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Libro /Book

Por / By Julin Herrera


Msica /Music
Por / By Diego Rammsy S.

Si B. Howard es desconocido en
Latino-amrica, se debe a que
gran parte de su trabajo lo ha realizado desde el otro lado del vidrio
del estudio de grabacin, el de los
controles de sonido.
Porque este californiano se ha mantenido la mayor parte del tiempo
en las sombras, produciendo y escribiendo elegantes xitos R&B,
como I Aint Gotta Tell You de NeYo y Cant Get Tired of Me de Bow
Wow, nmeros 1 y 11, respectivamente, en el rnking Billboard 200.
Pero desde que edit su sencillo
Dancefloor (2011), su carrera solista impresion a la crtica: su voz
fue comparada con la de Michael
Jackson e incluso algunos ms
atrevidos aseguran que es su hijo,
debido a su cercana con la familia Jackson.
Ms all de las especulaciones, B.
Howard se ha ganado su espacio
en la industria gracias al trabajo realizado junto a Lupe Fiasco,
La Toya Jackson y Chris Brown.
Por eso su ltima aventura solista
(DSYLM) merece atencin.
Con la colaboracin de BK Brasco,
el virtuoso Howard sale a relucir
esta vez con evidentes intenciones de hacer bailar. Ms electrnico y sinttico, el cantante y productor ahora se lanza a conquistar
la industria, esta vez, como el protagonista absoluto.

If B. Howard is unknown in Latin

America, it is because most of his
work has been done within the
confines of a recording studio, on
the other side of the glass.
A native of California, he has mostly stayed in the shadows, producing and writing elegant R&B
hits, like I Aint Gotta Tell You
by Ne-Yo and Cant Get Tired of
Me by Bow Wow, reaching 1 and
11, respectively, on the Billboard
200 chart.
But since he brought out his single
Dancefloor (2011), his solo career has stunned critics: his voice
has been compared to Michael
Jackson, and some even say that
he is really Jacksons son, owing to
his close links with the family.
Going beyond the speculations, B.
Howard has gained renown in the
industry thanks to his work with
Lupe Fiasco, La Toya Jackson and
Chris Brown. That is why his latest
solo venture (DSYLM) deserves
your attention.
With the collaboration of BK
Brasco, the virtuoso Howard is
pulling out all the stops to make
you dance. More electronic and
synthetic, the singer and producer
is aiming to conquer the industry
this time around, as the sole protagonist of his work.

Con su tro de novelas aplaudidas por la crtica y lectores de todo el mundo El periodista deportivo, Da de
la Independencia y Accin de Gracias, Richard Ford
ilumin el espritu de toda una generacin a travs del
clebre periodista Frank Bascombe: uno de los personajes ms provocativos y queridos de la literatura
americana contempornea. En Francamente, Frank el
autor cuenta cuatro historias narradas por el propio
Bascombe, quien vuelve a demostrar el espritu que
gua a Ford: si las cosas no son graciosas, no son realmente serias. Muestra de una inteligencia arrolladora,
los cuatro relatos iluminan un completo catlogo de
problemas que ms que estadounidenses representan la neurosis de buena parte del mundo occidental:
el envejecimiento, la prdida de la fe, el matrimonio, la
redencin y el desplome del mercado inmobiliario, entre otros xitos de la vida moderna.
With a trio of novels lauded by critics and readers from
around the world, The Sportswriter, Independence Day
and The Lay of the Land, Richard Ford has brought to
light the spirit of a generation through celebrated journalist Frank Bascombe, one of the more provocative and
well-loved characters in contemporary American literature. In Let me be Frank with you, the author tells four
stories narrated by Bascombe himself, who again shows
the spirit that guides Ford: If things are not funny, they
are not truly serious. He shows an overwhelming intelligence, with four stories that present an entire catalogue
of problems that, though mostly American, represent
the neurosis of most of the western world: aging, the loss
of faith, marriage, redemption and the fall of the housing
market, as well as other successes of modern life.


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