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Michael Jackson started his solo career in 1971, Got To Be There, his first work, came in 1972 the

British Top 10, and number one in your country, the latter with the single Ben. Released a couple of albums more until 1975, although his real breakthrough as Star occurred after intervening in the musical film the wizard of Oz. Although the film was not a huge box-office success, its musical director, Quincy Jones, was the architect behind the career of Michael to unseen dimensions

Michael Jackson comenz su carrera en solitario en 1971, con Got To Be There, su primer trabajo; lleg en 1972 al Top 10 britnico y al nmero uno en su pas, esto ltimo con el single Ben. Edit un par de lbumes ms hasta 1975, aunque su verdadera consagracin como estrella se produjo despus de intervenir en la pelcula musical El Mago de Oz. Aunque la pelcula no fue un gran xito de taquilla, su director musical, Quincy Jones, fue el artfice que impuls la carrera de Michael hasta cotas nunca vistas

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