Está en la página 1de 61

Archivos Lógicos internos

Archivos que están bajo control estricto del sistema. Archivo independiente o
tabla en una Base de datos.

Nombre del archivo lógico interno Identificación

Carnet D

Socio A
Categorìa A
Gènero A
Pelicula D
Video G
Historia D
Premio D
Tienda A
Transaccion G
Transacciòn_Detalle G
ClaseDocumento A
FormaPago A
Promocion A
Cupon A
Elementos de datos
Tipos de registros 1-19 20-50 51+

0-1 A B C
2-5 D E F
6+ G H I
Salidas Externas
Pantallas, informes, gráficos o mensajes que el programa genera para el usuario final
o cualquier otro programa. Cualquier salida que requiera de un procesamiento.

Nombre de la salida externa Identificacion

Ticket de la Transaccion H

Consulta totalizada de productos pedidos (OR) E

Consulta consolidada de stock (fisico+virtual) D
Consulta disponibilidad de producto en almacen A
Detalle de carro de compras (cantidad*precio unitario) E
Orden de compra (elaboracion de la pre-orden) E
Consultar opiniones por estados A
Consultar reclamos por estados A
Consultar boletin actual A
Consultar categorias por país B
Consultar subcategorias B
Consultar productos en oferta o con descuento B
Consultar ofertas vigentes B
Consultar promociones vigentes B
Consultar avisos vigentes B
Orden de compra - cotización E
Estado de sus compras E
Listado de pedidos inconclusos E
Tendencias del consumidor B
Ventas realizadas E
Productos de mayor venta E
Categorías de mayor venta E
Reporte de productos en stock mínimo B
Listado de nivel de stock B
Listado de productos ingresados B
Elementos de datos
Tipos de 1-5 6-19 20+
0-1 A B C
2-3 D E F
4+ G H I
Combinaciones e/s en las que cada entrada genera una salida simple.
Generalmente, recuperan datos directamente de una Base de Datos en un
formato elemental. Consultas de usuarios o aplicaciones que dan un reporte
al usuario o aplicación

Nombre de la entrada externa Identificación


Lista coincidencias de producto B
Consulta OCC's nuevas B
Consulta estados OCC's B
Consulta promociones E
Consulta precio de producto B
Lista libreta direcciones B
Lista usuarios A
Lista opciones e menu A
Lista perfiles A
Lista de proveedores inscritos A
Lista de proveedores evaluados A
Lista de proveedores aprobados A
Lista de obras inscritas A
Lista de obras evaluadas A
Lista de obras aprobadas A
Búsqueda de proveedores A
Búsqueda de obras aprobrobadas A
Búsqueda de obras por evaluar A
Búsqueda de obras evaluadas A
Listado de ordenes de compra por estados E
Búsqueda de usuarios A
Lista de banners actuales A
Consulta de comentarios no publicados A
Elementos de datos
Tipos de 1-5 6-19 20+
0-1 A B C
2-3 D E F
4+ G H I
Entradas de Usuario o externas

Pantallas, formularios, cuadros de diálogo, o mensajes a través de los cuales un

usuario final u otro programa pueda añadir, borrar o cambiar datos del programa.

Nombre de la entrada de usuario Identificación

Registro proveedor B

Registro producto B
Registro evaluacion producto A
Votar por producto A
Registrar OR E
Registrar especificacion de OR A
Registrar OC E
Registrar nota de ingreso de productos B
Registrar nota de salida de productos B
Registrar transferencia de stock para web B
Registrar guia de exportación E
Publicar producto para evaluación A
Registro cliente B
Registro libreta de direcciones B
Registro de consultas B
Registro de reclamos B
Registro de opiniones B
Detalle de producto (añadir producto al carro de compras) E
Carro de compras(Pre-orden) E
Datos de la compra B
Datos de la tarjeta A
Registrar atencion de OCC B
Registra envio de OCC A
Registra entrega de OCC A
Registra confirmación de recepcion de OCC A
Publicar opiniones A
Responder consultas A
Atender reclamos A
Registrar categorias B
Registrar subcategorias B
Registrar productos B
Registrar ofertas B
Registrar promociones B
Elaborar boletin B
Registrar avisos B
Registrar e-cards A
Recordar contraseña A
Registrar usuario B
Registrar perfil A
Registrar opciones de menu E
Cambiar contraseña A
Eliminar proveedor A
Identificacion de proveedor A
Identificación del cliente A
Formulario e-cards A
Actualización de boletines B
Publicar/eliminar avisos A
Enviar boletines B
Publicar/eliminar opiniones A
Publicar obras en galería A
Elementos de datos
Tipos de 1-4 5-15 16+
0-1 A B C
2-3 D E F
4+ G H I
Interfaces externas
Archivos controlados por otros sistemas con los que el
sistema interactúa. Se incluyen los archivos externos de los
que el sistema lee o en los que escribe.

