de Ensenada y Tecate; y entrega la posibilidad de degustar distintos tipos de vinos de mesa, los sabores ms importantes y acercarse un poco ms a una realidad muchas veces desconocida y misteriosa. Para fomentar ambas actividades econmicas los vitivinicultores reconocen el apremio de difundir la informacin para el pblico de la ruta del vino, estableciendo la necesidad de Institucionalizar un observatorio del vino, que contenga un sistema de informacin vitivincola y que procese diversas variables para construir indicadores para la mediacin y el monitoreo peridico del sector vitivincola, que se constituya como una herramienta para la toma de decisiones, en cuanto al turismo, al mercado y a la definicin de estrategias de promocin y comercializacin del vino.

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California Asimismo, consideran que el observatorio o plataforma informtica debe permitir su actualizacin contina para dar seguimiento en forma sistemtica a la informacin que se genere en el sector vitivincola y a su vez, que sirva como un parmetro de comparacin para observar el desarrollo del sistema vino de Baja California. En este contexto, de manera especfica, se propone disear una plataforma de informacin estadstico-geogrfica basado en la recopilacin y manejo de variables relacionadas con el sector vitivincola, que permite construir indicadores vitivincolas que sirvan de apoyo en la toma de decisiones del las empresas y la administracin pblica municipal de Ensenada y Tecate. El observatorio alimentar la evaluacin de resultados de los proyectos de desarrollo de la zona y se integrar a una red de observatorios del vino, en la que se puedan hacer comparaciones, nacionales e internacionales, en el mbito de la planeacin del desarrollo del sector. Por otra parte, el auge de la enologa ha llevado a aprender del vino en diferentes idiomas. Del francs al espaol al ingls, aunque el chino y el portugus estn ganado importancia por el tamao del mercado de China y Brasil. Conscientes de esto, el observatorio del vino se presenta en los tres idiomas principales: francs, espaol e ingls. La direccin del observatorio es: El informe se organiza en cinco secciones. En la seccin II se presenta la estructura de la informacin del observatorio del vino. En la seccin III se muestra una parte de la plataforma en su versin en espaol para su anlisis visual. En la seccin IV se exhibe el contenido de la plataforma en su versin en francs. En la seccin V se ensea la plataforma en ingls. Finalmente, se concluye.

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California

Organizacin de la Informacin
Estableciendo que el Observatorio del Vino pretende ser un instrumento que pone al servicio de los agentes sociales, institucionales y econmicos, el conocimiento sobre el sector vitivincola de Baja California, facilitando la toma de decisiones y contribuyendo a la planificacin, gestin y evaluacin de las polticas vincolas. La estructura de la plataforma informtica es la siguiente. Inicio o Men o Bienvenida o Directorio de Negocios o Acerca del Observatorio o Boletn de Noticias o Usuarios en Lneas o Tweets Acerca del Observatorio o Razn de Ser Informacin Vitivincola o Publicaciones Artculos Libros o Investigaciones Estudios Tesis Reportes de Investigacin o Datos Estadsticos Indicadores Bases de Datos o Informacin Geogrfica 3

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California Directorio de Vincolas o Adobe Guadalupe o Alximia o Barn Balch o Bibayoff o Bodegas San Rafael o Bodegas Santo Toms o Casa de Piedra o Casa Pedro Domeq o Cavas Valdemas o Chateau Camou o Emev o L. A. Cetto o La Casa de Doa Lupe o Lafarga o Magor Badn o Monte Xanic o Paralelo o Pasin BIBA o Santa Ursula o Tanam o Tintos del Norte 32 o Via de Liceaga o Vias de Garza o Viedos A. C. Palafox o Viedos Villamerino o Vinisterra o Vinos el Nativo o Vinos Fuentes o Vinos las Nubes 4

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California o Vinos Liirico o Vinos MD o Vinos Santo Domingo o Xecue Cultura del Vino o Artculos Generales sobre la Cultura del Vino Eventos o Prximos Eventos Galeras o Galeras de Eventos Contactos o Sistema Producto Vid Es importante mencionar que el Observatorio del Vino ser depositado en El Sistema Producto Vid, que es un agrupacin de productores del sector vitivincola creado por a iniciativa de la Secretara de Agricultura, Ganadera, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentacin (Sagarpa), quin lo define como uno de los objetivos de su Programa Agrcola, promover la integracin y fortalecimiento de las cadenas productivas, cuya lneas estratgicas se centraran en intensificar el apoyo para la creacin de sociedades regionales y nacionales que favorezcan la interrelacin de los productores con los gobiernos estatales, municipales y dems agentes vinculados a sus actividades. Es importante observar que en el Sistema Producto Vid participan estn todos los integrantes de la cadena productiva que inicia en los viedos y concluye en la mesa, ya sea en una copa de vino o en el racimo para consumo fresco.

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California

Plataforma Informtica en Espaol

En primer lugar se destaca el men principal

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California

En segundo lugar se presenta la seccin Acerca del Observatorio

Destacando en la base las instituciones participantes en el proyecto del observatorio. 7

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California En tercer lugar se muestra la seccin relativa al Sistema de Informacin vitivincola

En la seccin relativa al Sistema de Informacin se planea la idea de llegar a una percepcin ms integral de la realidad del sector vitivincola, orientada bajo las pautas de la planeacin cientfica del Sistema Producto Vid.

