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Estrategias de aprendizaje
Isabel Matos & Sara Pacheco

Qu son estrategias?
Son las diferentes maneras de atacar un problema y varan de un individuo a otro. Son procesos conscientes. Estn relacionados con la bsqueda, almacenamiento y acceso a la informacin.
Metacognitivas: Planificacin Control Evaluacin Cognitivas: Integracin

Socioafectivas: Interaccin

Estrategias metacognitivas
Organizacin. Atencin dirigida.
De qu se trata esta unidad?
Me concentrar en el writing Prestar atencin a la pronunciacin de la S Estudio mejor sin ruidos, me ir a la biblioteca. Necesito conocer el AFI para mejorar en Lab.

Atencin selectiva. Auto gestin.

Planificacin funcional. Monitoreo.

I have (no, no, am!) I am 19 years old.

Ya me s el present simple, me falta el past simple.

Auto evaluacin.

Auto evaluacin
Cuntas de estas estrategias ya usabas?
Muchas veces las usamos sin darnos cuenta. El siguiente paso es hacerlo de manera consciente para tener mayor control sobre nuestro proceso de aprendizaje.

Estrategias cognitivas

cmo se dice en espaol? Traducir. El vocabulario de la casa, luego los verbos Agrupar. Tema, idea principal, ejemplo importante Toma de notas. Si con he y con she se usa S, con it tambin Deducir. Fish es pez, fishtank pecera, fisherman Recombinar. Usar imgenes. Dibujar los phrasal verbs Usar sonidos. Bird, que suena como world y word.

Estrategias cognitivas
Palabras Clave. Contextualizar.
Revenge , como venganza miraculously

Utilizar una frase completa en vez de memorizar listas.

Elaboracin. Tranferencia. Inferencia.

Enlazar nuevo conocimiento a otro ya familiar.

Usar conocimiento ya adquirido para facilitar el aprendizaje de algo nuevo Usar la informacin disponible para adivinar significados, finales, resultados.

Estrategias socioafectivas
Cooperacin. Trabajar en grupo, obtener y dar feeback. Preguntar. Pedir que se repita la informacin, parafrasear, explicar. Pedir ejemplos.
Scumbag teacher: ignores you and your questions

Apply all the strategies!


Diferentes estudios han demostrado que ningn estudiante aplica todas las estrategias y que estas cambian de un individuo a otro.

Hagamos un ejercicio

Toma de notas
A new report shows which are the friendliest countries in the world. The HSBC bank conducted the Expat Explorer Survey to find out which countries offered the most comfortable lifestyles. Researchers questioned people in one hundred different countries between May and July 2011. They asked 3,385 respondents to assess how willing they would be to make different countries their second home. The questions were based on how easy it is to make friends with the local people; learning the local language, fitting in with the new culture, and integrating into the local community. The topranked country was New Zealand, followed by Australia, South Africa, Canada and the United States.

A new report shows which are the friendliest countries in the world. The HSBC bank conducted the Expat Explorer Survey to find out which countries offered the most comfortable lifestyles. Researchers questioned people in one hundred different countries between May and July 2011. They asked 3,385 respondents to assess how willing they would be to make different countries their second home. The questions were based on how easy it is to make friends with the local people; learning the local language, fitting in with the new culture, and integrating into the local community. The topranked country was New Zealand, followed by Australia, South Africa, Canada and the United States.

Usar sonidos
A new report shows which are the friendliest countries in the world. The HSBC bank conducted the Expat Explorer Survey to find out which countries offered the most comfortable lifestyles. Researchers questioned people in one hundred different countries between May and July 2011. They asked 3,385 respondents to assess how willing they would be to make different countries their second home. The questions were based on how easy it is to make friends with the local people; learning the local language, fitting in with the new culture, and integrating into the local community. The topranked country was New Zealand, followed by Australia, South Africa, Canada and the United States.

Palabras clave
A new report shows which are the friendliest countries in the world. The HSBC bank conducted the Expat Explorer Survey to find out which countries offered the most comfortable lifestyles. Researchers questioned people in one hundred different countries between May and July 2011. They asked 3,385 respondents to assess how willing they would be to make different countries their second home. The questions were based on how easy it is to make friends with the local people; learning the local language, fitting in with the new culture, and integrating into the local community. The topranked country was New Zealand, followed by Australia, South Africa, Canada and the United States.

Head of marketing for HSBC, Lisa Wood, said: As the largest global survey of expats, Expat Explorer allows us to capture invaluable insights into expat life and how it differs from country to country, continent to continent and from an expats home country of origin. The lowest ranked country was the United Arab Emirates, which is surprising as around 80 per cent of the whole population comprises of expatriates. Most of these are poorly paid labourers who are unlikely to be eligible for HSBCs survey. India finished second bottom. Danish expat Pia Mollback-Verbic said the country is simply a minefield of relentless mental, emotional and practical daily challenges for most non-Indians.

That T.V show is surprising, amazing!

Head of marketing for HSBC, Lisa Wood, said: As the largest global survey of expats, Expat Explorer allows us to capture invaluable insights into expat life and how it differs from country to country, continent to continent and from an expats home country of origin. The lowest ranked country was the United Arab Emirates, which is surprising as around 80 per cent of the whole population comprises of expatriates. Most of these are poorly paid labourers who are unlikely to be eligible for HSBCs survey. India finished second bottom. Danish expat Pia Mollback-Verbic said the country is simply a minefield of relentless mental, emotional and practical daily challenges for most non-Indians.

The lowest? One of the happiest is Venezuela.

A new report shows which are the friendliest countries in the world. The HSBC bank conducted the Expat Explorer Survey to find out which countries offered the most comfortable lifestyles. Researchers questioned people in one hundred different countries between May and July 2011. They asked 3,385 respondents to assess how willing they would be to make different countries their second home. The questions were based on how easy it is to make friends with the local people; learning the local language, fitting in with the new culture, and integrating into the local community. The topranked country was New Zealand, followed by Australia, South Africa, Canada and the United States.

Creo que hablarn de x o y

Auto evaluacin
Cuntas de estas estrategias ya usabas?

Debemos guiarnos por el ensayo y error hasta encontrar las estrategias que se adapten a nuestro estilo de aprendizaje. Aquellas con las que estamos cmodos, nos gustan y obtenemos ms beneficios.

Que piensas hasta ahora? Ha cambiado tu manera de ver el estudio?

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