Nombre de la entrada externa Identificación

Externa con Visanet A
Externa con DHL A
Elementos de datos
Tipos de registros 1-19 20-50 51+
0-1 A B C
2-5 D E F
6+ G H I
Cálculo de los puntos de función
Elementos de datos
Tipos de registros 1-19 20-50 51+ Tipos de registros
0-1 A B C 0-1
2-5 D E F 2-5
6+ G H I 6+


Elementos de datos
Tipos de registros 1-5 6-19 20+ Tipos de registros
0-1 A B C 0-1
2-3 D E F 2-3
4+ G H I 4+


Elementos de datos
Tipos de registros 1-5 6-19 20+ Tipos de registros
0-1 A B C 0-1
2-3 D E F 2-3
4+ G H I 4+


Elementos de datos
Tipos de registros 1-4 5-15 16+ Tipos de registros
0-1 A B C 0-1
2-3 D E F 2-3
4+ G H I 4+


Elementos de datos
Tipos de registros 1-19 20-50 51+ Tipos de registros
0-1 A B C 0-1
2-5 D E F 2-5
6+ G H I 6+


Cuenta Factor de ponderación
# DE SALIDAS 15 9 1 4 5
# DE PETICIONES 38 6 - 3 4
# DE ENTRADAS 44 6 - 3 4
Elementos de datos
1-19 20-50 51+
8 - -
4 - -
3 - -


Elementos de datos
1-5 6-19 20+
4 10 -
1 9 -
- 1 -


Elementos de datos
1-5 6-19 20+
21 17 -
- 6 -
- - -


Elementos de datos
1-4 5-15 16+
22 22 -
- 6 -
- - -


Elementos de datos
1-19 20-50 51+
2 - -
- - -
- - -

de ponderación
15 114
7 112
6 138
6 156
10 10
Puntos de Función ajustados







10 FIC

11 FOP

12 UMS

13 FCB

14 AEL

Puntos de función ajustados

untos de Función ajustados

¿Los datos e información de control usados en la aplicación se envían o reciben a
través de facilidades de comunicación? 4
¿Las funciones de procesamiento y los datos distribuidos constituyen una
característica fundamental de la aplicación dentro de la frontera de aplicación? 5
¿Los objetivos de rendimiento de la aplicación (declarados o aprobados por el
usuario) tanto en las respuestas como en las throughput, influyen (o pueden influir)
en el diseño, desarrollo, instalación y soporte de la aplicación? 2
¿Una fuerte configuración operacional que demanda de consideraciones especiales
de diseño, es una característica de la aplicación? 4
¿La tasa de transacciones es alta o influye el diseño, desarrollo, instalación y
soporte? 2
¿La aplicación debe proveer entrada de datos e información de control en línea? 3
¿Se actualizan en línea los datos almacenados en el sistema? 4
¿Se requieren algoritmos complejos para el procesamiento de la información? 2
¿La aplicación y el código de la aplicación han sido especialmente diseñados,
desarrollados y soportados para ser usados en otras aplicaciones? 2
¿Se deben de proporcionar facilidades en la instalación y conversión de datos? ¿Un
plan de conversión e instalación se debe de proporcionar y probar durante la fase
de prueba del sistema? 0
¿El diseño debe permitir el fácil uso del sistema? ¿Los procedimientos de
levantamiento, resguardos y recuperación del sistema serán proporcionados y
probados durante la fase de prueba del sistema? 4
¿La aplicación se debe de diseñar, desarrollar y soportar para que sea instalada en
múltiples sitios por múltiples organizaciones? 1
¿El diseño, desarrollo y soporte debe garantizar el fácil cambio del sistema de
software? 5
¿Se requiere de actualizaciones de datos en línea? 5
TAL 43
A 1.08

ntos de función ajustados 572.4

C o m p u t a c i ó n d e p u n t o s d e fu n c ió n

E v a lu a r c a d a f a c t o r e n u n a e s c a la d e 0 a 5 :
0 1 2 3 4 5

N o i n f lu e n c i a In c id e n t a l M o d e ra d o M e d io S ig n ific a t ivo E s e n c ia l
Calculo de instrucciones fuentes en función del lenguaje
F/PF *
Lenguaje Porcentaje F/PF porc.

Visual. Net 0.8 29 23.2

Stored Procedures 0.2 16 3.2

Total 26.4

Número de instrucciones fuente 13992

Miles de instrucciones fuente 13.99

Modo de trabajo - semilibre


ORGANICO 2.4 1.05 2.5 0.38
SEMILIBRE 3 1.12 2.5 0.35
orgánico semilibre

ESF 38.32 57.61

TDES 9.99 10.33

CH 3.83 5.58

Costo hombre/mes $880 $880

Costo del Proyecto $67,436.92 $101,395.64

Lenguajes de Programación
Factor de Conversión

Pascal 91

Basic 64

PL/1 80

CPP 10

OO 30
_4GL 20
Assembler 320

Algol 106

Cobol 106

Fortran 106

Jovial 106

RPG 80
Ada 71
Lisp 64
_4GLdb 40
APL 32
Smalltalk 21
SQL 16
SL 6
Delphi 29
5 29


Se cuenta con un fácil acceso a la información proporcionada por el cliente para el desarrollo
de las diferentes etapas del proyecto. Sin embargo no se cuenta con la facilidad necesaria para
establecer los requisitos y las especificaciones.
El equipo es mediano y cuenta con experiencia.en el desarrollo de este tipo de sistemas. Ademas,
las condiciones que se presentan facilitan la negociación con el cliente

Puntos de Función :

PF desajustados = 530 MF ( instrucciones ) =

Esfuerzo Real :

ESF real = #N/A H-M (hombres - mes)

Tiempo de Desarrollo Real:

TDES real = #N/A M (meses)

Cantidad de Hombres:

CH =ESF/TDES #N/A H (hombres)

Productividad Real :

MF real 13.992
P real = ------------ = ---------- = #N/A
ESF real #N/A

Costo real :

COSTO (aprox.) = TDES real * CHM * sueldoprom * 2

Sueldo prom.
mensual (SM) $700
Tiempo desarrollo #N/A
Cantidad Hombres #N/A
COSTO (aprox.) = #N/A

nada por el cliente para el desarrollo

e cuenta con la facilidad necesaria para

sarrollo de este tipo de sistemas. Ademas,

n con el cliente

MF(Miles Instrucciones Fuentes)