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California Luego se exhibe el Directorio que consiste en de 33 casas productoras del vino.

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California


Plataforma Informtica en Francs

La informacin contenida en los cuadros color rojo se tradujo al idioma Francs. Se inicio con los elementos comunes BARRA : Inicio: Accueil Acerca de: Parlons de Informacin vitivincola: Information vitivinicole Directorio de vincolas: Agenda des domaines Cultura del vino : La culture du vin Eventos : Evnements et manifestations Galerias : Galeries Contactos : Nos contacts COLUMNA DE LA DERECHA : Calendario de evento : Calendrier des vnements et manifestations Entrez et prenez connaissance de la liste complte de vnements et manifestations dans les diffrentes valles vitivinicoles de Basse Californie Boletn de vitivincolas: Bulletin des domaines Adresse E.Mail Publicidad Publicit

rea de operaciones: Zone d'laboration Dnde encontrar sus vinos? O trouver leurs vins ?


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California


Donnes statistiques Indicateurs Gostatistique tudes ...

Bienvenus l'observatoire du vin de Basse Californie, site conu par El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, le Productor Vino et le Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologa, afin de devenir un instrument de suivi du secteur vitivinicole de Basse Californie

EXPORTATION DE VIN DE BASSE CALIFORNIE Cette anne les exportations de vin de Basse Californie de la Valle de Guadalupe ont augment de 25% face celles de 2010. NOS ETUDES Etude 1 Nos tudes 2 Etude ralise 3 Etude 4 Nom de l'tude 5 Concepts nom tude 6 Liste tude 7 COLUMNA DE LA DERECHA L'OBSERVATOIRE DU VIN.

DERNIRES NOUVELLES Dernires nouvelles 1 Plus d'information Dernires nouvelles 2 Plus d'information Dernires nouvelles 3 Plus d'information

L'Observatoire du vin des valle vitivinicoles est un outil permettant de consulter des donnes gostatistiques et d'accder l'information sur les domaines viticinicoles des diverses valles qui composent la route des vins de Basse Californie, au Mexique 23

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California

TUDE DMOGRAPHIQUE Une brve explication de ce que contient un article, une tude ralise par..., comme partie du projet... Plus d'information.

SYSTME D'INFORMATION VITIVINICOLE Publications Livres Recherche Thse tudes Donnes statistiques Indicateurs Information gographique


DONNES STATISTIQUES Bases de donnes et indicateurs XECUE . L'ENTREPRISE Les vins XECUE sont une cration de Jos-Luis et Alberta qui, guids par leur got du vin et de l'amiti, voulaient pouvoir prendre un verre et trinquer dans une ambiance chaleureuse invitant aux bavardages et la convivialit. XECUE (checu) est un mot d'origine kiliwa, langue d'un peuple de nord ouest de la pninsule de Basse Californie, et veut dire amour


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California Jos-Luis, ingnieur agronome, et Alberta, ingnieur en biologie, ayant tous deux une longue exprience en vitiviniculture, dcidrent d'unir leurs destines et laborrent leur premier Xecue en 1999. Leur but ? Qu' travers leurs vins, le consommateur puisse distinguer et apprcier dans leur plnitude les terroirs et les varits parfaitement adaptes nos rgions. Ainsi ont-ils choisi le Merlot de la Valle de Guadalupe et le Cabernet Sauvignon de San Vicente pour les vins de cpages. Ils optrent aussi pour laborer une Rserve spciale avec le Vin Premium en faisant un coupage de diffrentes varits de la rgion: Nebbiolo, Syrah, Merlot et Cabernet Sauvignon, venant toutes de trois diffrentes zones viticoles locales : la Vall de Guadalupe , San Antonio de las Minas et San Vicente. L'laboration du vin se fait moyennant des techniques de contrle de la maturit phnolique du raisin et, selon les conditions des fruits vendangs, sont aussi appliques des techniques de macration pr et post fermentation. Les fts sont en chne franais et les vins de cpage y restent 12 mois et 12 autres en bouteille alors que le Premiun 24 en ft et 12 en bouteille. En 2006, commence la construction des caves du domaine Xecue San Antonio de las Minas, sur la gauche de la route de Ensenada Tecate. Elles seront inaugures et ouvertes leurs clients en 2010. Actuellement, la production du Domaine Xecue est de 1800 caisses par an. En 2011 les crus 2006 et 2008 de vin de cpage sont commercialiss ainsi que le Reserva 2006, le Relato 2010 et le Grenache 2010. NOTRE ADRESSE Rue Ville Localit Etat Pays O NOUS CONTACTER Tlphone Fax E.Mail Site ALBUM DE PHOTOS DU DOMAINE DE NOS PRODUITS 25

