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Petrleo y Gas: una inversin siempre de la demanda

Austin , TX - (28 de enero de 2009) Petrleo es el alma de la civilizacin moderna y tiene casi sin ayuda hizo posible la civilizacin industrial. Somos ms que un simple dependiente del petrleo, somos adictos a ella. Y a pesar de innumerables intentos para que sea menos importante, hay sustituto adecuado energa est en cualquier lugar cerca de ser encontrado. Las races de nuestra dependencia del petrleo van mucho ms all de nuestra dependencia de la gasolina , el combustible y el aceite de calefaccin.Petroqumica , o sustancias derivadas del petrleo , son importantes en casi todo lo que comemos, llevar y usar. stos son slo algunos puntos a considerar: plaguicidas, fertilizantes, detergentes, aditivos alimentarios, neumticos, lacas de uas, barras de labios, almohadas, e incluso tinta. La demanda mundial de petrleo Con la demanda mundial de petrleo sigue creciendo, ha considerado la inversin en petrleo y gascon un auto dirigido IRA? Podra ser una manera ideal para crecer y producir rendimientos para su jubilacin con una produccin bien . No es de extraar la demanda mundial de petrleo sigue aumentando ao tras ao. Y en medio de esta sed incesante por ms, los productores lderes de todo el mundo estn vigilando sus niveles de produccin de manera constante declive. Mientras esto ocurre, las fuerzas econmicas bsicas de la oferta y la demanda se haga cargo. Este principio econmico fundamental ha sido la principal influencia sobre los precios a lo largo de la historia y sigue siendo la fuerza impulsora detrs de los precios del petrleo en los ltimos tiempos. La demanda creciente La Estados Unidos es el tercer mayor productor de petrleo del mundo. Pero somos el mayor consumidor, produciendo un 8% del petrleo del mundo y consume 25%. La Estados Unidos consume mucho ms petrleo de lo que producimos - una tendencia que se espera contine en el futuro previsible. A medida que nuestra demanda sigue subiendo, mientras nuestra produccin sigue disminuyendo al mismo tiempo, la brecha cada vez ms amplia crea un lugar inagotable de nuestra dependencia de las importaciones de petrleo extranjero. Y la Estados Unidos "Dependencia vital de las importaciones de petrleo extranjero nos hace muy vulnerables. Desafortunadamente, no hay ms que dos medios viables de reducir nuestra dependencia de las importaciones extranjeras. El primero es reducir nuestro consumo de petrleo. Hasta ahora, ste promete muy poco. El segundo es para aumentar la produccin nacional. ste tiene potencial. Incentivos Fiscales En un esfuerzo por estimular domstico de gas natural y la produccin de petrleo financiado por fuentes privadas, el Congreso proporcion los incentivos fiscales en la Ley del Impuesto de 1990, que mejoran significativamente la economa de la inversin en petrleo y gas . Sin embargo, estos incentivos no son "agujeros de bucle". Se colocaron en el Cdigo Tributario por el Congreso para que la participacin en petrleo y gas una de las mejores inversiones con ventajas fiscales disponibles. Por supuesto, la principal razn para invertir en empresas de perforacin de petrleo y gas no es para los beneficios fiscales. Es para el beneficio potencial. Empresas rentables con su auto dirigido IRA La capacidad de extraccin de petrleo y gas desde el suelo a una fraccin de los precios de mercado de hoy en da puede hacer que empresas de perforacin muy rentable. Y eso puede tener un impacto sustancial en el rendimiento general de una cartera - especialmente dirigido IRA auto. Muchos inversores se sorprenden al descubrir que pueden invertir en proyectos de petrleo y gas de perforacin a travs de sus cuentas IRA. Y Equity Trust Company facilita a travs de auto dirigido IRA inversiones. Varios de nuestros socios han comenzado a asignar una parte de las cuentas IRA hacia la perforacin de proyectos con resultados notables. Despus de todo, en el entorno actual de cada de los precios burstiles y entidades financieras en quiebra, lo que genera buenas ganancias de la cartera puede ser extremadamente difcil. Parece que las malas noticias se vislumbra en cada esquina. Pero las ganancias de perforacin no se ven afectados por las tasas de inters o los precios de las acciones. El tipo de malas noticias, que tiende a conducir precios de las acciones hacia abajo tiende a impulsar los precios del gas y del petrleo ms alto. Puede ser una cobertura ideal contra la inflacin y la tragedia, as como una fuente primaria de ingresos y beneficios. Y los ingresos de un pozo bien puede pagar por muchos, muchos aos. Esto puede hacer que sea una inversin ideal para las cuentas IRA.