1 0.88
1.66 1.00
2.84 0.82
Post Architecture COCOMO II-1998

Post Architecture Model

Scale Factor (SF) Section : Selected
X=Not Applicable Very Low Low Norm High Very High Extra High Value
PREC 6.20 4.96 3.72 2.48 1.24 0.00 #N/A
FLEX 5.07 4.05 3.04 2.03 1.01 0.00 #N/A
RESL 7.07 5.65 4.24 2.83 1.41 0.00 #N/A
TEAM 5.48 4.38 3.29 2.19 1.10 0.00 #N/A
PMAT 7.80 6.24 4.68 3.12 1.56 0.00 #N/A
SF = #N/A
E Calculation Section : E=B+0.01*(PREC+FLEX+RESL+TEAM+PMAT)
E = #N/A

EM Section :
Product Factors
X=Not Applicable Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra high
RELY 0.75 0.88 1.00 1.15 1.39 ///// 0.88
DATA ///// 0.93 1.00 1.09 1.19 ///// 1.09
CPLX 0.75 0.88 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.66 #N/A
RUSE ///// 0.91 1.00 1.14 1.29 1.49 #N/A
DOCU 0.89 0.95 1.00 1.06 1.13 ///// #N/A

Platform Factors
X=Not Applicable Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra high
TIME ///// ///// 1.00 1.11 1.31 1.67 #N/A
STOR ///// ///// 1.00 1.06 1.21 1.57 #N/A
PVOL ///// 0.87 1.00 1.15 1.30 ///// #N/A

Personnel Factors
X=Not Applicable Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra high
PCON 1.24 1.10 1.00 0.92 0.84 ///// #N/A
ACAP 1.50 1.22 1.00 0.83 0.67 ///// #N/A
PCAP 1.37 1.16 1.00 0.87 0.74 ///// #N/A
AEXP 1.22 1.10 1.00 0.89 0.81 ///// #N/A
PEXP 1.25 1.12 1.00 0.88 0.81 ///// #N/A
LTEX 1.22 1.10 1.00 0.91 0.84 ///// #N/A

Project Factors
X=Not Applicable Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra high
TOOL 1.24 1.12 1.00 0.86 0.72 ///// #N/A
SITE 1.25 1.10 1.00 0.92 0.84 0.78 #N/A
SCED 1.29 1.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 ///// #N/A

SCED value for TDEV calculation

X=Not Applicable Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra high
SCED value 75% 85% 100% 130% 160% ///// #N/A

EM = #N/A 'EM = #N/A

Calculation Section :
Formula : PM=EM*A*[(1+BRAK/100)*SIZE]^E+[(ASLOC*AT/100)/ATPROD]
EM = #N/A (from the formula in EM section)
A = 2.94 (constant)
B = 0.91 (constant)
C = 3.67 (constant)
D = 0.28 (constant)
BRAK = 0 (user input)
SIZE = 13.99 (user input)
E = #N/A (from the formula in SF section)
ASLOC = 0 (user input)
AT = 0 (user input)
ATPROD= 1 (user input)
PM = #N/A <----result after calculation
Formula : TDEV=[C*PM^(D+0.2*(E-B))]*SCED%/100
'EM = #N/A (EM without SCED)
'PM = #N/A (PM without SCED)
TDEV = #N/A <----result after calculation
CH = #N/A

02/03/2009@15:56:28 13845372.xls--PostArch Page 21 of 61

Precedentedness (PREC)
If the product is similar to several that have been developed before then the precedentedness is high.

Features to evaluate PREC Selected rating

.Organizational understanding of product objectives indicated by "xxxx".
Very Low Low Norm High Very High Extra High Value overridable
General <---> Considerable Considerable <---> Thorough in colored field
1 2 3 4 5 6 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

.Experience in working with related sw systems

Very Low Low Norm High Very High Extra High
Moderate <---> Considerable Considerable <---> Extensive
1 2 3 4 5 6 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

.Concurrent development of associated new hw and operational procedures

Very Low Low Norm High Very High Extra High
Extensive <---> Moderate Moderate <---> Some
1 2 3 4 5 6 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

.Need for innovative data processing architecture, algorithms

Very Low Low Norm High Very High Extra High
Considerable <---> Some Some <---> Minimal
1 2 3 4 5 6 #N/A
xxxx #N/A


Suggested rating : ( Input your rating based on the suggested rating scale. Sum --> rating )
4-7.33 -->VL 7.33-10.66 -->L 10.66-13.99 -->Norm 13.99-17.32 -->H 17.32-20.65 -->VH 20.65-24 -->EH

.Total Evaluation Your Rating

Very Low Low Norm High Very High Extra High
6.20 4.96 3.72 2.48 1.24 0.00 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

Development Flexibility (FLEX)
This cost driver captures the amount of constraints the product has to meet. The more flexible
the requirements, schedules, interfaces, etc., the higher the rating.

Features for evaluate FLEX Selected rating

.Need for sw conformance with pre-established requirements indicated by "xxxx".
Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra HighValue overridable
Full <---> Considerable Considerable <---> Basic in colored field
1 <---> 3 4 <---> 6 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

.Need for sw conformance with external interface specifications

Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High
Full <---> Considerable Considerable <---> Basic
1 <---> 3 4 <---> 6 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

.Combination of inflexibilities above with premium on early completion

Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High
High <---> Medium Medium <---> Low
1 <---> 3 4 <---> 6 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

Suggested rating : ( Input your rating based on the suggested rating scale. Sum --> rating )
3-4 -->VL 5-7 -->L 8-10 -->Norm 11-13 -->H 14-16 -->VH 17-18 -->EH

.Total Evaluation
Very Low Low Norm High Very High Extra High Your Rating
5.07 4.05 3.04 2.03 1.01 0.00 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

Sum --> rating )
Architecture/Risk Resolution(RESL)
This cost driver captures the thoroughness of definition and freedom from risk of the software
architecture used for the product.

