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Usamos el Presente Simple:

Usamos el Presente Continuo:

1 Para estados permanentes, acciones que se repiten y rutinas:

Homer Simpson works in Springeld Susan takes the train to work every morning Queen Elizabeth spends her holiday at Balmoral Castle La reina Isabel pasa sus vacaciones en el castillo de Balmoral

1 Para acciones que estn ocurriendo en el momento de expresarlas:

I am revising the Present Tenses.

2 Para acciones temporales, es decir, acciones que estn ocurriendo pero no

justo en el momento de expresarlas:
Si un amigo est en paro y me lo encuentro en el cine y me dice: Im looking for a new job Quiere decir que est en el proceso de bsqueda de empleo aunque justo en ese momento que est en el cine, no lo est realizando.

2 Para verdades generales y leyes de la naturaleza

The sun doesnt set in the east. It sets in the west El sol no se pone por el este. Se pone por el oeste

3 Para horarios (aviones, trenes, etc.) y actos programados, aunque se reeran

al futuro.
The plane from Boston arrives at 8.30

3 Con adverbios como: always, constantly, etc para expresar acciones que se
repiten con frecuencia y ante las cuales mostramos nuestro enfado...
Youre constantly speaking when Im explaining the lesson Ests siempre hablando cuando estoy explicando

4 Para comentarios deportivos, crticas de cine y narraciones:

Alves kicks the ball and hits the crossbar Alves patea el baln y golpea el larguero

4 Para planes en un futuro cercano especialmente cuando la hora y el sitio ya

han sido decididos y planeados:
Im moving to New York next week. Me mudo a Nueva York la semana que viene

El Presente Simple se usa con las siguientes expresiones:

On Mondays, at the weekend, at night, in the morning afternoon / evening, every day / month / year ; adverbios de frecuencia: often, sometimes

El Presente Continuo se usa con las siguientes expresiones de tiempo:

now, at the moment, at present, these days, nowadays, today, still (an), tonight

unit 1. cha de clase . j. prieto!

Son aquellos verbos que describen un ESTADO en vez de una ACCIN y como consecuencia de ello suelen usarse slo en Presente Simple. Podemos citar los siguientes: a. Verbos que expresan preferencias, gustos: like, love, dislike, hate, enjoy, prefer. b. Verbos relacionados con los sentidos: see, hear, smell, taste, feel, look, sound. This cake tastes delicious. This ice cream is tasting good c. Verbos de percepcin: know, believe, understand, realise, remember, forget, notice, recognise, think, seem d. Otros verbos como be, incluye: belong, t, need, cost, own, want, have (poseer)

1 Complete with the Present Simple or Continuous. Then listen and check.
A: What ......................

(you / watch)?
2 3

B: A really good lm about a scientist. One day he .............................. (work) with insects when he suddenly .................... make them bigger. A: Sounds great. ....................... B: I dont know. Why? A: Manchester United ..................... channels? B: No, you cant. You ................ A: But you ...................
8 6 5 4

(discover) he can

(it / be) nearly over? (play) Barcelona. Can I change

(always / watch) the football. Its so

boring. I never ..................7 (watch) anything I like. (enjoy) football.



El Presente simple y continuo es fuente de numerosos fallos en exmenes y as nos encontramos con fallos de 1 de ESO como los siguientes: She study I studying She doesnt studies He studys He haves Does she studies? Si se produce un fallo de esta naturaleza se penalizar en el examen.

B: Thats not true. When you arent here I ...............

(not watch) it.

2 Read the conversation. Find six mistakes in the tourists English. Then listen
and check.
Tourist: Hello. Im trying to nd Trafalgar Square but Im not knowing the way. Can you help me? Local person: Sure. Its easy from here. Go straight on and turn left at the large bookshop on the corner. T: Sorry, Im not understanding you. Im not speaking English very well. Are you meaning straight up the road? L: Thats right. T: Thanks very much. Sorry for my English. L: No, its very good. T: Thank you, bu Im not believing you. Im being in England for a month, so I hope it gets better. L: Im sure it will.

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3 Read and complete.

My names Alan. I .................

L: Well, I . (work) in an ofce, but I .......................

3 4 2

(not wear) one. I ..


a pair of old jeans. Is there anything special you want to talk about? Because actually, I

(not sit) at my desk this week. I ................... because we .................. but I .....................
6 5

(do) a Leadership Course (build) a bridge,

(do) my homework.

for new managers. At the moment we ......................

M: Yes, there is, only you are being so impatient, you


(need) to cross a river. Were all working hard,

(not deserve) to hear it.


(think) its great. I certainly prefer this to the ofce.

Im really enjoying it. Its nine oclock in the evening and Alan doesnt feel very happy now. He usually .................... campaa) I .......................
10 7

L: Ok, sorry. I


M: Well, you know that special CD you .. L: None of the shops .....
8 12(have)

(want) to get?

it. Whenever I go into

(watch) TV in the evening, but he ........................


town I always


(look for) it, but its never there.

(not watch) TV today. He .......................

(put up) a tent. (tienda de

M: Well, Im in front of the music shop window and I .......


(look) at that CD right now. Do you want me to buy it for you now?