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California VIDEO DE PROMOTION DOMAINE SAN RAFAEL Vins de qualit ... L'ENTREPRISE En avril 2000 nous lanons le projet de planter les premiers 7 hectares de Cabernet Sauvignon, de Merlot, de Petit Verdot et de Syrah. C'tait une exprience mais nous tions srs, contrairement tous les pronostiques, que dans la Valle de Ojos Negros nous pourrions obtenir au moment de la vendange des raisins aux tanins intenses et aux niveaux d'acidit de de sucre quilibrs, conditions indispensables l'laboration d'un bon vin. De mme, en avril 2002, nous prenons le risque de planter les premiers pieds de Pinot Noir existant aujourd'hui en Basse Californie et qui nous donnrent leur premier fruit en 2004. Le travail d'quipe et les soins attentifs de la famille Hussong Maynes constituent les piliers fondamentaux de l'laboration d'excellents vins, agrables au palais le plus exigeant. Notre but a toujours t d'innover en techniques de production tout en cultivant l'amour de l'oenologie classique afin d'tre une rfrence dans le secteur de l'industrie vinicole. Aujourd'hui nous disposons de 25 hectares de vignobles en production et avons sur le march 10 produits : Ojos negros Gran Reserva, Ojos Negros Syrah, Ojos Negros Cabernet Sauvignon, Ojos negros Pinot Noir, Ojos Negros Merlot, Passion Meritage, Alegria, Euforia, Desseo y Delirio. NOTRE ADRESSE Rue Code postal Ville localit Etat Pays O NOUS CONTACTER Tlphone Fax E.Mail Site


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California ALBUM DE PHOTOS DU DOMAINE DE NOS PRODUITS PRIX ET MEDAILLES ATTRAITS TOURISTIQUES Visites nologiques Nous offrons des visites oenologiques et des dgustations de nos vins ainsi que des services de restauration et de conseil pour les accords mets et vins. VOS COMMENTAIRES Faites vos commentaires ci-dessous MONTE XANIC nologie mexicaine de qualit mondiale ... L'ENTREPRISE Monte Xanic nat en 1987 alors que l'offre en vin tait trs limite sur la march. Cinq amis grands amateurs de vin eurent l'ide de crer le premier vin mexicain Super Premium. Quoique pour beaucoup, c'tait une folie, ils osrent se lancer dans ce projet. Ils achetrent donc des terres dans la Valle de Guadalupe pour y cultiver la vigne et se procurrent la meilleure technologie disponible afin d'laborer des vins de qualit mondiale. Et ce fut ainsi que commena une nouvelle re de l'industrie vinicole mexicaine. La qualit relativement rduite des raisins que nous vendangeons, nous permet de faire un contrle stricte de leurs caractristiques les plus fondamentales. Cela nous permet aussi de fixer avec exactitude la date des vendanges et e slectionner la main les grappes qui remplissent nos standards de qualit. En 1988, nous laborons nos premiers vins : le Chenin Colombard et le Cabernet Sauvignon. En 1989, le premier Monte Xanic est mis en vente, soit 6200 caisses de notre Chenin Colombard. Aujourd'hui, Monte Xanic produit annuellement 42000 27

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California caisses de 12 vins diffrents de trois lignes de production : Monte Xanic, Gran Ricardo et Calixa, ces trois lignes offrant la qualit et le corps qui nous ont toujours caractriss pendant plus de 20 ans. Aprs avoir clbrer avec fiert le 20 anniversaire de notre premire rcolte, notre engagement pour les 20 prochaines annes est de nous efforcer encore et toujours et de travailler inlassablement pour jouir chaque anne de la reconnaissance et de la prfrence des consommateurs. NOTRE MISSION tre les producteurs du meilleur vin mexicain de qualit mondiale, en fomentant la culture de ce jus de la vigne, en offrant toujours la meilleure qualit de services et en tant le point de rfrence permanent de ce secteur industriel.

NOS VALEURS Monte Xanic prtend les grands vins du monde pour modle, veut laborer d'excellents produits avec des raisins nobles et des processus modernes qui soient le reflet de notre caractre de Mexicains fiers, ouverts et vivants dan le monde actuel tout en s'efforant sans relche d' tre leader grce au travail de son quipe intgre,engage et dsireuse d'crire notre histoire. NOTRE ADRESSE Rue Ville Localit Etat Pays O NOUS CONTACTER Tlphone E.Mail ALBUM DE PHOTOS DU DOMAINE DE NOS PRODUITS


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California


EMEV les vins Emev .......... L'EMTREPRISE Actuellement le domaine s'tend sur 18 hectares plants de diffrents cpages : Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, Cabernet Blanc, Tempranillo (Cencibel), Malbec et Chardonnay. Sa production est de quelques 60 000 bouteilles par an. Les vins sont mis dans des fts de chne hongrois, franais ou amricains pour que chacun y prenne la saveur et l'arme qui lui sont propres. Ces fts ont t imports pour la premire rcolte et aujourd'hui nous en possdons 180. Nous ne les utilisons qu'une seule fois et revendons ceux qui ont dj t utiliss des viniculteurs particuliers pour leur propre vin. Mario Villareal est particulirement fier de son vin emblmatique, le Emev LOS NIETOS car, outre son excellente qualit, il a pour lui une grande valeur sentimentale. Ce nom reprsente en effet une chose trs importante de sa vie : les quatre petits-enfants qui font son bonheur. Le mlange bordelais se compose de 60% de Cabernet Sauvignon, de 25% de Merlot et de 15% de Cabernet Blanc Les autres vins sont : le Cabernet Sauvignon, le Syrah, le Malbec, le Armonia de Tintos (harmonie de rouges), le Chardonnay et Los Nietos cit plus haut. NOTRE MISSION tre une entreprise leader de la production de VINS DE CARACTRES et tre reconnu au plus haut niveau pour l'excellence de nos produits, pour notre quipe et pour nos services qui visent satisfaire au mieux les besoins de notre clientle. NOTRE VISION D'ENTREPRISE Notre but est de devenir une entreprise solide, en pleine expansion, cherchant toujours tre leader de notre secteur et nous engageant envers notre clientle 29