Features for eveluate RESL

.Risk management Plan identifies all critical risk items, Selected rating
establishes milestones for resolving them by Product Design Review (PDR)
indicated by "xxxx".
or Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High Value overridable
None Little Some Generally Mostly Fully in colored field
1 2 3 4 5 6 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

.Schedule, budget, & internal milestones through PDR or LCA compatible with Risk Management Plan
Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High
None Little Some Generally Mostly Fully
1 2 3 4 5 6 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

.Percent of development schedule devoted to establishing architechture, given general product objectives
Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High
5% 10% 17% 25% 33% 40%
1 2 3 4 5 6 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

.Percent of required top sw architechtures available to project

Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High
20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%
1 2 3 4 5 6 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

.Tool support available for resolving risk items, developing and veryfying architechtural specs
Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High
None Little Some Good Strong Full
1 2 3 4 5 6 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

.Level of uncertainty in Key architechture drivers: mission, user

interface, COTS, hw, technology, performance
Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High
Extreme Significant Considerable Some Little Very Little
1 2 3 4 5 6 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

.Number and criticality of risk items

Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High
>10 5-10 2-4 1 >5 <5
Critical Critical Critical Critical Non-critical Non-critical
1 2 3 4 5 6 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

Suggested rating : ( Input your rating based on the suggested rating scale. Sum --> rating )
7-12 -->VL 13-18 -->L 19-24 -->Norm 25-30 -->H 31-36 -->VH 37-42 -->EH
.Total Evaluation
Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High Your Rating
7.07 5.65 4.24 2.83 1.41 0.00 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

m risk of the software

sk Management Plan

eneral product objectives

chtural specs
Team Cohesion (TEAM)
The Team Cohesion cost driver accounts for the sources of project turbulence and extra effort
due to difficulties in synchronizing the project's stakeholders: users, customers, developers,
maintainers, interfacers, others.
Features for eveluate TEAM Selected rating
.Consistency of stakeholder objectives and cultures indicated by "xxxx".
Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High Value overridable
Little Some Basic Considerable Strong Fully in colored field
1 2 3 4 5 6 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

.Ability, willingness of stakeholders to accommodate other stakeholders' objectives

Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High
Little Some Basic Considerable Strong Fully
1 2 3 4 5 6 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

.Experience of stakeholders in operating as a team

Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High
None Little Little Basic Considerable Extensive
1 2 3 4 5 6 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

.Stakeholder team building to achieve shared vision and commitments

Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High
None Little Little Basic Considerable Extensive
1 2 3 4 5 6 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

Suggested rating : ( Input your rating based on the suggested rating scale. Sum --> rating )
4-7.33 -->VL 7.33-10.66 -->L 10.66-13.99 -->N 13.99-17.32 -->H 17.32-20.65 -->VH 20.65-24 -->EH
.Total Evaluation
Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High Your Rating
5.48 4.38 3.29 2.19 1.1 0.00 #N/A
xxxx #N/A

extra effort

Process Maturity (PMAT)
The procedure for determining PMAT is organized around the Software Engineering Institute's
Capability Maturity Model (CMM). Use the criteria and information on the "PMAT Eval" worksheet to
self-evaluate the project's fulfillment of each KPA . Or, select a CMM Level Rating, below, and provide
basis for selection.

SUM of PMAT Evaluation Ratings = 7.25 PMAT Rating: Nominal

0..3.5=>Very Low; 3.5..6=>Low; 6.01..13=>Nominal;
13.01..16=>High; 16.01..18=>Very High; 18=>Extra High

.Total Evaluation
Not Applicable Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High
4.68 7.80 6.24 4.68 3.12 1.56 0.00


Overall Maturity Level 0

Very Low *CMM Level 1 (lower half) 3.5
Low *CMM Level 1 (upper half) 7
Nominal *CMM Level 2 13
High *CMM Level 3 16
Very High *CMM Level 4 18
Extra High *CMM Level 5 18
Basis of estimate:
* Software Process Assessment (SPA)
* Software Capability Evaluation (SCE)
* Interim Process Assessment (IPA)
* Other: ___________________________________
Engineering Institute's
e "PMAT Eval" worksheet to
vel Rating, below, and provide

Selected rating value

indicated by "xxxx".
Value overridable
in colored field

PMAT Evaluation Worksheet: Fill in X under the correct column head

Evaluation criteria:

* Almost Always (over 90% of the time) when the goals are consistently achieved and are well established in
* Very Often (frequently; about 60 to 90% of the time) when the goals are achieved relatively often, but som
* About Half (about 40 to 60% of the time) when the goals are achieved about half of the time.
* Occasionally (about 10 to 40% of the time) when the goals are sometimes achieved, but less often.
* Rarely If Ever (less than 10% of the time) when the goals are rarely if ever achieved.
* Does Not Apply when you have the required knowledge about your project or organization and the KPA, bu
to your circumstances (e.g. Subcontract Management).
* Don't Know when you are uncertain about how to respond for the KPA.

Almost Very
Key Process Area Goals of each KPA Always Often
1 0.75
Requirements Management: involves System requirements allocated to software are
establishing and maintaining an agreement with controlled to establish a baseline for software
the customer on the requirements for the engineering and management use. Software
software project. plans, products, and activities are kept
consistent with the system requirements
allocated to software.

