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Formula for writing sentences:

Ex: I like playing football a lot

Me gusta mucho jugar al fútbol


a ah

e eh

i (e)

o oh

u ou

qu= k
elle= y
r= (snap sound when pronounced or “rrra”
ro= rro
n= na or ne
Remember: H, Y, and W are not involved in the Spanish Language, However Y is
pronounced as “i”

Pronouns= Pronoun + Object

Ex: Te quiero

The Pronoun comes before the verb

Un lapiz/unos lapices
Un cuaderno/unos cuadernos
Un estuche/unos
Una goma/unas gomas

Ex Sentences:

Me gusta la historia porque es facil= I like history because itʼs easy

Adrian Ma Monday, June 6, 2011 10:13:37 PM Hong Kong SAR China Time
Key Words to remember:
No Sé= I donʼt know
Soy hijo Unico= Iʼm an only child
Muy= very
Bastante= quite
Me gustan las mathematicas= I like maths
Un Poco= a little
Me gusta la comer italiano= I like eating Italian
Majo= nice
¿Te gusta bailar? = Do you like to dance?
No me gusta, me encanta=
Qué te gusta comer= What do you like to eat?
I donʼt like it I love it
Two Verb Rule:
Saber= to know
Conjugated 1st verb+ the infinitive
Tocar= to touch
Es= she/he is
Tener que
Poder= to be able to
“Ar” Regular Verb Gustar= to like
Saber= to know
(Yo) Llevar (infinitive) Pero= but
(Yo) Llevo (first person)

(Tú) llevas

(Ella-el) lleva

Se hablar Mandarin?= Do you know how to speak

No se hablar.....= I don´t know how to speak.....

Poder= can Gustar= To please Saber= To know

I= Puedo I= Me gusta I= Sé

You= puedes You= Los perro You=sabes

He/she/it= Puede He/She/It= Sabe

Pronoun Examples

I Please= Gusto

You Please= Gustas

It/She/He pleases= Gusta

Adrian Ma Monday, June 6, 2011 10:13:37 PM Hong Kong SAR China Time
Trabajar= to work
Trabajo= I work
Trabajas= you work
Trabaja= he/she works
Gustan= Pleases
Ex Sentences: Tener= to have
Que te gusta hacer= What do you like to do? Como es= What is it like?
Ciudad= hometown/homecity
Me gusta hacer muchas cosas- I like doing many things Como son tu amigos?=What are your
Descriptions: friends like?
Tiene el pelo corto= He is bald Como es tu colegico?=What is your
Es Alta= He is tall school like?
Es muy listo= He/she is smart Bonita= beautiful,nice
Me en canta= I love it
Introductions: Ruido= Noise
A mi amiga, le gusta mucho.... Ruidosa= Noisy
A mi papa, le gusta..... Es muy grande= Itʼs very big

Ir/Er Ar

Vivi O O

Vivir Es As

Vivo E A

To Be

Ser Estar
Ser Estar
Soy Estoy
Eres Estas
Es Esta

Nunca= never
Quiero vivir alli= I want to live there
Normalmente= I usually
Comer= to eat
A veces= sometimes
Por la manana=In the morning
Por la noche=In the night
Oye!= Hey
Os duchais= You guys
Quien estas= Whoʼs this
Temprano= early
Adrian Ma Monday, June 6, 2011 10:13:37 PM Hong Kong SAR China Time Me tipo=My type
Malo= mean
Weather Descriptions: Feo=ugly
Hace sol= Itʼs sunny Novia=girlfriend
Hace calor=Itʼs hot Novio=boyfriend
Hace viento=Itʼs windy Le gurto=she likes me
Hace frío=Itʼs cold Me gustas=I like you
Hace buen tiempo=Itʼs nice Pensar=To think
Hace mal tiempo=Itʼs rainy and windy Ya=already
llueve=rainy Todovia No=Not yet
nieva=snowy Alunga Vez=Ever
hay niebla=foggy Los fines= on the weekend
hay tormenta=stormy Recibir= to recieve
Todos= everyday
Jugue= to play a sport
Temprano= Early
Muy temprano= very early
Ex Sentences: La semana pusado= Last week
Me tengo que ir= I have to go Estuve= I was.....
Que tienes que ir= Do you have to go?

Everyday Tasks Querer(to want)

To undress Quitares la ropa Quiero Quermos

To wash oneself Lavarse Quieres Quereis

To wake up Despertarse Quiere Quieren

To shave Atentares I donʼt like you= No me gustas

To get up levantarse I like you a lot= Me gustas mucho
I donʼt like you a lot= No me
to brush teeth lavarse los dientes gustas mucho
Que paso?=What happened?
to take a bath Bañarse Iba= I was going.....
Cansadisima= Very tired
To apply makeup maquillares Excursión=voyage or trip
Bario= neighborhood
To comb hair peinarse
Por latarde= Afternoon
To brush hair Cepillarse el pelo Unbiaje= trip
Ayunda= to help
to take a shower ducharse Canguro= to babysit
Primos= cousins
To dry yourself secarse Valelapena!= It´s worth it!
A las....=an hour of....
To get ready Arigarse

Adrian Ma Monday, June 6, 2011 10:13:37 PM Hong Kong SAR China Time
Haber Ir verbs in present tense
He Vivir= vivido
Has Comer= comido
Ha Saber= sabido