Oil and Gas: An Investment Always in Demand

By Waylan Johnson Published 01/28/2009 Business and Investment , Crude Oil Petroleum , Exploration and Discoveries , Natural Gas Petroleum , Oil Drilling and Completion Rating:

Waylan R. Johnson is the President and Owner of Texas Energy Group, LLC (TEG), an Austin, Texas-based oil and gas exploration and development company. TEG specializes in bringing industry prospects to both institutional and private investors. Mr. Johnson has more than 21 years of involvement in the oil and gas industry and has been involved in numerous ventures and partnerships, including ownership of two companies that have operated numerous projects from North Dakota to Texas.

View all articles by Waylan Johnson

Oil and Gas: An Investment Always in Demand

Austin, TX (January 28, 2009) Oil is the lifeblood of modern civilization and almost has singlehandedly made industrial civilization possible. We are more than just dependent on oil, we are addicted to it. And despite countless attempts to render it less important, no suitable energy substitute is anywhere close to being found. The roots of our dependence on oil go much deeper than our reliance on Gasoline, fuel and heating oil.Petrochemicals, or substances derived fromPetroleum, are important in almost everything we eat, wear and use. Here are just a few items to consider: pesticides; fertilizers; detergents; food additives; tires; nail polish; lipstick; pillows; and even ink. Global Demand for Oil With the global demand for oil continuing to grow, have you considered investing in oil and gas with a self directed IRA? It could be an ideal way to grow and produce yields for your retirement with a producing Well. Its no wonder global demand for oil continues to rise, year after year. And amidst this incessant thirst for more, the leading producers around the world are watching their production levels steadily decline. As this occurs, the basic economic forces of supply and demand take charge. This fundamental economic principal has been the principal influence over prices throughout history and remains the driving force behind rising oil prices of late. Increasing Demand The United States is the third largest oil producer in the world. But were the single largest consumer, producing 8% of the worlds oil and consuming 25%. The United States consumes much more oil than we produce a trend that is expected to continue well into the foreseeable future. As our demand continues to rise while our production simultaneously continues to decline, the ever-widening gap creates an inexhaustible rise in our dependence on foreign oil imports. And the United States crucial dependency on foreign oil imports makes us very vulnerable. Unfortunately, there are but two viable means of reducing our dependency on foreign imports. The first is to reduce our oil consumption. So far, this one shows very little promise. The second is to increase domestic production. This one does have potential. Tax Incentives In an effort to stimulate domestic Natural Gas and oil production financed by private sources, Congress provided tax incentives in the 1990 Tax Act that significantly enhance the economics of investing in oil and gas. But these incentives are not "loop holes." They were placed in the Tax Code by Congress to make participation in oil and gas ventures one of the best taxadvantaged investments available. Of course, the primary reason to invest in oil and gas drilling ventures isnt for the tax benefits. Its for the profit potential. Profitable Ventures with Your Self Directed IRA The ability to extract oil and gas from the ground at a fraction of todays market prices can make drilling ventures very profitable. And that can have a substantial impact on a portfolios overall performance especially self directed IRAs.

Many investors are surprised to discover they can invest in oil and gas drilling projects through their IRAs. And Equity Trust Company makes it easy through self directed IRA investing. A number of our partners have begun to allocate a portion of IRAs toward drilling projects with notable results. After all, in todays environment of plummeting stock prices and failing financial institutions, generating solid portfolio returns can be extremely challenging. It seems like bad news looms around every corner. But drilling profits are not affected by interest rates or stock prices. The kind of bad news that tends to drive stock prices down tends to drive oil and gas prices higher. It can be an ideal hedge against inflation and tragedy, as well as a primary source of income and profits. And the revenue from a good well can pay for many, many years. This can make it an ideal investment for IRAs

What is the process of oil?

The process of oil are a number of procedures used to transform crude oil into products for final consumption, ranging from jet fuel to plastics. There are many steps involved in processing of oil, which can be carried out in different places. Many companies specialize in oil processing and oil refining, and these may also be involved in the extraction of crude oil and oil consumer sales.

Crude oil contains a mixture of solid, liquid and gaseous. In a raw state, the employment components of petroleum are essentially locked up where no one can access them. the process oil is used to extract more useful components.

In the process oil for use components of crude oil are separated during distillation process. The oil distillation process breaks the chains of hydrocarbons in crude oil to access petroleum products such as kerosene and gasoline. The extracted components can vary, depending on how the oil starts with the processor and the processes used. Oil processors can adjust their production of petroleum products to meet the constraints of supply and demand.

If, for example, the market is saturated with kerosene kerosene extraction will be of little value. Therefore, the oil can be processed and refined to minimize the amount of kerosene produced. On the other hand, if the supply is low and demand is rising, increasing the production of kerosene is a smart business decision that will allow oil

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