Software Project Planning: establishes Software estimates are documented for use in
reasonable plans for performing the software planning and tracking the software project.
engineering activities and for managing the Software project activities and commitments
software project. are planned and documented. Affected groups
and individuals agree to their commitments
related to the software project.

Software Project Tracking and Oversight: Actual results and performances are tracked
provides adequate visibility into actual progress against the software plans. Corrective actions
so that management can take corrective actions are taken and managed to closure when actual
when the software project's performance results and performance deviate significantly
deviates significantly from the software plans. from the software plans. Changes to software
commitments are agreed to by the affected
groups and individuals.
Software Subcontract Management: involves The prime contractor selects qualified software
selecting a software subcontractor, establishingsubcontractors. The prime contractor and the
commitments with the subcontractor, and software subcontractor agree to their
tracking and reviewing the subcontractor's commitments to each other. The prime
performance and results. contractor and the software subcontractor
maintain ongoing communications. The prime
contractor tracks the software subcontractor's
Software Quality Assurance: provides actual
Softwareresults andassurance
quality performance against
activities areits
management with appropriate visibility into the commitments.
planned. Adherence of software products and
process being used by the software project and activities to the applicable standards,
of the products being built. procedures, and requirements is verified
objectively. Affected groups and individuals are
informed of software quality assurance
activities and results. Noncompliance issues
Software Configuration Management: that cannot
Software be resolvedmanagement
configuration within the software
establishes and maintains the integrity of the project are addressed
are planned. Selected by senior work
software management.
products of the software project throughout the are identified, controlled, and available.
project's software life cycle. Changes to identified software work products
are controlled. Affected groups and individuals
are informed of the status and content of
software baselines.
Organization Process Focus: establishes the Software process development and
organizational responsibility for software improvement activities are coordinated across
process activities that improve the the organization. The strengths and
organization's overall software process weaknesses of the software processes used are
capability. identified relative to a process standard.
Organization-level process development and
improvement activities are planned.
Organization Process Definition: develops and A standard software process for the
maintains a usable set of software process organization is developed and maintained.
assets that improve process performance across Information related to the use of the
the projects and provides a basis for cumulative, organization's standard software process by the
long- term benefits to the organization. software projects is collected, reviewed, and
made available.
Training Program: develops the skills and Training activities are planned. Training for
knowledge of individuals so they can perform developing the skills and knowledge needed to
their roles effectively and efficiently. perform software management and technical
roles is provided. Individuals in the software
engineering group and software-related groups
receive the training necessary to perform their
Integrated Software Management: integrates The project's defined software process is a
the software engineering and management tailored version of the organization's standard
activities into a coherent, defined software software process. The project is planned and
process that is tailored from the organization's managed according to the project's defined
standard software process and related process software process.
Software Product Engineering: integrates all the The software engineering tasks are defined,
software engineering activities to produce and integrated, and consistently performed to
support correct, consistent software products produce the software. Software work products
effectively and efficiently. are kept consistent with each other.
Intergroup Coordination: establishes a means The customer's requirements are agreed to by
for the software engineering group to all affected groups. The commitments between
participate actively with the other engineering the engineering groups are agreed to by the
groups so the project is better able to satisfy the affected groups. The engineering groups
customer's needs effectively and efficiently. identify, track, and resolve intergroup issues.

Peer Review: removes defects from the software Peer review activities are planned. Defects in
work products early and efficiently. the software work products are identified and
Quantitative Process Management: controls the The quantitative process management
process performance of the software project activities are planned. The process
quantitatively. performance of the project's defined software
process is controlled quantitatively. The
process capability of the organization's
standard software process is known in
quantitative terms.
Software Quality Management: involves defining The project's software quality management
quality goals for the software products, activities are planned. Measurable goals for
establishing plans to achieve these goals, and software product quality and their priorities are
monitoring and adjusting the software plans, defined. Actual progress toward achieving the
software work products, activities, and quality quality goals for the software products is
goals to satisfy the needs and desires of the quantified and managed.
customer and end user.

Defect Prevention: analyzes defects that were Defect prevention activities are planned.
encountered in the past and takes specific Common causes of defects are sought out and
actions to prevent the occurrence of those types
identified. Common causes of defects are
of defects in the future. prioritized and systematically eliminated.
Technology Change Management: involves Incorporation of technology changes are
identifying, selecting, and evaluating new planned. New technologies are evaluated to
technologies, and incorporating effective determine their effect on quality and
technologies into the organization. productivity. Appropriate new technologies are
transferred into normal practice across the
Process Change Management: involves defining Continuous process improvement is planned.
process improvement goals and, with senior Participation in the organization's software
management sponsorship, proactively and process improvement activities is organization
systematically identifying, evaluating, and wide. The organization's standard software
implementing improvements to the process and the projects' defined software
organization's standard software process and processes are improved continuously.
the projects' defined software processes on a
continuous basis.
rrect column heading. Sum is calculated.