No tengo que nada= I donʼt have anythng to do

Has= auxilary verb(have)+become=past principle
In Spanish:
Auxillary verb= (ex:haber)+ past principle=
ido=allir, er verbs TRYSOME
-Ado= all “ar” verbs TRYSOME
Irregular verbs follow a different formula

Examples of verb tense:

Haber= to have Hé= I´ve

-Ado verb endings
Yohe= I have Has= Have you
Hablar= hablardo
Tu Has= you have Fstar= to been
Él ha= he has Ner= to see
Nosotros hemos= we have Visto= seen
Saber= Sabido
Vosotros habeis Ese= that

Ellos han= They have

Adrian Ma Monday, June 6, 2011 10:13:37 PM Hong Kong SAR China Time
Sentences in the Present Tense:
Iʼve finished my homework= He terminado mis deberes
Have you been to Spain?=Mas estrado en Espana?
My friend has seen that movie= Me amigo a visto es película
Iʼve had my breakfast= He tomado me desayuno
I donʼt have a boy friend yet= Todavía no tengo novia

Preterite (el preterito):Example verbs:

Regular -ar verbs Regular -er and -ir verbs

Yo= e Yo= i

Tu= Aste Tú= iste

El= Ó Él= ió

Nosotros= Amos Nosotros= imos

Vosotros= Asteis Vosotros= isteis

Ellos/Ellas= Aron Ellos/Ellas= ieron

Hablar Comer Vivir

Hablé Comí Vivi

Hablaste Comiste Viste

Habló Comió Vivió

Hablamos Comimos Vivimos

Hablasteis Comisteis Vivisteis

Hablaron Comieron Vivieron

Adrian Ma Monday, June 6, 2011 10:13:37 PM Hong Kong SAR China Time
Infinitive Verbs:

Verb Infinitive Translation

Anduve Andar To Walk

Di Dar To Give

Estuve Estar To be

Fui Ir To go

Hube Haber To Have

Hice Hacer To make/to do

Puse Poner To Put

Quise Querer To want

Sepa Saber To Know

Tuve Tener To Have

Traje Traer To Bring

Vine Venir To come

Dije Decir To Say

Irregular Sentences:
El año pasado fuia Barecelona= Last week I went to Barcelona
Le semana pasada quise ir al cine= Last week I wanted to go to the cinema
¿Que hiciste?= What did you do?


Adrian Ma Monday, June 6, 2011 10:13:37 PM Hong Kong SAR China Time
Use it when you want to talk about a current event or when you want to talk about
a past event.
Take the verb in the infinitive (ar, er, ir), take off the specific ending, and add on
the ending according to the topic:
Yo= O= Hablo
Tu= as= Hablas
El= a= Habla

Preterito tense sentences( regular)

A sa probado?= Have you had a test recently?

Me costó doce= It cost me......
A que hora desayunaste= When did you have breakfast?
Esta manana, me levante tarde= This morning, I woke up late.
A noche, me bebi champán= Last night, I drank champagne
Nos conocimos....=We met......

Imperfect (Imperfecto) tense verbs

Verb Category Compar= to buy Vender= to sell Recibir=to recieve

Yo/I Compraba Vendía Recibía

Tu/you Comprabas Vendías Recibías

El, ella, ud/He, she, Compraba Vendía Recibía


Nosotros/we Comprábamos Vendíamos Recibíamos

Vosotros/You Comprabais Vendías Recibías

Ellos/They Compraban Vendían Recibían

Example Sentences:

Antes, yo jugaba al rugby= I used to play rugby

Antes, te gustaba vivir en Hong Kong= You used to like living in Hong Kong
Antes, mi padre trabajar ban Nueva York= My father used to work in New York

Adrian Ma Monday, June 6, 2011 10:13:37 PM Hong Kong SAR China Time
Irregular Verbs in the Imperfect Tense:

Verb Subject Ir (to go) Ser ( to be) Ver (to see)

Yo iba era veía

Tu ibas eras veías

El, Ella, Ud iba era veía

Nosotros ibamos éramos veíamos

Vosotros ibais erais veíais

Ellos iban eran veían

Example Sentences in this tense:
A noche, hice mis deberes= Last night, I did my homework.
A noche, hacia mis deberes= Last night, I was doing my homework


ar ir, er

Yo= aba Yo= ia

Tu= abas Tu= ias

El, ella, usted= aba El, Ella, usted= ia

Verb ex: Haber (he, hemos, has, habeis, ha, har) + past participle (for -ar ending
verbs use -ado, for -er and -ir verbs, use -ido
Always add “A” when talking about another person


Soler= used to

Yo= suelo (I used to)

Tú= sueles (You used to)

Él= suele (Usually)

Nosotros= solemos (We

used to)

Vosotros= soléis

Ellos= suelen (They are

Adrian Ma Monday, June 6, 2011 10:13:37 PM Hong Kong SAR China Time
used to)
Family: Brothers and Sisters:

Tienes hermanos?= Do you have any siblings?

Ex Reply: Si, tengo dos hermanos. Bueno, tengo una hermano y un hermano.=
Yes, I have two siblings. They are one sister and one brother.
¿Como se llaman?= What are their names?

Adrian Ma Monday, June 6, 2011 10:13:37 PM Hong Kong SAR China Time

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