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FEATURE New York Comic Con 2012 DEVIL COMICS PULL LIST DC Comics Solicitations Marvel Comics Solicitations COMIC CRITIQUES Fantastic Four Vol.6 Premiere HC FF Volume 4 Premiere HC Bloodshot Volume 1 TPB Harbinger Omega Rising TPB Darth Maul - Death Sentence TPB NOVEMBER HIGHLIGHTS Avengers #1 Cover All-New X-Men #1 Cover Batman #14 Cover Batgirl #14 Cover PAGE 1 PAGE 1-2 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 4 PAGE 4 PAGE PAGE PAGE PAGE 5 5 5 5

Feature: New York Comic Con 2012


Publishers and movie studios use the comic con as a platform to introduce and hype up their own properties. DC Comics celebrates the 75 th anniversary of Superman with a new comic and movie in 2013. Marvel Comics is expanding their Season One graphic novels to include Thor, Iron Man and Wolverine as they premiere their Marvel Studio films in 2013. Superior Spider-Man premieres with Spider-Man and Mary Jane back together however he is not Peter Parker. Other publishers are celebrating by adding new services and expanding their lines including ComiXology aiming to help self-publishers. IDW publishing revealed the pre-orders for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic exceeded 90,000 copies worldwide. Valiant brings the first event in X-O Manowar called PLANET DEATH while the Eternal Warrior returns in Archer & Armstrong: THE WRATH OF THE ETERNAL WARRIOR. Peter Cuneo who assumed the Chairman role at Valiant Entertainment hopes to turn Valiant properties into movies similar to Marvel Studios, which has lead J. Michael Straczynski to be tapped for the upcoming Shadowman film.

DEVIL COMICS PULL LIST DC Comics December solicitations #DevilComics

1999-2012 Devil Comics Entertainment. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Devil Comics Entertainment started in 1999 and has expanded into a worldwide store that serves comic fans and collectors. We provide an inventory of comics, trade paperbacks, toys, and statues through discount pricing and quality service.

The first year of the New 52 began with building a strong foundation for the characters and world-building for the DC Universe. Following last years FLASHPOINT, the New 52 began with new number one issues which included their highest numbered comics: Action Comics and Detective Comics. The foundation grew for the past year and Jumped the Shark when the zero issues were released this past September leading to new stories with the various franchises. Superman #13 was the prelude to HEL OF EARTH Batman #13 led to the DEATH OF THE FAMILY Green Lantern franchises are running with the RISE OF THE THIRD ARMY Aquaman and the Justice League deal with the THRONE OF ATLANTIS Both Animal Man and Swamp Thing are dealing with ROTWORLD

2013 DC Comics Previews - THE TRINITY WAR which is the first event following the New 52 - Scott Snyder and Jim Lee on Superman: Man of Steel - Warner Bros releases the Man of Steel film six years after Superman Returns - The Wake from Vertigo by Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy (Punk Rock Jesus) - MULTIVERSITY by Grant Morrison and various artists including Frank Quitely - David Goyer (Dark Knight Rises) and Geoff Johns reunited for a 13-issue DC Event Now the second year of the New 52 prepares for new characters and ideas from the creators in preparation for the upcoming TRINITY WAR and the 75th anniversary of Superman. One of the new characters introduced is Talon which spun off from the recent COURT OF OWLS storyline from Batman.


DC Comics December Solicitations (Continued from page 1)

When the right platform and attention is given then a new character can be properly introduced to expand on the mythos. The various Lantern Corps were introduced following 2007s SINESTRO CORPS WAR and Owlman is introduced following the COURT OF OWLS. The comic market is right for new characters as long as the credibility is held within the main franchise. The upcoming TRINITY WAR is the first major event following the New 52 which most likely begins before Free Comic Book Day 2013 and runs to August cultivating with a new status quo for the 25 th issue of each the New 52 books in September. Meanwhile Warner Bros will be celebrating the 75 th anniversary of the Superman with the upcoming 2013s Man of Steel while DC Comics celebrates with a new Superman title by writer Scott Synder and artist Jim Lee. As 2013 begins for DC Comics, the Watchmen mini-series draws to a close, Grant Morrison closes his run on Action Comics, and DC Comics cancels four titles in January 2013 including Blue Beetle, Grifter, Legion Lost, and Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E. As Grant Morrison closes his run on Action Comics, writer Andy Diggle (The Losers) and artist Tony Daniel (Detective Comics) take over Superman who wears a brand new black suit following the events of HEL ON EARTH. One the Vertigo front, Scott Snyder (Batman) and Sean Murphy bring a 12-issue series called The Wake.

