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Robert paid one thousand dollars for his car

(Robert pag mil dlares por su coche).

12. I read the newspaper yesterday (Le el
peridico ayer).
13. My aunt traveled to Spain last year (Mi ta
viaj a Espaa el ao pasado).
14. She called me last week (Ella me llam la
semana pasada).
15. My sister drove my car yesterday (Mi
hermana condujo mi coche ayer).
16. I made some cookies for your friends (Hice
algunas galletas para tus amigos).
17. Lily finished her homework during the
afternoon (Lily termin su tarea durante la
18. Your tools were on the floor (Tus
herramientas estaban en el piso)
19. Yesterdays homework was so easy (La
tarea de ayer fue muy fcil)
20. My mother turned off the light at 9 oclock.
(Mi mama apag la luz a las 9 en punto)
21. Cinthia lost her notebook during the party
(Cinthia perdi su cuaderno durante la fiesta).
22. I wasnt aware of that (Yo no estaba
consciente de eso).
23. My mom bought a new car (Mi mam
compr un coche nuevo).
24. He drank a lot of water (l bebi mucho
25. Our mother told us to come early (Nuestra
mam dijo que regresramos temprano).
26. Lester learned how to play the piano (Lester
aprendi a tocar el piano).
27. She looked at me in a very bad way (Ella
mir de una muy mala manera).
28. I painted my bedroom yesterday (Pint mi
recmara ayer).
29. Martha didnt know about all of this (Martha
no saba acerca de esto).
30. Did you try the soup? (Probaste la sopa?).
31. Did you meet my friends? (Conociste a
mis amigos?).

32. You didnt have to do that (No tenas que

hacer eso).
33. Did the mall open today? (Abri el centro
comercial hoy?).
34. Did you eat all the cake by yourself? (Te
comiste todo el pastel t solo?).
35. Laura didnt want to go out with me (Laura
no quiso salir conmigo).
36. Carla didnt pay attention to the teacher
(Carla no puso atencin al maestro).
37. Did you go to the market? (Fuiste al
38. Did Tim know you were coming? (Tim
saba que ibas a venir?).
39. How did you know I was here? (Cmo
sabas que estaba aqu?).
40. Did you know about this? (Sabas acerca
de esto?).
1.- He did not close the window.
(El no cerr la ventana)
2.- They didn't lose the keys.
(Ellos no perdieron las llaves)
3.- Alice did not brush her teeth
(Alicia no cepill sus dientes)
4.- Mike didn't drink all the juice.
(Miguel no bebi todo el jugo)
5.- Sam and Ernest didn't watch that movie.
(Sam y Ernesto no vieron esa pelcula)
6.- Our team didn't win the competition.
(Nuestro equipo no gan la competencia
He didnt do his homework.
(El no hiso su tarea)
- Did he arrive on time?
(Lleg l a tiempo?)
- Yes, he did
- Did the package arrive on time?

(Lleg el paquete a tiempo?)

- No, it didn't
- When did they arrive?
(Cundo llegaron ellos?)
- They arrived three hours ago.
(Ellos llegaron hace tres horas)
- Why did she leave?
(Por qu se fue ella?)
- She left because she forgot something at
(Ella se fue porque olvido algo en casa)
- Did he close the window?
(Cerr el ventana?)
- Yes, he did.
- Did they lose the keys?
(Perdieron ellos las llaves?)
- No, they didn't.
- Did Alice brush her teeth?
(Cepill Alicia sus dientes?)
- Yes, she did.
- Did Mike drink all the juice?
(Bebi Miguel todo el jugo?)
- No, he didn't.
- Did Sam and Ernest watch that movie?
(Vieron Sam y Ernesto esa pelcula?)
- Yes, they did.
- Did Our team win the competition?
(Gano nuestro equipo la competencia?)
- No, It didn't.
- What did you prepare for dinner?
(Qu preparaste para la cena?)
- I prepared a pizza.
(Prepar una pizza)
- When did she arrive?
(Cundo lleg ella?)
- She arrived last week.
(Ella lleg la semana pasada)
- Where did they go?
(A dnde fueron ellos?)
- They went to the store.