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California tablir travers des points de vente directe notre stabilit et notre permanence sur tout le territoire national. NOS VALEURS Service client Qualit des produits NOTRE ADRESSE Rue Ville Localit tat Pays O NOUS CONTACTER Tlphone E.Mail Facebook ALBUM DE PHOTOS DU DOMAINE DES PRODUITS PRIX ET MDAILLES VIDEO DE PROMOTION


Vins et produits maison .... L'ENTREPRISE La Casa de Doa Lupe, chez Doa Lupe, se niche tout au bout de la route du vin , au cur de la valle de Guadalupe. Elle produit un vin artisanal, des produits maison, confitures, fromages, sauces, vinaigrettes et bien d'autres encore, conditionns sur place. Elle soigne elle mme ses plantes avec tendresse et appartient une organisation de plus de 80 000 membres, prsente dans plus de 30

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California 130 pays. Cette association , Slow Food, dfend la cuisine lente pour lutter contre le monde affair et stressant du Fast Food. NOTRE ADRESSE Rue Ville tat Pays O NOUS CONTACTER Tlphone E.Mail Page Web Facebook ALBUM DE PHOTOS DU DOMAINE DE NOS PRODUITS VOS COMMENTAIRES Laisser vos commentaires ci- dessous


Plataforma Informtica en Ingls

La informacin contenida en los cuadros color rojo se tradujo al idioma Ingls. Se inicio con los elementos comunes BARRA : Inicio: Start Acerca de: About Informacin vitivincola: Wine information Directorio de vincolas: Winery addresses Cultura del vino : Wine's culture Eventos : Events Galerias : Galleries Contactos : Contacts


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California COLUMNA DE LA DERECHA : Boletn de noticias: News Bulletins Email Address Usuarios en linea : Online Guests CENTRO Bienvenidos: Welcome Welcome to the WINE OBSERVATORY OF BAJA CALIFORNIA, a portal developed by the unification of the following organizations: El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Sistema Producto Vid and The Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologa, with the ultimate goal of being a monitoring instrument of Baja California. COLUMNA DE LA IZQUIERDA Men: Menu Publicaciones: Publications Investigaciones: Research Informacin Geogrfica: Geographical Information Datos Estadsticos: Statistical Facts Crditos: Credits Nuestros Estudios: Our Studies En seguida se presenta la seccin Acerca del Observatorio Acerca del Observatorio del vino de los valles vitivincolas de Baja California: About the Winery Observatory of the wine valleys in Baja California Razn de ser del Observatorio del Vino de Baja California The reason behind the Winery Observatory in Baja California Institutionalize a wine observatory that comprises a wine information system, as well as processing diverse variables to build indicators for the mediation and periodically monitoring of the wine sector. This will lead to becoming a decision making tool when it comes to the marketing, the promoting strategy and the 32

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California commercializing of the wine. Also, it looks to establish a method of continuously updating and closely following in a systematic way the generated information and also it will be used as a parameter of comparison of the specified objectives. In a specific manner, it seeks to consolidate the statistic-geographical system based on the compilation and the handling of variables related to the wine sector as well as, shape wine indicators that will serve as support in the decision making process of the companies and the municipal public administration of Ensenada and Tecate. The observatory will provide the evaluation with results of the project of the developing zone and will be integrated in a network of wine observatories that will allow comparison; nationally and internationally, in the planning scope of the developing sector. Destacando en la base las instituciones participantes en el proyecto del observatorio. En tercer lugar se muestra la seccin relativa al Sistema de Informacin vitivincola Sistema de informacin vitivincola Publicaciones, Libros , Investigaciones, Tesis, geogrfica, Datos estadsticos, Indicadores. Wine information system Publications, Books, Research, Thesis, Geographical information, Statistical data, Indicators. Publicaciones Artculos y Libros Publications Articles and Books Investigaciones Estudios, Tesis y reporte de investigacin Research Studies, Thesis and Investigation Reports Informacin Geogrfica Informacin Geogrfica Estudios, I nformacin


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California Geographical Information Geographical Information Datos Estadsticos Base de datos e Indicadores Statistical Data Data bases and indicators En la seccin relativa al Sistema de Informacin se planea la idea de llegar a una percepcin ms integral de la realidad del sector vitivincola, orientada bajo las pautas de la planeacin cientfica del Sistema Producto Vid. Luego se exhibe el Directorio que consiste en de 33 casas productoras del vino.
Directorio de vitivincolas en Baja California

Wine directory of Baja California COLUMNA DE IZQUIERDA Adobe Guadalupe Vineyards & Inn The philosophy at Adobe Guadalupe is the creation of an harmonious environment with nature, where people can enjoy an experience with wine, haute cuisine, horse rides, Jacuzzi, spectacular sunsets and the characteristic friendliness and warmth of people from Valle de Guadalupe. Barn Balch A symbol of Mexican nobility Found in the center of the Valley of Guadalupe at the slopes of a small mountain range, the natural beauty of this place added to being surrounded by majestic varieties of grape plants, fruit trees as well as countless pleasant aromas, the vineyars Baron Balch will leave you with a unique remembrance in memory.


