Está en la página 1de 2


Me puede ensear el men?
Me puede traer?
Me gustara tomar otro
Me puede traer la cuenta?
No gracias, no quiero nada ms.
Sin alcohol.
Con alcohol
Si, por favor.
Tienes fuego?
Cuanto cuesta la coca-cola?
Dnde estn los baos, por favor?

Could you show me the menu?

Could yo bring me
I would like to have another one.
Could you bring me the bill, please?
No thanks, I dont want anything else.
Without alcohol.
With alcohol.
Yes, please.
Have you got a lighter?
I would like
How much is the coke?
Where are the toilettes please?



I would like a (chicken, big MaC) menu with big chips and a (Coke, mineral
water, orange juice, lemon juice) please?

(Querra un menu de (pollo, Big MaC) con patatas grandes y (coca cola, agua, zumo de
naranja, zumo de limn...) por favor).

I would like a pizza with (cheese, olives, bacon, jam, tuna, mushroom).

(Querra una pizza con [queso, aceitunas, bacon, jamn, atn, championes]).

I would like a (jam, cheese, omelette, bacon...) please.

(Querra un bocadillo de (jamn, queso, tortilla, bacon...) por favor.

Me puede dejar la llave de la habitacin por favor?
Could you let me the key of the bedroom please?

Me gustara que nos despertase a las

I would like you to wake us up at

Nuestra esta rota.

Our is broken.

Perdone, a que hora es el desayuno?

Excuse me, what time is the breakfast?

Perdone la calefaccin de mi cuarto no funciona.

Excuse me, the heater of my room doesnt work.

Perdone, estamos lejos del centro?
Excuse me, are we far from the centre?
El hotel dnde est?
Where is the hotel?
Socorro! Me quieren robar.
Help! Someone wants to rob me!
Me han robado!
Ive been robbed.
Perdone, puede ayudarme? estoy perdido. Excuse me, could you help me? I am lost.
Dnde est la comisara de polica?
Where is the police station?
Perdone, como puedo llegar a la calle
Excuse me, how can I get to street?
Necesita ayuda?
Do you need help?
Donde puedo coger el tren?
Where can I take the train?
Perdone, hay algn estanco por aqu cerca? Excuse me, where is the nearest tobacconists?
Perdone, hay algn telfono cerca?
Excuse me, is there a phone box near here?
Me gustara llamar a Espaa.
I would like to phone Spain
Cul es el prefijo telefnico para Espaa? Whats the code Phone to Spain?
EN EL HOSPITAL (dios quiera que no)
Me duele la cabeza.
Me he retorcido
Creo que tengo roto
Dnde est la farmacia?
Estoy mareado

I have a headache.
I have sprained
I think I have broken my
Where is the chemistry?
I am dizzy.

Buenos das.
Buenas tardes.
Yo estoy bien, y tu?
Yo soy de

Good morning.
Good afternoon.
Hi, hello.
Im fine thanks and you?
I am From.

Vaya bollu que ests!

- Para decrselo a un hombre: You are very handsome.
- Para decrselo a una mujer: You are so nice and pretty.

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