(Ellos fueron a la tienda)

- Why did he buy a new TV?
(Por qu compr l una nueva televisin?)
- He bought a new TV because it had a great
(l compr una nueva televisin porque tena
un gran descuento) :
I have worked for my uncle. (Yo he trabajado
para mi to)
She has finished her homework. (Ella ha
terminado su tarea)
I have to go, we have talked for more than
two hours. (Yo me tengo que ir, nosotros
hemos hablado por ms de dos horas)
We have visited them once a week for the
last year. (Nosotros los hemos visitado una
vez por semana durante el ltimo ao)
He has returned my car at last. (El ha
regresado mi automvil al fin)
It has rained once a week for the last month.
(Ha llovido una vez a la semana durante el
ltimo mes)
They have completed the project. (Ellos han
completado el proyecto)
I have cooked something special for you. (Yo
he cocinado algo especial para ti)
I have worked in that firm for many years.
(Yo he trabajado en esa empresa por
muchos aos)
We have loved each other for twenty years.
(Nosotros nos hemos amado uno al otro por
veinte aos)
He has finished reading my book. (l ha
terminado de leer mi libro)
You have invested in something
revolutionary. (T has invertido en algo
I have played this game several times. (Yo he
jugado este juego varias veces)

We have looked everywhere for the keys.

(Nosotros hemos buscado en todas partes
las llaves)
I have watched two seasons of this T.V.
show. (Yo he visto dos temporadas de este
programa de televisin)
He has read the book that you gave me
yesterday. (El ha ledo el libro que me diste
She has spoken with him several times. (Ella
ha hablado con l varias veces)
We have lent money to you many times.
(Nosotros te hemos prestado dinero muchas
They have lost my book. (Ellos han perdido
mi libro)
He has forgotten what I said. (l ha olvidado
lo que dije)
I have been here before. (Yo he estado aqu
We have forgiven what she did. (Nosotros
hemos perdonado lo que ella hizo)
We have been in this city for five years.
(Nosotros hemos estado en esta ciudad por
cinco aos)
You have slept for more than fourteen hours.
(T has dormido por ms de catorce horas)
My cousin has gone to Europe to study. (Mi
primo se ha ido a Europa a estudiar)
She has told me what you said. (Ella me ha
dicho lo que dijiste)
She has seen every show in the city. (Ella ha
visto cada espectculo en la ciudad)
I have seen that movie several times. (Yo he
visto esa pelcula varias veces)
He has given up the tournament. (l ha
abandonado el torneo)
I have forgotten all my problems. (Yo he
olvidado todos mis problemas)
Well my last vacations were amazing; my
family and I traveled to the beach and we

had a lot of fun there, it was a pretty and

cool place. I met new people and friends, I
swam with my father and mom, We ate a lot
of fish and seafood, the seafood is actually
delicious but something that I didnt like was
coconut milk, it wasnt tasty, my father said
that it is amazing and delicious but I didnt
like it. In conclusion I can say that i had a
wonderful time with my family, I enjoy the
time and the moments that I spend in that
awesome beach, I hope that one day we will
be back there!Apart from that, when I arrived
home, I went out some days at the week with
my friends and my family, Aditional to it, I
visited some places in my city and the mall,
actually I got a lot of fun in this Vacations, In
Bueno mis ltimas vacaciones fueron
increbles ; mi familia y yo viajamos a la
playa y tuvimos un montn de diversin all,
era un lugar bastante y fresco . Conoc a
gente nueva y amigos , nad con mi padre y
madre , Comimos un montn de peces y
mariscos , el marisco es realmente deliciosa,
pero algo que no me gust fue la leche de
coco , no lo era sabrosa , dijo mi padre que
es increble y deliciosa, pero yo no le
gustaba ella. En conclusin puedo decir que
he tenido un tiempo maravilloso con mi
familia , me gusta el tiempo y los momentos
que pasan en esa playa impresionante,
espero que algn da vamos a volver all !
Aparte de eso , cuando llegu a casa, fui a
cabo algunos das a la semana con mis
amigos y mi familia , adicional a ello , visit
algunos lugares de mi ciudad y el centro
comercial, en realidad nos dieron un montn
de diversin en estas vacaciones , en
escritura me encanta !!! inventadas hijo

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