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California Bodegas San Rafael Height Wines Bodegas San Rafael is a family owned business in the valley of Ojos Negros, formerly known as Valley of San Rafael, located 38km from the coast of Ensenada, Baja California and 820 meters above the sea level. Casa de Piedra Casa de Piedra project was born as winemaking family roots, inspired by the freedom to do. Emev Emev Wines The experience that you obtain while visiting emev is unforgettable, because from the moment you arrive until you leave, you are treated as a special guest; it is noteworthy that no reservation or announcement is needed when you visit. The staff is always available for visitors because they provide great treatment and service as well as sharing with the clients who are a priority on their list. La Casa de Doa Lupe Wine and Home-made products At the end of the wine route there is a hidden place in the heart of the Valley of Guadalupe where you are sure to find a house of your own. This vineyard is real, honest and not pretentious where we will share with you our passion for nature. Vias de Garza In Vias de Garza we invite you to experience a unique and unforgettable feeling in a special tour where you will experience our ranch and vineyards, surrounded by a typical vegetation of the Guadalupe Valley area with panoramic views. The rustic style ranch, arid valley contrasts with the lush vegetation of the rooms and the company of our wines, we will make your visit a unique pleasure to this area.


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California Xecue With out wines we want the consumer to appreciate and fully distinguish our terroirs and the varieties that are mainly adapted to this region: Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Nebbiolo y Shiraz. COLUMNA IZQUIERDA Alximia An elemental, authentic, mystic wine from Baja California Alximia is the passion for continuous improvement of process and products to offer in quality of Baja Californian wine. Bibayoff Wines Located west of the Guadalupe Valley in Baja California, VINEYARDS Bibayoff are privileged to have warm days and cool nights. They are surrounded by hills and plains, which give it a different microclimate from the rest of the Valley. Bodegas Santo Toms The oldest winery in Baja California Bodegas Santo Tomas is the oldest wine cellar in Baja California. Since 1888. Casa Pedro Domecq House of Pedro Domecq The tradition of Casa Pedro Domecq L.A. CETTO Wines with both a name and last name We are a proud Mexican company, established in the Guadalupe Valley in Baja California by Mr. Angelo Cetto.


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California Monte Xanic World class Mexican wine Monte Xanic was founded in 1987 by five friends that set themselves up for the adventure of creating a great Mexican wine. The dreamt with elaborating wines that would express their homeland the Valley of Guadalupe, Baja California, with the finesse and the distinction as well as with their own personality and the best quality possible. Via de Liceaga The Fine wine of Mexico At the vineyard of Liceaga we capture the magic of the vineyards in our very selective wines so that you can enjoy them. XECUE About Xecue: Xecue Wines is a company that was created after Jos Luis and Alberta's taste in wine as well as friends of the couple, with the finality of providing a warm atmosphere for chat and small gatherings. Xecue (che-cu-eh), is a word that originates from Kiliwa which means love. Jos Lus, an Agronomist Engineer and Alberta, a Biochemist Engineer; both of them with years of experience in the area of wines, united their roads and conceived their first Xecue in 1999. With our wines, we want the consumer to appreciate and fully distinguish the terroirs and the varieties that are mainly adapted to our region, that is why only Melot from Guadalupe Valley and Cabernet Sauvignon of San Vicente are carefully picked for the wine varietals and a decision is made to make the Special Reserve such as the Premium vine, which is made with the blend of different varietals and 37

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California terroirs of the specified region. The varieties of the Reserve are: Nebbiolo, Shiraz, Merlot y Cabernet Sauvignon, these 4 varieties come together in three winery zones from different regions: Valle de Guadalupe, San Antonio de las Minas and San Vicente. During the elaboration of the wine, monitoring techniques of grape are used based on phenolic maturity and depending on the conditions of the harvested grape, other techniques of maceration of pre and post fermentation are practiced. The barrels are of French oak, the varietal have been in barrels for 12 months and 12 months in a bottle, the premium wine has been stored in the barrel for a period of 24 months and 12 months in the bottle. In the year 2006 the Xecue winery starts to come about in San Antonio of the Mines, on the left side of the Ensenada-Tecate road. The summer of 2010 we recently opened our new facilities for the public. It currently has a production capacity of 1800 boxes annually. By the year 2011 the harvest is currently being commercialized of the 2006 and 2008 varietals, the 2005 Reserve, Relato 2010 and Grenache 2010. Address

Street:Carretera Tecate - Ensenada Km. 88.1 - Aprox. 1.5 Km. de camino vecinal en el Rancho el Chivallito City:Ensenada Location:San Antonio de las Minas State:Baja California