PMAT Evaluation Sum:

d and are well established in standard operating procedures.

ved relatively often, but sometimes are omitted under difficult

alf of the time.

ieved, but less often.

organization and the KPA, but you feel the KPA does not apply

About Some Rarely If Ever Doesn't Don't

Half Times Apply Know Rating
0.5 0.25 0 1 0

X 0.5

x 0.5

x 0.5

x 1

x 0.5

x 0.5
x 0.5

x 0.5

x 0.5

x 0.5

x 0.5

x 0.5

x 0.5

x 0

x 0

x 0

x 0.25

x 0
Product Factors -CPLX
Required Software Reliability (RELY)
This is the measure of the extent to which the software must perform its intended function over a
period of time.
Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High Selected rating
slight low, easily Moderate, high financial risk to human ///// indicated by "xxxx".
incovenience recoverable easily recover- losses life ///// Value overridable
losses able losses ///// in colored field
0.75 0.88 1.00 1.15 1.39 ///// #N/A
XXXX ///// 0.88
RELY 0.88

Data Size (DATA)

This measure attempts to capture the affect large data requirements have on product development
e.g. testing. The rating is determined by calculating D/P, where D is the number of bytes of data
and P is the number of SLOCS.
Selected rating
Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High indicated by "xxxx".
DB bytes/Pgm 10<=D/P<100 100<=D/P< D/P>=1000 ///// Value overridable
<---> SLOC< 10 1000 ///// in colored field
///// 0.93 1.00 1.09 1.19 ///// #N/A
///// XXXX ///// 1.09
DATA 1.09

Required Usability (RUSE)

This cost driver accounts for the additional effort needed to construct components intended for
reuse on the current or future projects.
Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High Selected rating
///// None across project across program across product across multi- indicated by "xxxx".
///// line ple product Value overridable
///// line in colored field
///// 0.91 1.00 1.14 1.29 1.49 #N/A
///// XXXX #N/A

Documentation match to life-sycle needs (DOCU)

This captures the suitability of the project's documentation to its life-cycle needs.
Selected rating
Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High indicated by "xxxx".
Many life-cycle Some life-cycle Right-sized to Excessive for Very excessive ///// Value overridable
needs needs life-cycle life-cycle life-cycle ///// in colored field
not covered not covered needs needs needs /////
0.89 0.95 1.00 1.06 1.13 ///// #N/A
XXXX ///// #N/A
unction over a

uct development
bytes of data

ntended for
Product Complexity (CPLX)
Complexity is divided into five areas: control operations, computational operations, device-dependent operation
and user interface management operations. Select the area or combination of areas that characterize the produ
The complexity rating is the subjective weighted average of these areas.

Features for evaluate CPLX

Very Low Low Nominal High
Control Straight-line code Straightfoward Mostly simple Highly nested struc-
Operation with a few non- nesting of nesting. Some tured programming
nested structured structured intermodule con- structured
programming programming trol. Decision tables. programming
operators: Dos, operators. Mostly Simple callbacks or operators with
CASEs, IFTHEN simple predicates message passing, many compound
ELSEs Simple module including predicates. Queue
composition via middleware- and stack control.
procedure calls or supported Homogeneous,
simple scripts. distributed distributed
processing. Single
processor soft
real-time control.

1 2 3 4

Computa- Evaluation of simple Evaluation of Use of standard Basic numerical

tional expressions: e.g., moderate-level math and statistical analysis: multivariate
Operations A=B+C*(D-E) expressions: e.g., routines. Basic interpolation,
D=SQRT(B**2-4.*A*C) matrix/vector ordinary differential
operations. equations. Basic
truncation, roundoff

1 2 3 4

Device- Simple read, write No cognization I/O processing Operations at

dependent statements with needed of particular includes device Physical I/O level
Operations simple formats. processor or I/O selection, status (Physical storage
device characte- checking and error address translations;
ristics.I/O done at processing. seeks, reads, etc. )
GET/PUT level. Optimized I/O
1 2 3 4
Data Simple Arrays in Single file subsetting Moltie-file input and Simple triggers
Management main memory. Simple with no data struc- single flie output. activated by data
Operations COTS-DB queries, ture changes, no Simple structural stream contents.
updates. edits, no intermediate changes, simple Complex data
files. Moderately edits. Complex restructuring.
complex COTS-DB COTS-DB queries,
queries, updates. updates.
1 2 3 4

User Interface Simple input forms, Use of simple Simple use of Widget set
Management report generators. graphic user widget set. development and
Operations interface (GUI) extension. Simple
builders. voice I/O, multimedia.
1 2 3 4

SUM : #N/A
Suggested rating : ( Input your rating based on the suggested rating scale. Sum --> rating )
5-8 -->VL 9-12 -->L 13-17 -->N 18-22 -->H 23-26 -->VH 27-30 -->EH
Very Low Low Nominal High
0.75 0.88 1.00 1.15

perations, device-dependent operations, data management operations,
on of areas that characterize the product or a sub-system of the product.

Selected rating
indicated by "xxxx".
Very High Extra High Value overridable
Reentrant and Multiple resource in colored field
recursive coding. scheduling with you select
Fixed priority interrupt dynamically
handling. Task changing priorities.
synchronization, Microcode-level
complex callbacks, control. Distributed
heterogeneous distri- hard real-time
buted processing. control.
hard real-time

5 6 #N/A

Difficult but Difficult & unstruc-

structured near- tured numerical
singular matrix analysis: highly
numerical analysis: accurate analysis
near-singular matrix of noisy, stochastic
equations, partial data. Complex
differential parallelization.
equations. Simple

5 6 #N/A

Routines for interrupt Device timing-

diagnosis, servicing, dependent coding,
masking. Commu- micro-programmed
nication line handling operations.
Performance- Performance-critical
intensive embedded embedded systems.
5 6 #N/A
Distributed database Highly coupled,
coordination. Complex dynamic relational &
triggers. Search object structures.
optimization. Natural language
data management.

5 6 #N/A

Moderately complex Complex multimedia,

2D/3D, dynamic virtual reality.
graphics, multimedia.

5 6 #N/A

ting scale. Sum --> rating )

Very High Extra High

1.30 1.66 #N/A
Platform Factor
Execution Time Constraint (TIME)
This is a measure of the execution time constraint imposed upon a software system.

Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High Selected rating
///// / //// <=50% use of 70% 85% 95% indicated by "xxxx".
///// / //// available Value overridable
///// / //// execution time in colored field
///// / //// 1.00 1.11 1.31 1.67 #N/A
///// / //// XXXX #N/A


Main Storage Constraint (STOR)

This rating represents the degree of main storage constraint imposed on a software system or subsystem.

Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High Selected rating
///// / //// <=50% use of 70% 85% 95% indicated by "xxxx".
///// / //// available Value overridable
///// / //// storage in colored field
///// / //// 1.00 1.06 1.21 1.57 #N/A
///// / //// XXXX #N/A


Platform Volatility(PVOL)
Platform is used here to mean the complex of hardware and software (OS, DBMS, etc.) the
software product calls on to perform its tasks.

Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High Selected rating
///// major change major: 6mo. major : 2mo. major : 2 wk ///// indicated by "xxxx".
///// every 12 mo.; minor: 2wk. minor : 1 wk minor : 2 days Value overridable
///// minor change in colored field
///// every 1 mo.
///// 0.87 1.00 1.15 1.30 ///// #N/A
///// XXXX ///// #N/A

ystem or subsystem.
Personnel Factor
Personnel Continuity (PCON)
The rating scale for PCON is in terms of the project's annual personnel turnover.

Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High

48%/year 24%/year 12%/year 6%/year 3%/year /////
1.24 1.10 1.00 0.92 0.84 /////
XXXX /////


Analyst Capability (ACAP)

Analysts are personnel that work on requirements, high level design and detailed design.

Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High

15th percentile 35th percentile 55th percentile 75th percentile /////
90th percentile
1.50 1.22 1.00 0.83 0.67 /////
XXXX /////


Programmer Capability (PCAP)

Evaluation should be based on the capability of the programmers as a team rather than as individuals.
Major factors which should be considered in the rating are ability, efficiency and thoroughness, and
the ability to communicate and cooperate.

Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High

15th percentile 35th percentile 55th percentile 75th percentile /////
90th percentile
1.37 1.16 1.00 0.87 0.74 /////
XXXX /////


Applications Experience (AEXP)

This rating is dependent on the level of applications experience of the project team developing
the software system or subsystem. The ratings are defined in terms of the project team's equivalent
level of experience with this type of application.

Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High

<=2 months 6 months 1 year 3 years 6 years /////
1.22 1.10 1.00 0.89 0.81 /////
XXXX /////

Platform Experience (PEXP)

The Post-Architecture model broadens the productivity influence of PEXP, recognizing
the importance of understanding the use of more powerful platforms, including more graphic user
interface, database, networking, and distributed middleware capabilities.

Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High

<=2 months 6 months 1 year 3 years 6 years <--->
1.25 1.12 1.00 0.88 0.81 /////
XXXX /////


Language and Tool Experience (LTEX)

This is a measure of the level of programming language and software tool experience of the project
team developing the software system or subsystem.

Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High

<=2 months 6 months 1 year 3 years 6 years <--->
1.22 1.10 1.00 0.91 0.84 /////
XXXX /////

Selected rating
indicated by "xxxx".
Value overridable
in colored field

ailed design.
Selected rating
indicated by "xxxx".
Value overridable
in colored field

rather than as individuals.

and thoroughness, and

Selected rating
indicated by "xxxx".
Value overridable
in colored field

t team developing
oject team's equivalent

Selected rating
indicated by "xxxx".
Value overridable
in colored field
ng more graphic user

Selected rating
indicated by "xxxx".
Value overridable
in colored field

perience of the project

Selected rating
indicated by "xxxx".
Value overridable
in colored field
Project Factor
Use of Software Tools (TOOL)
The tool rating ranges from simple edit and code, very low, to integrated lifecycle management tools, very high.
Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High
edit, code, simple, frontend, basic lifecycle strong, mature strong, mature, /////
debug backend CASE, tools, mode- life-cycle tools, proactive life- /////
little integration rately integrated moderately cycle tools, well /////
integrated integrated with /////
process, /////
methods, reuse /////
1.24 1.12 1.00 0.86 0.72 /////
XXXX /////


Multisite Development (SITE)

Given the increasing frequency of multisite developments, and indications that multisite development effects
are significant, the SITE cost driver has been added in COCOMO II. Determining its cost driver rating involves
the assessment and averaging of two factors: site collocation (from fully collocated to international distri-
bution ) and communication support (from surface mail and some phone access to full interactive multimedia).
Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High
some phone, individual phone, Narrowband Wideband Wideband Interactive
mail FAX email electronic elect. comm. Multimedia
communication occasional
1.25 1.10 1.00 0.92 0.84 0.78


Required development Schedule (SCED)

This rating measures the schedule constraint imposed on the project team developing the software.
The ratings are defined in terms of the percentage of schedule stretch-out or acceleration with
respect to a nominal schedule for a project requiring a given amount of effort.
SCED Rating :

Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High

75% 85% 100% 130% 160% /////
1.29 1.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 /////
xxxx /////

SCED Percentage:
Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High
75% 85% 100% 130% 160% /////
xxxx /////

Percentage: #N/A
ment tools, very high.
Selected rating
indicated by "xxxx".
Value overridable
in colored field


ltisite development effects

cost driver rating involves
d to international distri-
full interactive multimedia).
Selected rating
indicated by "xxxx".
Value overridable
in colored field


ping the software.