Marvel Comics December Solicitations

Marvel NOW! continues to bring new titles to the Marvel Universe including Uncanny X-Force, New Avengers, Savage Wolverine, Young Avengers, Morbius, and Superior Spider-Man. Unlike the New 52, Marvel NOW! continues with present continuity and brings a fresh take on the characters. However many of the stories seem to take advantage of the Marvel Studios films. The storylines seem to be more movie driven to see which characters will be placed into the forefront. Superior Spider-Man will likely run for 12 issues until Marvel relaunches the Amazing Spider-Man #1 to tie into the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man 2 in 2014. The upcoming Marvel Studios film Iron Man 3 which brings both the Mandarin and the Iron Patriot to the forefront within both the Marvel (Secret Avengers) and Ultimate Universe (Ultimates). Thor will be taking center stage with the upcoming Thor: The Dark World film in late 2013. Brian Michael Bendis introduces comic audiences to the Guardians of the Galaxy before the 2014 film which leads into Avengers 2.

The characters which seem fresh are the ones without any upcoming films. Indestructible Hulk by Mark Waid and Leinil Francis Yu, Superior Spider-Man by the original Amazing Spider-Man team including writer Dan Slott, and All-New X-Men by Brian Michael Bendis are three titles worth picking up. Marvel Comics January 2013 Highlights and Premieres - Sam Humphries takes on both Uncanny X-Force and Ultimates - Kieron Gillen is on both Iron Man and Young Avengers - Dan Slott is on Superior Spider-Man - Jason Aaron on Thor and Wolverine & the X-Men - Mark Waid is on both the Indestructible Hulk and Daredevil - Matt Fraction is on Fantastic Four, FF, and Hawkeye - Iron Man 3 hit theaters in April with both the Mandarin and the Iron Patriot - Jonathan Hickman is on both New Avengers and Avengers - Brian Michael Bendis continues X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Ultimate Spider-Man - Thor: The Dark World hits around the Thanksgiving holiday season - The Wolverine hits theaters in July based on Frank Millers mini series - Rick Remender is on Uncanny Avengers and Captain America


COMIC CRITIQUES Fantastic Four By Jonathan Hickman Vol.6 Premiere HC

Jonathan Hickman closes out his epic run on the Fantastic Four before taking on the bi-weekly series the Avengers. This collection has a series of short one to two issue tales wrapping up the series before Matt Fraction takes over the title. The Point One issue begins the origin story of Reed Richards from the Multiverse where the Nazis have won World War II. Reed assembles his crew and lobotomizes Viktor Von Doom before heading to space. Reed talks the Thing into killing Hitler which results with a fight between him and the Storm siblings. Reed later obtains the Infinity Gauntlet and destroys the Marvel heroes and Earth. Reed later finds the Council of Reeds. The Fantastic Four remove a tumor inside an individual afterwards they travel to the African nation of Wakanda, home of the Black Panther, to seek answers to spiritual attacks. The Black Panther and Reed travel to Necropolism, the Wakandan City of the Dead while Storm and Sue take the Celestial Path. Black Panther becomes the King of the Dead. The Wizard had made several clones and Bentley 23 is the last surviving clone taken in by the Future Foundation. The Wizard has escaped from prison thanks to A.I.M. who has purchased the island Barbuda which rests 1500 miles from the United States. The Fantastic Four is sent to deal with the reactors which have recently lit up on the island. Mr. Fantastic becomes the ambassador to Barbuda. Following the battle with the Mad Celestials, Doom created a universe in his own image using two Infinity Gauntlets. Reed and Nathaniel Richards go into the space bridge to find Doom. They save him and destroy the space bridge. Nathaniel and Valeria leave Reed but Valeria goes and rebuilds the Council of Reeds. This hardcover collects Fantastic Four #606-611 Fantastic Four #605.1 RECOMMENDED 4 OUT OF 5

FF Volume 4 Premiere HC

Jonathan Hickman closes out his epic run on the Fantastic Four before taking on the bi-weekly series the Avengers. Peter Parker finally kicks Johnny Storm out of his apartment after three weeks once he saw Annihilus taking a dump in his bathroom. Johnny Storm takes the FF kids on a field trip to the negative zone while the adult Franklin Richards has a chat with Blackbolt of the Inhumans. The inhabitants of the Negative Zone want free elections and everyone voted for Annihilus. The FF kids are taken to Wakanda where they stumble on one of the dead of the Hyena clan. The Hyena clan teleport back and FF kids teleport them to Wakanda for face justice. SERIES HIGHLIGHTS - Annihilus is sent back to the Negative Zone to rule after their elections - The Inhumans arrive back to Earth and Medusa summons Crystal home - The Defenders of the future find a new home using the God Ship Galactus - The Inhumans and the Kree struck a deal tearing Crystal and Ronan apart - Bentley 23 confronts his father the Wizard and rejects him - The adult Franklin Richards says goodbye to his family: The Fantastic Four This hardcover collects FF #17-23 RECOMMENDED 4 OUT OF 5