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California BODEGAS SAN RAFAEL Height Wines About us: In the year 2000, this Project starts with the plantation of the first seven hectares of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Petit Verdot and Syrah. First designed as an experiment, but with the certainty that even though there would be obstacles in the Valley of Ojos Negros we would be able to achieve the harvest, fruits with intense tannins and acidity levels and sugar levels; basic requirements for making a good wine In the year 2002, they ventured out and planted the first grapes of Pinot Noir that exist today in the region of Baja California, harvesting with success their first fruit in the year 2004. The teamwork and there careful attention of the Maymes Hussong family, are the mainstay in the production of excellent wines, that please even the most discerning palate. Our visin, here in Bodegas San Rafael, is the innovation when it comes to technical production, conserving the romance of the classical wine studies, with the goal of creating precedent and set a standard in the wine industry. Nowadays, there are 25 acres of vines in production and ten in the actual market, Ojos Negros Gran Reserva, Ojos Negros Syrah, Ojos Negros Cabernet Sauvignon, Ojos Negros Pinot Noir, Ojos Negros Merlot, Passion Meritage, Alegra, Euphoria, Desseo y Delirio Where to find their wines? Tourist Attractions Offered We have wine tours, wine tasting and food services. 39

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California

MONTE XANIC World Class Mexican Wine About Us: Monte Xanic started in 1987 in a period when Mexican wine options were very few. Five friends, all of them wine lovers, had a vision of creating the first Super Premium Mexican wine. Even though some of them thought it was madness, they ventured out and created the project acquiring the lands for the cultivations of the vines in the Valley of Guadalupe and the best available technology to create world class wines. Thus began the new age of the Mexican wine industry. The reduced volume of the grape that we grow lets us exercise a strict control when it comes to the most important features. This lets us determine accurately the date when it can be sold and carefully hand select only the grape that meets our quality guidelines. In 1988 our very first wines were produced, the Chenin Colombard and the Cabernet Sauvignon. The first crop of Monte Xanic was released in 1989 with 6,200 boxes of our very own Chenin Colombard. Today, Monte Xanic produces over 42,000 boxes annually placed in between 12 labels under 3 brands: Monte Xanic, Gran Ricardo and Calixa. These three have the quality and consistency that has characterized for the past twenty years. It has been over 20 years since our first harvest, our commitment for the next twenty is to continue to strive and work tirelessly to reach out goals year after year as well as obtain the recognition and consumer preference.


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California Our Mission Be the producer of the best world class Mexican wine, promoting wine culture, always offering the best quality of service and being a permanent reference in our industry. Our Values At Monte Xanic we dont imitate the world class wines, we want to make our wine excellent, with noble grapes and modern process which reflect our proud and open Mexican character and place them worldwide. We will always seek being leaders, with people who are committed and eager to build history. EMEV Emev wines About us: In todays day, this winery has a total extension of 18 acres with different varieties of grape: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Shiraz, Cabernet Franc, Tempranillo, Malbec y Chardonnay. It has a production of around 60,000 bottles of wine per year. This wine is stored in Hungarian, French and American barrels, made out of oak so they can achieve the flavor and the aroma of each wine; these barrels were imported ever since the very first harvest. Nowadays there are around 180 barrels. The same barrels are never used more than once; they are continuously being replaced by new ones. The used barrels are sold to individuals for the production of homemade wine. Mario Villarreal is proud to have Los Nietos as a signature wine of Emev because of its great quality. It should be noted that this wine has a sentimental value for Mr. Mario, he named it this way because he wanted to mark something important in his life, because of his four grandchildren (Nietos is a Spanish word for grandchildren), who are the sole reason for his happiness. 41

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California The bordelaise mixture consists of a 60% Cabernet Sauvignon, 25% Merlot and 15% Cabernet Franc. The other wines that are also produced are: Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Malbec, Amona de Tintos, Chardonnay y Los Nietos. Our Mission To be a leading company in the production of WINES WITH CHARACTER, and one of the most appreciated because of its high quality of their product, their people and their service, effectively. Our Vision To be a solid company with great growth always looking to be leaders in out sector, always committed to our clients, achieve stability and stay permanently in our market through direct sales and outlets nationwide. Our Values Customer service Quality of our product Address

always satisfying all the necessities of our clients

Street:Camino a San Jos de la Zorra #67 El Porvenir City:Ensenada Location:Valle de Guadalupe State:Baja California Contact Telephone:(646) 634 1080 ext. 114, (646) 684 0109 ext. 115, Cava Boutique (646) 156 8019, Facebook: 42

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California LA CASA DE DOA LUPE Wine and Home-made products About us: La Casa de Doa Lupe is found at the end of the route of wine in the heart of all of the Valley of Guadalupes people. Their wine is handmade just like their jams, cheeses, sauces, vinaigrettes and other packaged products. Doa Guadalupe takes care of her plants as she would her children, and she also belongs to an organization with more than 80 thousand members in 130 countries: Slow Food, to counteract the hectic and stressful world characterized by fast food. Address

