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PERIODO: IV FECHA: DEL 21 AL 25 DE NOVIENBRE TEACHERS: LUDY COPETE, DIEGO URREA, ADRIANA HENAO BASIC LEVEL Logro: Los estudiantes de nivel bsico estarn en capacidad de escribir textos expositivos sobre temas de su entorno y sus intereses con una ortografa y puntuacin aceptable. Los estudiantes que no alcanzaron el logro propuesto para el cuarto periodo del nivel bsico de los grados octavos, novenos y decimos debern estudiar los siguientes temas vistos durante todo el periodo: a. b. c. d. Question words/wh question Oraciones interrogativas y respuestas con question words Vocabulario visto durante el cuarto periodo Preguntas de information personal

Adems, desarrollara las siguientes actividades: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Revisar los temas vistos en clase. Explorar los temas de las pginas Estudiar el vocabulario antes mencionadas Desarrollar el taller. Anexo a este plan de recuperacin. Entregar el taller el primer da de la semana de recuperacin, adems debe estar ordenado y bien presentado en una carpeta EL TALLER TENDR VALORACIN EN EL SABER - HACER Con el docente revisars el taller para aclarar dudas. Realizar una presentacin oral sobre uno de los siguientes temas, environment, cultura, different places to visit, sports. esta debe durar 3 minutos. Llevar cartelera.


Presentar el examen correspondiente a los temas vistos y el vocabulario trabajado durante el periodo

10. Anexo taller

Palabras para hacer preguntas // Question words

Estas palabras se usan para formar preguntas.las preguntas casi siempre tienen un verbo auxiliar (do/does/did, am/is/are, was/were, have/has, can/ etc.) Who, what, where, when, why, how Who (quinuna persona) Who did you have lunch with yesterday? Who is the woman in this picture? What (quuna cosa) What are you doing/eating/thinking? What kind of music do you like? Where (dndeun lugar) Where was he born? Where is the nearest bus stop? When (cundoun momento) When do we have to be at the airport? When did you finish university? Why (por quuna razn) Why does he smile so much? Why is the car making that noise? How (cmouna manera) How do you usually get to study? How is your grandmother feeling? Tambien usamos how con muchos adjetivos para hacer preguntas. How much (cuntopara preguntar sobre la cantidad de algo incontable) How much butter do I need to make the cake?

How much did your jacket cost? How many (cuntospara preguntar sobre el nmero de algo contable) How many people came to your party? How many pets do you have? How long (para preguntar sobre la distancia o duracin de algo) How long is the Amazon river? How long is the new Woody Allen film? How often (para preguntar sobre la frecuencia de algo) How often does your mother come to visit? How often do you go to the cinema? How big (para preguntar sobre el tamao de algo) How big is your new house? How big can a sunflower grow to be?
2. despues de la explicacion anterior complete las siguientes ejercicios

Put in What, Where, Why, When, How into the gaps and form meaningful questions. Example: ____ often do you play volleyball? Answer: How often do you play volleyball?

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

is the weather like today? don't you like apple juice? about a walk through the forest? do you play volleyball? is my red sweat shirt, Mum? do Anne and Betty get to school every day? does your father go to work?

8) 9) 10)

is the dog's bone? are we going for a holiday by the sea again? do you like your coffee?

3. Fill in who, why, what, how, how much, how many,how old,when, where, whose

Are you so happy? because I have a birthday party. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. is is sitting behind you? Rita. do you go to school? by bus. does the first lesson begin? at 8.00 o'clock. is the police-station? in front of the park. is the weather like in Israel? It's hot. do the tickets cost? I don't know. Maybe 15 $. does your mom go to work in the morning? by taxi. does he usually have for lunch? rice and fish. wants to sing this song? Tamara . book is that? It's Maria's. Do you have the longest holidays? in summer. Can translate this word in English? I can. is your address? Main Street 16. are you crying? because I lost my keys.

.16 17. 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

works in this school? my aunt. does the boy come from? from Brasil. are her brothers? sixteen . is your test? on Monday does this jacket cost? 200 dollars. is reading a letter now? David. do you go on Friday? to the swimming lesson. water do you want? one glass of water,please. does the museum open on Sundays? at nine o'clock . can we buy milk here? at the supermarket. are you doing now? cooking spaghetti. is your sister going to do today? to do her homework . is your English teacher? Mrs. Berry is your favorite color? orange. is his wedding? in September is the market? next to the biggest post-office

5. write 10 question and the answer about your personal information

Good luck




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