eration with

Selected rating
indicated by "xxxx".
Value overridable
in colored field

Cálculo mediante los componentes del costo
Costos Directos (CD)
Valor Descripción
SM Sueldo Promedio Mensual
CFT Costo de la Fuerza de Trabajo de Proyección
CEQi Costo del equipamiento i
PRi Periodo de recuperación de la inversión en el
medio técnico i (meses).
e Número de medios técnicos
CMCMT Costo mensual del conjunto de medios técnicos
TUCMT Tiempo de uso del conjunto de medios técnicos en el proyecto (meses).
CEU Costo del equipamiento a utilizar en el proyecto
HTM Horas de tiempo máquina
CECMT Consumo de energía del conjunto de medios técnico (Kilowatt - hora).
CKW Costo del Kilowatt - hora de energía.
CEC Costo de la energía a consumir en el proyecto
CMRMT Costo del mantenimiento y reparación del conjunto de medios técnicos ($/mes)
CME Costo del mantenimiento a los equipos durante el proy.
CMT Costo de los medios técnicos para la proyección
CMAT Costo de los materiales en la proyección
OG Otros gastos
CD Costos Directos

Costos Indirectos (CI)

Valor Descripción
CI Costos Indirectos

CTP Costo Total del Proyecto


Valor Descripción
GFT Gastos de la Fuerza de Trabajo
GMT Gastos de los Medios Técnicos
GMAT Gastos de los Materiales
OG Otros Gastos
GI Gastos Indirectos
Va Valor de la producción o los servicios con el sistema anterior.
Vn Valor de la producción o los servicios con el nuevo sistema.
Ga Gastos con el sistema anterior.
Gn Gastos con el nuevo sistema
Ea Economía Anual
CTP Costo total de proyección
Valor de las inversiones básicas (valor de los medios técnicos,
Ibasicas acondicionamiento o construcción de locales, mobiliario, etc.)
Inr Valor de los equipos no reutilizables
Iut Valor del equipamiento utilizable.
Costo de preparación de condiciones para la implantación del sistema
(Costos de entrenamiento, creación de la BD, instalación de equipos y
Cprep redes, etc.)
I Inversiones que genera el sistema
E Efectividad Económica
T Periodo de Recuperación
Fórmula Resultado
ESFreal*SM #N/A

SUMe ( CEQi /Pri ) $163.89
8 De los 13 meses se usan 12
CMCMT * TUCMT $1,311.11
972.8 Se asume que en lo 12 meses se usan los medios en un 8
2.5 Se asume que el consumo promedio de una empresa es 1
HTM * CECMT * CKW $1,216.00
CMRMT * TUCMT $800.00
CEU+CEC+CME $3,327.11
CMT * K8 $99.81 K8=3% 0.03
CFT+CMT+CMAT*K10 #N/A K10=1% 0.01

Fórmula Resultado
CD * K9 #N/A K9=15% 0.2

CD + CI #N/A

Fórmula Resultado
$36,400.00 Se asume que 4 personas trabajan operando el sistema y
$5,200.00 Mensualmente se gasta $400 en mantenimiento
GFT + GMT + GMAT+ OG + GI $50,734.32
GFT + GMT + GMAT+ OG + GI $60,881.18
(Vn - Va) + (Ga - Gn) ###
(calculado anteriormente) #N/A


CTP + Ibasicas + Inr - Iut + Cprep
Ea/I #N/A
1/E #N/A
eses se usan los medios en un 80%
promedio de una empresa es 1000 y el porcentaje de consumo de los equipos es 0.5%

trabajan operando el sistema y que su sueldo es de $700

400 en mantenimiento
Riesgos Categoria ProbabilidadImpacto
1. La estimación del tamaño del software TP 35% 3
puede ser significativamente baja
2. La estimación del software en números TP 40% 3
de programas, archivos y transacciones
puede ser significativamente baja
3. El tamaño de la base de datos creada o TP 45% 2
empleada por el software puede ser
significativamente baja
4. Es razonable la fecha límite de IN 90% 2
5. Satisfacción del usuario final IN 95% 1
6. El cliente cambiará los requisitos RC 60% 2
7. Participación del cliente en reuniones RC 75% 3
8. La implementación del proceso de PS 80% 3
Reservas puede ser significativamente
9. La implementación del proceso de PS 30% 3
Delivery puede ser significativamente
10. La implementación del proceso de PS 90% 2
Pago diferido puede ser significativamente
11. La frecuencia de artículos perecibles PS 95% 1
puede ser significativamente baja
12. La interconexión entre tiendas TC 95% 1
13. Disponibilidad de herramientas de ED 75% 2
análisis y diseño
14. Formación adecuada del personal PP 55% 2

Categorias de Riesgos
1. Del Tamaño del Producto ( TP )
2. Del Impacto en el Negocio ( IN )
3. Relacionados con el Cliente ( RC )
4. Del Proceso ( PS)
5. Tecnológicos ( TC )
6. Del Entorno de Desarrollo ( ED )
7. Asociados con el Tamaño de la Plantilla de Personal y su Experiencia ( PP )

Valores de Impacto
1. Catastrófico
2. Crítica
3. Marginal
4. Despreciable
Amortiguación del Impacto
Reducción del tiempo en las tareas de cálculo e impresión

Reducción en las tareas de mantenimiento del almacenamiento de información

Búsqueda ágil de registros del socio y su condiciones comerciales.

Beneficios en la capacidad de reestructuración del sistema

Beneficios en la capacidad de análisis y simulación

Beneficios en el control del proceso y los recursos

RC = Reducción o eliminación de Costos
RE = Reducción de Errores
IF = Incremento Flexibilidad
AR = Aumento del ritmo de la actividad
MC = Mejora en la planificación o control de gestión

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