Street: Federal highway # 3 take the path of L.A. Cetto, continue after the main entrance of Cetto and follow the signs until you reach Dona Lupe. City:Ensenada State:Baja California L.A. CETTO Wines with a Name and a Last Name About us: We are a proud Mexican company, established in the Valley of Guadalupe in Baja California by Mr. Angelo Cetto. We have four excellent lines: Classic, Private Reserve, Don Luis Reserved Selection and Platinum Reserve, 100% Mexican wine. They come as a result of our developing new profiles, with characteristics and original qualities, with very


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California unique styles, elaborated to be appreciated by diverse and even the most demanding palates in the world. Today, with over more than 80 years of tradition and quality, we are without a doubt, one of the most important wineries in the Mexican industry. A total of 22 international awards received from France, Italy, Spain, England, Canada and the United States make us the vineyard with most international prestige. These awards confirm our quality in more than 25 countries which we export to nowadays. Our wines are a sample of quality and consistency of the Mexican viticulture, a tribute to art of making great wine. Vinyards: The vineyards in Baja California are located in the 4 cardinal points of the Valley of Guadalupe: the ranches in San Vicente, Tecate and Sonora. They have a territorial extension of 1,100 acres where approximately 9 million liters of wine per year are produced, which only 20% is exported to more than 25 countries. The Valley of Guadalupe is a remarkable place, found on the western side of the peninsula, nestled on the gentle slope of the mountains to the Pacific coast; this land of both warm and dry climate has a bit of the breeze and the mist of the ocean, giving it a Mediterranean environment. The winter is cold and rainy due to the monsoon winds from the northwest and the summer is hot , due to winds from the southeast, providing a favorable climate for the vines to grow and mature.


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California CASA DE PIEDERA Wines About us: Our story: Casa de Piedra is a winemaking family root project that was inspired in the liberty to do. It quickly consolidated his first production: Vino de Piedra, created with Tempranillo and Cabernet grapes harvested in 1997. Three years later, the vineyard surrounding the house gave them their first harvest Chardonnay grapes that occurred Sol Stone. Casa de Piedra summarizes the contemporary expression of Mexican wine. This Project is born from the wish of elaborating wine that will be enjoyed by the group of people that were close to the project. At Casa de Piedra we look for a wine that comes from an author, we take advantage of the grape that come from different microclimates, the best technology and the sensitivity of winemaking to a scale that lets us take care of each and every one of the bottles as well as printing an individual personality of the terroir. The winery is located at Km 93.5 in the San Antonio de las Minas BC. This space is unique and has a geometric and harmonic rhythm about it. The building is warm, homely and very intimate with well equipped facilities, stainless steel tanks of small capacity with computerized process control, aseptic fermentation area, wide area of aging, wine cellar and liquid handling semi gravitational. Only eight years after finalizing our very first harvest, we have received a very warm reception from people who have favored us and helped us with the project, put our wine in the highest global recognition. 45

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California BODEGAS SANTO TOMS

The oldest winery in Baja California About Us: Our Story: Bodegas Santo Tomas was founded in 1888 by the Italian Francisco Andogueni and the Spaniard Miguel Ormart, it is the oldest winery in Baja California and the first to bottle wine in the country. The winery was acquired by General Abelardo Rodriguez, months being appointed President of Mexico in 1932. In the sixties the former president sold his share to Elias Pando, who was his partner. Nowadays, it has a contemporary design at the very beginning of the Valley of Santo Tomas. Mission: In Bodegas Santo Tomas we generate value and wealth to the Mexican wine industry through innovation and talent of our employees through the transformation and conservation of our land and its fruits to enrich the human experience at the table. Vision: To be the Mexican wine leader of wine exportation. Address

Street:Miramar #666 Zip code:22800 City:Ensenada Sitio Web: Facebook: 46

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California BIBAYOFF Wines About us: The Russian Colony of Guadalupe Valley rests with the arrival of about 100 Russian Molokans families in 1906.These families came from the Kars territory located at the time in Russia bordering Turkey, where they were exiled in the time of Czar Nicholas II because of their religious and pacifist views. In this inhospitable land the first immigrants came looking for a place to live in peace with their families and continue to cultivate their land and their traditions. Newly settled in the Valley, these White Russian Molokan religion (meaning eating milk), followed with their habits, bearing in mind the study of the Bible. People who lived in the country side sowed grain, fruit trees, raised cattle, sheep, geese and chickens to produce part of their traditional dishes such as borshch, lapsha, a unique yeast bread and fermented grain liquor and honey called Kuas. These Russian immigrants generated an important bloom in the Valley. Over time they established small vineyards and craft began producing their own wines. By the thirties, Alexie M. Dalgoff get the first licenses for winemaking. His grandson David Bibayoff Dalgoff continues the tradition using modern techniques of vinification and founded his very own company: GUADALUPE VALLEY WINERY, Inc. de CV, made from grapes grown at Rancho Toros Pintos Guadalupe Valley, who always look to offer quality handcrafted wines, and has been devoted to careful and cultivation of the vine for more than thirty year