Bloodshot Volume 1 TPB

BLOODSHOT VOLUME 1 TPB As part of the Summer of Valiant, Bloodshot returns with a bloody first issue after his debut in November 1992 on the same day as the Death of Superman. The next Valiant issue to debut is Archer & Armstrong in August followed by Armstrongs brother the Eternal Warrior in Winter and Rai in the Spring of 2013. The Bloodshot character is a weapon used in the military agent for special missions. However as the series unfolds Bloodshot will become an intricate character in the Valiant Universe. Bloodshot is manipulated through false memories to carry out specific missions by Project Rising Spirit. However now Bloodshot knows the lies and decides to find the truth. Project Rising Spirit plans on eliminating Bloodshot and the scientist who revealed the truth to him Dr. Kuretich. P.R.S. unleashes a human weapon which creates an EMP pulse to stop Bloodshot. Kara arrives in time to save Bloodshot, who in returns saves both Kara and Pulse. After they escape Bloodshot, Kara, and Pulse band together to stop Project Rising Spirit. This paperback collects Bloodshot #1-4 RECOMMENDED 4 OUT OF 5

Harbinger Volume 1: Omega Rising TPB

HARBINGER VOLUME 1: OMEGA RISING TPB Before the launch in May, Valiant Comics provided a preview of Harbinger within Summer of Valiant 2012. In 1951 an 18 year-old Toyo Harada takes on a small band of the Chinese army in Southern Tibet and visits the Bleeding Monk for refers to him as a harbinger. In the present an 18 year-old Peter Stanchek returns home to Pittsburgh to find his only happiness Kris Hathaway. Toyo Harada offers Peter a chance to understand his powers at the Harbinger Foundation. Both Peter and his friend Joel are being pursued by unknown forces until the Harbinger Foundation arrives and takes Peter in. Peter is trained at the Harbinger Foundation and they discover he can trigger latent powers. The Bleeding Monk foretold Peter will bring great destruction and Toyo is determined to prevent that future from happening. Faith Herbert arrives and Toyo asks Peter to trigger her latent powers. Peter goes out and finds his friend Joe who is dead. He discovers the Harbinger Foundation is behind his death. Peter heads back to the Harbinger Foundation for revenge and is defeated by Harada however saved by Faith. Harada plans on sending his Renegades after him as the Bleeding Monk leaves the Harbinger Foundation. This paperback collects Harbinger #1-5 RECOMMENDED 4 OUT OF 5

Star Wars: Darth Maul - Death Sentence TPB

STAR WARS: DARTH MAUL - DEATH SENTENCE TRADE PAPERBACK Darth Maul and his brother Savage Opress are gathering wealth in the Outer Rim to build their own army. The Jedi Council sends missionaries to investigate JaBoag and his mines in the Outer Rim and how he knows about the Sith brothers. The Sith brothers attempts to kill JaBoag for putting a price on their heads however the Jedi arrive and intervene. The Jedi have managed to freeze Savage Opress in Carbonite. Darth Maul escapes and is named the Demon in the Light by the oppressed natives as the three suns rise on the planet. Now Darth Maul has an army who is willing to die for him and leads them to attack. However General Kenobi arrives as the three suns begin to rise while Darth Maul uses him army as a distraction to free his brother and kill JaBoag. Master Judd rescues the people before the three suns burn them alive and is know as the true Demon in the Light. Both Master Kenobi and Master Judd push their way inside the mine entrance of JaBoag. Meanwhile Darth Maul manages to free his brother Savage Opress who manages to slay a Jedi as escape with JaBoag. Later after JaBoag transfers his wealth to both Maul and Opress, they throw him out of the airlock. This paperback collects Star Wars: Darth Maul Death Sentence #1-4 RECOMMENDED 4 OUT OF 5




Devil Comics Entertainment started in 1999 and has expanded into a worldwide store that serves comic fans and collectors. We provide an inventory of comics, trade paperbacks, toys, and statues through discount pricing and quality service.

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