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El Consejo de Cleros del Sur-este

Te invita a la Caminata de los Clerigos

30 de Enero, 2013 @ 6:30am

Ubicacin: Mark Twain Library, 9621 S. Figueroa Street, LA CA 90044.

El Clero del Sur-este, voluntarios del Sour-este, junto con otros clrigos y Organizaciones de Base Comunitaria, se han asociado para caminar y hablar con la comunidad sobre programas de trabajo. En esta caminata estaremos abordando a la comunidad en charlas sobre programas de asistencia para personas que necesitan ayuda. Estaremos distribuyendo informacin que ser de gran ayuda y de gran beneficio para guiarlos en el camino correcto. Le hacemos el llamado a todos los ciudadanos y a dueos de negocio a que se una a esta caminata. Nuestra misin es de abordar y mejorar la calidad de vida sobre los temas que afectan a las mujeres y hombres que estn sin vivienda e involucrados en la prostitucin, el desempleo, y de personas que necesitan ayuda de recuperacin de la adiccin de las drogas en la Ciudad de Los Angeles.

Para ms informacin por favor comunicarse con el Oficial Dawson Hill al (213) 972-7965 or email at

LA Police and Clergy - Walk for Life in Christ

Purpose: The walk is slated to help the community (people) through education, intervention, awareness, and follow-up assisting the community (people) with positive benefits that will begin to unite the community in harmony. Benefits: The community benefits by education on a better way to live. People will intercede to alleviate drugs, alcohol, and crimes invading our community. The walk brings awareness of the help available to hurting people. Our follow-up is about directing these people to places of comfort, assistance, and relief in hurtful situations. We must not ignore the people who need help! The Police benefits having less job stress and greater confidence in the community and people they serve. The Spiritual community (Church) benefits by fulfilling Christ-like commitments to love all men, even their enemies! Impact: Directly affected by the walk, the impact or influence on the community lays the foundation to help increasingly isolated communities craving for help not isolation. We will be a better community as a whole! Follow-up: Various agencies and organization will assist the people in the community. We are evaluating agencies to support and help the community. Possible Example: Safe houses for Women (Battered) AA (Alcoholic Anonymous)

Record ex-pungement

Work Programs Education/tutoring

Pastor A. W. Marshall

Olivet Baptist church 11523 S San Pedro 323-242-8388

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