(not like) this. Its raining and I feel cold, wet, and

L: Oh, yeah. They sell really fast because they .. so rare. M: And that group ...... L:


hungry. Perhaps I ................... (despus de todo)

(not want) to be a manager after all.

(become) more well known.

4 Read and complete.

Millie: Hi, Lisa Im in the shopping centre. Lisa: Hi, Millie. What ..
2 1

I know. Itll be gone If I wait till Monday. Ill pay you when I see you.

M: OK L: OK, Thank you, Millie. Sorry, I was cross. (you/do)?

M: Thats Ok. Bye. L: Bye. (buy) new clothes

M: I .

(look round) the shops. It is Saturday today.


L: Yeah, of course. Honestly, you every Saturday. M: Well, nearly every Saturday.

5 Read and complete.

Philip Johnson is 39 years old. Hes married and has two children. He ...................

L: Youre always buying new clothes! So, what .. (you / look for) today?

(live) in a nice house in Lincoln, Nebraska. He is a


businessman and he .................. He ...................

(work) in a bank in the center of Lincoln. (park) his car

M: One of those new skirts. You know, like everyone .


He is the general manager of the bank.


(wearing) this autumn.

(get) to the ofce at 9:00. He .................


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under the bank in the parking garage. In the morning, he usually .................

secretaries in the ofce always ................... She ...................... ...................

8 7

(ask) her for help.

(work) from 9:00 to 12:30. He .................

(spend) a lot of time talking


(not mind) helping then, but sometimes she


on the phone and reading nancial reports. He usually ............... Lincoln. He .................


(get) the impression that they are taking advantage of (work) in one of the legal cases that other

lunch near his ofce. There are many good restaurants in the center of

her. She also ..................... lawyers .................... She ...................


(go) back to the ofce at 1:30 and ....................


(not want) to handle.


(stay) there until 6:00. After work, he usually ...............


(go) home,

(spend) a lot of time at the court defending labor (have) a lot of big companies as

but sometimes he ................. 6:30, but when he ..............

(go) to his sons school to watch him play


cases. Her fathers law rm .................

basketball or baseball. He usually ................


(get) home from work at


clients and Ins spends a lot of time preparing cases concerning labor disputes. Her father says that its good experience and Ins ................. (agree). She prepares the cases very well, but she ..................

(go) to see his son, he ...............



home around 8:00. He ................ salary and because he ............... He .................


(like) his job because he has a good


want) to work in the area of labor rm for many years. In the future, she wants to work in mergers and acquisitions, where one company ................


(work) with a lot of interesting people.

(not travel) very often in his job, but from time to time (go) to Omaha, he usually ............... (come) back (need) to

(buy) another company or two companies join to create a new one. She

he ................18 (need) to go to Omaha, a city 150 miles from Lincoln. When he ............
19 20

likes this area of law because it .................. aspects that she .................. that she ..................
18 17

(include) a lot of nacial

(study) now at night in a special course


to Lincoln on the same day, but sometimes he ................ Sheraton Hotel, but sometimes he ................. He .................


(take) in business management and nance at the (go) there three nights a week

spend the night there. He usually ..................22 (stay) in the Omaha


University of Seville. She ................. from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

(stay) in the Holiday Inn.


(prefer) the Sheraton because it ...............

(have) a

breakfast buffet.


Read and listen

Hi. My names Cindy Gaskell. My husband Ryan and I .......... this Internet

6 Read and complete

Ins Garca is 24 years old. She ....................


caf The Coffee Shop. Im British, but Ryans .......... 2. Weve got two children Melanie and Russell. Melanies a student at Manchester University and Russell ...........

with her parents about 20 kilometres east of Seville, in the south of Spain. She is a lawyer and .................

in Spain for a holiday company. Thats Ryan over there

(work) in her fathers law rm in the center of


the man with the beard. Hes talking to Jordan Morris. Jordans Australian and hes a computer engineer. He ...........

Seville. This is her rst year in the rm and she ..................


our computers, but he isnt doing that now. Hes waiting for

(do) a lot of the jobs that the other lawyers ............ (not like) to do. She ...................

his girlfriend, Lucy Patterson. .......... 5, Jordan really wants to be an actor. He was in a TV advert last year.

(know) how to

use computers well and the other lawyers and

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2 Heres Lucy now with Sarah Chen and Peter Columbo. Lucys the woman wearing a .......... 1. Shes British and she works for an advertising agency. Shes a personal assistant, but she ..........

(not like) her boss, Olive Green.

Sarahs a postgraduate student at London University. Shes from Singapore. Peters from the USA. He works for a magazine company. Peter and Sarah are getting .......... Ryan: Lucy: Lucy:


Hi, Lucy. How are you? Oh, hi, Ryan. Im OK, but Im glad its ..........
2 1


Ryan: ...............

(you / do) anything at the weekend?


Yes. Jordan and I are visiting my parents. They moved down to the south coast a couple of months ago. Theyve got a .......... lovely house by the sea.

Ryan: Lucy:

That sounds nice. We wanted to go last Saturday, but Jordan was on emergency call, so were ..........

doing it this weekend.

3 (telephone conversation) Jordan Morris? Look, we...............


(lm) an advert this weekend and one of the actors is

ill. Are you .............. 6?

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