Symbol of Mexican nobility 47

Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California About us: The wine project Barn Balch Baron was born in 1997 when the Rios family acquired a property in the Guadalupe Valley, with vineyards over 50 years. At first they had an idea to make homemade wine, and conditioned a place with small installations. Shortly afterwards sprang from the mind of Mr. Ros an ambitious project, and recognized the hand of Mexican winemaker, Dr. Victor Torres (agroindustrial engineer and doctor at the University of Enology in Bordeaux, France) The wines made at Baron Balch are made with love and care necessary to be given to a high quality product, but using a technology: gravity systems, automatic temperature controls, fermented in stainless steel tanks, pumping subtle French and American barrels to round out the structure of these wines. We understand that soon there will be Mexican wine undertaking our systems because we are making excellent wine-art " The cellar of Barn Balch had its first year of winemaking in 2001 with a production of 2500 cases. Today with the existing infrastructure facilities, 120.000 bottles are produced annually to meet the Mexican market, with our wide range (Corner Barn, Barn Balch and Top Premium Line) without losing the quality control, "be able to flatter the world's most demanding palates. The wines produced at Barn Balch are noble drinks that deserve the respect of drinking a special glass, and opening all the feelings, preparing the sight and the smell to get to the crucial moment of putting it in ones mouth and appreciating all the flavors that come together and complement each other. Wine invites us to share our feelings, generates conversations, passion and emotion. The best wine is the one you love the most, and Barn Balch has caused great impressions on even the hardest palates all the way from the beginners to even the most experienced.


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California

ALXIMIA A basic, authentic mystical Baja Californian wine About Us: lXimia is the product of the transmutation of the elements of Baja California; deeply knowing the noble land that nourishes the vineyards, water scarce in the Valle de Guadalupe, but without which it would achieve the product, the deserts hot air that allows good fruit ripening, and that along with fire, sun-shaped, provide energy for the process. AlXimia is itself the process of fusion of these elements in a noble product of the Valle de Guadalupe, a basic wine, authentic, and mystic. AlXimia is ultimately the passion for continuous improvement of process and product to offer a quality wine Baja California. AlXimia has its own vineyard, located in the Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California, where they have planted grapes of different varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Tempranillo and Barbera. Address

Street: 1.5 km after San Antonio de las Minas make a U turn. 100 meters later there will be a deviation to the right to be signs of several wineries. Take this dirt road. Continue 3km on this road and the right side is the vineyard

City:Ensenada Location:Valle de Guadalupe State:Baja California Contact Website: Facebook:


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California


Vineyards & Inn About Us: Adobe Guadalupe is a winery that is also a bed and breakfast with six guest bedrooms, named for archangels Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael, Seraphiel, Miguel and Kerubiel. They possess a style of Iranian architecture with interior details of the Mexican Republic. Silence is only broken when the sound of constant water falls in the fountain that can be greatly appreciated from every one of the rooms. We are located in the Guadalupe Valley near Ensenada, Baja California. Our vineyards were planted in 1998 and had our first harvest in 2000 VINEYARDS Adobe Guadalupe has 20 hectares of vineyards which produce the different varietals: Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Malbec, Tempranillo, Nebbiolo, Syrah, Cinsault, Mourvedre, Grenache, Merlot y and a little of the Viognier grape. It is usually harvested in August when the traditional Harvest Festival is happening; during these days is when all the activities are going on during different wineries. Adobe Guadaluoe offers a gala dinner accompanied by a wine auction where the money raised goes to scholarships for people in the Valle de Guadalupe.


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California



El Observatorio del vino de los valles de Ensenada y Tecate es una iniciativa de carcter empresarial que surge hacia el ao 2010 y cuyo principal objetivo es garantizar la rapidez y eficiencia, tanto en el acceso a la informacin existente para mejorar la competitividad del sector vitivincola, asimismo para la difusin de los productos y servicios que se ofrecen en la zona. El principal desafo en la construccin y en la organizacin del contenido del portal fue captar informacin heterognea y dispersa, darle una presentacin amena y, sobre todo, asegurar una adecuada difusin en trminos de los idiomas: espaol, francs e ingls, que habitualmente no estn en los observatorios vincolas. Pretendemos que se transforme en una herramienta bsica para encontrar oportunidades de negocios y favorecer la sustentabilidad del Nuevo Plan Estratgico Vitivincola. La pgina web estar activa como herramienta de informacin actualizada y accesible para todo tipo de consultas (es gratuita y de fcil manejo). Teniendo como objetivo ayudar en la toma de mejores decisiones en el sector vitivincola de la entidad y de informacin para los usuarios en general. Finalmente, para su implementacin, el Sistema Producto Vid, como unidad ejecutora del proyecto, formar un equipo de productores que ser el encargado de analizar la informacin provista por el sistema, por las instancias oficiales y los centros de investigacin que deba se colgado en el portal. Adems que deber tener un administrador del mismo para su actualizacin.


Observatorio de los Valles Vitivincolas de Baja California



Pes Rivas, Carlos Javier (2011) 36 pasos bsicos para Desarrollar un Sitio Web. Autoedicin, Espaol. Pp. 63. Castillo, Carlos (s.a) Tejedores del web Depto. De Informtica y Comunicaciones. Universidad de Chile. Lpez Garca, Juan Jos (s.a), Tutorial de HTML Depto. De Psicologa Bsica y Metodologa. Universidad de Murcia. Arocena, Francisco (s.a) WebMaestro


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